CH.09 Foolish Misunderstanding

Love Footprints
"Ms. Chen told me what she saw..." Mei sharply looked GuiGui who was busy checking her mails on the laptop "You sneaky girl!"
"What are you talking about?"
"Don't act dumb" Mei rolled her eyes, annoyed by her friend's behaviour "Don't you have something to confess?"
"Me?" she turned around and faced her bestfriend "Seriously Mei I don't know what you're talking about"
"Okay..fine..Let me refresh your memory" she grumbled,exasperated by GuiGui's secrecy "Last week you went to Korea, right?"
"Yeah, didn't I tell you already? That we went there to sign the contract for The face shop"
"I'm not talking about that!" she rolled her eyes, her friend is serisouly deceiving her "Then you filmed for GWGM after that"
"Uhuh" she nodded while looking at Mei
"What did you do after that?"
"I went to the hotel to rest. Why?"
"By yourself?"
"C'mon Mei.." she laughed at her friends' behaviour "Is this an interrogatory?"
"Yes. So you went to the hotel by yourself?"
"No. I was with Taecyeon oppa"
"Okay" Mei nodded while looking at her "What did you guys do?"
"We ate junk foods, talked, watched tv and played around" she calmly answered
"What kind of playing around are you talking about?" she mischieviously asked
"Mei!!!" GuiGui opened her eyes wide shocked by that kind of question "We didn't do anything, really"
"How come your manager said that she saw you" and she pointed at her "and Taecyeon on the bed together with him attempting to kiss you.."
"W-What?!" she suddenly turned her back on her and concentrated on her blog "He didn't attempt to kiss me"
"Your mental state is in the denial mode" she pouted her lips acting offended "You didn't say anything about it to your bestfriend"
"It's not like what you think" she sighed and stared at her friends' sulky face "It's not like I didn't want to tell you anything, I wanted but I also don't want to raise my hopes. I mean you know more than anybody else our situation. It's complicated"
"You both make everythings complicated. If you feel the same feeling why not just say it loudly and clear?"
"Our works, schedules and distance makes everything complicated"
"I still don't get it. The hell with the work, schedule and distance. If you really care and have feelings for each other then you both should fight for it"
After hearing Mei's words, GuiGui remained silent. She was right, if they really have feelings for each other they should just face it, instead from her point of view both of them are avoiding it for the fear of getting hurt.
Due to her past relationships she's now too afraid to expose herself, she was also scared by the overflowing feelings that she have for Taecyeon. They were much stronger and uncontrollable.
She once promised to herself that if ever she'll retry to have a new relationship she'll be more careful and try to detach herself but Taecyeon has the power to destroy all the promises she made to herself. He has the power to demolish all the walls she built around her in the past few years in order to protect and hide her weakness.
"You should try to give him a chance" Mei said as if she can read her mind "He's not like the others jerk ex-boyfriends that you had"
"I know.."
"Trust him"
She answered Mei's last words with a simple nod. If she doesn't move on and overthink the past, nothing will ever change. If before she tried to slightly open her frail heart to him, now she just needs to open completly the door of it giving him the keys. The most important thing to do is she needs to trust him.
"Annyeong haseyo" she energetically greeted the staff who was in charge for today's photoshooting for The face shop posters. She bowed to them and smiled brightly, Chen and her took the first flight for Korea that early morning to arrive in time for her first work-schedule in that foreign country.
The staff greeted her warmly as well, happy to start working together. After the formal greetings the stylist guided her to a room in order to change her clothes, she changed into a white chiffon laced short dress and a pair of silver high heeled shoes.
The hairstylist put some hair extension to her medium-length haircut and curled them creating soft waves. After styling her hair the make up artist decided to put a light make up on her face for the pure concept of the photoshoot. Besides the woman who was in charge for her make up praised her bare skin saying that she doesn't need to put too much on her face to flaunt her beauty.
Few minutes later she was standing on the center of the set ready to start. The photographer gave her hints on how should she pose and move, she looked straight at the camera and gave her best smile. The whole staff were enchanted by her bright and beautiful smile and praised her for being a pro.
After taking a couple of shots, they made her change her outfit into a yellow strapless short dress paired with a beige high heeled shoes. When she came back to the set, she was surprised to see that Hyun Joong was standing where she was before. She watched him while he was being photographed while making natural postures for the camera. It lasted for some minutes until the photographer gave him an okay.
"We just need to take a couple of pictures of you two" the male photographer, Jin Ho, said while checking the shots that he took
A female staff gave her the product that they advertised before, they told them to expose it while the photographer will take pictures.
"Sit down on the chair GuiGui-ssi and pose with the moisturizer product, while Hyun Joong-ssi you should put your left hand on her shoulder" the photographer ordered them.
At first Hyun Joong was a bit reluctant to touch her bare shoulders, somehow after informing Taecyeon about his feelings for GuiGui he finally acknowledged that there was no point of returning back. He was the one himself who started the war even knowing that GuiGui was shooting for GWGM show and also have feelings for Taecyeon. But in a short time his feelings for her grew in an instant, she totally messed up what was his perpesctive about love. He couldn't just ignore those feelings, not when all he can think of is her.
"Your hand looks awkward" Jin Ho pointed out that the gesture didn't look natural
He really tried his best to do the job and act normally, it was funny how can GuiGui make him act like an amateur and not like a pro.
"The concept of your tv commercial was between two lovers who uses the same product right?" when the two of them nodded the photographer added "Now you two should act like lovers and pose for the camera"
They looked at each other, for a second they didn't know what to do. GuiGui then grabbed Hyun Joong's shoulder and with her other hand she was holding the tiny moisturizer, Hyun Joong imitated her and both of them happily smiled while looking at camera lenses.
"More close" Jin Ho raised his eyes to look at them "Hyun Joong-ssi give her a back hug, never forget to highlight the product"
"Is it okay?" he whispered to GuiGui, of course he wanted to ask first for her permission before doing something that she might dislike
"Uhm" she nodded while smiling at the camera, it wasn't a big deal for her being hugged by someone especially if it's related to work. For all the years she'd been into the entertainment industry she learned how to act cool and be a pro.
Hyun Joong slowly put his arms around her, embracing her from the back. He can smell the scent of her shampoo, inebriating his mind of her sweet perfume. He tried to concentrate on work but GuiGui's scent was really disturbing him, hugging her was really too much even for his weak heart. Few minutes later they changed position, GuiGui was now leaning her head on his shoulder and smiled naturally. It was great to see how hard she was working.
While the camera was capturing their every single movement, GuiGui who was focused on the lenses didn't notice how Hyun Joong was looking at her, the photographer smiled pleased and continued to press the button of the camera and took countless of pictures while the two were changing positions in sync. To everyone's surprise Hyun Joong suddenly planted a kiss on GuiGui's cheek and smiled, amused to see her startled reaction.
"That was perfect!" Jin Ho praised Hyun Joong. He stared at the screen of his camera and smiled satisfied to have captured that unexpected brief moment "We're done" he lastly said and went to the computer to see in a bigger screen the pictures that he took.
"He said that we should act like lovers" he smiled embarassed while looking at GuiGui "Sorry for suddenly doing it"
"It's okay" she was a bit surprised by his sudden action but it was acceptable since it was related to work
"You're not angry?" he was afraid that she might be mad at him for not asking her permission first
"I'm not" she shaked her head and smiled at him
"GuiGui your phone is ringing" her manager Chen ran towards her and placed the ringing mobile phone on her right hand
"Hello?" after hearing the other line's voice her smile reached her eyes
"Hello GuiGui? Taecyeon here" he paused for a while "Where are you now?"
"I just finished the photoshoot" she then nodded upon hearing what Taecyeon said "I just need to change my clothes and I'll be there"
"Are you sure you don't want me to pick you up?"
"It's okay, I can take a taxi. Just text me the address"
"Okay, then see you later at 7.30 pm"
"Okay bye bye" she said and ended the call
Few seconds later she recived a text from Taecyeon where he wrote the address of 2pm's dorm. Few days ago he contacted her saying that he wanted to introduce her to all of s. The last time they organized a housewarming party on the season 1 of GWGM Chansung and Jun.K weren't to able to particiapte due to their schedule. He told her that this time he wanted to introduce her properly to his band mates because he consider them part of his family.
She was excited and thrilled by the whole situation but also confused because on the contrary of the last time where cameras were surrounding them, this time it wasn't scheduled a shooting for the tv show. She stared at the screen of her mobile phone, wondering where could that place is located.
"Do you know where is Han River?" she looked at Hyun Joong who was beside her,busy talking with the photographer
"Yeah, why?"
"I need to go to a place near that" she shortly explained to him "If you tell me what should I say to the taxi driver I can take the cab"
"If you want I can take you there, it's dangerous for a foreign especially a girl to take a taxi all alone at this hour"
"Really?" GuiGui smiled at him, for a moment she was afraid to move around by herself "I'll go and change my clothes then we can go" she ran towards the dressing room and fastly changed her outfit. She fixed her hair and looked at the mirror checking for her make up, she smiled at her reflection and went out of the room. She told Chen that she was going for a bit to 2pm's dorm and will be back as soon as she can, she assured her manager to not worry as she will call her twice to update her that she's okay and safe.
She waited for Hyun Joong who went to the dressing room to change his clothes, few minutes later he was walking towards her wearing a dark gray long sleeve paired with a black jeans and gray sneakers. He gently bowed to the staff, thanking them for their hard word and then guided her out of the set, accompanying her to his car.
"Why do you need to go there?" he was curious to know the reason
"There's a party and I'm invited" she vaguely answered while looking outside the window
"Is that so?" he concentrated on driving and once in a while he steals glimpse on her "Are you okay?"
"Uhm" instead of being okay she was feeling nervous "Is it still far?" she then asked
"Not really, fortunately it isn't far from the studio where we came from" after few minutes he turned to the left and stopped in front of a park "We're here" he stretched out to look around the desert place "Are you sure it's this place?"
"Yes, I can go there by myself now" she checked the time on her cellphone, she arrived 30 minutes earlier. She opened the door and grabbed her bag and the paper bag that she brought with her from Taiwan that contains gifts for 2pm members "Thank you Hyun Joong oppa" she said and stepped out of the car.
Hyun Joong watched her walk away and disappear in the darkness of the night. Hearing her calling him oppa for the first time really hitted his poor heart, shaking it with her endless cuteness.
GuiGui checked once again the message that Taecyeon sent her. He said that she needed to climb the stairs and find a white building after that. At the top, she looked around her and tried to find the white building that he was talking about. Few steps away from her on the left side she saw a man who was opening a white gate, she lift her eyes and saw the white building that Taecyeon mentioned.
She fastly walked near him and waited for him to open the gate, the old man frowned his brows when he saw her behind him. As response GuiGui just smiled. She entered the building and went in to take the elevator. She pressed the button of the floor and once again checked her reflection on the mirror, checking if she's decent.
When the sliding door of the elevator opened, she started walking the long corridor searching for the unit number that Taecyeon gave her. She was turning to the left when she heard a female voice re-echoing in the corridor. She hide herself on the corner and took a quick look, tilting her head on the right side.
To her big surprise she saw Taecyeon standing in front of a closed door and a girl who was angrily hitting his shoulder. She frowned when she recognized who the girl was. She was the same girl Taecyeon was linked with, Jessica from Girls Generation.
"Oppa why are you like this?" she initially said, speaking in English to avoid other people to fully understand their conversation "Didn't you say you like me?"
"Jessica, calm down. You're drunk" he sighed while listening to her sudden outburst "You know it was long time ago. We're friends now,remember?" he paused and looked at her "Besides after I confessed to you, you clearly rejected me"
"I know it was my fault, I regret what I did but now I realized that I can't just be your friend" she started to cry "Can't we go back to that time?"
"Are you acting like this because you're boyfriend treat you badly once again?
"We just broke up" she wiped the tears from her eyes "He's not like you, I know you're not going to hurt me"
"Jessica..I'm sorry but.." he wasn't able to finish what he was going to say because she suddenly kissed him. He blinked, surprised about Jessica's behaviour
After seeing that scene GuiGui let go of the paper bag that she was carrying with her, attracting the attention of the two. Taecyeon's facial expression radically changed when he saw GuiGui standing at the end of the corridor.
"GuiGui..." he whispered, her heart started to beat fast when he saw her. When she started to run away, he totally ignored Jessica and chase after her "Wait.." he shouted
She fastly entered the elevator and nervously pressed the button, the sliding door closed leaving Taecyeon who was running towards her. She doesn't know why she was running away, all she knows is her heart hurts. After hearing their conversation, she thought that she and Taecyeon had something special, after all he was also an actor like her. Probably he was able to fake up and act nice to her when they are in front of the camera.
She left the building and ran down towards the stairs, she didn't notice that Hyun Joong was climbing it up at the same time.
"You left this inside my car" he said and followed her, when he noticed that she wasn't paying attention to what he just said he grabbed her right arm making her turn around to look at him "What's wrong?"
GuiGui was breathless from fastly running away, all of a sudden the scene that she witnessed before replayed inside her mind. Just when she decided to finally trust him and give her the keys of her lonely heart, everything fell into pieces.
"So the rumors of them together are indeed true" she thought. The happiness that she was feeling few minutes ago disappeared in just a moment, as her chest started to ache. GuiGui tried to hide her eyes by looking away, as she feels the tears coming from her eyes making blurred her sight, she doesn't want anyone to see how much pain she is going through. The overflowing love changed into pain and the happiness changed into sadness. She knows that even if she hides it, those feelings are still visible just by looking at her face.
"I'm okay" her voice shaked as she says those two words, she was trying to regain all her auto-control to stop herself from crying. The sweet love that she was longing for were all lies.
"GuiGui.." he didn't know what happened in those 20 minutes since he last saw her but seeing her in that state, with her hardly biting her lower lip and repeating that she's okay when it's clearly visible that she's not, immensely hurted his heart. Seeing that scene was also too much for him so he pulled her against his body and hugged her tight. Few seconds later GuiGui released the tears that she firmly blocked.
Pain was what designed in his face, hearing her crying was tearing his heart apart. The girl who was always cheerful and always have a bright smile was now crying all her heart out in his arms..
When Taecyeon got out of the gate he looked on both sides of the street searching for GuiGui. He started to run, worried about her reaction. It was a misunderstanding, a damn misunderstanding. He didn't knew that Jessica will suddenly visit him causing trouble, also with GuiGui witnessing that scene.
"Damn!" he complained, he didn't want that GuiGui will overthink what she saw because there was nothing between him and Jessica. He ran down the stairs and stopped at the third step when he saw Hyun Joong hugging GuiGui. Her sobs re-echoed in the silent place making Taecyeon back up and look at how much he involuntarily hurted her.
Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!! Here's the hug scene of Hyun Joong and GuiGui, not original though but I took inspiration by looking at it. Hope you girls enjoyed reading this chapter. A sudden change right?! Please do keep supporting my story and anticipate the next chapters!! Thank you my fellow readers, comments are as always much appreciated ^_^
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aimeharumaa17 #1
Chapter 17: I like it! You'r nice author-nim! Btw, author-nim... where are you...? I'm so curious with what will taec to do next? please.. don't make taecgui fall free to the ground, rise up taecgui please... I'm waiting your update... *sorry for my bad english ;)
Steph7 #2
Chapter 17: Very interesting story!! Why it was stopped? :(
AClovetosing #3
Chapter 17: Awesome story~ Please continue writting~~ Looking forward for the next chapter :D
kr1807 #4
Chapter 5: i like this chap, it is freaking cute~
kr1807 #5
Chapter 2: awesome story :((( can i translate it :(
rmoyer99 #6
Chapter 17: When is the next Chapter ready? I love the story..
jazcabbb #7
Pleaase update soon unnie ^v^
JenniferLoh #8
Chapter 17: So sad, this is precisely what is reality being an IDOL. Perhaps only in Korea that IDOL need to give up their personal life to appease fans and to make a stand on stage. However, I hope in real life, these artiste companies can be more social responsible and humane treating IDOLS. Let them have their own freedom and that FANS be more matured to accommodate and understand that IDOLS are after all, like us, normal human beings. Saw Dream Girl featuring 2 PM and that TY was kind of humiliated and embarrased by school girls. Terrible and felt the pain feeling sorry for him. He swallowed and stomached it. BRavo. If me, I drop dead flatly !!! Chuu3x, love your writing. Thumbs up for KHJ :D Yar, give him a chance ... Keep writing !!! Me Happy to read ...
Chapter 17: Aigooo.... As always!!!! There will be someone to hinder everythinggggggg~~~~~ **whispers: Jhaaay Whaaay Phiii!!!** AAAAAAAAH CHINCHAAAAA!!!!

Does this mean KHJ has a chance?? OMO omo OMO!!! I'm soooo exciteeed~~~ (can you feel my excitement in this post? hahahah)
JenniferLoh #10
Chapter 16: Chuu3x, my neck was as long as the Giraffe while awaiting your update. Yet, it quenched my thirst and desire for this Chapter 16 ..... So lovely the idea that KHJ publicly expressed his interest while TY still cowardly not showing yet only sour feeling. Also good to indirectly let Gui Gui and TY know that Nickhun likes Gui .... Ya, you the best .... MBC - wake up .... time to 2nd season for CHUU3X story line to go on air ..... Happy writing and Thank you again for making many TaecGui fans happy. Really enjoyed your story line. :D