Chapter 13

Beautiful Disaster

Chapter 13

“45 minutes till show time!” announced a tall, lean female stage director as she entered the backstage. Shuffles of feet and inaudible voices swamped the place, feeling the nervousness and pressure as the hand ticking around the clock. The stage director then jogged along the aisle, checking her schedule clasped against her clipboard and ran through the list again. Dodging few frantic fashion designers along the way, she eventually reached the steps leading up to the back of the stage where her colleague stood by talking on the walkie-talkie.

She dashed up, casting a firm look at him before walking over to the sound director who remained firm at the right side of the stage. “Sunbae!” she called, acquired his attention immediately. Standing by the TREX President Ji Sukjin was seen with his extravagant purple bow tied; also purple suit, testing the microphone. The stage director stopped halfway, bowed politely at the President before approaching to her senior.

Behind her, emerging from the small stairs; Choi Sooyoung in her mini sparkling crimson dress carefully headed over to her uncle. Ji Sukjin saw her. The latter greeted. “Ah, Sooyoung-ah, just few hours left and all this is over.” Sooyoung nodded as the President continued, “I’m thinking of taking everyone to Paris for vacation. Should be a great treat, don’t you think?”

Sooyoung smiled. “Taking everyone away from the hard work of fashion to the city of great fashion. Hmm, it could be worth it but then, their brains won’t be. I bet when we get there, you’ll be slaving them and asking which tie suit well with your socks” The latter shrugged. “Samchon-“ The soon-to-be President spoke up, following her uncle along the runway, unconsciously parading her mini dress which caught the eyes of male crews by the floor. “Why can’t we go some place closer to home? Jeju Island for a real vacation. The scenery is nice, it could do them good.”

“Jeju island?” Ji Sukjin repeated.

Sooyoung added, “Samchon, you really need to consider what your workers need the most. Give them some vacation. Ever since I got home with Im Yoong, all I seen were dark circles over the designers’ eyes and their figures looked they’re on an extreme diet program.”

“You’re ‘worry’ about your workers?” Ji Sukjin let out his surprise. “Never thought you have such feeling towards them. I guess my business style rub on you, didn’t it? Haha!” The latter suppressed a laugh. Knowing her uncle that well, all Sooyoung could ever do was let the old man be as he is. She was, at first, not quite the person who would want to spend all her life being in such family business. She would pass it to her twin brother but then, it wouldn’t be fair for him since he has his own dream to live in. Then again, in matter of business, her twin suits it much better.

It had been a long time and people seemed to forget there’s another set of Choi running around the household. Well, no one was really interested in her personal as she would be the first to reject such any opening leading to it. And this choice made her comfortable as she expected it to be. Now, being in this company, with high chances in inheriting it; Sooyoung might as well make the best out of it without any trouble to fall on this special night. That is if someone behaves themselves in front of the guests and the media reporters.

Walking to the end of the runway, Choi Sooyoung looked up to the empty chairs, noticed how the further it gotten to, the elevated they appeared, and saw one goofy figure struggling with a box filled with whatever it was while following a woman, who was walking backward with her hands clasped against her. She had this beamish look judging by the side profile Sooyoung observed. Well, was there ever a time when Yoon Bora expresses such dull mood? It amazed Sooyoung how a man like Kwon Yul would be accepted whole-heartedly in few days since he was hired by one of the top fashion designers. The others treated him well, except for the woman who hired him. Hearing the sporty girl laughing out loud, possibly by a joke from the fire-fighter, Sooyoung couldn’t hold back the urge to smile. She found that it was a rather nice sight in the midst of this hectic schedule. What makes it rather ‘interesting’ was, at the corner of Sooyoung’s eye, she saw a woman in white cardigan and bright pink muffler stood still watching the doting interaction from afar.

Hwang Tiffany was out from the crowded backstage to the spacious grand hall, drinking up her bottle of caramel macchiato. The bottle hung on her lips. Her eyes dangerously locked on them. Am I missing something? Thought Choi Sooyoung, watching the fashion designer attentively. Turning away, to the approaching pair who appeared to be in their own world, and then back to the now fuming pink loving woman. It went on for the next minutes, observing them. The glares. The laughter. The clenched teeth to the sweet grin. The puff of dissatisfaction to the exhale of sweetness. Something is going on here, Sooyoung concluded.

Turning in her killer heels, Sooyoung descended the stairs by the emcee’s podium and decided to approach the now angrily bottle throwing Hwang Tiffany. The sight of the son-to-be President was nearly ignored by the latter. Just when the tall woman stood firmly in her way, Tiffany looked up, a bit startled. Sooyoung grinned. “Are you glad that Kwon Yul won’t be with us once the show is over?”

“Glad?” Hwang Tiffany scoffed. “More of rhapsodic!” she pointed it out, decided to show relief in her used-to-be annoyed expression. Sooyoung watched the older woman crossed her arms, standing slightly to the side and giving out such hateful glare at the fire-fighter from afar. “My nightmare is finally over, Sooyoung-ssi. I’ve been holding it in, trying not to get myself into trouble.”

Sooyoung nodded. “But for Yoon Bora, it looked like she’s having a blast with Kwon Yul. Not to mention, Kim Hyoyeon and our maknae, Luna.” The latter scoffed exaggeratedly. “Why? Am I wrong?” The latter shook. “Anyway, the company gonna have a little vacation outside of Seoul soon and I think instead of making today Kwon Yul’s last day here, why not have him along in the trip. Seem fair to me. That is if you have not rejection to the idea.” The look on Hwang Tiffany’s face brought the mischievous side of Choi Sooyoung to come out. Knowing how raging the latter must be feeling then, Sooyoung added, “I think Kwon Yul deserve it. He’s been working hard and it won’t be fair to have him go just like that… Let’s ask him now, shall we?” Before Hwang Tiffany could stop the soon-to-be President, her hand hanging in mid-air hoping to reach for the taller woman’s arm, she quickly put her hand down and watched the latter summoning Kwon Yul. Tiffany stood there awkwardly.

Trying to keep a calm serious face, though the urge to laugh was great, Sooyoung diverted her attention to Kwon Yul. Behind him, jogging after, Yoon Bora stood by the fire-fighter and looked at the soon-to-be President curiously. “Need any help, President Choi?” Kwon Yul started.

Choi Sooyoung shook her heard. She glanced at Tiffany, who she noticed was tightening her fist, and turned back to the fire-fighter. “My Uncle is planning to have everyone out for a vacation and I think it’d be a great treat to have you along, as a farewell gift.”

“But that wouldn’t be necessary, Choi Sooyoung-ssi.” Kwon Yul let out, finding such treat to be extravagant since majority of the things he had done was slowing the process leading up to the fashion show. Yoon Bora, shocked by the fire-fighter’s opinion, pinched his arm making the latter cringed under her little attack. Yul then continued, “I don’t deserve such treatment Choi Sooyoung-ssi and I’m only here because Hwang Tiffany-ssi asked me to. Besides, I am sure I have massive works to be done back at the station but thanks for the offer.”

At the corner of her eyes, Sooyoung saw Tiffany letting out an air, tension lifted from her shoulder. Sooyoung turned to the fire-fighter and said, “The offer is still open. If you change your mind, Yul-ssi, I’ll have you on the first flight.”

“I’ll let you know, Choi Sooyoung-ssi.” Kwon Yul answered, bowing his head politely. He turned to Tiffany and said, “Where do you want me to leave this hairsprays at?”

Tiffany cleared , “Drop them at Hyoyeon. She needs them more than I do.”

“Ok, boss.” Lifting back the box, he walked on with Yoon Bora, who was attacking for not taking the offer, and the pair headed to the backstage.

“He’s quite a well-mannered man, right, Tiffany-ssi?” Sooyoung stated all of a sudden. Tiffany stared at the latter, caught off guard. “Isn’t he?” Sooyoung pressed the matter, making Tiffany uncomfortable.

Tiffany swallowed and eventually nodded. Choi Sooyoung beamed. “If so, convince him, Tiffany-ssi.”


Sooyoung beamed wider. “Convince him to come along for the trip.”

“B-But he said that—“

“Ah, Tiffany-ssi,” Sooyoung interrupted, holding out her hand on the latter’s shoulder, pulling her close to her side. “The man deserve a free time. It won’t do him any harm and he listen to you well. I’m sure he will say no if the offer is coming from you.” The latter stayed quiet. “Can you do that?” The latter stay still. “Just nod your head, Tiffany-ssi.” The latter did what was told. “Great. Looks like we gonna have a blast. Do keep up the good work, Tiffany-ssi.” The latter showed a small smile. “See you later. Wow me, Fany-ah. Have fun!”

Once Choi Sooyoung was out of Tiffany’s way, the fashion designer let out a deep groan and slumped onto the chair by the wall. She leaned back before burying her face in her hands, groaning again. The day started pretty horrid on her end. Well, horribly strange was closer in defining this big day. Her first plan was to stay away from Kwon Yul, after that little fiasco at her bedroom, which Kim Hyoyeon kept saying that it was entirely on Tiffany’s own doing (she doesn’t want to believe that). The day passed on well and she didn’t even have to think of Kwon Yul much. But this, in the midst of the pressure for the show, Tiffany was having a mini heart-attack, mostly from the awkwardness she will be feeling whenever she’s in Kwon Yul’s presence. She wanted to be firm and ignore him but since the moment she woke up and unconsciously seeing the fire-fighter in a new light, she was having such a hard time.

“Can this day get any worse?” she asked herself, still burying her face.

A voice answered her. “I hope it will get better if you drink this water.”

Tiffany looked up through her fingers and found herself sitting up straight when Kwon Yul stood before her, holding a bottle of cold water. He was twisting the cap, breaking off from the plastic binding before handling the bottle of water to the fashion designer. Tiffany turned her gaze from the bottle to the latter’s soft orbs and back to the bottle. She took it. “Thanks.”Drinking the water in silence, Tiffany glanced at the fire-fighter who was looking rather troubled as if he has something to say. Worries plastered all over his face. A sight she never thought of seeing. Setting the water aside, she quickly got up to her feet and said, “Do you have a suit?”

Kwon Yul looked at her, confused. “A what?”

“A suit? You know, the clothes you wear for a special event. Do you have one?” Tiffany replied, keeping her composure firm though still feeling the awkwardness. The latter shook his head. “Seriously? You have nothing?” The latter nodded. Tiffany let out a sigh and continued, “Rule number one, Kwon Yul, you must have a suit ready because you’ll never know the kind of event you’ll get yourself into.” The latter nodded. “We still have time though—“ Tiffany stated, looking at her wrist watch. She then looked up at the fire-fighter and said, “Let’s go upstairs and see if there’s one that fit you. Come on.”

Tiffany walked on by him while Yul stood there, in confusion. Seeing that the other didn’t catch on, Tiffany retreated, said, “Hurry up, Yul-ssi,” and seized his hand, letting it fitted in her own small one. The latter was in a state of shock, staring curiously at the back of the fashion designer’s head. Leading him, Hwang Tiffany was fighting off the reddening of her face that almost vividly appears on her face.


Adjusting his suit and tie almost every seconds now, Kim Taeng finally let his hands off his attire and looked at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. Going to a big event was new for the fire-fighter. He could’ve avoided it but it wouldn’t be nice to decline such offer from a person he never thought would befriend. Applying a half a hand full of hair gel, Taeng smoothly ran his fingers through his now sleek and shiny looking hair and contemplating which side he should smooth his hair to. As he was busying himself with his appearance, a voice was calling out for him and it was from the living room. “I’m in the bathroom!” he let his guest know.

Few minutes later, Lee Soonkyu was seen at the bathroom’s doorway, looking rather smart in his own casual suit. No tie, which put the fire-fighter in a rather weird position for being too formal. “We’re not meeting the Queen, Taengoo-ah.” Soonkyu pointed out. “But if you still want to wear them, be my guest.”

“But it’s still makes me look weird, don’t you think?” Taeng exhaled, staring his overly gelled hair. “We’re like some country bumpkins.” Cleaning his hands with the liquid soap, he then said, “If we ended up getting a page in the newspaper for being too posh, I’m going to migrate to Australia.”

Lee Soonkyu laughed, finding the unnecessary worries of his best friend amusing. Stepping into the bathroom, standing side by side in from of the mirror, Soonkyu smiled at his best friend’s reflection  and said, “If you take off that tie, we’re both can pass off as twins and we both will migrate to Australia.” The latter shook his head. “Never mind it,” Soonkyu added, “Seohyun is waiting outside, come on, we’re gonna be late.”

The Danshin Duo then went off out of the bathroom, out of Taeng’s bedroom to the front of the apartment, where Kwon Seohyun sat waiting for her brother’s best friends. Seohyun got up from the armrest, showing off the strapless down to her knees light blue dress and a clutch she held on tight to her side and her hair freely let loose, resting on her shoulders. Stunned by her appearance, Taeng smiled widely. “Can we go?” asked Seohyun impatiently.

Kim Taengo nodded, “We’re picking up Krystal along the way right?” The latter nodded. “Great. Let’s go.” Picking his car key from the bowl by the door, put on his shoes and hurried out. The others followed him. Out of the apartment, getting on the elevator to the ground floor and then out to the parking lot where Kim Taeng’s SUV – cleaned and polished – was parked. Its owner got into the driver’s seat while the other occupied the front and back seat. They then set off to the street of Seoul

Night was coming in and the fashion show was about to begin in the next half an hour. If it weren’t from Kim Taeng’s long hour preparing himself, they probably be at the TREX by now. Avoiding the jam-packed streets, turning to the corner and then to the right corner, and another right corner and last to the left; Kim Taeng had driven his car into the suburbs’ area uptown and now into the familiar street from yesterday. At the back seat, Lee Soonkyu was resting up, not fully aware their current whereabouts. Just as the car parked by the sidewalk, a sound of a door slamming from the front woke up him and he was looking around, finally noticing where they are. Out the backseat window, Soonkyu saw Jung Jessica’s house – along with her friends – and sat there, blanked. Few seconds later, down the garden path approaching he opened gate; Seohyun and Jung Krystal showed up.

Soonkyu hurried out of the backseat and opened the door for the youngest Jung. He turned to Seohyun and said, “You girls go sit at the back. I’ll be at the front.”

“How about me, Lee sunsaengnim?”

Soonkyu stood frozen, his fingers gotten stiff holding the backseat door. He turned from the girls and up to the one now stood by the closed gate, standing in a aquamarine coloured short loose casual dress with her wavy hair roamed freely by her shoulders. Stepping down from the gate, she now stood in front of the chef and bowed lightly. She smiled. “Where should I sit?”

“Uh… well…”

“Back with me, unnie!” Jung Krystal decided, reaching out and seized her sister’s hand and pulled her along as she got into the backseat of the SUV. Kwon Seohyun followed, leaving Soonkyu there at the side-walk, looking dumbfounded. His best friend helped him with that.

Kim Taeng, through the rolled down front window, said, “Sit in the front, Kyu-ah. Hurry.”

“Uh… ok.” The chef let out, hurrying over to the front seat. As he sat, he saw at the rear-view mirror, Jung Jessica sitting behind him, looking out the window. Soonkyu couldn’t believe it, his luck. He feels like he was in a dream.


This show is about to begin.

Guests were filling up the empty seats in the Grand Hall of the TREX Fashion Company. From fashion designers to actors to actresses to Idols; the place sure was getting a lot of attention as reporters (even paparazzi) were gathering at the front of the building taking pictures and juicy scoops for their front pages and blogs. Inside the Grand Hall, peeking through the closed curtain; Kim Hyoyeon and Luna was standing by, feeling the pressure and the excitement on the special night.

“Where are they?” Luna started, poking her elbow at the older fashion designer, “Yul oppa’s friends, where are they?”

“Don’t know.” Hyoyeon responded, looking around the hall for the familiar faces of her new friends. “Maybe they got hold up, I mean, Jessica is coming with them. You know how the reporters would like to know what goes on there. I bet we’ll be seeing some scandal on the internet tomorrow morning.”

“No way.”

Just when the grand hall started to get crowded and the chatters of the guests gotten louder, sudden gasps from behind them caught Hyoyeon and Luna’s attention instantly. The pair quickly turned away from the curtain, shared a look before hurrying down the stairs from the stage to the backstage. At the end of the aisle, there were people gathering in such unusual manner before usually, at a time like this, there’s never a distraction that could pull the fashion designers away but it did this time. “What’s going on?” asked Luna. The latter shrugged. Coming out from the crowd, Hwang Tiffany was seen shaking her head and laughing. Not liking this, Hyoyeon hurried to her and hissed, “Did you just do something diabolically evil just to get back at Kwon Yul for sleeping in your bed!”

“He what?” Luna let out, startled by the words, ‘Kwon Yul’, and ‘bed’ in the same sentence.

Tiffany scoffed. “Please, I’m not that evil. You should see before saying that, Hyo.” She then pointed at the now parted crowd, revealing a man in the middle, wearing a smart looking pair of suit with his messy hair now sleek and shiny Italian shoes. The man was none other than Kwon Yul. Judging by the jaws dropping by the passer-bys, it appeared that Hwang Tiffany had made magic happened by settling her difference for one night. Hyoyeon turned to her best friend, who was smiling widely at her and said, “Don’t push it. I wanna make his last day here special so I let him borrow from my collection. Not that I want to admit it but he’s got the perfect figure for my 2011 hit. Yep.” She then called the fire-fighter soon after, who hurried over and followed her to her station fast.

Hyoyeon looked on, wondering what had happened. “Weird.”

“At least they’re not fighting.” Luna pointed out. 


Author's Note:

Updating soon! Trouble brewing for you. Wait for the next juicy chapter. 

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Its semester break and I am back baby! lol Right now, Im working on BD and hope to upload 'them' sometime this week. Wait for it. Sorry for the delay. Hang on.


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sunshiner515 #1
Chapter 23: Pls update soon.
pikaGee #2
Please update! I really love this story up to the point of rereading the story a whole lot. Please update author-nim! I'd love to see what's going happen when the group is all gathered!
Chapter 23: Ooh~Can't wait for SunSica <3
Thanks for the chapter!
Chapter 23: update soon please
jaecicca #5
Chapter 23: anticipating sunsica next chapter ><
Sone-ism #6
Chapter 23: Oohh.. things are getting good! Can't wait to see what happens next! Thanks for the update! :)
tati_mayumi #7
Chapter 23: omg... will sonkyu meet jessica next chapter???
i'm waiting for this...
happy holidays, dear author!!!
Chapter 22: Kust finished all of this chapter in one round :)) great job author
Chapter 1: I like how you introduce the characters so colorful :)