Chapter 12

Beautiful Disaster

Chapter 12

The cell phone on the counter started to vibrate, followed by a familiar ring. The unanswered jingle then started to move the phone slowly across the surface and it was inches away from crash-diving into the deep squared sink. Its irregular shifts evaded the edge of the kitchen sink making it now stirring around across the surface. Coming into the kitchen, noted by the ring, Jung Jessica cautiously entered and looked around the room. To her relief – half disappointment – there was no one there. On the counter, she noticed a secured first-aid kit placed next to a set of car keys. Chained to it was a noticeable key-chain that had a brightly coloured candy with a large ‘S’ imprinted right in the centre of its crooked circle frame. The thought of it made her think of—

“Who’s calling?”

Jung Jessica unconsciously froze on the spot, her arms awkwardly hung by her side the instance a deep familiar voice entered and disrupted her slow chain of thoughts. She was holding on to her breath, wondering if the person who now stood at the kitchen doorway was someone she’d been hoping to see the entire night since the incident with the beer bottle. Recollecting her thorough plan in her head, she took a slow deep breath and ever so slowly the spot, facing the latter. It felt like time was slowing down. At the corner of her eyes, as she turned, she could even make out the figure perfectly even just from the blurriness of it all. Standing there sporting a band-aid on his forehead, Lee Soonkyu looked on and quickly bowing to one of the three owner of the household. The latter received and offered her own bow to the young Chef.

Lee Soonkyu lifted his head. So did Jessica. And for the first time, not just that night alone, but since the two had met in the comfort of the Sherbet; they finally get together with a little slightly off scenario this time. Instead of the delightful aroma floating in the air, a scent of lavender perfume was smelled instead and instead of the constant chit-chatters of customers, they were placed in a quiet environment except for the kettle boiling water on the stove. What different the most was that they were alone. Just the two of them.

Noting the growing intense awkwardness in the air, Jessica plucked up her courage, though afraid by the latter’s reaction, and started, “Lee Sunsaengnim, I wanna say I’m sorry for—“

The latter, appeared expressionless, lifted his hand, gesturing Jessica to stop from spending her time and breath. Jessica expected him to be angry by what she had done to him or maybe started to bawl out his frustration for nearly killing him with a beer bottle. Like any other normal person. And then, after that moment of venting, she expected him to collect his things and walk away. However, the thought in her mind didn’t conform to what happened before her. Jessica looked up at him and could felt her breath hanging on the edge when she saw the unexpected look on the young Chef’s face.

The man was smiling. Not just that regular one he often gives to his customers. No. His gazes through his crescent shaped eyes.  The gentle curve of his lips sided to the corner. The kind of softness emitted that could melt ones’ heart in just a blink of an eye. Jessica could feel the sincerity from how he presented himself. She swallowed her apology and just stared at him.

Silence came back blanketing the two. Perhaps, maybe, it should be that way. Even at the Sherbet, all they ever did was stealing glances and enjoy the company over appetizers or desserts. In the midst of this, the cell phone started to ring again. And this time, the owner came marching in into the kitchen. Kim Hyoyeon who appeared too focused in getting her phone, just walked casually into the room between the two. Picking her phone off the counter and took a seat on the stool, she then read the text she received. “Oh, Taeng-ssi is coming over. And he’s dropping off Krystal…”

The fashion designer put away her phone and mumbling something to herself. But then when she realized how her best friend, Jessica, and her new-found acquaintance, the chef from the Sherbet, just standing there at merely three feet away from each other; Hyoyeon looked on, questioning, and then spoke up. “Are you two having a staring contest? Is this some kind of an inside joke between you two?”

Both were startled. Soonkyu was clearing his throat as he let his gaze diverted aside. At the same time, Jessica was stepping backwards, breathing in and out slowly. Hyoyeon got up from the stool and headed over to the stove.

“Maybe I should get going,” stated Soonkyu, reaching quickly for his car keys. Little did he know, standing by the side, pretending to look into the refrigerator; Jessica was hiding her disappointed face. Seeing this from the stove, Hyoyeon then spoke up. “Yul-ssi is upstairs. Are you gonna leave him?”

Soonkyu turned to her. “Right. I’ll just go up and get him—“

“But he’s in a –“ Hyoyeon added, halting the young chef by the doorway, “—in a ‘discussion’ with my friend, Tiffany. I don’t think it’ll be wise to disturb them.” The latter slowly nodded. “Just wait for a while, Soonkyu-ssi. I’m sure they’ll be done in a moment.” She continued, “and have a seat in the living room, I’m making chamomile tea so… um, Sica, can you show our guest to the-“

“Sure.” Jessica piped up, shutting the refrigerator door fast. Casting a grateful look to her best friend, Jessica then escorted the young chef out of the kitchen. By the stove, Hyoyeon looked on shaking her head.

She then sighed. “If Soonkyu sees what goes on upstairs, it won’t be pretty.”


“There.” Jung Krystal pointed out to the two storey house located at the side of the road, just three houses from where the vehicle drove in from the corner. At the driver seat, Kim Taeng nodded and pushed the accelerator a little. The drive from the city to this suburb-like area took them nearly half-an-hour. Well maybe if weren’t for the traffic, it probably be less. Shifting and jutting her head in between the two front seat of the vehicle, Krystal looked on while guiding the fire-fighter the way around. At the back, looking out at the window, Kwon Seohyun kept glancing over to her former theatre-mate and found it hilarious to see her somewhat excited. But the reason behind it was good enough to get excited for. Meeting the young Chef and the troublesome fire-fighter at the TREX grand hall and heard from Kim Hyoyeon herself how the two of them seemed to have something going on with two of her beloved unnies; she couldn’t help but want to see this herself. It wasn’t confirmed in any way and to believe in Kim Hyoyeon in this sort of thing require evidences. The reliable ones, to be precise.

There’s not much can be said on Hwang Tiffany and Kwon Yul but as Kwon Seohyun as the witness, the situation between Jung Jessica and Lee Soonkyu was far more juicier than any scandalous celebrity gossip. Krystal heard so much about the Sherbet’s owner from Seohyun and counting up and analyzing what had been said, it put the image of Lee Soonkyu as someone who can be the ideal type of Jung Jessica, her sister. Krystal wants to believe it so much that this man could be the chance for her sister to get away from her cheating fiancé. Maybe not to be a completely committed relationship, just enough to pick the author off her weak knees and is brave in making her choices.

The little incident at the karaoke place, as told by Hyoyeon, seemed like it was the start of it. It did startle the youngest Jung when she heard that Jessica went all frenzied in front of Seong Woosung. On the outside, looking at it in the most humane way, it was an unacceptable but on the inside, knowing the history that led to now, Krystal was jumping for joy.

Short silent was broken by her when Krystal pointed out where the fire-fighter should park his SUV. Kim Taeng glanced to the side, chuckled, “Calm down, Krystal.” The latter just couldn’t contain her excitement anymore to the point that Kim Taeng actually thought the youngest Jung was a little loose in the head. Once the SUV parked by the side-walk, Jung Krystal hurried out of the back seat and jumped onto the pavement with a stomp, like a hyper-active child. Turning back to the opened door, she then reached inside and pulled Kwon Seohyun by the hand, urging her to hurry. Kim Taeng, who just got off the driver seat, looked on and couldn’t hold back his laughter.

As the girls got out to the street and rushing up the small steps through the steel gate, Taeng locked his vehicle with a quick click of his key and went after them. At the door, Krystal tried to simmer down. Seohyun, standing by, was shaking her head. The latter turned to the Kwon girl and said quietly, “What’d you think happening in there right of this moment?”

Seohyun shrugged. Krystal pulled a thoughtful look and concluded, “I do know this. Something great is happening in there right now.” Hearing the front door clicked from the other side, Krystal prepared herself while clutching on Seohyun’s hand hard. Behind them, Kim Taeng was being oblivious.

Kim Hyoyeon appeared, letting the door swung wide and letting them in. Feeling the harsh pull from the Jung girl, Seohyun tried to keep up as Krystal hurried in not even letting Hyoyeon finished her sentences. Kim Taeng then came in and properly greeted the fashion designer. “How’s everyone doing?” he asked, his eyes still lingered on Krystal’s hyper self. “I hope there’s no lawsuit coming from it.”

“We’re just lucky the owner of that place is a good friend of ours.” Hyoyeon replied, her eyes also lingered on Jung Krystal who was dragging Kwon Seohyun by the hand all over the place. “Mr. Han kind of gets our situation.”

Taeng nodded. “Glad to hear that.” Just as Taeng took off his shoes and put on the pair of slippers placed by Hyoyeon, Krystal dashed to them, startling the fashion designer to the point she nearly fell. But luckily, Taeng caught her in time as he placed his hand on her back. “Aish, Soojung-ah! You scared me!” cried Hyoyeon. But the latter wasn’t too concern with that.

“Where’s my sister?” hissed Krystal, still holding Seohyun’s hand tightly by her side. Taeng noticed Seohyun was panting for air. Hyoyeon looked at the youngest Jung worriedly and hesitatingly pointed at the living room. With that, the youngest pair of Jung and Kwon dashed off to the living room as fast as lightning where a dolphin-like scream welcomed them. There goes Jessica.

At the door, Hyoyeon slowly got up straight as Taeng helped her and exhaled. “I guess I shouldn’t tell what went on in such detailed way, huh? And now look at her, she’s gone bananas. She’s somewhat a softy when it comes to romance if you know what I mean.”

“I heard it.” Taeng stated. “Seohyun kept pointing it out. Her appearance doesn’t match well with that.” The latter nodded. Hearing the scuffles and rushes from the living room, all owned by Jung Jessica – he thought it would – Taeng then turned to the fashion designer and started, “where’s Kwon Yul? When I heard that he’s being here, I was kinda hoping for some flying frying pans or knives going about the place.”

Another dolphin scream was heard followed by some frustration shouted from the living room. Seeing that the atmosphere was not so favourable, Hyoyeon quickly grabbed the fire-fighter’s hand and led him to the quiet kitchen area. Once inside, Hyoyeon, with a wide grin, and pointed upstairs. No getting this at all, Taeng blinked as Hyoyeon was doing all this weird sign languages from clasping her hands together and leaning her head onto it to pulling rather fingers-curling face-cringing ‘aegyo’ face. The fire-fighter couldn’t contain his irritation. Giving up on her failed explanation, Hyoyeon then said, “Just wait for tomorrow morning, Taengoo-ah, you’ll see.”


Morning came. Final dry run went on full throttle. Situation at the TREX Grand Hall was as wild as it meant to be. Crews were working as hard as they could, jogging back and forth, from the back to the front to the upstairs room, to make sure all the lights and cues be in the perfect timing. Down by the long runway platform reaching out to the spectators’ seats, the casted models were gathering for their last briefing by their director, listening so attentive despite being in such noisy atmosphere. The Director sat at the end of the two feet high platform, looking over her list and saying out last minutes arrangement for her pupil. Few of the models – male and female—looked on and nodding at everything single thing uttered by the director. Unlike one, sitting far behind, who was treating his hand with utmost attention.

Im Yoong had spent the day so far with situation not favoured to him. First was that he woke up late than what was told by his manager, earning him a great scolding over breakfast. Second was the extreme traffic jam on the way to the TREX, forcing him to walk in the heat. Third was, well, a little news circulating around the worldwide web where someone who remained anonymous upload a video of him, outside at the street sitting by the side-walk, looking rather unfavourable. He was glad that the video didn’t show what happened before. If so, he’d be a laughing stock among his peers right then and there.  

Entering the Grand Hall, the President Ji Sukjin and Choi Sooyoung were looking around the venue as a final inspection before the big night. Ji Sukjin then excused himself from his niece as he went off to speak with the music director who had been waving to get his attention. Sooyoung then walked over to the side, greeted by the crews as she passed them, and noticed Im Yoong sitting on his own. She hurried over to him with a friend pat on the latter’s shoulder. But the way the model reacted to her gentle greeting spark up curiosity in her. Im Yoong was clutching his hand firmly to his side, first not knowing who greeted him. However, once he knew, he tried to pretend that his hand was good as he shifted aside, making a space for the soon-to-be TREX president to settle in.

Not liking how this looked like, Sooyoung caught the latter off guard and reached out grabbing his hand. Yoong tried to pull away but his strength around his arm weakened him. Feeling the latter’s hand shook under her touch, Sooyoung gently pulled the sleeve aside and found Im Yoong’s hand was wrapped in thick bandages.

Feeling the latter’s eyes boring at his skull, Im Yoong said, “I was in the gym last night, lifting weights. I guessed it slip when I was lifting the dumbbells.”

“Are you sure it’s those dumbbells?” Sooyoung started, keeping her voice down. “Or some guy broke your hand when you’re trying to hit on some girl’s friend.” The model widened his eyes, trying not to show what was said to be true. “Krystal told me. Don’t even think trying to deny that.”

Yoong sighed in disbelief. He slowly retrieved his hand. “I was trying to know her friend. Not to get my ego bruise up so bad by them.”

“Maybe now, you get it hard in your little noggin that Kwon Seohyun is off limit to you.”

“No way. I’m not gonna give up yet. I have a plan.”

“Here we go again.”

Meanwhile, back at the three best friends’ house, the owners were sitting in the dining room enjoying breakfast made by the Sherbet’s Head Chef himself. Foreign taste was the theme. From waffles to French toast to eggs and bacons; Lee Soonkyu showed his best even if the menu was as simple as it was meant to. Finishing the last addition to the breakfast, the young Chef then emerged from the kitchen, onwards to the dining room carrying the last place of French toasts. “Enjoy.” He said. The rest looked on in astonishment at the great amount of food on the table and acknowledged that the title to Lee Soonkyu’s name was not for show. Sitting opposite from where he stood, Jung Jessica was smiling widely as she took small bites of the toasts he just made.

“Soonkyu-ah, let’s go.” Called Kim Taeng from outside the dining room. Seconds later, the fire-fighter appeared at the doorway with his hair still wet from the quick shower. The Chef nodded. Hyoyeon, munching on the waffles, swallowed and said, “You guys are coming to the show tonight, right?”

At the doorway, Taeng nodded positively. He then seized the Chef by the shoulder and said, “This man is gonna be there too. Might as well get him socialize a bit there, if that’s not a problem to you, Soonkyu-ah.”

The Chef scoffed, pushing the fire-fighter off him. “I take that as a ‘not a problem’,” Taeng concluded. “We’ll see you tonight, Hyoyeon-ah.” He turned to the fashion designer, who smiled at him as she waved her fork. Jung Jessica, who just finished her drink, followed Taeng to front door, where Kwon Seohyun was lifting her backpack while Soonkyu helped her with the strap. “Is Yul still sleeping?” asked Taeng.

Upstairs, staying still on the bed of pink-colored set; the opposable two were still too engrossed in their slumber to even care about how late the day was getting to. Through all the awkward shifts on the mattress, the pair finally found themselves in unexpected comfort. From hugging his mid-section to letting her arms settled in between; Hwang Tiffany and Kwon Yul had stayed in such confining situation with such ease. If one of them, whom was oblivious to this since the night before, would find out the situation she’s in, it’ll be devastating. And so it begins, with that intruding tune of the alarm clock by the bedside table.

Ringing of the small cute-looking clock with Mickey Mouse-like bell ears cracked up the tiredness in Hwang Tiffany. She shifted a little to the side. Still the ringing gotten louder, coming from above her head. She shifted again, groaning at how her sleep was disturbed. Sometime, she even wonders why she bothers to set the alarm clock if she ends up sleeping on it anyway. Maybe starting now she should but then, she has work to go to so better wake up now. She shifted back to her side; eyes still remained shut, and moved forward a little where all a sudden, she could feel something breathing on her nose. To make thing worse, the ‘pillow’ she was supposedly leaning on felt tight and stiff. Wondering what it was, Tiffany slowly opened her eyes to a blurry vision. She blinked and blinked twice until she could see what was in front of her. Her thought at first was that she was sleeping with her Totoro stuffed doll because she could feel that she was hugging it.

It was not her beloved Totoro.

It was Kwon Yul.

She gasped. So many things rushing through her mind at that moment. Most evolve on the many bad words she will call this fire-fighter. She will call him this for this and this and she will call him that for, well, that and that and whatever that leads to him sleeping in her bed. Did we do something last night? I was with Jess. Why on earth is Kwon Yul here? That doesn’t make any sense. Wait… the karaoke room… bottles, beer bottles… and, oh JerkSung was there… and Jess was getting all madwoman on him but… where’s this idiot fit in to? How in—

Fashion Designer Hwang froze in mid-thoughts when Kwon Yul unconsciously closed the small gap between him and Tiffany as he embraced her closer to him. Tiffany could feel the air hanging in by the sudden closeness. Her mind went completely blank and all her wild angered thoughts vanished and replaced with this thumping sound growing louder in her ears. Her hands were trapped between her and Kwon Yul. She tried to move and push him off but his grip was stronger even when he was not trying so hard at it.

What happened last night!? She thought to herself. As the ringing of her alarm clock now ceased, Tiffany exhaled loudly, hoping that would awake the man instead. But instead of what she wished, Kwon Yul again, now to Tiffany’s relief, moved loosening his grip around the fashion designer, allowing her to get away. She should but the sight before made her stay put.

His raven short cut hair appeared messier than how she remembered seeing them when he was in his fireman uniform in all those dust and soot. Unlike then, somehow now, she couldn’t help but wonder how it feel through her fingers like Yul let Yoon Bora to mess up his hair. Not that she was jealous of Bora, Tiffany was curious. Letting her gaze down on the sleepy fire-fighter’s face, she noticed how tanned his skin looked, even when the light from outside shone the room. Alright, maybe this part of him differed him form Im Yoong but thinking of that model, she wondered why majority of her peers insisted that Kwon Yul stood the same as Im Yoong. Could it be of his chiselled chin? Or is it his somewhere in between of a full or thin pair of lips that makes him similar? High cheek? Sharp yet soft looking nose? What is it?

Tiffany was racking her head, trying to figure out what it was. She was on the verge of giving up.  What is it?

Leaning there, just staring at his sleeping face, she sighed and wanting to move away. Slowly, she propped herself by her elbow on the mattress and was about to sit up but she got hooked again. Tiffany was frozen still, again, but not by the still form of the fire-fighter. It was his eyes that caused her to stare at him.  Those big brown eyes of his emitted such calming, soft and captivating feel. Just that moment, their eyes met, now Tiffany understands what makes Kwon Yul somewhat similar with Im Yoong.

His eyes reminded her so much of Im Yoong. Those feeling of innocence, child-like of Yoong were seen. But there’s something different in the way Kwon Yul gazed at Tiffany. He doesn’t look like the Kwon Yul who she hated. He looks like a different Kwon Yul. One that is, perhaps, was seen by Yoon Bora and Kim Hyoyeon and the rest of the TREX. A man. A catch. A dream.

Kwon Yul slowly got up from the bed, looking worriedly at Hwang Tiffany. He was actually expected her to hit him or call the police on him and stating him as a molester but there was something in the way how Hwang Tiffany looked at him at that moment. “I swear I didn’t do anything,” he said it fast but the latter remained still, looking somewhat engrossed. “Tiffany-ssi…?”

He wants this to end with and get out of there. His wish was easily granted. Out of nowhere, the bedroom door was swung opened, followed by an excited voice of a young woman. “Unnie! Breakfast is ready!” it ended there. Standing there, in her pajamas, Jung Krystal dropped her jaw as she saw the two in a rather compromising position. She screamed. That’s when Yul made his move. Picking up his jacket fast from the chair nearby, Yul squeezed out of the door, dashed down the stairs and headed straight to the front door. There, his best friends were looking at him, somewhat expecting his appearance.

Yul picked up his shoe and took the keys out of Lee Soonkyu’s hand and said, “I’ll drive!” Before the Chef could reply, Kwon Yul hurried out to the front porch, to the side-walk and got into Soonkyu’s car. Kim Taeng turned to Hyoyeon, who was standing by the door, and said, “See you tonight.”

“… Bye.”

Hwang Tiffany, now inside the bathroom, was dousing her face with water and looked in the mirror. “I could’ve hit him. Beat him up.” She stated, dousing her face again and then turned to the mirror, “but why did… why did I just sit there and… stare at him… why?”



Special hello to the new subscribers!! Yay!! Thank you so much for reading BD and I hope you like this story. Next update will be in 5 days (or less). See you soon and don't forget to write down your feedbacks. Because each feedback may be valuable to the course of the story. ;)

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Its semester break and I am back baby! lol Right now, Im working on BD and hope to upload 'them' sometime this week. Wait for it. Sorry for the delay. Hang on.


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sunshiner515 #1
Chapter 23: Pls update soon.
pikaGee #2
Please update! I really love this story up to the point of rereading the story a whole lot. Please update author-nim! I'd love to see what's going happen when the group is all gathered!
Chapter 23: Ooh~Can't wait for SunSica <3
Thanks for the chapter!
Chapter 23: update soon please
jaecicca #5
Chapter 23: anticipating sunsica next chapter ><
Sone-ism #6
Chapter 23: Oohh.. things are getting good! Can't wait to see what happens next! Thanks for the update! :)
tati_mayumi #7
Chapter 23: omg... will sonkyu meet jessica next chapter???
i'm waiting for this...
happy holidays, dear author!!!
Chapter 22: Kust finished all of this chapter in one round :)) great job author
Chapter 1: I like how you introduce the characters so colorful :)