Things will get better, I hope!

Hugs and Kisses

~ I'm so happy that my fic has made it to 8 chapies already! I'm a type of person who finishes midway with stories. But I'm positive that I will see this fic to its end! >:D< I'm so sorry it took so long to update! Okay, so here is the next chapter, enjoy!~




August 26, 2010 7: 00 am

It was morning when I woke up. The sun was shining and the birds were chirping happily. I could here people laughing and talking outside my window. The house was quiet though. I groggily sat up on my bed and thought over what had happened yesterday. I sighed.

" I feel like crap today... Why should I even waste my precious days on going to school now?" My mind wandered to that playboy Kim Jaejoong. I scoffed. " Like I would ever have a chance with him..."

Then there was a knock on my door. " ____-ah? Dear, are you awake yet? School is starting. I made sure to wake you earlier than yesterday." Gomo said halfheartedly through the door.

I stared at the door in silence, then slowly got up and went to open the door. Gomo looked a little suprised at how I looked. Messy hair, wrinkled school uniform, puffy red eyes, lifeless expression on my face. I stared at her.

She forced herself to act cheerful, " How are you ____-ah? You don't have to go to school today if you don't want to. I made breakfast if you want some."

I sighed, " No, that's okay. I'll go to school today. And thanks for the breakfast Gomo." I walked out to the restroom.

" Are you sure honey? I can make an excuse for your absence..." She persisted.

" No. It's okay. No big deal... And where is Hana? Does she know about this yet?" I asked and turned back to look at the worried aunt.

" She went to school already. And no, she doesn't know about it yet." Gomo replied.

" Good. I don't want her to worry about me. Even though I'm 3 years older than her, she is very overprotective of me."

" I know dear. Okay, so if you decide to go to school then call me whenever you want if something happens okay?" Gomo said.

" Okay Gomo." I said and walked away.

As I walked down the street I saw children playing and laughing with their friends, couples holding hands, and parents talking to one another. It's as if the world is still spinning as if nothing had happened.

" Great," I thought, " Just add more salt to my wound.."

I approched Kofa High and as usual it was bustling with activities. Some boys were playing soccer, girls were sitting on the tables drinking coffee and talking to their friends, teachers were getting out of their cars and greeting others.

" Why is this such a sunny day?!" I said to myself and looked at the skies. " It's as if the world is mocking me!"

I heaved a big sigh and carried on walking into school. And like deja vu, I heard a bunch of girls scream, " Oh my god! It's DBSK!"

My heart gave a thump as I turned around to see Jaejoong walking in with the rest of the guys. Jaejoong looked really, really... Hung over. He had a depressed and pissed off look.

' What's up with him?' I thought. Then the school bell rang, 7:30. So everyone started to file into the school.

As I walked solemly to homeroom, which is science class, I was approached by a happily skipping Jung Nicole.

" Good morning ____-ah~" She sang. " How are you today?" She smiled with her pearly white teeth.

 " I've had better days." I smiled at her weakly.

 She stopped smiling and became worried. " Why? What happened? You can tell me."

 I sighed. "I will tell you later at lunch."

 " Okay, sure. Let's go to class then." We walked to class and to my suprise Jaejoong was here on time in his seat!

 ' Wow. Check that out... He looks terrible... He is even ignoring those girls that are trying to flirt with him!' I thought.

 I went to my seat and slumped down on it. I placed my head down on the desk and turned towards the window. I closed my eyes and tried to block out the girls loud talking.

 " Jaejoong oppa! Look over here!"  " Jaejoongie! Do I look good in these new shoes?" " Oppa! Oppa! Will you sit with me at lunch today? Pretty please?" " Jaejoong oppa, what are you doing this weekend?"

 " My god! Shut the hell up will you?!" Jaejoong suddenly yelled. " Can't you see I'm on a freaking hangover?!"

 They were shocked and immediately went quiet. People around us looked at Jaejoong then at the girls and started whispering.

 " My god, they drive me crazy.." Jaejoong resumed to place his head down on the desk. Then he turned to face the back of your head. " And what's up with you? You look like your half dead."

 You turned to face Jaejong's face. " Oh haha. That's so funny, I forgot to laugh." You said sarcastically. " I should ask the same. You don't look like your flirtiest playboy self today."

 Jaejoong smiled. That made my stomach do the flips. " Oh, is that so?" He placed his head on his standing elbow and looked quizzically at me. " I was just out partying last night and had to much liquor I guess."

 " You go clubbing and drinking? You aren't legal to right? How do they let you in?" I asked a little suprised.

 " Shush, don't tell the DBSK guys. So what's up with you and the long face?" He asked looking more happier.

 " Um, I- I feel better talking to you now! Thanks!" I can't tell Jaejoong-ah about my heart problem, he will think that I was a freak.

 " Uh, your welcome." Jaejoong said, blushing a little.



~ I don't think this was such a happy chapter.. Mianhae! T^T Anyways I will be updating again today to make up the lost time! Thanks everyone for reading my fic! I feel so happy that there are new readers! I love the comments! ~

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rudelysweetgd #2
Chapter 52: when can u update??? it's cliffhanger!!! ahahaha
You're really smart, knowing how to juggle so many characters , kudos to you!
You have a unique way of writing and I'm loving it!!! Update soon~~~!
@xjlikewae that's why it's comedy hehe ^^
Chugyeokja #6
I understand that people are in shock and what not, but who doesn't think of an ambulance or hospital, lol.
KYAAA omona otokke what happening~!!? stop panicking people and go to hospital already~!!!
Alzina #8
OH MY GOD...u took my two whole lifetime to update! i had to re read some past chapters just to remember what was happening before the update! oh gosh....hope u can update more regularly now!

anyway, OMG OMG...what happened?!?! no no no....


Ya know when I was this at the top of my latest updated subs and it was you I was so happy. So SO happy. ^•^