Thoughts of the heart...

Hugs and Kisses

~ Okay, here is the next update! I'm now starting to really progress this story, so please tag along all the way. :D~




 November 16, 2010  7: 10 am



 It's been over 2 months since that incident with Milly. After then she has been staying far away from me. She went to great lengths to avoid me, moving to different classes. Even in the hallways, she would walk the other way, ignoring me. Things are simple now. No more problems. Everything is just seemingly floating by at ease.

 The seasons has gotten a lot colder. The green trees has turned to colors of gold and red, and are losing their leaves. The skies has lost their glowing sunshine, and now cloudy and grey. It has been really windy this past week. All the students are bundled up as they made their usual ways to school.

 " Bye Gomo and samchon. I'm off to school now. Be good Hana." I walked out the door.

 " Have a nice day dear." Gomo called after.

 I never told Gomo or samchon about what had happend that night. 2NE1 told me to stay quiet about that. I don't want to freak my family out.

 I walked in silence thinking to myself. I've done alot of thinking these many weeks.

 I have thought a lot of things over. My life, my friends, my relationship with Jaejoong. Everything has become so surreal. It's impossible to know what the right thing is anymore. The thought of having a " normal" life has long left my mind.

 Around everyone I acted like everything is going great, even to the KARA girls and the DBSK boys...

 I took my hands out of the jacket and rubbed them together, then I blew warm breath, and stuffed them back into my pockets again.

 ... But deep down I knew I was in turmoil. Milly's words has been stuck with me ever since. Should I ask Jaejoong and risk my relationship? Or should I keep it in and everything would be back to normal again? The pressure and guilt was killing me.

 I loved Jaejoong so much, but now I wonder if this is really love or just a big crush I'm having? I also wonder if Jaejoong really loves me back... We have been going out for the last 3 month, and have gone to 8 more dates together. Everyone started accepting us together and says how much of a cute and perfect couple we are. Jaejoong seems to be happy, but is he really happy?

 Thinking of that led me to think of Milly, how she said that I had stolen and took Jaejoong away from her life... Which again leads me to think if he really is happy being with me. 

 I might be oblivious sometimes, but I'm not stupid. I can put one thing with another. As far as I know, Milly was Jaejoong's ex. But since I was his girlfriend before she came to this school, it must mean that she and Jaejoong were together before the school year started. But does that mean that Jaejoong was cheating on her with me? So should I ask him?

 All these thoughts were drowning me in guilt. I shook my head to clear the thoughts and sighed.

 And on top of all this confusion, I don't want to accept it... But deep in the concious of my mind, I feel that Jaejoong and me are... Becoming distant with each other. I wonder if he sees or feel the same.. Or is it just me?

 And this isn't the worst problem that is on my shoulders.. Time is of the essence to me now, I feel that I'm just dwindling my life away. Already it's November, every day is a day towards that ticking time bomb. I don't know if I should worry, or accept the fact that I might die any moment.

 My condition has gotten worse. Just two weeks ago, I started getting chest pains. Something that has never happened before. Now I take a pill every morning to ease the pressure. Gomo and samchon are working night shifts now to get the money. I feel so terrible for them, at such an old age they have to work so hard to help a girl with an indefinite death.

 At school, I'm alot more quiet. I don't think anyone has notice except Jaejoong.

 I smiled to myself thinking how much Jaejoong and I know each other now. He knows everything about me. What my favorite things are, all my quirks, what I dislike, practically everything.. Everything except my tumor problem...

 And I know everthing about him. What his favorite foods are, how he likes to dress, what he does on his spare time. I even went to his house a few times. ( It's not what you think.) He actually is very neat and tidy.

I looked up at the grey sky and breathed a visible puff of air.

 " At age 15, and so many things wrong with my life.." I said quietly.

 As I walked on, my teeth chattered from the cold. I sighed. ' I have a foreboding feeling that something is going to happen this month..'

 Approaching the school, I could see that it was still bustling busy, despite the weather. Girls are forced to wear their uniforms with skirts even though it's freaking cold.

 " Someone should do something about that!" I chattered as I quickly dashed into the warm, heated building.

 I walked to homeroom and found that not many people were here yet.

 " Hey ____ unnie." Some of the girls waved and smiled to me.

 " Hi what's up?" I grinned to them. And went to my seat and rested my head.

' Guess I can go to sleep for a bit..' I thought yawning slightly. The heated room felt really cozy and snuggly.

 Not soon after had 20 minutes flew by, when there was a shocking jab on the side of your stomach that jolted you up.

 You were wide eyed for a second, and then you could see that it was Jaejoong. He was grinning like silly.

 " Jaejoong!" You pouted.

 " Hey there sleeping beauty. Naptimes over." He grinned.

 You could feel that his clothes were radiating coldness.

 " Are you cold Jaejoong oppa?" You asked.

 " Are you kidding? It's so hot out there, I could have walked to school shirtless!" He joked.

 I laughed. " Yeah, I bet lots of girls would love that."

 " Haha~! Brr! It's freezing out there!" He said as he wrapped his cold jacket arm around me and pulled me close to him.

 He smelled of crisp cold morning air and hints of his cologne.

 " Oppaa..! You are soo cold. Let go." You could feel goose bumps going down you body.

 " But you are so warm~" Jaejoong said, squishing his cold cheek to your's.

 " At least take your jacket off.. It's cold!" You mumbled through your squished face.

 He let you go and removed his jacket and took off his mittens. Then he placed his hands to your face.

 " Are my hands cold?" He asked squishing your cheeks together.

 " Yes. And you are acting childish." You pouted, removing his cold hands.

 You then rested your head on his shoulder.

 " ____ -ah, I was thinking we could do something this weekend. You wanna go somewhere?" He asked.

You were deep in thought. ' Should I ask Jaejoong now? What Milly said.. I really want to get that off my chest.. I've kept it to myself for too long..'

 " Jaejoong oppa.. You know that I love you right?" I started.

 " Hmn? Yeah of course." He raised his eyebrow.

 " Well.. What would you do if I would ever break up with you?... For a very important purpose that is!!" You quickly added.

 He stayed quiet, just looking at you. There was this weird growing expression in his eyes.

 So you continued. " What if it's for someone's happiness that I break up with you? To right what was wrong.." You said thinking of Milly and feeling sad. For you and her.

 It had finally hit you, that Milly had loved Jaejoong more than her life. She might have even loved Jaejoong more than you. If she had transfered and moved to this school just because she loved and wanted to be with Jaejoong, but to find out that he is with another woman, she must have been torn apart.. No wonder she hated you with every part of her being. You felt terrible.

 Jaejoong started to nod his head. He breathed in and said, " Alright. Who is he? Tell me."

 " Bwoh? What?" You asked confused.

 " Who is the guy that is trying to win your heart from me? When I get my hands on the guy that is trying to steal you.. Imma beat him so hard- that he won't even dare to glimpse at you!" Jaejoong said hotly.

 Your stomach tumbled inside. Jaejoong was being so cute!

 " Jaejoong oppa, there is no guy. It's actually a girl that I was talking about.." You started.

 " Bwoh?!" It was his turn to be shocked. " Are you telling me you're... You're falling for a girl?! Who is she?!" He demanded.

 " What ever she can do, I can do better!" He huffed.

 You blushed crimson. " No! Jaejoong! That's not what I'm saying!" I covered my face due to embarrassement, then laughed because what he said was starting to sound funny.

 " What are you saying then?" He asked confused.

 You sighed. " Jaejoong, before you went out with me.. Who was you ex?"

 He was quiet for a moment. " Why do you need to know, ____ -ah?"

 " Can't you just tell me?" I asked.

 " It's not that important. She is history to me. You are what is my now." He continued.

 ' I can see he isn't going to tell me, so I might as well tell him..' You thought.

 " Oppa, was it Milly -ah?" You asked confidently.

 He stayed quiet.

 " IT WAS HER!! WASN'T IT?!" You said not so surprised.

 " ... How? ... How did you know? She told you didn't she?" He grimmly smiled.

 You breathed heavily. " So it is true.. No, she gave me many hints.. Jaejoong.. Did you ever broke up with her before going out with me?"

 " Of course I did." He said quietly, " Of course I did."

 " I'm sorry ____ -ah, that I didn't tell you before. I thought you were going to be mad at me." He said taking his hand and wrapping his fingers around mine.

 " You are such a child.." I whispered, placing my head on his shoulders once again.

 " At least it wasn't some guy that you were falling for.. Because then, I would have done something drastic.." He smiled slyly.

 " What would you have done if there was some other guy?" You asked curious for Jaejoong to prove his love for you.

 " I.. Would beat who ever he was, and then claim you as mine. So no man... Or women, would ever think of laying their hands on Kim Jaejoong's woman." He said slowly.

 You looked at him suspiciously, " What do you mean claim?"

 He laughed. " Nothing~! It's nothing."

 ' Well that problem is over, I hope it never appears again..' You thought relieved.

 By that time, class was starting and once again the normal day of school progressed.

 Suddenly your phone vibrated.

 " Oh! Who is this?" You said looking at your phone.

 Foodlover Minnie :

  Hi ____ -ah! :D

 How was your morning?

 Boy today was cold

wasn't it?


  " Huh.." You said. ' Wonder what Changmin wants..' You thought.

 You started to text him back. That had caught Jaejoong's eye.

 " Who's that?" He asked, trying to look at my phone screen.

 " Changmin -ah." You said.

 " What does Changmin want?" Jaejoong asked surprised.

 You shrugged your shoulders and focused on texting Changmin.

 To Foodlover Minnie :

Hi Changmin! Yea! It was

cold right? So wats up? :D


A few moments later your phone vibrated again and you grinned.

 Foodlover Minnie :

  Im just bored. I wanted

 to talk to you. :D So wat

 are you doing this

 afternoon? Wanna come

 with me and Junsu 2

 the fall fair today?


 You grinned happily. " Oh yeah! The fall fair is this week, isn't it oppa?" You turned to ask Jaejoong.

 " What are you two talking about?" He tried to take your phone, but you blocked him and continued typing.

 To Foodlover Minnie :

  Id luv 2 go with u guys!



 After you click send you waited patiently for his responce.

 " Helloo? ____ -ah? Your boyfriend here~" Jaejoong tried to get your attention, but you were just staring at your screen phone.

 Moments later your phone vibrated again and you giggled at what the text said.

 Foodlover Minnie :

  YAY~! ____ -ah is

 coming 2 spend a

 fun day with me! How

 lucky can I be? ^_^


 " What are you giggling about? Let me see~!" Jaejoong pouted.

 " Jaejoong, quit that. Don't be such a child~." You said continuing to text Changmin.

 Jaejoong pouted and huffed. " When I get my hands on that maknae.."

 " What are you being jealous about? Me and Changminnie are just good friends." You mumbled, not even focusing on what you just said.

 " I'm not jealous!" Jaejoong pouted.

 " Okay then.." You said as you sended the text.

 To foodlover Minnie :

 Lol u are 2 cute Changminnie~!

 <3 I wouldnt miss a fun day with

 u 4 the world~ xD


 " What did you just send him?" Jaejoong said curiously.

 " Nothing important~!" You grinned at him.

 " Yeah right.. Nothing important.." He grumbled.

 " Oppa~ stop worrying! Me and Changmin are just friends! You are just imagining things~!" You grinned and hugging him around his stomach.

 " Huh, you seem to be in much of a happier mood after you talked to him.." Jaejoong pouted.

 " Of course I'm in a better mood. Changmin is so funny and cute~! Have you seen the way he smiles his lopsided smile? He is just like a little puppy!" You laughed.

 " Yeah, sure what ever you say babe." Jaejoong rested his head on his elbow.

 " I love you Jaejoong~" You cooed, trying to cheer him up. You kissed him on his cheek.

 He sighed, " Love you too ____ -ah." And kissed you on your lips.

 Then he added, " Besides, Changmin isn't as good of a kisser as I am." He grinned.

 " Jaejoong! That's mean." You said lightly slapping his arm.

 He laughed and you two locked lips again.

 Some one from behind threw a paper wad and hit Jaejoong's chair and said, " Get a room you two!"

 And everyone laughed, even Ms. Le had laugh a bit.

 " Mianhae.." You said blushing.



 ~ Thanks for reading everyone! I will update Hugs and Kisses as soon as I can! :D Until then, stay tune! xD~

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rudelysweetgd #2
Chapter 52: when can u update??? it's cliffhanger!!! ahahaha
You're really smart, knowing how to juggle so many characters , kudos to you!
You have a unique way of writing and I'm loving it!!! Update soon~~~!
@xjlikewae that's why it's comedy hehe ^^
Chugyeokja #6
I understand that people are in shock and what not, but who doesn't think of an ambulance or hospital, lol.
KYAAA omona otokke what happening~!!? stop panicking people and go to hospital already~!!!
Alzina #8
OH MY GOD...u took my two whole lifetime to update! i had to re read some past chapters just to remember what was happening before the update! oh gosh....hope u can update more regularly now!

anyway, OMG OMG...what happened?!?! no no no....


Ya know when I was this at the top of my latest updated subs and it was you I was so happy. So SO happy. ^•^