
Some Things Never Change


"I think duizhang is losing it…" whispered Tao.

"I think so too…" whispered Luhan.

"He's staring at the phone strap like an idiot…" said Chen.

"He fell for this girl really badly…" whispered Xiumin.

"If he keeps it up like this, he might even go mad…" said Lay.

I put down my phone and turn to look at them. They were startled and they walked away in different directions in attempt to make me think they each have things to be done.

"I may not have any superpowers, like super hearing, but I can definitely hear you guys talking behind me back." I gave them a look. "Plus, you guys at whispering!"

"Eh…" they got caught red-handed. "Sorry Duizhang!" they said in unison.

I shook my head and smiled at their silliness.

"You're really happy aren't you?" said Luhan. "Seeing Aemi again."

"Yeah, you've been smiling non-stop since the day we all hung out at Exo-K's." said Lay shuddered. "It's actually really creepy honestly… You don't usually smile this much…"

"Of course I'm happy! I mean, did you see her? She's like absolute perfectness! I know she's the one for me!" I exclaimed.

"Believing in love at first sight I see." said Xiumin. "That's very unlike you Kris. Are you sure you're alright? Are you having a high fever? Is your brain working correctly?" He puts his hand on my forehead to check if I have a fever.

"Ha.Ha. Very funny." I rolled my eyes and pushed his hand off. "But seriously, don't you guys think she's awesome?"

"Well, she's really fun to be around with." said Tao with innocent eyes. "I think she'll be perfect with you if that's what you're asking."

"I agree with Tao. She's pretty nice, but… You better be careful though. If you fall for someone so easily, you will also be easily hurt and disappointed. Don't you think you're going a bit too fast? You seriously don't know her that much and you're practically in love with her already… I mean you tried to ask her out on a date yesterday…" said Luhan.

"Are you questioning my choice?" I raised my brow.

"No." he shook his head. "Kris, you're like a brother to me. I just don't want to see you crushed if things don't work out. I'm not saying Aemi's the two-timer type, but who knows? She might have a boyfriend back in her home country for all we know. Just take things slowly okay? Don't dig a hole that's so deep, that you won't be able to climb back up after you fall." said Luhan.

"I guess…" I simply said. What he said was reasonable, but I really think things will work out in the end! I mean I met her at the airport, and I actually got the chance to meet her again! It's fate, isn't it? I can feel that Aemi's the one for me.

"Anyways…" said Xiumin trying to lift up the serious atmosphere. "We're all just glad you found someone you like. It's the first time we hear you being interested in a girl. In the beginning, when we started working together, I honestly thought you were a cold hearted person who would never like a girl. So in other words… All I want to say is, Kris, YOU REALLY DO HAVE A HEART!" he pretended to wipe off a tear as if he were a mother being proud of his son.

"Our Kris is becoming a big boy!" Luhan played along which caused everyone to laugh.

"You guys are the weird ones!" I said in between laughs.


I walk over to open to the door, and I'm not surprised, it's Exo-K. We live on the same floor, so we go to each others' dorm regularly to eat and hang out.

"Hey, come on in!" I greeted them.

"You guys haven't eaten lunch yet right?" said Sehun beaming with excitement and anticipation.

"What did you order this time?" I asked him directly. He always has this face whenever we wait for our food delivery, or when we wait for D.O.'s cooking.

"SUSHI!!!!" he yelled hyperactively. The kid looks as though he could run a marathon with that amount of energy.

"Geez Sehun, calm down!" laughed Luhan.

"How many boxes did you order this time?" I asked Kai.

"Well, at first we were only going to order 4, but he offered to pay for the meal, so 4 became 12." said Kai.

"12?! No wonder he's so excited." I laughed. I notice Kai and Baekhyun holding papers and pens. "What's up with the stationary?" I pointed at their stuff.

"Oh this? We'll talk about it when the sushi gets here. We need Exo-M's help for this." smiled Baekhyun.


"Are you sure this is the right way?" asked Elle anxiously. She thinks we'll get lost again, like we always do whenever we're in foreign places haha.

"Relax. I doubled checked the bus we're suppose to take and the street names on the map before we left my aunt's place." I said. It's about time we start taking buses to go around Seoul. If we keep taking taxis, we'll be broke in a short matter of time despite not having to pay a penny for the lodging. I really should thank my aunt for this later on.

I pressed the bell as I recognize the street's surroundings I saw on Google maps. I know we're near our stop soon.

Today, we'll planned on having some girl time together because for the past two days, we only hung out at Exo-K's place. We wanted to spend some time with them, and they offered to take us sightseeing, but I couldn't accept their offer. They had bags under their eyes. I doubt they've been sleeping much before their break. Instead of going from one tourist site and probably running away from crazy fans, I suggested we just hung out at their place. That way, they would be less tired.

"Are you sure this is the right stop?" asked Elle doubtfully.

"Yes, I'm sure! Trust me for once! I may have gotten us lost before, but this time, I'm 99.9% sure I'm right!" I grabbed her hand and got off the bus. She looked around worriedly, still thinking I don't know where we're going.

"Come on, let's go buy something to eat! I'm starving!" I said and we started looking around the street food stands. There was a great mixture of smell from all kinds of food. I really don't know where to start!

"Ohhh! Let's eat these sausages!" Elle exclaimed. "They smell so good!"

The scent is mouth-watering… I take a look at the choices, and my mouth was left hanging. Oh my god… They have a very large variety, and it's just sausages! I'm gonna have trouble picking!

In the end, we each bought a sausage stuffed with rice cake in it. At first, I thought it would taste a little bit odd due to the combination, but when I put it my mouth, it was like heaven on Earth! If only there's this kind of street food back home! It would be so awesome…

We continue walking down the street of food, and I pick up a scent that I can recognize anywhere. My favorite Korean dish: Kimchi fried rice.

"Elle!! Kimichi fried rice!" I cheered excitedly.

We both bought a bowl of rice to share, and it was super cheap! Right now, I really wish I could just live in Seoul permanently. I mean, look at all this food!

To finish off our lunch, we went for something more French. Apparently, it's quite popular here to have giant cream puffs! They are not average size; they are really HUGE.

"This is sooo good." said Elle smiling while eating.

"I agree! It's sad there aren’t any food like this back home… I mean, if you compare the kimchi fried rice we just ate, and the one near our apartment, it's like comparing a crystal with a pebble." I said.

"You wanna go to the Coex Mall? There are a few Korean clothing brands that I want to see. I saw a top that I liked online, and I hope I'll find it here!" said Elle.

"Sure, come on!" I said excitedly.

"Do you know how to get there?" she asked me skeptically.

"Of course. I keep telling you I looked at the map a hundred times before coming out! Can't you have a little faith in me?" I said.


"Hmmmm… I know green is Aemi's favorite color, but don’t you think that the green balloons and decorations make the party very… Saint-Patrick's day?" said Tao.

"Oh, you're right. I really didn’t think of that." said Suho.

"How about we add some blue balloons too? They kinda match…" said Sehun.

"Should we also add some purple balloons too?" asked Luhan.

"NOOOOO." said Kai. "Aemi hates purple."

"Really? She hates one of my favorite colors…" said Lay. "I thought most girls like purple."

"Not Aemi, she really hates purple haha." I said.

"Just blue and green balloons should look good. Oh and, for the cake, are you guys planning to buy or bake one?" Kris asked.

"I think buying would be better… I may be good at cooking, but my baking skills still need some practice." said D.O.

"Baskin Robbins ice cream cake? They have a wide variety in flavors, and they look really nice when it comes to appearance." I suggested. Aemi would flip if she got a Baskin Robbins cake, since she loves cake, and ice cream is one of her favorite desserts haha.

"Can I be the one to pick the cake please??" said Sehun. "I'm sure I'll pick the perfect one for Aemi!"

"Sure kid." I said.

"Could you guys give us some ideas on what to buy for Aemi? We don't know enough about her to buy her a good gift." said Lay.

"Kai, go over there and help them out." said Suho. "You're her best friend, so you're the perfect one for this job! While you do that, we're gonna talk about the food preparations."

"Yes, sir!" Kai joked around by saluting Suho with his hand.

This year, Aemi's going to love her birthday. I think it has probably been a long time since she had so many people to celebrate it with her. I mean this year, there will be 13 people with her on her special day!


"Are we there yet?" I asked Aemi.

"Soon!" she answered. I was about to open my mouth to ask if we're lost, but I think she read my mind haha. "And no, we are no lost! Don't worry, alright?"

I suggested us to go shopping, mostly because I still didn't get her birthday present yet, and it's in a few days! I need to find the best gift for her! It’s going to be one of her best birthdays ever! I mean, how often do you get to celebrate your birthday in a foreign country?

"Could we take a short break?" I asked. "I'm a little bit tired."

"Oh sure, no problem! Let's go buy some drinks." she suggested.

We walked over to a crowded drink stand, thinking that the drinks should be quite good with the big crowd here.

"I'll pay for the drinks." said Aemi. "You paid for the fried rice, so it's my turn this time!"

"Oh alright, thanks!" I smiled. The moment Aemi took out her wallet, a medium height man, wearing a black hoodie, swiftly passed in front of her tried to take her wallet away from her.

"Hey. What do you think you’re doing?" said Aemi in an angry voice. The thief and she had a tug-of-war with that wallet. Sadly, the man was stronger and won the war. I tried to go to where Aemi and the man were standing in order to help her out, but when he saw me coming, he bolted.

"HEY YOU. GET YOUR UGLY BACK OVER HERE!" I yelled and started running after him.

Aemi and I were never the best in PE class, but we were good at running endurance. We were the best ones in high school! We lasted the longest when we ran lapses.

For a man, he isn't really physically fit. He isn't able to maintain his speed at all. I'm guessing he's getting tired from the run? While we chassed after him, Aemi and I yelled in English that a pickpocket took Aemi's wallet, but the local people looked at us as though we spoke alien language. Gosh, can't they understand simple English?! This is so damn frustrating! There are a lot of people around, yet they can't help us at all since we can't even communicate with them! ARG…

Abruptly, he turned into an alley, hoping to get us off his tail I'm guessing? Pff… Look at this idiot, he's trying to outsmart us by taking shortcuts. We both turned into the alley too, and realize it was a dead end.

"Looks like you have nowhere else to run. Hand over the wallet." I said to the man, who was facing the wall now.

He turned to face me, and threw me the wallet. Well that was easy. I gave it to Aemi to check if everything was there, and she nodded to say nothing was missing.

"I should be the one saying you have nowhere else to run." said another voice from behind. I turned to see who it was, and there are two Korean girls approaching us.

"Eh… Who are you?" asked Aemi glaring at the newcomers.

"Your worst nightmare." the tall one smirked.


"I think we got everything planned out… All we have to do now is do everything on the list! You guys remember your tasks right?" asked Suho, and everybody nodded in response.

"Alright then. One last thing, Aemi's birthday is in a few days, so it doesn't give you THAT much time to buy her gift. Don't go buy it at the last minute! Araso?" said Baekhyun.

"Dude, we may be lazy, but don't underestimate us that much!" said Luhan laughing.

"Alright then. I think we need a break. It feels like we've been doing this for hours." said Sehun, and patting his now filled stomach from all the sushi he ate.

"Yeah… What should we do? Movie?" I asked. They all agreed, since we had no ideas on what else to do.

I wasn't fully paying attention to the movie though; I was thinking about Aemi's gift. I think I have in mind something she would like a lot, based on what Kai told me about her.


The two girls and the medium height man approached us in attempt to encircle us. I look at Elle, and I can tell from her expression that it's best for us to run instead of fighting them. It's going to be hard though... 

"There's nowhere for you to run. It’s three against two. You two have no chances." said the short girl.

"What do you want from us?" I asked with a poker face. In this kind of situation, it's best if you hide your fear and anxiety. Your opponent can easily manipulate these two factors.

"Yeah. We don't even know you. How the hell could we have anything to do with you?" said Elle glaring at them.

"Oh you didn't do anything directly to us, but what bothers us is your relationship with Exo-K. And recently, I see you befriended Exo-M as well." said the tall girl.

"How would you know that?" I asked.

"That's because unni and I saw everything! From the airport encounter to the hangout in their apartment!" said the short girl.

"Ah… I see. You two are those so-called sasaeng fans. I heard about this type of fans from Exo-K. You guys are pathetic." Elle smirked.

"SHUT UP! We're not!" said the short girl stomping her feet.

"It's not wise to insult us Elle." said the tall girl. How in the world does she know her name? I look at Elle and she is as shocked as I am right now. "You see, my sister and I will both marry an Exo member."

"Alright, so?" I rolled my eyes at her absurdity.

"Aemi." she smiled evilly when she said my name. "You two seem very close them; we can even say you two might be their best friends. If you two are still here, it will make it so much harder for us to make Exo notice and fall for us."

"So, what, you're trying to say is that you want us gone?" said Elle.

"You're pretty smart." she said. "Grab them!" she yelled.

The man behind us attempt to attack us, but it's not going to be that easy. Elle and I know how to fight.

"Do the honours." Elle said.

"With pleasure." I smirked. I used a lot of force and did a side kick right onto his abdomen. He was clutching it in pain, and was practically in the fetus position on the ground.

"Nice." Elle high-fived me.

Seeing that the girls won't try to get their hands dirty, we try to run out of the alley.

"Not so fast. You think I came unprepared? Come on out boys." said the tall girl.

Oh crap… I don't think we'll be as lucky anymore… Men coming from hiding spots at the end of the alley, and men coming into the alley were approaching us.

"Good luck." Elle mumbled to me.

"You too. We'll need it." I mumbled back.

I thought Elle would try to attack the men first, but surprisingly, she went for the tall girl instead and did a harsh spin kick to her face.

The girl obviously yelped in pain, clutching her now badly bruised face.

"Your cocky attitude annoys the hell out of me." said Elle and glaring at her. 

"DON'T LET THEM GET AWAY!" yelled the girl. Back to back, I face the men coming into the alley, as Elle face the ones coming from the back.

The men start approaching us, but right from the start, some got hurt by us easily. Several kicks here, several punches there, and soon enough one falling down after another. Several arm twisting here and there… Boy, they're weaklings.

I have to admit, I'm really glad I took that self-defense class with Elle. It actually came in handy.

I think I might have jinxed everything. The five remaining men took out knives.

"…" mumbled Elle.

This is going to be so much harder now. The chances of us winning are getting lower and lower now.

Now, it was really no mercy. The other men were probably going easy on us since we're girls, but now… By the looks in their eyes, I know we're really finished this time. We can't give up though; we have to fight to the end.

You have to be much more alert due to their weapons. One slight moment of distraction and you could be dead.

I managed to avoid all the knife slashing so far. Elle managed to disarm one guy and use the knife handle to knock him in the head. Okay, four more to go… We might be able to get out of this alive if things continue like this.

Realizing their strategy is not going well by attacking invidually, I think they started teaming up. Their attack's succession is much more fast and fluid now.

At some point, one grabbed me by the neck. I struggle out of his grasp, but he was way too strong.

"Finally. Took you long." the tall girl said to the man. She approached me and asked the man for his knife.

She first punched me in the stomach with a lot of force and said: "This is for being best friends with Kai."

I was seeing it coming, but I did not expect the pain to be so excruciating.

"That was for being all lovey-dovey with my Kris." she said with fury. She threw the blood-stained knife to the ground and wiped her hands on the man's suit.

"Throw her on the ground, and make sure she gets scratches." ordered the girl.

Everything was happening so fast. The next thing I knew, I was already on the ground clutching onto my wound in attempt to stop the bleeding. I knew my arms were scraped, but there was nothing worse than the cut on my abdomen. I knew it wasn't a deep cut, but still, it hurt like hell. I was starting to feel dizzy, but I tried to force myself to stay as conscious as possible.

"AEMI!" Elle called out, which distracted her from her opponents. She got hit brutally by three men.

"Get up." she spoke to me in French. She probably didn’t want others to hear what we're saying. Good thing we learned French at school. "We're not far away from the busy streets. Get up and run right now. I know you got a bad wound, but you should have enough strength to go get help. Run right now, and yell for help."

"What about you?" I asked her worriedly.

"Have I ever lost a fight before?" she said confidently. "Just go. There's no use of you staying here anyways."

I got up and followed her instructions. The pain was pretty bad, but I ran away anyways. The girl called out her men to stop me, but I was already gone from the alley. I turned at the corner and started to see much more people.

"HELP!" I tried to yell, but I wasn't even sure if the word came out of my mouth. I collapsed from exhaustion and pain on the ground. I hope Elle will be okay…


"This movie … Who bought this DVD anyways?" I said.

"Our manager… And yes it . Just like the other movies he gave us." said Chanyeol.

"I guess this DVD will be at the bottom of the box, along with the rest of his movies." laughed Luhan.


Oh! Aemi's calling me. I wonder if she got lost.

"Hey Aemi what's up?" I said casually.

However, on the other line, it wasn't Aemi. The person was speaking fluent Korean. I listen attentively what she was saying…

"Okay, I understand. Thank you." I hung up not long after.


Kai had a very serious, and shocked face after his phone call.

"What's wrong Kai?" I asked him.

"Aemi…" he whispered.

"What’s up with Aemi? She got lost or something?" asked Baekhyun.

"No… She's at the hospital right now."

After hearing that sentence, I felt my heart sink a thousand miles into the ocean. 

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TheDanceMachine #1
Chapter 16: Why Kai? Why can't you see?? D: YOU'RE JEALOUS BECAUSE YOU LOVE AEMI!!!

*rage attack ended*

I really hope that it'll turn out fine for everyone, so much heartbreak... :( Really looking forward for the next chap! ^^ Please update soon author-nim~
iLoveSJ01 #2
Chapter 14: Aww Kai....TT.TT I knew it you would get hurt :((
Kris...uhmm..Idk...but Kris is too clingy and blunt :))) Maybe I'm like Aemi who doesn't like those straightforward kind of guys...
Chapter 14: Kris & Aemi's date wasn't that bad... Though poor Kai >.< He has to see all that D:
Chapter 14: Ugh i hope Elle will have her happy ending. it doesnt matter if it's with kris or any other guy, just as long as she gets her happy ending. she deserves it. ;(
TheDanceMachine #5
Chapter 13: Cute plushies~ :3 Liked the Christmas spirit in the chappie (since it's Christmas and all xD)!!
Hwaiting for more updates so please update soon author-nim <3
KimEmiLee #6
Chapter 13: The plushies <333333
_BangLo #7
Chapter 12: update soon author nim! ^^
xoxoHISTORYxoxo #8
Chapter 12: Uh oh... Kris and Aemi's date.... Awkward :$