"Dino Face & gwiyeoun gwoemul"


Ah-reum’s p.o.v

So basically my omma told me to meet jonghyun and obviously I can’t say no to omma. She gave me an address and said to go there when she calls …like when she calls? Not like I’m dyeing to meet him or anything. *sarcastic laugh*   I’ve been going through my suite case to find something to wear and my hotel room is a mess …clothes everywhere. Should I look more cute and make a nice first expression or be a “ bad girl”. Err! What should I wear? After searching a lot, I managed to pick a black and crème colour dress with some sandals. I just finished tying my short hair into a loose bun when my phone  started to vibrate.



“ah ah-reum-ah are you ready, you better have worn something nice and don’t you dare wear jeans and t-shirt!” she blurted out with no pauses.

“omma!...omma!.. calm down and talk slowly or you’re going to start coughing again, and omma …. IM NOT MARRYING HIM! Just going to meet him.com…ok” ah-reum why bring up that topic again. Pabo!

“ *laugh* *laugh* ah-reum-ah I was just kidding you really take things seriously “ god help me sometimes I feel like I’m the responsible one and omma is my child.!!!

“omma cut the crap and are you at the hospital right?”

“ahh. Aniyah I’m shopping with your ee-mo and Sodam …it felt stuffy in the hospital so they took me out”         gosh does my mother ever listen…………   

“ arraso…arraso but don’t walk around to much and lose your breath …OK?”

“ I won’t don’t worry and its gonna be dark soon so go….”   ????

“go where?”

“pabo to meet jonghyun” oh oh but why are they “omma and her ‘best friend’ ee-mo  making me meet him like were going on a date?

“ ok omma I’m hanging up” I shut the phone and put it into my shoulder bag .then, I went outside and caught a taxi to take me to the address.

------------------------------------------------------LONG RIDE------------------------------------------------------

Listen to = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjNlEk85eA0

When the taxi stopped I paid the driver and slowly opened the door. It seemed like some private restaurant. I walked in and a waiter led me upstairs onto the balcony. There was a table in the middle with a glass pot set in the middle. I saw a red rose in the pot and that’s when I stopped to realise. HAVE I JUST BEEN SET UP ON A BLID DATE BY MY MOTHER! Err !! Otokke? Anyway, cant back out now. I sat down on the chair and the sun had already started to set. On the sides of the balcony there were two lamps , white light. He hadn’t come yet and I’m guessing since he’s an idol it must be his song playing loudly. Nice voice though? Don’t remember him singing when we were younger………………………………………….. Jonghyun’s p.o.v

Listen to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDfX8rFWKak

After I had finished the star king shooting I kind of ….umm…abandoned my member’s since omma called and told me to go to some restaurant and said that I didn’t need to cover my face. Anyway after getting key who was literally clinging to me to tell him where I was going I managed to reach the hotel . I walked in and the waiter told me to go upstairs.  I slowly walked up the stairs and went up to the balcony……………………………………………………………………

I was slowly walking when I saw her………and stopped…..is the “her” who I think it is? Why does her back view look so familiar?   Her hair was tied in a bun and the gentle breeze made bits loose. Before I said anything she turned around. ……………. *jaw drop* she’s so beautiful. Why won’t she be when her names means beautiful. Err what are you thinking right now KIM JONGHYUN! Stupid thoughts…

“ummm….anong” she said standing up , with a quite shy voice “ are you….jonghyun”

“uhh? Uh neh and your ah-reum I’m guessing *laugh*” I sat down on the seat opposite her’s and she sat back down to. Now were just looking at our self’s awkwardly. EHAT HAPPENED TO THE PLAYBOY JONGHYUN?

“ its been a long time right? We were kids back then”

“ yeah been long so……don’t remember much” she said biting her bottom lip. TALK ABOUT BEING Y AND AWKWARD.

“ me to……” why am I trying to scan her?

“soo….you.. how did you think of becoming an idol?”

“umm…molla ..i guess I just ….felt comfortable when doing music….anyway when did you comeback to korea?”

“ yesterday ……………………..are you in a group?” she said with a slight smile

“ our name is SHINee …5 of us including mee” I said showing five finger’s

“ how old are…. 24 right” *laugh*

“you…your one year younger ….heheheee…..”    awkward AGAIN. Why are we meeting like were dating?!   “Anyway do you want to eat anything?”

“Ummm…not really ..Do you?”  

“no….” “ oh then instead of here lets go somewhere else huh?”  I said without thinking were we can actually go .

“ arraso …where do you want to go…ah! But I’m wearing a dress soooo… no WERE WHERE IT’LL BE AWKARD”       wow big personality change.  She looked up into my eyes and gave deep but cute glares.

“ *laugh*  but you did ….kind ‘ah’ …overdo it with the dress” now the glares are deeper. Such a cute, angry face. I’m guessing I will enjoy my time with this little cute monster. Such a ‘gwiyeoun (cute) goemul (monster) .

“bwoh?!!!, why are you looking at me like that , not like what your wearing is pretty.” She said pointing at me.

(What Jonghyun’s wearing)

“ hahaha anyway where do you wanna go , I’ll have to get a cap or something to hide my face?”  her face still looks angry. Shouldn’t of said something about the dress jonghyun. Ok calmed down face…good J

“ oyi lets go to the  jimjilbang (karaoke place) huh?, it’s been so long since I went .”   what does she not know who I AM. How can I go there? Even with a hat on I’ll be caught.

“yah are you a pabo!” “goemul” I mumbled the last bit .

“ bwoh goemul! What then what are you… BLOODY DINO FACE! A damn idol who thinks of himself as………….. yah”  ok I can’t take her anymore. Before she finished her stupid sentence I got up and grabbed her hand , dragging her down stairs. MAN….her expressions are priceless *evil laugh*

When I got to the bottom of the stairs , she pulled her hand out of mine. Man she’s got some force.

“what do you think your!!!!…..” no I said I can’t keep up with her slow pace. How can someone so pretty have a voice this loud? Before she finished her sentence I put my hand over and pinned her to the wall. On the other side of that wall…. don‘t know exactly how many people know me. What if they hear and come check it out…………... her lips are covered by my hands and the only thing I see is her eyes……………..

Ah-reum’s p.o.v

Err! First grabs my hand WITHOUT PERMISSION. THEN puts his hand over my mouth and pin’s me to the wall WITHOUT PERMISSION! Does this guy have some sort of a free skin-ship pass?!

“ let GO!” I said mumbling into his hands

“bwoh?” he said moving his face closer to me trying to hear. He really must be dumb……..ottoke?!!.........I can feel his breathing against the tip of my nose. Why is my heart………………..racing ?

“let go of me!” I managed to mumble louder. He let go but his face was still really close to mine. Our eyes are just still looking into each other’s. his face close up looks so much like in the photos of when we were younger . except that he has white hair and much cleaner skin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

“umm….jonghyun-shi . *cough* I think you better get going, the restaurant is getting busy and someone might …..recognise you” the waiter came in distracting us from our ‘awkward moment’ . he pulled away and I patted of my dress.

“ ahh. Neh we were just about to leave…” he said before grabbing my hand AGAIN and dragging me out. He had a white car , not sure of the model and don’t care since it belongs to stupid MR DINO. “ yah where are we going?!” I said letting go of his hand.

“since we can’t go anywhere else but some private club ….i don’t know because I don’t wanna go clubbing…..lets just go to my dorm and EAT!”   clubbing sounds so fun but this dino dose NOT WANT TO GO APPARENTLY!

“let’s just go clubbing, I’ve never been clubbing in Seoul “ I said whilst he opened the car door for me. How nice. NOT. He pushed me in. he grabbed my seatbelt and leaned over me to put it in

 ” no clubbing go when you are not with KIM JONGHYUN!” he said looking …more like giving me the evils. He shut my door hardly and it made a big thud noice. He walked over and sat on his car seat.

“ I thought you weren’t hungry  so why do you want to got to your stupid dorm and eat?!”

“ back then, I was being nice and agreeing with you . OK. Why you ask? Well because I thought you were some nice girl..OK…now spending around an extra 45 minutes with you ….no no.. mind’s changed “ he said and I copied the way his mouth was moving so fast. Man why does he talk so fast and so loud …..and he was telling me. ….. if only I could pin him against his car seat and put my HAND ON HIS DAMN MOUTH! ……………………..No ….NO that seems weirdly seductive. Stop thinking ah-reum.

“don’t copy …are you a kid”

“Yes I’m a kid …you got a problem?, at least I’m not a dino face” I said trying to secretly.

Jonghyun’s p.o.v

“hahaha your so funny …. At least I’m not a goemul (monster) “  I wanted to say the gwiyeoun (cute) part but no, im trying to defend myself here!


Anyway , after our stupid little fight in the car. We managed to make it to my or as I say “shinee’s dorm”. Man, it seems like I’ve known her since ages. Hopefully she doesn’t create another disastrous  fight here now ………….



(  Author’s )

Ok finally managed to update. So did you like this chapter and if you did please comment. Subscribe and please give me idea’s for future chapter’s it will help lots. And thanks to @SuperZhoumi17 for giving me the idea of them meeting in some restaurant. Thanks . plzzz subscribe . *pretty please* and friend me :) 

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ilabya16 #1
Chapter 14: Awww Dino Face is starting to have feelings for her
Chapter 13: i think the flashes are cameras.... obviouslyy
Chapter 13: Ahhhhhhhh......they are so sweet...
update soon
But finish all your homework first
Chapter 12: Awww cutiepiess
Chapter 12: Kyaaaaa!!!!
I love all of your chapters...
Update soon ^-^
Chapter 11: Every chapter you write i love themm. What if when they went to the Hello Kitty Cafe and it was so crowded he lost Ah-reum? Woaahh i wonder how thats going to turn out. :)
Chapter 10: Loll i think in the next chapter you should make them spend the whole day together and they actually enjoyed it hehe i wonder how thats going to work out.
Chapter 9: Loll i cant breathee this was hilariousss!! And i think in your next fanfic you should put like big bang super junior f(x) snsd 2ne1 shinee b1a4 teen top stuff like that :)
Chapter 8: Lol i thought this one was hilarious and dont worry im here for you :)