Fluffy Lift Talk



Ahreum's POV
When we came back from hello kitty cafe we made our way back to SHINee's dorm building.
"Is taemin going to be inside?" I questioned as we enerted the lift.
"Pabo It's a suprise party...key took him out to eat" he ruffled my hair as I flinched. There is one thing I hate the most in this world and that is people ruffling , messing up or even touching my hair! My dark black hair is not to be touched by anyone. Not even Kim Jonghyun. Even though his fans would die just for this.
"Ahreum... After a few days lets go meet Lee Soo Man Sunbae-nim" he looked at me as he rested againts the lift wall.
"To clear up things about the stupid marriage thingy.......... Has ee-mo said anything since that day?" He took his time in a slightly quiet voice.
"No...I gave my phone to you so I couldn't contact her.....omma is at home and appa said he would come by to look after her" The atmosphere suddenly became dull. I had forgotton all about this stupid marriage thing. He had to bring it up again.
"Jonghyun" I said in a quiet voice and leaned againts the lift, next to him.
"I-I-If omma and e-ee-mo are being s-s-s" ! I wish the doctors could find some cure for stammering!! Why god? Why me?
"Ah-reum since when did your stammer get so bad?" He wispered sofly and gave me a cute smile. I swear dinosaurs were scary? I wish I could roar like one so then I wouldn't stammer.
"U-umm m-m-"
Jonghyun's POV
"Yah caml down and then talk" I put my hands on her shoulders, making her face me. Aww she looks like a lost puppy with her cheeks bloated up like that.
"I-Im saying...... I-If their being....s-s- .... erious...I" she despretely tried getting her words out. It must be wierd having a speaking dis-order. She looks cute though, stammering. Lost in her own thoughts in search for words. Heehee☺
"Aww?" She her lips. She looks like an inoccent child.
"Aigoo come here you little gwiyeoun goemul" I said as I put my arms around her waist and pulled her in for a hug. I rested my head on her shoulder as she put her arms around me.
"Mian-hae" She whispered againts my chest. Whats on her mind?
"I-i was saying if omma and ee-mo are being s-s-serious... I-It might ruin y-your career" she spoke so quietly and I could feel her breath againts my chest. Im guessing she has problem with her S's then. Heehee
"Dont worry...my career wont get ruined...and even if it does..." I lifted her head and met her eyes. "You can debut and give me the money hahaha"
"YAH!" She sighed and hit my back.
"Owwwhh... Pabo hajima"
"N-Naega debut s-ss-shiro ( I dont want to debut )" she tightened the hug. I have heard her sing before and she can (mostly likely) hit higher notes than me.
I was just about reply when a sudden ping caught our attention. The lift door was wide open and so were our eyes but suddenly shut tight as bright flashes of light hit us.
A/n What do you think the flashes are? DandanDan!! Who will be outside the lift or what?? Heehee i just wanted to update since i might not update soon. Im planning on finishing summer homework Urghh! Who gets homework in the summer man!!! Anyways comment and subscribe<3☺ sorry i know this chapie is short.
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Urghh Just lost the pic for the forward page!!


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ilabya16 #1
Chapter 14: Awww Dino Face is starting to have feelings for her
Chapter 13: i think the flashes are cameras.... obviouslyy
Chapter 13: Ahhhhhhhh......they are so sweet...
update soon
But finish all your homework first
Chapter 12: Awww cutiepiess
Chapter 12: Kyaaaaa!!!!
I love all of your chapters...
Update soon ^-^
Chapter 11: Every chapter you write i love themm. What if when they went to the Hello Kitty Cafe and it was so crowded he lost Ah-reum? Woaahh i wonder how thats going to turn out. :)
Chapter 10: Loll i think in the next chapter you should make them spend the whole day together and they actually enjoyed it hehe i wonder how thats going to work out.
Chapter 9: Loll i cant breathee this was hilariousss!! And i think in your next fanfic you should put like big bang super junior f(x) snsd 2ne1 shinee b1a4 teen top stuff like that :)
Chapter 8: Lol i thought this one was hilarious and dont worry im here for you :)