He lost his game

Love Game



     And it was just another day where Daehyun moped on the couch and poured his heart out about Eunseo to his BAP friends. They were all almost getting sick of it, except the maknaes, who were trying their best to help their hyung. 

"Jung Daehyun, how about we just go to the club, and drink, and just get over all this?" Himchan nudged Daehyun. Daehyun shifted his body in the couch so his face was planted in the couchs cusion. 

"No." Daehyun said and it made his friends gasp. 

"There is something very wrong with him.." Youngjae shook his head and sighed. Yongguk patted, or hit, Daehyun's back and chuckled. 

"Come on, she's not into you anyways, you can find a better girl!" Yongguk sincerly comforted his dongsaeng for the first time. Daehyun groaned and sat up slowly and looked at the leader. 

"Yeah, you're right. I'm Jung Daehyun!" Daehyun high fived Yongguk and Himchan. He smiled and let out a small sigh. 

"Yeah!! You don't need that hot noona named Kim Eunseo." Zelo said obliviously. Youngjae facepalmed himself when Daehyun began moping again. And the other hyungs gave Zelo death glares, and Jongup patted Daehyun's back like usual.

"Whyyyyyyyyyyyy? Why doesn't she want me? I'm so cool and irresistable." Daehyun 

"OK. This is it. You need to stop whinining, something is wrong with her if she doesn't like you! That's right, you're Jung Daehyun, you could find a better girl in a heartbeat." Youngjae slapped sense into Daehyun. Literally, Youngjae smacked Daehyun's face while he blinked blankly. 

"Youngjae has a point Daehyun! Many girls have been asking for you at the clubs I've been to." Himchan wiggled his eyebrows and Daehyun looked up and smirked. 

"Fine, I'll try to forget---" Daehyun averted his eyes down. *Eunseo.* He thought to himself. 


     Instead of sitting next to Junhyung like she usually does in her sculpting class, she sat three seats infront of him. She figured she would ignore him and do the project alone, and if they don't let her do that, she'll put someone's name on it and give them half credit, anything was better than having to talk to Junhyung. That would involve explaining to him what had happened that night, or him explaining to her what happened that night, and she didn't want drama, so she took the easy way and avoided him. 

"You all do realize that we have one and a half week left? Hurry and get it done if you haven't started." The teacher said. That seemed to be the cue, everyone ran to their partners and already took out their on going creation. Eunseo sighed and stared at the cieling blankly. She thought of someone. 


*Was I being to harsh on him?* 

*He did help me a few times.* 

*And he confessed that he does like me.* 

*But I can't date him, I can't.* Eunseo sighed once again and she felt someone tap her shoulder. She turned her head to the right and saw Junhyung staring at her, with a small bruise on his cheek. 

*Hmph. Looks like Junhyung won the fight.* Eunseo raised and eyebrow and looked back at the cieling. 

"Eunseo, can I explain?" Junhyung asked timidly. Eunseo did not make any movement. She just blinked and sighed. 

"I don't need an explanation. So just leave me alone." Eunseo told him coldly. Junhyung furrowed his eyebrows. 

"I need to tell you what really happened so I don't seem like the bad guy." Junhyung said quietly. Eunseo then snapped her head towards him and glared, she really wasn't in the mood of seeing him or Daehyun.

"I don't care. Leave me alone now." Eunseo said and Junhyung continued staring at Eunseo. 

"That guy just--" 

While Junhyung talked, Eunseo got a text. She opened it while he was still talking about what happened and it read ;

"Look at the door." 

She looked at the front of the classroom and her eyes directed towards the door. Her expression lightened and she got up. Junhyung grabbed her arm and pleaded with his eyes. 

"I have to go now." Eunseo smiled and walked down the steps. "Thanks oppa. You saved me from Junhyung." Eunseo told Gikwang. Gikwang smirked and they walked out of the campus doors. 

"Where do you wanna go?" Gikwang asked. "I wanna eat ice cream." Gikwang told her. 

"Then let's eat ice cream." Eunseo said and they got into his car. 


"I thought you said he was cool." Eunseo scrunched her nose thinking about Junhyung. "He's a total loser." Eunseo muttered. Gikwang shrugged his shoulders and waved the spoon around as he talked. 

"Well, he has a reputation, but what people don't know is, he gets dumped a lot." Gikwang told Eunseo and she laughed. "Oh yeah, what about Daehyunnie? I heard about the fight." Gikwang said curiously. Eunseo faked a cough and averted her eyes to the floor. 

"Well, I thanked him then rejected him." Eunseo said. Gikwang gasped and flicked her forehead. 

"YAH. It probably took him a lot of guts to confess. You heartless child." Gikwang scolded her. Eunseo rubbed her forehead and ate her ice cream quietly. 

"I've already done that to the past guys. What does it matter?" Eunseo bluntly said and Gikwang flicked her forehead once again. 

"Because Daehyun is different from the other guys, he's actually making a big effort to make you like him, the other guys just tried one time, failed and gave up." Gikwang clicked his tongue at her. She rolled her eyes. 

"So." She mumbled and he shook his head. 

"You always push people away." Gikwang sighed. "I think Daehyun is a good guy actually, he'd be perfect for you--" 

"Ok. Stop. It's done. I have no feelings for him, and he's done. End." Eunseo argued with Gikwang back and he reached out to flick her forehead again but she slapped his hand away. "Just leave me alone." She mumbled and walked out of the ice cream shop. 

"Aigoo. That girl." He muttered. *Whenever you feel people caring about you it's always ; Leave me alone. You need to understand someone will eventually love you and not leave you alone stupid.* Gikwang ate his ice cream angrily. 


Later that night ~

"So, if you like someone tell me, I'll get a background check on them okay?" Himchan told Daehyun over the loud music. Daehyun nodded and held up and 'ok' sign. With that, Himchan disappeared into the crowd.

"I should go home and see if the boys are doing fine." Youngjae was about to turn to leave but Yongguk stopped him by pulling onto his sleeve. 

"Don't worry about the maknaes. I'm sure they're sleeping or something." Daehyun said, whilst his eyes scanning the room blankly. Youngjae sighed. "You have to stay here, out of us four, you're the smartest." Daehyun whispered to Youngjae. Youngjae smirked and looked at Yongguk. The leader was trying to open up a beer, but failed and failed. 

What was unlike Daehyun, was that instead of going around and hitting up nearly every girl in the club. He was in an isolated area, enjoying his drink. Youngjae besides him, and Yongguk was lost somewhere half drunk. 

"That girl keeps staring at you Dae." Youngjae muttered to Daehyun. Daehyun looked across the room and his eyes widened. 

"Crap. That's my ex girlfriend." He whispered and quickly hid his face with his hand. Youngjae's eyes also rounded. 

"Son...Minji??" Youngjae gasped. "That is crazy. She may be rich and pretty, but she's insane." Youngjae turned his back so she wouldn't see them. 

Too late. She was already walking towards them. 

"I'm gonna sneak somewhere else, you stay here and tell her I went to take a piss." Daehyun whispered to Youngjae. Youngjae held onto Daehyun's arm. 

"Are you crazy too? She---"

"Byeee ~." Daehyun ran off. Youngjae cursed under his breath and faked a smile at the approaching Minji. 


"Yah, Jung Daehyun!" Himchan called out. Daehyun cocked his head and saw Himchan with many girls around him. 

Daehyun smirked and walked towards the couch. 

"Jung Daehyun? Hul. I heard he got rejected by this other girl." One girl whispered. Daehyun froze infront of them. 

*Rejected. Rejected by Eunseo. Kim Eunseo.* Daehyun thought. Himchan coughed loudly and told Daehyun to sit. Daehyun sat at a seat at the very edge and a girl slightly moved away from him. *What the. Why is she moving away?* Daehyun thought as he looked at the girls drooling over Himchan. 

"Uhm, Daehyun is really good at singing." Himchan brought up. Girls just stared at Daehyun blankly. 

"Is it true?" A girl asked. Daehyun perked up. 

"I guess, I am pretty good at sing--" 

"I mean is it true you got rejected?" She asked. Daehyun blinked. 

"Who was that girl again? Ah, Kim Eunseo. Aish. She's so cold, but it's hard to hate her since she has so many skills." A girl snapped her fingers. Daehyun felt like he was growing smaller and smaller. 

"Only losers go after her, half of them know that they won't get her, yet they still go after her. Idiots." A girl seated next to Himchan scoffed. Himchan silently drank his wine and glaned at Daehyun. 

"Psh. Me? Rejected by Kim Eunseo? You guys must have me mistaken. I'm Jung Daehyun. The truth is, she chased after me numerous times but I told her she's too clingy." Daehyun rolled his eyes and girls looked at each other unsure. 

"Hey, let's leave girls." One girl said and got up. Daehyun and Himchan looked at the with curious eyes. 

"W-why?" Himchan asked. 

"There are even videos of you yelling at her because she refused to date you." Another girl spoke. 

Daehyun remembered that time he trapped Eunseo between his arms and told her useless things. 

"Pathetic." The last girl muttered and shook her head at Daehyun. Daehyun was already gone. He was already so small he felt like he could disappear any moment. 

Himchan tried to get Daehyun to ask out a girl but he stayed silent. He just sat there, staring before him, his lips weren't moving but his mind was jumbled, with thoughts, of Kim Eunseo. The girl that caused all this. 


They all went home and Daehyun went straight to his room, without a word, without eye contact. It seemed he was a walking zombie. Himchan sighed. The maknaes ran to Himchan and Youngjae, since Yongguk was passed out on the floor. 

"What happened to hyung?" Zelo asked. 

"Oh, well first he drank four bottles of beer, then he danced Gangnam style in the middle of the dance floor, after that--" 

"Not Yongguk hyung, Daehyun hyung!!!" Zelo furrowed his eyebrows. Jongup stared at the passed out leader and shook his head. 

"Oh, Daehyun. Aigoo. He lost his game." Himchan shook his head. 

"He'll eventually recover from this. It's his first time being rejected, not like he won't ever get a girlfriend again." Youngjae rolled his eyes. "Ah, his ex girlfriend said she's gonna find him." Youngjae shivered at the thought of her. 

"Minji??" Himchan gasped. "Ew. That girl is nuts. She ate soup with a fork!" Himchan blinked.

"That's not the worse thing she's done idiot." Youngjae mumbled. 

"Well, we have to fix this." Jongup suddenly said. 

"How? The gossip that the great Jung Daehyun got rejected will go around, and girls will lose interest, and Eunseo doesn't want him either. There's nothing we could do now." Youngjae shrugged and went to his room. Zelo pouted. 

*I'm sure she's thinking of Daehyun right now...she has to be.* Jongup thought. 


"So, you aren't interested in me?" Daehyun asked with disappointed eyes. Eunseo sighed.

"Nope." Eunseo said with a small smile.

"Why?" Daehyun asked. 

"Because to me, you were simply just a person at the club. Nothing more. So stop making a big deal out of things and go." Eunseo said and pushed him away. 


He looked at her strangly and smiled. 

"I don't know. This is weird. I've never been treated with banana milk before." Daehyun chuckled. 


"Why do you hate me so much? Did I do something to make you hate me?" Daehyun knit his eyebrows together. Eunseo gave him a look. 

"Just your existence alone is bothersome." Eunseo muttered. 

Both, Eunseo and Daehyun were thinking about each other. They had some moments, but then she pushed him away, and he got angry at her for that. 

One question that they both wanted to know the answer of : Why can't I get you out of my head?



A/N : HELLO Love game readers. Erm, this story might be rushed and short, but it's because I'm getting ready to write another Daehyun story. It's called ; From Two Different Worlds. So incase you finish this story and wanna read more Daehyun stories, it'll be up soon ^-^ Okayssss bye! 


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Baekna #1
eyesthatsing #3
Chapter 15: Such a nice story! I totally smiled, laughed, and gasped while reading this
eyesthatsing #4
Chapter 8: I just wanna say I wish I've discovered this story long ago ^^
Chapter 13: Nooo. Lets have them have babies LOL.
My two top biases in one fanfic. I look forward to this.
shhh_its_me #7
Chapter 4: HAHHAHAHA
Gukkie's eyebrows ~
daehyun, nice try .
update soon ^^
shhh_its_me #8
Chapter 3: hahah
yongguk was so adorable in this chapter xD
oooohh ~ Daehyun got rejected, what is he gonna do?
shhh_its_me #9
Chapter 1: keep going ~
youre going fabulously :D
OuO it sounds interesting c: ~