Rejected ..

Love Game



    "Eunseo noona. Eunseo noona. Wake up." 

Eunseo heard. She got up and realized she wasn't in her bed. Eunseo checked to see if she had all her clothes on and let out a relieved sigh. 

She then looked across from her and saw Jongup sitting across the room from her. 

"Uh...hey Jongup." Eunseo said while scratching her head. " nothing happened..between us right?" Eunseo asked awkwardly. Jongup laughed and shook his head. Eunseo then let out another relieved sigh. 

"Do you remember what happened last night?" Jongup asked with his head tilted sideways. Eunseo blinked and tried hard to rethink any events or mistakes she did last night. 

"Not really. Why? What did I do?" Eunseo grabbed her head and looked at Jongup with a flustered expression. 

"Well, it's nothing bad but, you told Daehyun hyung stuff." Jongup smiled. Eunseo's eyes widened and she looked around. 

"What stuff??!" Eunseo questioned. 

*. Kim Eunseo what did you do?* She thought to herself as she bit her lip. 

"Well, you'll just have to talk to Daehyun hyung about it." Jongup grinned and stood up to leave. Eunseo grabbed onto his shirt and looked up at him. 

"Please no..." Eunseo begged. Jongup sighed and patted her head. 

"Don't worry. I'm proud of you for opening up." Jongup said and left the room with the door closed. 

A few minutes later the door was knocked on. 

Eunseo got off the bed and saw Daehyun with a calm expression on his face, different from his usual faces. 


"Thank you." Daehyun suddenly said. Eunseo looked at him with confused eyes. 

"For what?" She said. 

"Confessing." Daehyun said bluntly with his hands in his pockets. 

*EUNSEO YOU CONFESSED?! HOW STUPID COULD YOU BE? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?* Eunseo nodded. "Oh." She then looked down to the floor. 

" thanks. All this time I've been chasing you, and got sick of it." Daehyun said with a cold expression. Eunseo's expression was started to darken. 

"What...are you trying to say?" Eunseo asked, crossing her arms to put up a cold front. 

"I'm saying I don't have those feelings for you anymore. I've moved on now. You're right, love is stupid." Daehyun raised an eyebrow. 

*I just got rejected.* Eunseo felt her cheeks getting red. *I can't believe this.* Eunseo sighed. "Okay, not like I cared anyways. I understand, I just wanted to get it off my chest. And now that I have, I guess this is good bye." Eunseo said with her lips pursed together. She glanced at Daehyun and he opened the door for her. Eunseo's feet seemed to turn into stone, she just couldn't move. 

Apart of her, a big part of her, didn't want it to end like this. Daehyun was the first guy for everything. 

He was the first guy to go after her like that. 

He was the first to take her on a date. 

He was her first kiss. 

He was the first guy she's ever confessed to.

And he was the first guy to tell her he loves her. 

Now everything is over. Eunseo was too late, and she was the one to blame. 


    And just like before, Eunseo spent her days in her bed, moping and regretting. 

She was hating Daehyun, but then at the same time missing him. 

"Eunseo-ah." Gikwang tried to lift the blanket off of her but she just moved about. 

"Ever heard of knocking??!" Eunseo asked in an angry tone. 

"Uh, there's no door." Gikwang loooked back at the door frame, he still hadn't fixed the door after he'd kicked it down. 

"Well...go fix it then.." Eunseo said. Gikwang rolled his eyes. 

"Please Eunseo. You're acting like a teenager. Let's just get up and talk about it like civilized adults." Gikwang said, making Eunseo stifle a laugh.  

"You know neither of us are adults." Eunseo said through the muffled sheets. 

"I know. But come on, let me get in there then!" Gikwang said, making his way into the blanket. 

It was dark underneath but Gikwang could hear her breathing and he felt her tears on the pillow. 

"Tell oppa what happened." Gikwang said as he got himself comfy. Eunseo sighed and shut her eyes tight. 

"I got rejected." She said, he gasped and she hit him. "I was drunk last night right? So, the confession kind of slipped out of my mouth." Eunseo said with a pout. Gikwang rubbed her back and sighed. 

"It's okay. You can find someone else." Gikwang said and got off the bed. "Now stop being a wimp and get up." Gikwang told her. Eunseo pulled the blanket off of her face and furrowed her eyebrows at him. 

"HEY!" Eunseo yelled. Gikwang turned back and blinked at her. 

"What?" He asked. 

"I thought you'd give better advice than that." Eunseo said. 

Gikwang smirked. "Well, I think Daehyun did the right thing rejecting you, after all the trouble he went through for you, then you just pushed him away cause of your selfishness. It's your fault Eunseo." Gikwang shook his head and walked out. 

Eunseo sighed once again. *He's right. It is my fault.* Eunseo just accepted reality and decided to move on with her life. 


(What's really happening?) 

"Hyung, did she buy it?" Jongup asked Daehyun, barging in his room. Daehyun nodded his head with a smirk. 

"Yeah." He said. "Now I have to figure out how to surprise her." Daehyun was in thinking mode. 

"What about taking her to Namsan tower?" Jongup asked. "A lot of couples go there." Jongup grinned. 

"No..Eunseo doesn't like doing what other couples do. She'd die because of the romantic things there." Daehyun twisted his lips and looked at Jongup. "Go call BAP in here for a meeting." Daehyun ordered Jongup. He walked up to the door, opened it and stuck his head out of the door. 

"HYUNGS! ZELO! COME INTO DAEHYUN HYUNG'S ROOM FOR A MEETING." Jongup shouted. Daehyun raised an eyebrow at him. 

"I could've done that." Daehyun blinked. 

"Then why didn't you?" Jongup asked. 

Both had an awkward silence. Then Yongguk bursted in the room while holding uncooked ramen in one hand and the packet in the other. 

"What's up?" He asked. 

"I was just in the middle of drying my hair." Himchan came in with a comb and the other hand on his hip. 

"And Youngjae hyung was helping me with my homework." Zelo also came in. 

"More like I was doing your homework." Youngjae muttered as he walked over to sit down next to Daehyun. 

"So?" Himchan asked. 

Daehyun grinned. "She confessed." Daehyun said. The other members blinked. 

"Who?" Yongguk began munching on his ramen. 

"Eunseo." Daehyun told them. As soon as they heard that, all of them clapped. 

"So you guys are together now?" Youngjae asked with a raised eyebrow. 

"Not exactly." Daehyun pointed at Youngjae. 

The members all shook their heads and sighed. 

"This isn't the first time it's happened." Himchan grumbled. 

"Well, I rejected her." Daehyun smirked. Yongguk then face palmed himeself and put one hand on Daehyun's shoulder. 

" had us doing so much for you to get her, now you're telling me you rejected her?" Yongguk said.

"Aish, this hyung.." Zelo crossed his arms. 

"No, I just tricked her." Daehyun chuckled. Himchan looked at Daehyun weirdly. 

"Jung Daehyun, what are you planning again?" Yougjae muttered. 

Daehyun heard him and eyed him playfully. "I'm planning to surprise her." Daehyun said. "Like, I'm gonna give her a surprise event and ask her to be my girlfriend." Daehyun said. 

"Right now she thinks Daehyun hyung hates her, so she really will be shocked." Jongup added. 

Yongguk then nodded his head. "Not bad..." 

"So, you're saying you want us to help set up the event right?" Youngjae raised an eyebrow at him and crossed his arms. 

Daehyun nodded happily. "Stop being grumpy and help me out would you?" Daehyun said. Youngjae sighed. 

"Fine fine." He said. 

"Okay, so what should we do?" Himchan asked excitedly. 




A/N: AHA. I was going to make this the last chapter but I figured it was too short o.e 

This ending reminds me of the ending of my other story, I live with this guy. I'll try not to make them similar if you've read that story cx. K baaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! :D


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Baekna #1
eyesthatsing #3
Chapter 15: Such a nice story! I totally smiled, laughed, and gasped while reading this
eyesthatsing #4
Chapter 8: I just wanna say I wish I've discovered this story long ago ^^
Chapter 13: Nooo. Lets have them have babies LOL.
My two top biases in one fanfic. I look forward to this.
shhh_its_me #7
Chapter 4: HAHHAHAHA
Gukkie's eyebrows ~
daehyun, nice try .
update soon ^^
shhh_its_me #8
Chapter 3: hahah
yongguk was so adorable in this chapter xD
oooohh ~ Daehyun got rejected, what is he gonna do?
shhh_its_me #9
Chapter 1: keep going ~
youre going fabulously :D
OuO it sounds interesting c: ~