First base? Fail.

Love Game


    "One iced mocha please." A young lady ordered. Eunseo nodded and walked into the baristas kitchen. 

"One iced mocha." She said with a monotone voice. 

"Ayyy, lighten up won't you. It's your birthday." Gikwang told her as he washed dishes. Eunseo sighed and grabbed white towels. 

"What's so good about birthdays?" She asked and busily walked off. Gikwang watched her clean off a table and wipe it down hard. 

"You're mad about something aren't you?" He asked with a smirk. He wiped his hands off and went to take a seat at the table she was wiping. 

"No." She said. 

"Then why the long face?" He asked with a pout. She stared at him blankly. 

"My face is always like this." She said and he tilted his head and studied her face. 

"No it isn't. It's usually like this." Gikwang showed a blank expression, Eunseo scoffed and threw the wet rag at his face. 

"Hurry up and finish the dishes." She told him and he mocked her and ran to the kitchen. 

"Mocha is done." Mr.Lee said and Eunseo's face got slightly surprised. 

*Asa. Last customer of the night.* She thought and handed the ice mocha to the lady. "Here you are. Enjoy your night." Eunseo bowed and the lady left with a smile. 

"Aish, Gikwang ah. You're so slow." His mom yelled at him and Eunseo shook her head with a small smirk. His mom whispered something to him and Eunseo furrowed her eyebrows. Gikwang saw her staring and smiled.

"Eunseo yah. Let's go." Gikwang hurriedly took off his apron and stripped Eunseo of hers.

"Go where?" She asked confused.

"To party. I know how you like drinking and music." Gikwang nudged her and she slightly smiled. 

"Okay. I need to get ready then.." She told him and he clapped his hands. 

"Ah, you're right. Maybe I can find her today!" Gikwang said with wide eyes, they both walked towards their apartment while chatting. 

"You're too young to find the right person." Eunseo told him. "Right now, we're still young, so just meet a lot of people and have fun." Eunseo said simply. Gikwang shook his head. 

"Nahh, girls shouldn't be treated like that. Neither should guys too." He said and Eunseo rolled her eyes. 

"It's good to have fun." She said and walked into the apartment. Gikwang patted her back. 

"Whatever. You go get dolled up and I'm gonna find my swag in my closet." Gikwang said. 

"What swag." Eunseo snickered and she began searching for the perfect birthday outfit. 

She had just turned nineteen, meaning she was getting to be closer and closer to being a full adult. Eunseo set her eyes on a sparkly black and silver dress that was strapless and went up to her knees. 

She tried it on and stared at her refletion. 

"Cute." Gikwang popped up at her doorway. She gasped and stared at him. 

"I don't know what shoes to wear with these." Eunseo told him and he puffed out his cheeks while fixing his belt. 

"The black pumps. Duh." Gikwang said and went back to his room. 


"We look y." Gikwang said as he stared at the mirror. Eunseo stuck out her tongue and clapped. 

"Let's go." She said and started pushing Gikwang out the door. 

"Okay, okay. We're going." He said and they got into his car. 


"Ah, perfect. Saturday night. Beautiful young girls, loud music, mixed drinks, and a dark club with neon lights." Gikwang smirked as he walked in the club. Eunseo also smiled widely as she saw the club. This was her kind of place, she's been going to clubs ever since she was fifteen. 

"Let's get drinks first, I need to loosen up." Gikwang said and he held onto Eunseo's hands as they walked towards the bar area. Many people were seated at tables with their friends and laughing. Eunseo smiled at a few guys on her way and they couldn't help but stare.

"Yeah, two of the usual please." Gikwang winked at the bartender, she nodded and and started to mix many beverages in two cups. She handed Gikwang his and he waved goodbye to Eunseo. She sipped on her drink and already felt the rush. The alcohol made her mind more relaxed and she sat at the bar, scanning for her new target. 

"Happy birthday Eunseo ah. We love you. Sorry I'm out late today. I'm busy..."

 The last thing she heard from her mom rang in her head. She blinked and drank more of the mixed alcohol. 

"This taste good. What is it?" Eunseo asked the bartender girl. 

"Vodka, lemon juice, tequila and jack's..." 

Eunseo turned around when she heard someone answer her question. She squinted and saw it was a young looking male with brown hair, almond eyes, a sharp nose and thick lips. 

"Uh, thanks." Eunseo smiled and she looked away. The guy still remained infront of her. He had his hands dug into his pockets and he was giving her a look of want. "I usually charge twenty dollars an hour so~" Eunseo shrugged as she stared at the guy. His mouth dropped open and he blinked. 

"Seriously?" He asked with side eyes. "I don't want that from you though." He smiled. 

"Oh, good. Because I don't do it with guys anyways." Eunseo said and drank another gulp of the drinl. 

"So, you like girls?" He asked. Eunseo almost spat out her drink on him. 

"No. No. No. I--no. I love guys." Eunseo said and he chuckled. 

"Okay. Good." The guy said and sat next to her. He whispered something to the bartender and she giggled and nodded. *Did he just flirt with me then another girl, right infront of me?* Eunseo questioned. with a raised eyebrow. 

"Do you have a boyfriend?" The guy suddenly asked. Eunseo shrugged. He furrowed his eyebrows at her with a grin. "How do you not know that? Don't tell me it's one of those 'it's complicated' relationships." The guy said. Eunseo shook her head as she stared into the guy's eyes. 

"No, I don't have time for relationships.." Eunseo said and she walked off. The guy blinked and something told him to follow her. Eunseo found Gikwang in the middle of the crowd and she began dancing with him. 

"Find someone?" Gikwang asked, Eunseo nodded with a smirk. 

"There he is." Eunseo pointed him out with her head and Gikwang saw him and nodded. 

"He looks different then your style." Gikwang said in her ear. 

"Does it matter? It's just one night anyways." Eunseo said and he caught her eye.

Daehyun's Pov ; 

"Aish, I don't care about her anymore, she's crazy." I told Youngjae and he nodded. I was ready to find another girl, one who won't call me every hour and doesn't talk about feelings. I smirked when I saw a girl walk in with a guy. 

"She just smiled at me dude. That girl just smiled at me!" Himchan said excitedly. I looked at the girl, she was beautiful. Perfect figure and cute face. 

"I like her." I said. Himchan punched my arm. 

"Yah, she's mine." Himchan said. I looked at him with a grin. 

"I bet I can get her number before you." I told him and he shook hands. 

"If you can, I'll buy your lunch for a week." Himchan hyung told me. 

So here I was ~ talking to this girl. She was cute, I wasn't going to deny that. I was going to make a move on her, but she then told me that she didn't have time for relationships. What. That's what girls I've met come here for, they all want to meet a nice guy and plan on marrying him. Ha. No. This girl was different and I was attracted instanstly. She left me alone without a name or number. She just walked off. Who dooes that to Jung Daehyun?? 

Later I see her dancing with some short guy. She was all over him it was hard to tell if they had a thing or not. I stared at her more. Her smoky eye makeup made her gaze look y, and those red lips I wanted to smash mine against.  Crap. When she looked at me in the eye like that I could tell I would have a the rest of the night. 

I walked up to her and locked her in my arms. The girl smiled at me with a cute grin. 

"I really want to kiss you right now." I told her. She smirked at me and stared at my lips. 

End of Pov

*I want to kiss you too..* Eunseo thought. *But I won't.* She smirked. 

"Wanna go somewhere with me?" The guy asked. Eunseo shrugged. 

"Why not." She said and he held her hand. For some reason, he was already starting to grow feelings for her.

He brought her in one of those private rooms. "Today's my birthday and it still ." Eunseo wasn't feeling any better and the alcohol wasn't having any effect on her. 

"It's your birthday? I can give you birthday se--" 

"I should leave now---" Eunseo said with a small grin. He held her back and stared at her. 

"Do you not like me?" He asked. "I feel like I did something wrong to you." He said. 

"Oh, you did nothing wrong." Eunseo smiled and she kissed Daehyun's cheek. 

"Hey, uh, can I have your number? You're just really someone I want to keep in touch with.." He suddenly asked. Eunseo shut her eyes before looking at the guy again. *I don't think he'll leave me alone if I don't* She bit her lip. 

"Sure." She said and wrote her number big on his arm. He grinned and tried to get Eunseo to talk more. 

"My name is Jung Daehyun by the way." He said. *Aish, why am I being like this??* He asked himself. 

"Well, I have to get---" Eunseo ran out the door and bumped into a drunk guy. He had a sheepish smile on when he saw Daehyun come out also. 

"Dude!!!! You actually got her number??!! Sweet. I owe you lunch for a weeeek now~~!!" Himchan said and Daehyun's eyes widened. Eunseo glanced at Daehyun then left without a word. 

"Hyung!" Daehyun pushed aside the drunk Himchan and tried to find her. He couldn't tell if she was hurt or not, her expression was blank and she didn't say anything. That's the affect Eunseo has. But on Daehyun, it was quite strong. *I didn't even get her name...* Daehyun panted. 

First base? FAIL.


A/n: sorry I at beginnings and endings (/.<) but i you'll continue reading ~ peace yo :D


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Baekna #1
eyesthatsing #3
Chapter 15: Such a nice story! I totally smiled, laughed, and gasped while reading this
eyesthatsing #4
Chapter 8: I just wanna say I wish I've discovered this story long ago ^^
Chapter 13: Nooo. Lets have them have babies LOL.
My two top biases in one fanfic. I look forward to this.
shhh_its_me #7
Chapter 4: HAHHAHAHA
Gukkie's eyebrows ~
daehyun, nice try .
update soon ^^
shhh_its_me #8
Chapter 3: hahah
yongguk was so adorable in this chapter xD
oooohh ~ Daehyun got rejected, what is he gonna do?
shhh_its_me #9
Chapter 1: keep going ~
youre going fabulously :D
OuO it sounds interesting c: ~