Me or him?

Love Game



    After a few days, Daehyun and Eunseo hadn't talked everytime they saw each other. And that was hard because they worked at the same place. Daehyun died of curiosity, wondering what happened that night when they both went to her apartment, alone. Just two college students, female and male, late at night, alone. What do you think would happen? Because Daehyun thought it all wrong and he was annoyed by it.

He was looking at Euseo from afar, her welcoming smile towards the customers, he was thinking about her more and more. Daehyun hesitated to ask Gikwang. Gikwang was happily counting money at the cash register. Gikwang and Eunseo were best friends, that means they tell each other everything right? Everything including the questions Daehyun asks about her. 

*Aish. This is making my brain hurt.* Daehyun pouted and scratched his head. 


"Daehyun-ah, we're going out for a lunch break wanna join?" Gikwang asked, flipping the 'closed' sign on the door. Eunseo then looked up from her phone and Daehyun caught her stare.

"No thanks hyung." Daehyun muttered and quickly made his way pass the cold staring Eunseo, and confused Gikwang.

"Well then, let's go." Gikwang told Eunseo and she followed him out.

   Meanwhile at BAP's headquarters...

"Yah, bastard. Why didn't ya tell us about this earlier?" Yongguk asked in a serious tone. Daehyun blinked at him. 

*Why was he actually caring now?* He thought. "Huh? Sorry. I just...-sigh-" Daehyun shrugged. 

"Eunseo, Kim Eunseo. Even her name is confusing." Himchan tilted his head with a contorted face. 

"Hyung, why don't you just confess to her?" Jongup asked innocently, he had a point, but they all stared at him with blank stares. 

"PSH. No. Why would I like a girl like her? She's so full of herself and arrogant. I didn't even do anything to her and she hates me? What kind of person hates me?" Daehyun expressed his emotions by waving his hands about as he talked on and on about Eunseo. 

"Besides, she clearly doesn't like being in relationships." Youngjae shook his head. 

"Ah, did you hear? Junhyung hyung says he hung out with her." Himchan suddenly said wide eyed. Daehyun turned to Hmchan and placed his hand on his shoulder. 

"How do you know this Junhyung guy?" Daehyun asked. 

"Huh? We hung out...once or twice...or five times at the club together once, oh and also at the casino...but that's all." Himchan said nonchalantly. Daehyun sighed and lowered his head. 

"I don't wanna know what they did." Daehyun sulked and the maknaes rubbed his back to comfort him. 

"They didn't do anything though." Himchan said with pursed lips. "Kya. How can a girl resist Junhyung hyung, he's undeniably cool and has a charming voice." Himchan shook his head totally unaware of the situation. Daehyun's eyes rounded and a small smile tugged at his lips. 

"They didn't? They didn't do anything? They didn't do anything!" Daehyun then smiled widely. Yongguk shook his head at Daehyun and began reading a civil war book. 

"Yeah, he said that he tried kissing her, but she dodged it, then he showed her one of his raps he was making, what else... he told her a compliment all girls love hearing, but you know what she said?" Himchan looked at everyone before continuing. 

"What? What did she say? WHAT? WHAT?" Daehyun hit Jongup eagerly on the arm. Jongup rubbed his muscles and pouted. 

"She said 'That's cheesy.' And she looked away completely uninterested." Himchan said and Daehyun was feeling giddy. 

"I knew she wouldn't give in." Daehyun leaned back in the couch calmly and smirked. 

"But they're going on a date tonight." Himchan blinked. Daehyun jumped up from the couch and grabbed Himchans collar. 

"Are you ting me?" Daehyun asked in a low tone. Himchan gulped and shook his head. 

"Hey, hey. Man. No fighting. Calm yo selves. Daehyun, release. Peace man. Peace yo." Yongguk soothed the atmoshere by waving his hands in the air. Daehyun let go of Himchan and sighed. 

"Why are you getting mad at me for??" Himchan panted and backed away from Daehyun. 

"Hyung, we could...ruin their date." Zelo said with a smirk. Daehyun looked at him back with an evit grin. 

"That's why you are our maknae." Daehyun high fived Zelo and Zelo did a little dance. 

"Like that'll work." Youngjae rolled his eyes. 

"Why wouldn't it work? The robbery thing worked out pretty good." Yongguk brushed off his shoulders, since he was the one who thought of the idea, he felt he did all the work. 

"Do whatever you want then." Youngjae said and got out a crossword puzzle.


"So you and Junhyung are going to see a movie?" Gikwang asked Eunseo, while combing her hair. 

"Yeah, I've been wanting to see this movie, and he said he had a spare ticket and no one to go with." Eunseo shrugged. 

That didn't sound suspicious to her at all. 

"Well, I know he's my friend and all, but you are too, so be careful Eunseo." Gikwang finished combing her hair and she stood to look at him. 

"Nothing will happen. I'm sure." Eunseo smirked a little and exited.


    Junhyung and Eunseo had just arrived at the movie theaters. Since it was the weekened, many people, or couples gathered to watch the new romance movie. 

But not Eunseo and Junhyung. They came to watch a thriller. 

"I didn't know you liked scary movies." Junhyung said as he carried the popcorn. Eunseo looked around at the squealing girls. 

"It's better than that cheesy garbage they're gonna watch." Eunseo raised an eyebrow and Junhyung nodded. 


Meanwhile, all the BAP boys were just behing the two. Watching his every move.

"He better not try to put his arm around her." Daehyun muttered, and they sat two rows behind Eunseo and Junhyung. 

What Daehyun was doing was not called stalking, no, not in his dictionary, this was merely, supervising in case something bad happened. 

"Who knew the all so hot player Jung Daehyun would be doing something like this." Youngjae muttered to Jongup. Jongup pursed his lips in response. 

It's true. Who would expect a guy, who club almost every night, and doesn't even dare to remember a girl name, would be following two people on their date? 

The lights dimmed, and the movie started. Eunseo was relaxed and she ate the popcorn, you could tell by the way she sat in the chair, she was comfortable and chill. Junhyung was kind of fidgety and glanced at Eunseo every now and then. 

*Don't look at her. Look at the movie.* Daehyun eyed Junhyung with a pout. 


Two hours passed. Yongguk, Himchan and baby Zelo were all cuddled together asleep. Youngjae, playing games on his phone, Jongup awake, because Daehyun whispered something to him every five minutes. 

*Why did she get scared at anything?* Junhyung scratched his head. He was hoping she'd be afraid so he could make a move, and hold her so she feels safe. But no, Eunseo wasn't like that. 

"Wah, I can't believe it killed everyone. Daebak." Eunseo said as they walked out. 

"Can you wait here? I have to go to the bathroom." Junhyung said and she nodded. 

Daehyun saw Eunseo left alone and was about to approach her, instead he told Jongup to keep an eye on her while he goes to the bathroom. 



Eunseo heard someone shout. She ran over to see two guys on the floor. Junhyung. Daehyun. The crowd wouldn't let her pass, as they recorded the fight. Eunseo furrowed her eyebrows and wondered what the hell they were doing. 

"HELP! Someone help!!" Junhyung pleaded. BAP all gathered around and pulled Daehyun off of Junhyung. Eunseo stood with her hands crossed and her expression solid. 

Yongguk and Himchan took Junhyung away, and Eunseo yelled. 

"Yah! What's going on?" She asked. 

The crowd all left and she saw Daehyun on the floor breathing heavily. He looked mad. Really mad. Eunseo walked up to Daehyun and he stood up and wiped his bloody lip. 

"What just happened?" Eunseo asked him. Daehyun let out a sigh. Jongup and Zelo pulled her aside and showed her a recording. 



Daehyun walked into the bathroom and saw Junhyung washing his hands and checking himself out in the mirror. 

*You may be good looking but I'm onto you.* Daehyun thought and he stood besides Junhyung. Junhyung noticed him and grinned. 

"Hey, you work with Eunseo and Gikwang at the coffee shop." Junhyung said, Daehyun nodded with a small smile. "Don't you like Eunseo?" Junhyung then asked with a smirk. Daehyun fumed a little. It seemed like Junhyung was mocking him. 

"What's it matter to you?" Daehyun asked in a mono toned voice. Junhyung dried off his hands and put one hand on Daehyun's shoulder. 

"Because, it's obvious she doesn't want you, quit trying. She has me." Junhyung smirked and walked out, leaving Daehyun to think. 

*She has you?* Daehyun furowed his eyebrows and followed Junhyung. "Who are you to tell me to quit trying?" Daehyun asked. 

Junhyung looked around and leaned closer to Daehyun. "Come on. Eunseo is kind of stupid, it'll be easy to get her in bed, and by tomorrow, she'll be all over me, and you won't ever get your chance." Junhyung said with a smirk. Daehyun widened his eyes and he saw the smug look on Junhyung's face. 



"And that's what happened." Zelo shut off his phone. Eunseo blinked, slightly shocked. 

"Yeah, they started getting in a fight and Junhyung hyung kept hitting Daehyun's face. Daehyun hyung's face is an important area." Jongup nodded. Eunseo stared at the two boys in front of her. 

" what's the reason they fighted?" Eunseo asked them. Zelo and Jongup both turned to each other with red cheeks. 

"Well, Junhyung hyung started saying that you like him and Daehyun hyung has no chance, and also..." Zelo looked at the floor. 

"Junhyung hyung said it'll be easy to get you in bed cause you're stupid..." Jongup said, avoiding Eunseo's stare. "Ah, but noona, you're actually smart." Jongup nodded but she was thinking about something else. 

*He was just defending me..* Eunseo thought of Daehyun. She sighed and went to Daehyun. He was touching cuts on his face, he then rubbed his black eye. 

"Follow me." Eunseo said and held out her hand. Daehyun looked at her with round eyes, well with one, because the other was all purple and swollen. He held onto her hand and followed her out of the movie theaters. He looked back and saw the BAP boys clapping and giving him thumbs up. 


She brought him to their aparment and he sat on the couch patiently. 

*This is pretty clean, considering Gikwang hyung also lives here.* Daehyun looked around. He saw many pictures or Eunseo and Gikwang. They were so close, people could mistake them as brother and sister. Their bond was probably stronger than a regular couples. Eunseo came back with a first aid kit and she stared at Daehyun. He watched her sit down and she still stared at her. 

"I guess this is my way of saying sorry." Eunseo muttered and got out medicine and bandaids. 

Daehyun slightly smiled and she rubbed medicine on his bleeding lip. 

"Don't smile." Eunseo told him, he stopped smiling and stared at her concentating eyes. 

*She does have a soft spot.* Daehyun thought, feeling over joyed inside. How could he not smile when she was so close to him. She then out a bandaid on his lip and worked on the cut near his eye. 

"That sti---" 

"Shh." Eunseo said and furrowed her eyebrows, getting a better look at the red cut. 

Daehyun puffed out his cheeks, but he couldn't remain quiet. "What are you sorry for?" He asked. Eunseo stopped applying medicine and she looked at Daehyun. 

"Sorry, because...I don't know actually. I take that apology back." Eunseo said and put a bandaid on him harshly. He winced and she smiled. "Sorry." Eunseo grinned. 

*Is she laughing at my pain?* Daehyun shook his head at her. *Whatever, she's smiling.* He smiled and Eunseo looked away. 

"I guess thanks for beating up Junhyung. But either way, I wouldn't have done anything with him." Eunseo rolled her eyes. "He's full of himself. And he isn't really that special." Eunseo said and that made Daehyun laugh. 

"That's what I wanted to warn you about. So is it me or him?" Daehyun suddenly asked. Eunseo cocked her head and shook her head. 

"I choose neither. I told you, I don't--" 

"Don't do dating. I know. But, I like you. So why can't you atleast give me a chance?" Daehyun asked. He did it. He confessed.

*Is there something wrong with me? Did I do or say something wrong?* 

"J-just get out." Eunseo mumbled and she went to open the door. Daehyun stared at her dumbfounded. 

"I've been nice to you and I did whatever I could to make sure you were safe, why are you being so negative?" Daehyun asked and stood up. He walked to her and she hid behind the door slightly. Eunseo bit her lip and avoided Daehyun's strong gaze. 

"I never asked for you to do all those things." Eunseo said bluntly. Daehyun scoffed and stared at her. Daehyun opened his mouth to speak but Eunseo shut her eyes. "Just leave." 

And with that Daehyun left. 







A/N : Dun dun dun. haha poor daehyun




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Baekna #1
eyesthatsing #3
Chapter 15: Such a nice story! I totally smiled, laughed, and gasped while reading this
eyesthatsing #4
Chapter 8: I just wanna say I wish I've discovered this story long ago ^^
Chapter 13: Nooo. Lets have them have babies LOL.
My two top biases in one fanfic. I look forward to this.
shhh_its_me #7
Chapter 4: HAHHAHAHA
Gukkie's eyebrows ~
daehyun, nice try .
update soon ^^
shhh_its_me #8
Chapter 3: hahah
yongguk was so adorable in this chapter xD
oooohh ~ Daehyun got rejected, what is he gonna do?
shhh_its_me #9
Chapter 1: keep going ~
youre going fabulously :D
OuO it sounds interesting c: ~