End of Game

Love Game

A/N: This might be a short chapter ~ since it's the last (/.u) well, i hope you enjoy :D


   "Two black coffees. And one frappe." Eunseo said in an mono toned voice. Ms Lee took the order and looked at Eunseo weirdly as Eunseo walked to sit at the cash register. 

Gikwang saw his mom staring at Eunseo and poked her. "Umma, what are you doing?" Gikwang asked her. She shook her head and looked at her son. 

"Is there something wrong with Eunseo? She seems different then usual." Ms Lee furrowed her eyebrows at Eunseo. Gikwang also looked her way and saw she was blankly staring ahead of her with a small pout on her lips. 

"Don't say anything...but...she got rejected." Gikwang said. His mom gasped and immediately ran over to Eunseo while Gikwang was about to leave but he couldn't leave the unfinished coffee alone. "Aish, mom." Gikwang mumbled while pouring the hot coffee into cups.

Meanwhile, Ms Lee tapped Eunseo's shoulder, causing her to look over curiously. She blinked at Ms Lee. 

"Aren't you suppose to be making the orders I just gave you?" Eunseo asked her. Ms Lee sighed and pulled Eunseo to sit at a table with her. Eunseo sat across from her, with a confused expression. 

"Tell me." Ms Lee sudenly said. "Who is the boy that got our tough nut Eunseo to break?" Ms Lee asked. Eunseo shyly smiled then whipped her head to look at Gikwang. He met her eyes and looked away quickly, pretending he knew nothing. Eunseo gave him one last glare before turning back to Ms Lee. 

"It's not important. I'm fine." Eunseo told her, she was about to get up when Ms Lee held her hand and looked into her eyes comfortingly. 

*If only I had a mom like this.* Eunseo thought. 

Since her mom never helped her with anything nor talked to her, she figured she wouldn't let this oppurtunity pass, since Ms Lee was like a mom more than her own. 

"It's Daehyun..." Eunseo conffessed. 

Ms Lee's eyes widened. "Our Daehyun? Jung Daehyun? From busan? The one who quit about a month ago?" She asked. Eunseo's face darkened. 

"Yes. That one." She answered. 

"Omo. You two surely belong together. I know it." Ms Lee said, squeezing Eunseo's hand. Eunseo looked at her with puppy eyes. 

"How?" Eunseo questioned. *As far as I know I don't belong with anyone. I'm a terrible person and I don't wanna committ to anything.* Eunseo thought. 

"Because, you may not have known, but even just watching you two I could feel that two of you like each other a lot. The way he always looks at you, and the way you smile at him, for as long as I've know you, I have never seen you smile like that. It was shocking when I found out he broke your heart. I'm sure Daehyun likes you a lot Eunseo-ah." Ms Lee told her. Eunseo was so touched, she fought back her tears and smiled. 

"No, Daehyun gave up. Because I kept pushing him away and yelling at him." Eunseo's eyebrows creased together and she bit her lip. *I'm so stupid for that.* 

"Eunseo, you are a strong girl, I believe you could fall in love, you just choose not to because you are afraid of getting hurt, that's the beauty of love, you feel all these emotions and it just makes you smile a lot, and sometimes cry...but the thing that makes it wonderful is the person that's creating all these feelings for you. So don't be afraid, and don't run away. Let him know you want to be with him more than anything. Trust me." Ms Lee said. Eunseo grinned and sighed. 

Eunseo felt like she was having a talk with a close friend. All though she didn't have many girl friends, she got the feeling this was how it felt like, trusting and warm. 

"Thanks Ms Lee. But Daehyun rejected me remember? But it's okay, the next time I find someone I like I won't push him away, I'll give him my all." Eunseo said in a cheery manner. Ms Lee chuckled and patted her hand. 

"That's it Eunseo. Good job." Ms Lee said and walked away. Eunseo felt somewhat relieved after the talk with Ms Lee, even if that didn't help her get over Daehyun, she was planning on changing her ways. 


   7:00pm ~

    As the day went by Eunseo was slowly building her confidence back, although Gikwang was being oddly rude to her all day, she brushed it aside and went on with work with a smile. 

*If I keep doing this will I forget Daehyun?* Eunseo asked herself as she washed the windows. 

"Yah, stop dazing and hurry up already." Gikwang said, splashing his wet rag at her, getting her face slightly wet. Eunseo wiped off the water on her cheek and turn to look at Gikwang. 

"What's up with you?" Eunseo asked him. Gikwang raised an eyebrow at her. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." Gikwang said bluntly. 

Eunseo blinked and crossed her arms. "You've been bossing me around all day and you won't even talk to me." Eunseo said, eyeing Gikwang. 

"Listen Eunseo, you're my best friend and all, but I just can't deal with you right now." Gikwang said, which caused Eunseo's expression to fall. 

"What?" She looked at him with sulkened eyes. 

"About Daehyun. You were the one who said you hate love and now you're over here crying about Daehyun. It's annoying as hell Eunseo." Her best friend was saying these words to her. Her heart felt broken even more. 

*This is why you should never let anyone help you. In the end they end up leaving you alone with nothing.* "Sorry for telling you my problems. Next time I'll think it over before letting people in." Eunseo said with wet eyes. She threw the rag on the floor and ran out of the cafe. 

Gikwang watched her leave and smirk. He then took out his phone and dialed Daehyun. 

"Okay, I got her out, right now she should be on her way to the market to buy banana milk." Gikwang predicted. If he knew Eunseo, whenever she wants to be alone to think, she buys banana milk, and goes to the park or her room. 

The park was where everything was set. Thanks to BAP, the park had a trail of candles that led to a bouquet of roses, that had Eunseo's name on the card. And from there, Daehyun had more to come. 


*See. This is why being alone and keeping things to yourself is better, no one could judge you or pity you. Don't ever tell anyone your problems. Just pretend you have none and smile.* Eunseo thought, walking aimlessly to the park while on a straw. 

The light post above her had flickered off and it soon became dark. Like magic, one by one, candles lit up and the trail of heart shaped petals showed. Eunseo looked around and saw no one was around her. She bit her lip and decided to follow it. 

"Cue the music." Himchan whispered through a walkie talkie.


(coffee shop suits this story well right? :o )

*Hm?* Eunseo stopped walking when music . *Someone is definitely watching me..* Eunseo thought. She continued following the trail. At the end of the trail she saw one big candle illuminating on red roses. Eunseo wasn't into romantic things at all, but she was slowly getting use to it, because of her days spent with Daehyun, he was pretty cheesy but to Eunseo it grew on her and she found it cute. 

She picked up the flowers and smiled at them. What made her smile even more was what the card said. 

To Kim Eunseo, 

Sorry for making you sad, I love when you smile so I hope you let me stay by your side so I can create those smiles. 

Eunseo did cringe at the note but a blush came upon her cheeks, not knowing who set up all this she looked around with expecting eyes. 


Eunseo heard someone shout, she turned around with round eyes and a big smile. *D-daehyun?* Eunseo squinted at the approaching figure. 

"Himchan oppa?" Eunseo blinked at Himchan wearing a tux. *Don't tell me..* Eunseo became silent. 

"Like my flowers?" Himchan asked with a grin. Eunseo looked at the flowers then at him. 

"Uh, yeah. They're nice..." Eunseo said. "Wait, oppa, so you're behind all this?" Eunseo asked, getsuring to all the candle lights and petals. Himchan fixed his tie and nodded. 

"Yep. I think you're cute, and I'd like to know you better." Himchan confessed. 

Eunseo was both shocked and flustered. 

"Come on." Himchan held onto her hand and was bringing her to the hills. Eunseo followed with a busy mind. 

*What the? Himchan oppa? Likes me? What.* "Oppa, I'm sorry but I---" 

Himchan then leaned closer to her face and gave her a soft gaze. 

"Shh." Himchan said and backed away. "Wait here, I have a surprise for you." Himchan whispered and walked down the hills fast. 

Eunseo was left alone, on the hill, Himchan had set up a blanket to sit on, and a picnic basket, with glowing lanterns. 

*This is too sudden. Himchan oppa and me...* Eunseo still stood with her hands clutching the roses in one hand and her banana milk in the other. 


One by one fireworks were shot in the air. Eunseo stared amazed. 

*This is nice but I don't have feelings like that for Himchan oppa...he put all this effort for me though, didn't I say I wouldn't push people away?* Eunseo's expression turned into a gloomy one, colorful fireworks filled the night sky and she sighed. 

Eunseo as about to turn to leave when she felt arms around her. Making her cheeks red. 

She dropped the roses and banana milk and shut her eyes. "Himchan oppa, I'm sorry but I don't really have interest in you, it's sweet that you did all this, but when I first saw the roses, someone else came to my mind...I was actually hoping it was Daehyun..and I'm sorry, I just can't---" 

"You were hoping for me?" She heard a familiar voice whisper in her ear. Eunseo turned around and the arms pulled her into a hug again. Her face was buried in the guys chest and she recgonized the scent easily. Her arms slowly hug him back and she sighed. 

"Yeah. I was." Eunseo mumbled in Daehyun's shirt. Daehyun grinned and Eunseo's hair. 

"Well here I am." Daehyun said, letting her go at arm length. He leaned closer to her face and saw her wet, red eyes. "Oho, you're not as tough as I thought you were." Daehyun chuckled. Eunseo rolled her eyes and pushed him off of her. 

"So all of this was your doing then?" Eunseo asked. 

Daehyun shrugged. "Well, Himchan and Yongguk hyung helped on the candles, Younghae and Jongup cooked and Zelo...just sprinkled the petals on the trail." Daehyun said. Eunseo laughed and nodded. 

"And ~ this means you like me again?" Eunseo questioned with wide eyes and a wide grin. 

Daehyun pulled her into another back hug and kissed her cheeks. "Again? I never stopped." Daehyun told her. 

*Ah this is really not like me.* Eunseo felt shivers run through her body as Daehyun squeezed her tighter. She was feeling all warm and fuzzy inside, and as much as the feeling felt foreign to her, Eunseo figure this is what love felt like. 

Warm and heart racing. 

And so ~ the two players didn't lose their game, rather both of them quit. Because it was a useless game that got them no where in life, and they both faced their biggest challenge. 

Player two was to stop being a coward and face everything boldly. 

Player one was to stop his bad ways and chase after what really mattered to him. 




A/N: THANKS FOR FINISHING LOVE GAME. SERIOUSLY THANK YOU. ^-^ I hope you like it and please check out my other stories, if you want to read another Daehyun fic, look out for my upcoming one : From Two Different Worlds

Daehyun plays the lost alien who has to come to earth in search of a girl to marry! 

Okay, well again, thanks for subbing guys and some for commenting. 

Peace! ~(^o^)~






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Baekna #1
eyesthatsing #3
Chapter 15: Such a nice story! I totally smiled, laughed, and gasped while reading this
eyesthatsing #4
Chapter 8: I just wanna say I wish I've discovered this story long ago ^^
Chapter 13: Nooo. Lets have them have babies LOL.
My two top biases in one fanfic. I look forward to this.
shhh_its_me #7
Chapter 4: HAHHAHAHA
Gukkie's eyebrows ~
daehyun, nice try .
update soon ^^
shhh_its_me #8
Chapter 3: hahah
yongguk was so adorable in this chapter xD
oooohh ~ Daehyun got rejected, what is he gonna do?
shhh_its_me #9
Chapter 1: keep going ~
youre going fabulously :D
OuO it sounds interesting c: ~