Plan A. FAIL.

Love Game



    "I don't understand her, why does she not like me? Every girl likes me." Daehyun blinked. He's been thinking about Eunseo non stop for days. 

"She seemed like an easy target when I saw her." Himchan shrugged. 

"SHE'S NOT! She's the total oppossite and it's making me crazy. I heard from other guys that all she does is flirt, talk and disappears like air." Daehyun said. Yongguk sighed and put down his civil war book. 

"What does it matter? It's not like you like her." Yongguk told Daehyun and he paused. 

"Wait, do you actually like her??" Youngjae asked shocked. 

"Hul. This is the first time Daehyun's acting like this. No wonder." Himchan shook his head. 

"Hyung, did you give her the 'look'?" Jongup asked. Daehyun nodded his head with a pout. 

"Yes. I gave her the 'look' and she showed no reaction. She's like an emotionless china doll." Daehyun slapped his face and began to sob. 

The boys shook their heads and whispered to each other. 

"We'll be back." Himchan said. 

"When we're gone, I expect you to be practicing our new songs when we get back." Yongguk said sternly and Daehyun rolled his eyes. 

"Just leave me alone." Daehyun sighed. 


"Latte?" Zelo asked. The five boys stood infront of the cafe with lost expressions. 

"YEAH! Ice Americano ~ woot woot." Himchan hummed and he was about to enter the cafe when Yongguk stopped him. 

"So the girl Daehyun likes is Kim Eunseo. We need to find her and make her fall for Daehyun." Yongguk said. The boys blinked. 

"How?" Youngjae asked. "You can't change the way someone feels towards another." Youngjae said. The leader slapped him. 

"Smartass. Well, what I mean is just get her to realize that Daehyun is a good guy and she should give him a chance." Yongguk said and they bursted out laughing. 

"Daehyun? A good person?" Youngjae laughed. 

"Out of Himchan and Daehyun hyung, Daehyun hyung has got to be the worst." Jongup said. 

"Hey!" Himchan yelled. "Thank you." Himchan's late reaction made Yongguk roll his eyes. 

"Just talk to her ok." The leader said and they all went inside the cafe. Zelo went with leader. Himchan went with Jongup and Yougjae went alone. 

They all spread out and sat at close tables. 

"Customers!" Gikwang shouted. Eunseo popped up from her chair and grabbed her notepad. She walked towards Yongguk and Zelo and bowed. 

"Hello, what would you like to order?" Eunseo asked. Zelo just stared at her like she was some creature and Yongguk had on a serious, fatherly face. 

"Um, is--is there -uh- a special?" Yongguk asked and Himchan laughed at him from afar. Eunseo stared off into space while trying to remember the specials. 

"Oh, for cakes, the special is carrot cake." Eunseo said and looked at Yongguk. Yongguk his chin and nodded like a wide chinese man. 

"I'll take--three--I mean two." Yongguk said. Eunseo nodded.

"No coffee?" She asked. Yongguk blinked and Zelo jumped. 

"Can I have hot chocolate with marshmellows?" Zelo asked with a wide smile. Eunseo wrote it on her notepad and turned to Yongguk. 

"Can I have coffee?" Yongguk asked. Eunseo slightly laughed. 

"Of course. What kind of coffee?" She asked. 

*There are different kinds of coffee??* Yongguk started stuttering. 

"Aish, for a leader, you are really stupid." Youngjae mumbled. 

"The black kind." Zelo grinned, Eunseo walked away with a weirded out face. 

"Two carrot cakes, one black coffee and one got chocolate with marshes." Eunseo yelled. 

"You wanna handle that table or should I?" Gikwang asked poiting to a guy playing a game on his phone and next to him was a boy with a lost expression on his face. 

"Um, I got it. You go take the trash out though." Eunseo smiled and he stuck his tongue out at her. 

"I hate you." Gikwang mumbled and walked away. 

"Hate you too." Eunseo grinned and watched him leave. 

"So, what would you like?" Eunseo asked while writing something down in her notepad. 

"Can I have a ice americano?" He asked. Eunseo wrote it down then got a second look at Himchan. He looked very familiar, his feline eyes and creepy grin.

"You're one of Daehyun's friend right?" Eunseo asked, her eyebrow raising slowly. Himchan blinked rapidly when she asked him that question, he wasn't sure on how to respond to it. 

"Uh....I--" Himchan sighed. "Yeah." He answered with his eyes shifted downwards. 

"Ok, well your order will come in a few minutes. Bye." Eunseo said with a smile and she stuffed the notepad back in her back pocket. Himchan knit his eyebrows together. 

"Wait." He called out Eunseo and she turned to look at him. 

"Anything else you need?" She tilted her head. Himchan shook his head. 

"Stop with this." Himchan said and Eunseo blinked in confusion. 

"Stop my job?" She asked him with a smug smile. Himchan put his finger up and wagged it back and forth. 

"With playing hard to get. You and Daehyun. You two would make a cute couple." Himchan told her with a straight face and Eunseo sighed. She leaned down on his table to meet his eyes. 

"I don't get why you guys are doing this. I've already told Daehyun that I wasn't interested." Eunseo said coldly and Himchan became speechless. 

"Yah, how could a girl be like that?!" Himchan stood up and yelled. 

"Himchan hyung." Jongup mumbled. Eunseo looked down and saw Jongup sitting there with an innocent look on his face. 

"You're Daehyuhn's friend too?" Eunseo squinted at Jongup. Jongup blushed and nodded his head. She smiled at him. 

"Then you can put this in a nice way right?" Eunseo asked. "I. don't. like. Daehyun. Dating is a waste of time, I'm sure he has girls wrapped around his fingers so he won't mind one little rejection." Eunseo told Jongup and he nodded his head quickly with widened eyes. Himchan crossed his arms. 

"Wah. You-" Himchan pointed as Eunseo walked away in a careless manner. 

"She sure is heartless." Yongguk muttered. 

"I WANT MY ICE AMERICANO!" Himchan stomped his foot. 

"Wait one minute sir." Mrs Lee suddenly said and smiled kindly. Himchan bowed and flashed an eyesmile.

"Yes~" He said and sat back down.


"They're here to back up Daehyun." Eunseo told Gikwang. 

"Seriously?" He asked with a chuckle. "How far did you and him even go..?" Gikwang asked quietly. 

"No where. We just talked a little and he asked for my number. That's all." Eunseo shrugged. 

"He's hooked." Gikwang smirked and poked Eunseo's cheeks. She blinked and slapped his hands away.

"Hooked?" She looked at Gikwang with confusion.

"Yeah, he can't get you out of his mind so he's trying everything to get you to admit you like him because he won't admit he likes you himself." Gikwang said and walked away, leaving Eunseo lost in her thoughts, which didn't happen often. *That player likes me? Yeah right. He's just confused.* Eunseo rolled her eyes and went to give Daehyun's friends thier orders. She had one customer left and went to his table. Before she got to speak, he already opened his mouth. 

"Daehyun's a nice guy." Youngjae said. Eunseo sighed and gave Youngjae a look. 

"I don't care." Eunseo sighed and took out her notepad. "So what would you like to order?" 

"Give him one chance." Youngjae continued about Daehyun. 

*Oh god.* Eunseo let out a small sigh. She shook her head and rubbed her temples.

"Daehyun will be fine, he's a cute guy, he'll find another girl." Eunseo flicked her wrist at him lazily.

Youngjae couldn't say anything else. Eunseo had left him without anythig to argue with. 


"She's impossible!" Himchan took a seat in their break room. 

"It's so hard to look at her in the eye." Jongup covered his reddened face. 

"Why is she resisting Daehyun hyung so much?" Zelo pouted. 

"Hey, she said he was cute." Youngjae smiled. "But then she said he can find another girl." Youngjae frowned, making the other guy expectations drop. 

"Well, we failed." Yongguk mumbled. 

"We can try again tomorrow." Jongup smiled and they all stared at him with tired eyes. 

"Let's just leave it alone. I think Daehyun's over her already." 


Two hours later... 

"And I hung out with this really hot girl, but I still couldn't think of anyone else. I don't get why she doesn't want me." Daehyun furrowed his eyebrows. 

"Not again.." Youngjae rolled his eyes.


Plan A. FAIL.


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Baekna #1
eyesthatsing #3
Chapter 15: Such a nice story! I totally smiled, laughed, and gasped while reading this
eyesthatsing #4
Chapter 8: I just wanna say I wish I've discovered this story long ago ^^
Chapter 13: Nooo. Lets have them have babies LOL.
My two top biases in one fanfic. I look forward to this.
shhh_its_me #7
Chapter 4: HAHHAHAHA
Gukkie's eyebrows ~
daehyun, nice try .
update soon ^^
shhh_its_me #8
Chapter 3: hahah
yongguk was so adorable in this chapter xD
oooohh ~ Daehyun got rejected, what is he gonna do?
shhh_its_me #9
Chapter 1: keep going ~
youre going fabulously :D
OuO it sounds interesting c: ~