Searching for Player two

Love Game



    "And she had these amazing round eyes that just took all of my breath away, and her lips, those red lips that smiled at me. How could she just run away from me?" Daehyun asked s and they shrugged. 

"Stop thinking about her and let's practice punk." Yongguk said. Daehyun took a bug gulp of water before stepping on stage. 

"Wait, what is this new song?" Daehyun blinked as he stared at the music list. 

"Oh, our boss is making us do cute songs, girls really like it." Zelo said with a smile. Yongguk sighed and shook his head. 

"I don't want to do it either, but hey, we need the money." Yongguk said and they all nodded and got into theor places. Daehyun scratched his hair and went to the center. 

"I can't believe it, it's really perfect. I am breathless, it's not fair. Your eyes, your lips, your everything really left me shook up. Like a fool, I lost myself to her unforgettable first impression." 

Daehyun's part ended and he stood frozen holding the mic in his hands while the others all moved their bodies to the beat and harmonized. 

"Yah, Jung Daehyun. Focus." Youngjae poked Daehyun's face but he still was blank. 

"This girl has really gotten him tied up huh?" Himchan chuckled. 

"Call her." Jongup said and pointed to Daehyun's arm. Daehyun's eyes widened. 

"Ah, that's right. I forgot. She gave me her number." He laughed like an idiot. The boys shook their heads and he dashed to the break room to get his phone. 

"553-008.." Daehyun said and he held the phone to his ear with a wide smile. 


Gikwang was just about to eat his cake when he heard a phone ringing. "Aish, who's to disturb me when I'm on my break." Gikwang pouted and saw Eunseo's phone on the table. He looked around and saw she was taking orders of three teenagers. 

He pressed answer and sighed as he put it to his ear. "Hello. This is Kim Eunseo's phone. Would you like an order of coffee from Latte?" Gikwang said. Daehyun was confused when he heard a guy answer. 

"Um, no thanks. Hello. Is this her boyfriend?" Daehyun asked with a raised eyebrow.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAA. No." Gikwang said with a straight face. Daehyun's face lightened up. 

"Oh okay. Can you tell her to call back Jung Daehyun?" Daehyun asked. *Aish, this is seriosuly not my style.* Daehyun bit his lip. 

"Why?" Gikwang tried holding in his laughter. "I'm sure Eunseo told you herself, she doesn't do relationships, so if she did anything to make you hurt, I'm sorry. But that's her, so forget her and move on. Bye." Gikwang hung up and went back to eat his cake. 


"What the?" Daehyun blinked rapidly. "DID THAT BASTARD JUST HANG UP ON ME??" Daehyun looked at his phone and processed what he said. 

"I'm sure Eunseo.." 

*Okay, so her name is Kim Eunseo. Hm.* 

"I'm sure Eunseo told you herself, she doesn't do relationships, so if she did anything to make you hurt, I'm sorry. But that's her, so forget her and move on. Bye." 

*Who the hell is he to tell me to move on? What was that? It seems like this Eunseo girl has gotten around a lot.* Daehyun thought, he was starting to figure Eunseo out. 

"What did she say?" Himchan asked, al of BAP piled into the break room and Daehyun threw his water bottle on the floor angrily. 

"I don't know. I guess she doesn't have interest in me at all. A guy answered her phone." Daehyun said. Himchan and Yongguk couldn't help but laugh. 

"Hehehehe. You got rejected for the first time. How does that feel dude?" Himchan asked and patted Daehyun on the back. Daehyun furrowed his eyebrows and slapped Himchan's hand away. 

"No, this game isn't over yet. She likes me. She's just playing hard to get." Daehyun smirked. "I have to find her and ask her myself." Daehyun nodded. 

"Eh? You're actually going to go this far just to know if this one girl likes you or not?" Youngjae asked with wide eyes. 

"She's not just one girl. She's more than just one girl okay." Daehyun mumbled and he walked out of the club. 

"Hyung! We need to practice.." Zelo shouted but it was no use, he was in the streets. He stared at the bright sky and frowned. 

"Kim Eunseo, where are you?" Daehyun asked out loud. 

"You know her too huh?" A guy came up to Daehyun. Daehyun blinked and tilted his head. 

"Excuse me?" Daehyun said and the guy laughed. 

"Kim Eunseo. She dumped you too?" The guy asked. Daehyun gasped and his eyes rounded. 

"Dump who? Me and her had nothing. I just got her number for a bet! Crazy guy." Daehyun said and stomped off. 

"He's totally fallen for her." The guy shook his head. 

"Wait a minute. Crazy guy." Daehyun appeared before the guy like magic. "How do you know her?" He asked. 

"I met her at this one club once, me and her talked the whole night and she left without me knowing. Like cinderella or something, she vanished at midnight." The guy told Daehyun and he tapped his chin. 

"Do you know anything about her?" Daehyun asked with a curious tone. 

"Nope. She didn't tell me anything about her. All I know is she's friends with Lee Gikwang and works at Latte." The guy said with a shrug. Daehyun blinked. 

*Latte?* He blinked. 

"Would you like an order of coffee from Latte?"

Daehyun guessed that it was Gikwang he asked that. "Are you going to go find her?" The guy asked Daehyun. Daehyun bit his lip. 

"Mm." He nodded. 

"They say, once you get her, you'll understand her, she's know for cheating and running away, but that's only if you let her get away. So don't let her go when you have her, or you'll regret it." He said with a smile and walked off. Daehyun took a minute to process what that guy just told him. 

*Kim Eunseo, I'm gonna find you.* Daehyun thought and went to an PC room. He searched up Latte and many stores popped up. "What did that kid say? Lee Gikwang?" Daehyun took a bite of his bread and stared at the computer screen. 

"You're looking for Lee Gikwang?" A girl seated next to him with her friends asked. 

"He works at the cafe across the street." The other girl pointed. Daehyun blinked and looked at the screen, then at the girls. 

"Thanks." He bitterly smiled and ran out of the PC room. Daehyun crossed the street urgently and looked in the windows carefully. He searched the inside of the cafe for Eunseo but he couldn't find her. Then like a dream, she appeared before him, she was wiping the glass with a white towel and glass cleaning spray bottle. She didn't even see Daehyun, she was busy cleaning all the dirty marks off the window. Daehyun's eyes followed her every move. 

*Did she just ignore me?* He asked. Eunseo went to the back of the kitchen and he cracked his knuckles and lifted his collar. *Okay, nice clothes, good hair, I need some gum.* Daehyun thought. 

"Do you have gum?" Daehyun asked a girl in her mid twenties.

"Only this one in my mouth--" She began, but Daehyun pressed his lips against hers and took her gum out with his tongue.

"Thanks." He winked and she left with red cheeks. *You go show her Jung Daehyun.* Daehyun walked in the cafe determined and he stood at the door way. "I HAVE ARRIVED. KIM---" 

"Aye, how about you shut up!" An ahjussi said and Daehyun bowed apologetically. "Ey, kids have no manners these days." He muttered and resumed reading the newspaper. 

Daehyun saw Gikwang and remembered him. "YAH! DWARF!" Daehyun pointed. Gikwang got angry and went up to Daehyun. 

"Me? Dwarf? We're about the same height!" Gikwang yelled. Daehyun scoffed. 

"Look here shorty, I'm 177cm of iness okay." Daehyun fixed his jacket and Gikwang glared at him. 

"PSH. I am 17--" 

"Fight outside please." Eunseo said calmly and their angry faces vanished when they saw her. 

"We weren't arguing!" Gikwang said and marched off. Daehyun was speechless when Eunseo looked at him. 

*It really is her. I can tell by the way she talks.* Daehyun thought. "I need to talk to you." Daehyun said and pointed to Eunseo. She blinked and furrowed her eyebrows at him. 

"I'm working right now--"


"Aigoo. Just go talk to him Eunseo-ah." Gikwang's mom appeared and started pushing Daehyun and her towards the door. Eunseo brushed her hair out of her face and crossed her arms. 

"What are you doing here?" She asked. Daehyun looked at her with wide eyes. 

"Huh? Ah. To apologize." Daehyun snapped his fingers. Eunseo looked at him weirdly and leaned against the wall. 

"Apologize for what?" She asked chicly. Daehyun fidgeted when she asked that. 

"You didn't hear? Me and my friend made a bet if I could get your number or not.." Daehyun said. Eunseo cocked her head to looked at the sky. 

"So?" She asked. "That doesn't have any affect me what so ever." Eunseo said blankly, leaving Daehyun at loss for words. 

"You aren't mad at all?" Daehyun asked. Eunseo sighed and stood up properly. 

"If you came all this way to ask me that, you wasted your time. I have no interest in your bet. So leave." Eunseo told him off bluntly and Daehyun blinked. She was about to turn away but Daehyun put his arm on both sides of her to trap her. He stared into her eyes and she blinked. *What the. My look isn't having any affect on her.* Daehyun was started to sweat. 

"So, you aren't interested in me?" Daehyun asked. Eunseo sighed and patted Daehyun's shoulder. 

"Nope." Eunseo said with a simple smile. Daehyun his lips and clenched his fist. 

"WHY?" He asked and she stared at him. 

"Because to me, you were simply just a person at the club. Nothing more. Stop making a big deal out of things and go. I need to work." Eunseo told him and she pushed him away. Daehyun was left alone and his expression was lost and rejected. 

*So this is what it's like? To get rejected?* He thought. He looked at Eunseo through the window and shook his head. 

"You wanna play games? I can do that too." Daehyun muttered.


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Baekna #1
eyesthatsing #3
Chapter 15: Such a nice story! I totally smiled, laughed, and gasped while reading this
eyesthatsing #4
Chapter 8: I just wanna say I wish I've discovered this story long ago ^^
Chapter 13: Nooo. Lets have them have babies LOL.
My two top biases in one fanfic. I look forward to this.
shhh_its_me #7
Chapter 4: HAHHAHAHA
Gukkie's eyebrows ~
daehyun, nice try .
update soon ^^
shhh_its_me #8
Chapter 3: hahah
yongguk was so adorable in this chapter xD
oooohh ~ Daehyun got rejected, what is he gonna do?
shhh_its_me #9
Chapter 1: keep going ~
youre going fabulously :D
OuO it sounds interesting c: ~