Plan B..success?

Love Game



   Two days passed and Eunseo had finally began to think Daehyun had finally given up on her. Daehyun was the only thing she and Gikwang could talk about though, and it made her feel weird. She never talked about one guy more than once. Eunseo was at home, she lazed in sweat pants and a fuzzy sweater. She flipped through the channels and sighed. 

"Why are all dramas about love? What's so difficult about love?" Eunseo rolled her eyes and noticed she ran out of her favorite drink. She stared at the empty glass with sad eyes. She checked the time and noticed Gikwang's shift would be over soon. 

Her phone was waiting for him to answer as she slumped in the couch lower and lower, waiting for his voice to ask "What's up baby boo?" Something he would always call Eunseo, he knew she hated nick names. 

"Hello?" Gikwang asked. Eunseo was surprised he didn't call her the cheesy name. 

"Oppa, are you still working?" Eunseo asked, playing with the buttons on the remote. 

"Yeah, I'm off after I finish grinding the coffee beans. Why?" Gikwang asked in a curious tone. Eunseo sighed. 

"Can you buy banana milk on your way home?" She asked mono toned. Gikwang always forced her to use aegyo or he won't give it. She hated aegyo also. Anything tha involved showing affection, Eunseo loathed.

"Can't. Right after work, I'm going to Doojoon hyung's house." Gikwang told her and she frowned. 

"Awwwwwwwwww." Eunseo whined. "Fine. I'll get it myself." Eunseo began to get up and straighten out her clothes. 

"Okay, bye. Love you---" 

"No." Eunseo cut him off and put her phone in her hoodie pocket. 

*Tch. Weird child.* Gikwang made a face at his phone, which the wallpaper happened to be him and Eunseo smiling cheesily. 


    Although it was her day off today, Eunseo did not do anything productive at all. She only washed dishes from dinner last night and then watched tv and surfed the interenet all day long. Eunseo figured she could've went out to play, but she wasn't in the mood. 

She put on her white sneakers and walked to the Grocery store nearby. It was 10pm and all Eunseo saw pass by was couples taking late night strolls, and ahjummas walking with their dogs. She stared at the cute dog. 

*Maybe I should get a dog so I wouldn't feel lonely all the time...* Eunseo thought with a smirk. She arrived at the doors and they opened automatically. 

"Hello." Eunseo bowed to the late night working ahjummas. They nodded and smiled at her. 

"Aigoo, pretty even without make up." One commented and Eunseo shook her head modestly. 


"Ah, so thirsty." Eunseo's eyes scanned the beverage aisle for banana milk cartons. 


On the other hand... 

"Okay, so this is what we're going to do---YAH! Kim Himchan, stop looking at that girl and listen to me!" Yongguk smacked Himchan's head and he smacked Yongguk back, making the younger ones chuckle. 

"Hurry and say the plan already." Daehyun said eagerly. 

BAP were all huddled, not suspiciously at all, at the park right across from the store Eunseo was at. 

"So, one of us is gonna have to steal Eunseo's wallet---" Yonnguk's plan was interupted by the forever creative thinking maknae. 

"Then we're going to black mail her and say "If you want your wallet back, you have to date Daehyun hyung? Bwahahahaha.' ?" Zelo asked and the bap boys blinked at him. 

"Hey, that's actually not a bad plan." Daehyun pounded fist with the maknae and grinned. Yongguk slapped his forehead and shook his head. 

"No, a fake robbery. One of us will steal her wallet, acting as a theif. Then Daehyun will just 'happen' to pass by and see. He will act as a hero while Eunseo stands by and admires him." Yongguk ended proudly by wiggling his eyebrows. 

"You should really get your eyebrows done." Himchan said, unfocused, he began touching Yongguk's bushy eyebrows. Jongup then took notice and reached out a hand to touch leaders eyebrows. 

"WOULD YOU GUYS STOP AND LISTEN TO ME??" Yongguk yelled quietly through gritted teeth. Youngjae and Zelo snorted at his short fuse and Yongguk shot them a glare. Himchan then began to massage Yongguk's shoulders. 

"Araso. Araso. We got it. Who's going to play the fake robber then?" Himchan asked and the bap boys all stared at each other with 'it's-not-going-to-be-me looks'

"Rock paper scissors--" Leader held out a rock and so did Zelo, Youngjae, and Jongup. Himchan shrugged and grinned. 

"Hey, this means I get to touch Eunseo?" Himchan smirked and popped up his black button up shirts collar, making him look like a character from Grease.

"Wait, if you're the robber, doesn't that mean you have to get beaten up by Daehyun---"

"AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH." Yongguk covered up Jongup's cursed innocent mouth with his hand. Himchan blinked, unaware of what Jongup had just said. Daehyun grinned and patted Himchan's back.

"This might actually work." Youngjae lied. He knew for sure it was going to fail, someway, Himchan was going to give off the act.


Eunseo waited patiently in line, waiting to pay for her two packs of banana milk. *I wonder if Banana milk is good for you.* Eunseo thought as her feet shifted closer to the cashier. 

"Hi, find everything you need?" An ahjumma Eunseo usually sees asked. Eunseo nodded with a smile. 

"Yes." She replied shortly as she watched the lady scan her drinks. 


"Have a nice night okay Eunseo-ah!!" Ahjummas all yelled and waved bye. She bowed and bowed until she was out of the store. 

*For such old ladies they have such warm hearts.* Eunseo thought, feeling content she has her banana milk. 

In a blink of an eye Eunseo felt her wallet grabbed out of her hand, and her grocery bag falling in the process. Eunseo saw a guy dressed in full black and bit her lip. 

"YAH! My wallet.." Eunseo shouted and her body flinched to chase after the running man, but a hand stopped her from moving. 

"Wait here." She heard and didn't get to catch a glimpse of the guy's face. His voice sounded oddly familiar and his brown hair style too. Eunseo sighed and crossed her arms. She saw from afar the mystery guy tackled the black clothes guy and landed a punch on his face. 

"Sorry hyung." Daehyun quietly whispered while holding onto Himchan's collar. 

"You owe me a lot." Himchan coughed in Daehyun's face. Daehyun smirked and took the wallet from Himchan's grasp. He faked one last hit on Himchan by kicking his ribs. Himchan pretened it hurted badly and gripped his sides and rolled on the dirty ground like an idiot. Daehyun walked back to Eunseo with her wallet, each step he took, she recognized his features. 

*You've got to be kidding me.* Eunseo thought as she watched Daehyun stop infront of her. 

"I believe this is yours." Daehyun charmingly said and held out Eunseo's leather black wallet. Eunseo was almost at loss for words. 

"Thanks." She said and was about to take off when she turned back. Daehyun widened his eyes with an anticpation. "Aish, my banana milk." Eunseo picked up her grocery bag and saw that some of the bottles were leaking and some badly crushed and empty. Daehyun peered over her shoulder and came up with another thought. 

"I can buy you more." Daehyun told her, Eunseo turned back to him with her eyebrows knit together. 

"No, I'll buy more. We can drink it together. Since you helped me get my wallet back, I'll treat you." Eunseo said and walked back into the grocery store. She was quick about it, soon she and Daehyun began walking to the benches in the park's garden. 


    Eunseo and Daehyun both sat across each other and sighed. She took out the banana milk and stabbed one with the little red straw. 

"Here." Eunseo said bluntly, not making eye contact with Daehyun. Daehyun smiled and took the small beverage in his hands. Their hands touched and a connection was felt. A small wave of warmth filled Daehyun's heart. Eunseo, felt nothing. 

They sat in silence, drinking their banana milk. Eunseo looked at the lake and smiled. *Wah. That looks pretty, I should have brought my camera and taken a picture.* Eunseo pouted and on the straw. Daehyun was watching her and he chuckled. She heard him and raised an eyebrow at him. 

"What?" She asked, her eyes blinking at each movement he made. 

"I don't know. This is weird. I've never been treated with banana milk before." Daehyun chuckled and he held up the milk to his face reading it carefully. "You should give your friend some of this. He needs to grow." Daehyun smirked. Eunseo tilted her head. 

"Ah, Gikwang oppa." Eunseo nodded as her lips pressed together in a thin line. Daehyun's eyes almost popped out of his head. 

"Oppa?! He'a a hyung?" Daehyun asked in shock. "But his face is so small and he's so short.." Daehyun blinked. Eunseo shook her head with a shrug. 

"I see him as someone  older. Since he's always taking care of me." Eunseo said and the wind blew on her, making her hair blow in the wind. Daehyun noticed that her sweater was wool and loose, so he took off his hoodie and walked over to Eunseo. She stood up also and turned to face him, his face stared at her with wide eyes. 

Eunseo saw him throw his arms over her head and she felt his warm sweater on her shoulders. 

** Eunseo bit her lip. She took off Daehyun sweater without a word. "I'm leaving." She mumbled and took her bag of banana milk. Daehyun clutched on his sweater and chased Eunseo. 

"I'm sorry." Daehyun suddenly blurted and Eunseo turned around with a puzzled face. 

"For what?" She asked and he shrugged. 

"I'm just sorry." Daehyun told her with a serious tone. Eunseo averted her eyes to the ground. 

"Bye." Eunseo mumbled and walked away quickly. 

Daehyun watched her leave. 


"Hyung.." Zelo whispered. 

Yongguk popped up from his hiding spot and looked at the maknae. "What?" He asked. 

"So is this considered a success?" Zelo asked. Yongguk shrugged. 

Plan B...FAIL success?

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Baekna #1
eyesthatsing #3
Chapter 15: Such a nice story! I totally smiled, laughed, and gasped while reading this
eyesthatsing #4
Chapter 8: I just wanna say I wish I've discovered this story long ago ^^
Chapter 13: Nooo. Lets have them have babies LOL.
My two top biases in one fanfic. I look forward to this.
shhh_its_me #7
Chapter 4: HAHHAHAHA
Gukkie's eyebrows ~
daehyun, nice try .
update soon ^^
shhh_its_me #8
Chapter 3: hahah
yongguk was so adorable in this chapter xD
oooohh ~ Daehyun got rejected, what is he gonna do?
shhh_its_me #9
Chapter 1: keep going ~
youre going fabulously :D
OuO it sounds interesting c: ~