Drunk truth

Love Game


     A few days later, Eunseo had decided to forget Daehyun, like nothing happened. And it was half true, but one part of her knows that they had some kind of connection whenever they locked eyes. It was a feeling Eunseo has never felt before and she wants to forget so she doesn't fall deeper and deeper for Daehyun. 

It was Gikwang's birthday and he wanted to go out to the most popular club in Seoul. Eunseo really wasn't in the party mood, but Gikwang insisted on going since it was his birthday, and he wants to also forget Minji. Even though they for a fact had absoulutely no relations what so ever. 

"Come on, she broke my heart..." Gikwang faked a tear. Eunseo rolled her eyes and put on a leather jacket. 

"Yeah ok. Well SHE didn't even know your name. So get over her. There are much better girls in the world for you anyways." Eunseo said so that he wouldn't be whining the whole night. Gikwang crossed his arms. 

"Club or we're just not going out then." Gikwang said stubbornly. Eunseo then began taking off her shoes. "And you'll have to hear me go on and on about Minji, and we'll talk about feelings and loveeee." Gikwang was smirking, he knew Eunseo would never want to do that. 

"Fine. We can go to the club." Eunseo muterred and put on her black heels. Gikwang grinned and opened the door for her. 

"I think today is the day I will find my special girl." Gikwang nodded his head, closing the door and walking to the car. Eunseo rolled her eyes. 

"You say that every time we go out." Eunseo shook her head. 


Of course BAP were going out also, it was Friday, and that meant they could get drunk and not care in the morning. 

They were already drinking and surrounded by many girls. Most of them swooning at Himchan and Zelo. 

"If only they knew how old Zelo was." Youngjae snickered to Yongguk. Yongguk grinned and pulled the scared maknae away from the desperate girls and patted his back.

"Stay away from them, or you'll end up like Daehyun and Himchan." Yongguk whispered. 

Himchan had two girls wrapped around his arms and he was whispering something to another girl. 

Daehyun was near him, mixing drinks and impressing girls. 

Zelo shook his head with wide eyes. "I don't wanna become like hyungs. I want to be like forever alone Youngjae hyung." Zelo told Yongguk. To which Youngjae smacked him and began drinking his wine. 

"Hyung, I just noticed something." Jongup went to Youngjae and whispered while looking at Daehyun from afar. 

"What?" Youngjae asked with bored eyes. 

"That girl Daehyun is talking to looks like Eunseo noona." Jongup blinked. Youngjae also looked over and his eyes widened in realization. 

"She does." Youngjae stared. "Aigoo...Daehyun." He shook his head. 

"How did you learn how to mix so well? It tastes good." The girl asked Daehyun with flirty eyes. 

"This tastes good. What is it?" 

Daehyun's Pov

Right then I swear I wanted to talk to her. She was alone, but yet managed to look so tough and well off.

"Vodka,lemon juice, tequila and jack's..." I said, walking closer to her.

Her captivating eyes found mine and my heart nearly stopped. I had to keep my cool. 

All the while I talked to her, not once did she show me nervousness. I like it. I liked her. Sure this was only a deal, but I wouldn't mind talking to her everyday if I could. Her lips were really tempting, I just stared at them every time she smiled and talked. Beautiful. 

End of Pov

Daehyun couldn't help but get glum at the thought of Eunseo. He smiled at the girl and walked away. She stomped her foot and crossed her arms. 

"I think he realized that." Youngjae said to Jongup. 

He walked into the isolated area, where people go to just sit and enjoy their drink and music. But Daehyun did it to clear his mind of everything, he thought he had finally let Eunseo go, but something keeps telling him not to. Maybe it's Gikwang, who sends him a text not to give up every once a week. '

Daehyun shut his eyes and sighed. He then felt someone next to him. He turned his head to see a girl with short black hair, thin red lips, and a very sly smile. 

"Uh...hi.." Daehyun slightly smiled. He wasn't in the mood to flirt. 

Just like Eunseo wasn't in the mood to party or be around people. 

She hung next to Gikwang, cups and cups were infront of her. 

Gikwang noticed and stopped her before she put one cup to her lips. 

"You're gonna drink all that??!" Gikwang asked shockingly. Eunseo gave him a side glance and nodded her head. Gikwang was about to say something when the girl next to him tapped his shoulder. 

When Gikwang's attention shifted to the girl, Eunseo drank two cups already. 

Eunseo wasn't that bad when she drank. She would just get emotional and would get dizzy easily, nothing wild or embarrassing. Eunseo drank more and more, guys crowded around her and watched amazed. 

"Hey." A tall guy with his hair slicked back smiled at Eunseo. Eunseo looked at him with one eye open and one eye closed since beaming lights were flashing in all directions. 

"Do I know you?" Eunseo squinted at him. He was slightly taken aback but smiled. 

"Um, no. But I'd like to know you." He said, Eunseo smirked and shook her head. She wagged her finger in his face and kept shaking her head. 

"I already have a boyfriend. Sorry." Eunseo lied. Even though she was drunk, she still played hard to get. She knew not to let someone take her when she was drunk, that would lead to something bad. The guy tilted his head. 

"I don't see one." He said. 

Eunseo spun Gikwang around and wrapped her arm around his neck. "This is my boyfriend." Eunseo's head kept falling down and she used all of her strength to stay awake. 

The guy nodded. "Oh, ok. Sorry about that." He mumbled and walked away.

"Why'd you do that? He was good looking, tall and interested in you." Gikwang took her arm off of him and held onto her shoulders so she wouldn't fall of the chair. "The easiest way to forget Daehyun is to meet another guy." Gikwang told her. Eunseo's eyes drooped to the floor. 

"I don't want to forget Daehyun oppa though.." Eunseo pouted. Gikwang sighed. 

"Let's go sit you down somewhere else." Gikwang told her and put his arm around her waist, she followed suit to regain her balance. 


*Aigoo, my birthday and I'm the one helping you.* Gikwang shook his head, making his way to the back of the club with Eunseo. 

He spotted an empty area on the couch and walked towards it, but his actions were stopped when Eunseo pulled him back. She was looking at something with dazed eyes. Gikwang looked in the same direction and his eyes rounded. 

*Daehyun. But who's that girl next to him?* Gikwang squinted. 

Daehyun and the girl were all friendly on the couch, smiling and whispering in each others ear. Eunseo bit her lip and her legs nearly gave out. Gikwang caught her and she looked at him in the eyes. 

"Sorry, I didn't know he was here." Gikwang told her. Eunseo didn't care how close they were or the skinship at the moment, since she was drunk and it was Gikwang, it was acceptable.

Daehyun looked up after setting his drink on the table. *Hm? Those shoes belong to Gikwang hyung.* Daehyun looked up and saw Eunseo and him very close. So close they're bodies were pressed together and their faces inches apart. 

Eunseo saw Daehyun slowly out his arm around the girl and her eyes got wet. "Kiss me." Eunseo told Gikwang. Gikwang blinked. 

"What??" He asked with wide eyes. 

"Kiss me, I want to know his reaction. If he doesn't do anything, I'll give up for sure, and if he doesn't...we'll see. So do it." Eunseo told him. Gikwang eyed Daehyun at the corner of his eye and then back at Eunseo. 

This was hard for him to do, Eunseo was like his little sister, how could he do that? But there were somedays when he thought Eunseo was cute and he wondered what it was like to kiss her. So he did. 

Gikwang leaned in and kissed Eunseo right in front of Daehyun. 

Daehyun sat up and stared, his expression had surprised written all over it. Daehyun immediately walked over and pulled Eunseo into his embrace. Eunseo's vision got slightly shooken, but she saw Daehyun looking at her. 

The club was loud, many people were around them, but when you're with that one person, it all seems to disappear. 

Gikwang nodded at Eunseo and walked off. Daehyun saw Gikwang leaving and looked back at the drunk Eunseo in his arms. 

*Why did you have to appear now?* He asked. 


They went to BAP's place since it was close. Eunseo waited on the couch while Daehyun made her tea. 

She sat with her head laid on the head of the couch and her eyes shut. 

"Here." Daehyun said softly. Eunseo opened her eyes and saw Daehyun set the mug down on the glass table. 

"Thank you." Eunseo mumbled. 

Daehyun stood for a minute, watching her blow the hot teas steam away. 

Eunseo looked up at him with round eyes. "Uh.." 

"After you finish your tea, leave. I'm tired." Daehyun said, and was about to walk to his room. Eunseo set the tea down quickly and grabbed onto the end of his shirt. 

"No." Eunseo said with her eyes drawn to the floor. Daehyun cocked his head at her and raised an eyebrow. 

"What?" He asked. 

"I don't want to." Eunseo pursed her lips into a thin line. 

"You know Eunseo, I liked you a lot but---" 

"I'm sorry." Eunseo apologized. Daehyun turned around and stepped closer to her. 

"Sorry?" He said. "Don't apologize, I already understand everything, I won't bother you--" 

"I like you." She confessed. Eunseo began swaying side to side now, which caused Daehyun to grip onto her shoulders. Eunseo started thinking about how heartless she is and what all the times she yelled at Daehyun. "I like you a lot. I never realized it until you gave up on me. Things got different and I started missing you and regretting pushing you away. I actually wanted you closer, but I was afraid my feelings would be too much for you and you wouldn't feel the same so I--" 

Daehyun stopped Eunseo when a tear fell from her eye. Daehyun wiped it away and pulled her closer. 

"All this time, meeting you, talking to you, smiling with you, laughing with you, I thought I was crazy. I asked myself, why do I like this girl who doesn't even care about me? Why am I trying so hard for one girl I just met? Am I crazy? Did she drug me?" Daehyun met Eunseo's teary eyes and smiled. "But that's when I realized I like you a lot." Daehyun grinned, Eunseo also smiled when she heard Daehyun tell her that. 

"I really didn't like you being with that girl." Eunseo pouted, her eyes closing slowly and slowly, but she kept blinking to stare into Daehyun's. 

"I really didn't like you kissing Gikwang hyung." Daehyun whispered. 

He closed his eyes and saw Eunseo close hers too. 

Lips almost touching, the mood was interupted when Eunseo's head fell on his shoulders. 

He chuckled and hugged the sleeping Eunseo. 

*Finally you're mine.* Daehyun sighed with a contented smile.


A/N: Can you guys just FEEL that the story is ending? I mean he already has her so ~ there won't be much left to write ^-^ I'll try to make the last chapter the best >.< Kays, peace. c:






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Baekna #1
eyesthatsing #3
Chapter 15: Such a nice story! I totally smiled, laughed, and gasped while reading this
eyesthatsing #4
Chapter 8: I just wanna say I wish I've discovered this story long ago ^^
Chapter 13: Nooo. Lets have them have babies LOL.
My two top biases in one fanfic. I look forward to this.
shhh_its_me #7
Chapter 4: HAHHAHAHA
Gukkie's eyebrows ~
daehyun, nice try .
update soon ^^
shhh_its_me #8
Chapter 3: hahah
yongguk was so adorable in this chapter xD
oooohh ~ Daehyun got rejected, what is he gonna do?
shhh_its_me #9
Chapter 1: keep going ~
youre going fabulously :D
OuO it sounds interesting c: ~