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Love Game



     The whole week, Eunseo had been in her bed, regretting what she had done. She had no clue why she had done what she had done. But Gikwang did. He knocked on her door every morning but she just wouldn't answer. So he left her alone for the time being. 

Until one day, Gikwang had finally got the determination to fix everything, and by that, I mean everything.

He had went to work without Eunseo, since she had been on 'vacation'. Once he arrived he already saw his parents and Daehyun busily working. 

"Aish, you're always late. What do I do with you?" Gikwang's mom threw a rag at him and he pouted. He saw Daehyun placing orders on a table and sighed. 

*I'm going to fix this.* Gikwang nodded, and he walked to Daehyun. Daehyun looked at Gikwang, then at the customer. 

"Hyung, there's two tables that need assistance." Daehyun told him. Gikwang blinked, and saw the tables with people glaring at him. 

*I'm going to fix this later.* Gikwang told himself and walked away. 


When break time came around, Gikwang dragged Daehyun with him out to lunch. Both of them were awkwardly sitting across from each other, avoiding eye contact. 

Gikwang faked a loud cough, causing Daehyun to look at him. "Uhh, how are you?" Gikwang asked. 

Daehyun laughed. "I know you're curious." Daehyun said, eyeing Gikwang. 

"A little..Eunseo won't tell me a thing. All she says to me is 'GET OUT' and 'GET ME FOOD.'" Gikwang rolled his eyes as he thought about Eunseo. 

"I feel like part of it is my part, but then again, I'm not sure what I did wrong." Daehyun furrowed his eyebrows, recalling the night a week ago. 

"What happened?" Gikwang blinked at Daehyun like a lost puppy. Daehyun stared at the ground and sighed. 

"We went out on the date, I told her stories and jokes, and she laughed and looked happy. So I was happy also. Then we got to the beach and like hyung told me, I gave her my jacket." Daehyun paused. Gikwang nodded for him to proceed. "Then, I kind of er we....kissed." Daehyun murmured. Gikwang nearly had jumped out of his seat upon listening to Daehyun's story. 

"K-kissed? Wah. That must've been why she pushed you away." Gikwang shook his head. 

"Why?.." Daehyun asked. 

"You took her first kiss, she's embarrassed, and when Eunseo's shy, she'll hide everything. Including herself." Gikwang smirked. 

*Me? That was Eunseo's first kiss?* Daehyun blinked in shock. "I don't get why Eunseo had to yell at me because of that..." Daehyun frowned. 

"Aigoo. You still can't understand her? That's Eunseo for you. I'm guessing she just is pushing you away and hiding her feelings because she doesn't want to get hurt. Love is something really painful for Eunseo, she's never recieved it from any of her family members, so she doesn't know what it really is." Gikwang told Daehyun. 

Daehyun sighed. "I can't do this anymore." He sighed and looked out the window, rain, rain and more rain poured. 

"Do what? Why not? Daehyun-ah!" Gikwang pleaded. "You can't be giving up so easily--" 

"Hyung! I've tried so many times, and it always ends up being the same result. Eunseo hating me. I quit." Daehyun said with his arms crossed. 

Gikwang was confused. He wasn't sure how he could fix this problem. Daehyun was giving up and Eunseo won't leave her room. 

*In the end, you two won't end up together.* Gikwang thought. "Daehyun..please think about it again." Gikwang looked at Daehyun with eager eyes. 

"I don't even know why I chased after her. It was a waste of time. I shoud just stick to one night girls, atleast they aren't stubborn and confusing." Daehyun muttered. Gikwang's face fell. 

"You chased after her because you like her." Gikwang gave him reasoning. 

Daehyun just smiled and thought about the small moments Eunseo and him had. They were so short, yet sweet and fun. "You're right. Eunseo's the first girl to make me feel like this, which is why I don't want to do this anymore. I don't like feeling like this. She can continue hating love, and I can continue faking that I'm in love." Daehyun smirked. Gikwang face palmed himself. 


"It was nice while it lasted hyung. Thanks for everything." Daehyun grinned and stood up. Gikwang watched him walk away with a frustrated expression. 

"Aish, this wasn't how it was suppose to go." Gikwang scratched his head and stared off into space. 


     Daehyun arrived at home and saw the BAP boys playing video games intensely. He smiled at them and walked into the kitchen to get a drink of water.

"Hyung! You don't wanna play?" Zelo asked. Daehyun shook his head at the maknae. Zelo gasped when his player got shot. 

"HAHAHA. I killed you!! Now you have to find a way to get back in the game." Yongguk giggled. Youngjae, who was on his ipad, looked up from it and saw Daehyun. 

"Why so glum?" He asked. "You texted me during your date saying you were having the best night of your life." Youngjae raised an eyebrow at him. Daehyun bitterly smiled, Jongup also looked away from the tv and blinked at Daehyun. 

"I thought it was the best night of my life. But it wasn't. Eunseo and me have this relationship where we are like good friends or lovers, then we're like a old couple yelling at each other for no reason. I don't get it." Daehyun shrugged. Jongup sighed and Youngjae shook his head. 

"Love." Youngjae rolle his eyes. 

I love you.

Daehyun's mind flashbacked to the time he had confessed to Eunseo. And how her expression was. She looked like she was hearing something she has never heard before. 

*Did she really not recieve love from anyone before?* Daehyun asked himself. *Aish, I don't care. I'm not going to care from now on, let's go back to the old Jung Daehyun.* Daehyun threw his cup in the sink and Himchan paused the game. 

"YAH! You better clean that! I spent--" 

"Himchan hyung, what was that one girls name?" Daehyun asked. 

Everyone's eyes rounded. 

"Oh, what about that Eunseo chick?" Yongguk asked. Daehyun smirked and shrugged. 

"Wasted my time." Daehyun said. "Let's just go, I haven't played since a long time." Daehyun grinned. Himchan jumped to his feet and pointed at Daehyun. 

"THAT'S RIGHT! Why go after one girl when tons of girls are after you?!" Himchan and Daehyun gave each other a look and high fived. 

The others just watched with blank expressions. 

"Heol. No way is Daehyun giving up on her. We gave so much effort to help him get her." Yongguk squinted at the duo walking out of the house. 

"Don't worry, he won't be able to get laid tonight." Youngjae went back to playing games on his ipad. 

"Why not?" Yongguk blinked. Jongup patted Yonguk's shoulders. 

"He likes Eunseo noona a lot, that in the back of his head, he will see her no matter what." Jongup said. 

"What?" Yongguk, very confused tilted his head to the side. 

"It means he can look at all these girls he wants, but he won't be able to get Eunseo noona out of his head." Zelo explained.

"Ah, I see." The leader nodded. 


   "OPEN THE DOOR WOULD YOU WOMEN!" Gikwang banged the door loudly with his fist. Eunseo buried herself in her pillows and shut her eyes. 

"NO!" Eunseo yelled back. Gikwang stared at the door intensely. He then backed away and used all his might to kick open the door. Eunseo jumped up and stareed at him wide eyed. 

"It wasn't even locked you idiot." She bit her lip and went back underneath her covers. Gikwang saw all the ice cream and tissues around her bed. 

"Y-yah. Why are you so sad for?" Gikwang had to walk around many ice cream tubs to get to her bed. 

"I'm not." Eunseo's muffled voice spoke. Gikwang tried pulling the covers off of her but she wouldn't budge. 

"Yes you are." Gikwang sat on her bed and sighed. 

Eunseo wiggled her head out of the blanket and showed only her eyes. Gikwang saw they were red and dark circles shown. "What do you know?" Eunseo sniffled and gripped tightly onto the blanket. 

"Yah. I know all to well what a heart break feels like. Or what it's like to reflect on my mistakes, wondering and asking myself, why did I do that?" Gikwang nudged her. She furrowed her eyebrows at him and lowered the blanket even more. 

"I'm not heart broken ok. Tch." Eunseo rolled her eyes. Gikwang scoffed and hit her head. 

"You're feeling sad right? Because of what you said to that person, and what that person said to you. You regret saying those things, and miss that person, but you're too stubborn to do anythng right?" Gikwang crossed his arms with a sly smile. Eunseo uncovered her face and sat up, she wiped the dry tears and let out a small sigh. 

"I'm only admitting this because it's you." Eunseo spoke in a mono toned voice. "But, I actually hate myelf a lot for pushing him away. The guy who tried so hard for me and made me smile so much, I said hurtful words and it caused him pain." Eunseo confessed to Gikwang. Gikwang sympathetically patted her head and gave her a soft gaze. 

"You don't need to hurt someone else in order to prevent yourself from getting hurt. But now that you've done it to someone you like, it hurts right? A lot?" Gikwang asked. Eunseo nodded her head slowly. 

"Yes. I feel like a terrible person." A tear slipped down her cheek and she shook her head. 

"Then go and apologize. To him." Gikwang smiled. Eunseo wiped her tears away and stared at Gikwang. 

"ARE YOU CRAZY?" She asked. "No way am I going to do that." Eunseo scoffed and tried burying herself in the blanket again, Gikwang had on the most serious expression he has ever had. Eunseo stopped her actions and stared back with her sad eyes. 

"Are you always going to be like this? Are you going to run away everytime you grow feelings for someone?" Gikwang asked. Eunseo took a whole minute to respond and think it over. 

"If that's what will stop me from getting attatched and hurt, then yes. I will do that as long as I can." Eunseo said. 

Gikwang stood up from the bed. "I-..I can't live with someone like you. Your heartless and a coward. If you want to keep me in your life, chase after me, or Daehyun. Then you'll see how hard we've tried to get you to change." Gikwang gave her a glare before exiting her room. She blinked and her eyes shifted around due to nervousness. 

*He left me?* Eunseo asked. *Now I'm completely alone.* Eunseo bit her lip and laid down to cover herself. 

"Even if I did go after Daehyun, he wouldn't accept me. I hurt his feelings, he probably hates me anyways." Eunseo mumbled. 






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Baekna #1
eyesthatsing #3
Chapter 15: Such a nice story! I totally smiled, laughed, and gasped while reading this
eyesthatsing #4
Chapter 8: I just wanna say I wish I've discovered this story long ago ^^
Chapter 13: Nooo. Lets have them have babies LOL.
My two top biases in one fanfic. I look forward to this.
shhh_its_me #7
Chapter 4: HAHHAHAHA
Gukkie's eyebrows ~
daehyun, nice try .
update soon ^^
shhh_its_me #8
Chapter 3: hahah
yongguk was so adorable in this chapter xD
oooohh ~ Daehyun got rejected, what is he gonna do?
shhh_its_me #9
Chapter 1: keep going ~
youre going fabulously :D
OuO it sounds interesting c: ~