
Love Game



    "Oppa, green light." Eunseo said as she played a game on her phone. Gikwang stopped fixing his hair in the mirror and drove on. They were heading to school, Gikwang loved art with a passion, all though he had a long way to go before mastering art. Eunseo on the other hand was talented with art and could even start her own career, but she chose not to because then she'd have to give up living young, and start acting mature, or like an actual adult.

"Even if I do paint it, the professor keeps saying that it's an amatuer's work. Aish. He gets on my nerves." Gikwang complained while they walked into the campus.

"Look! It's Gikwang oppa!" A girl shouted and she came running towards him with her friend. 

"She has something to say to you." Her friend nudged the other and Gikwang kindly smiled, while Eunseo raised an eyebrow at them. *This should be good.* She thought to herself. 

"Oh, do you want to talk in private?" Gikwang asked, he was such a gentlemen when it came to girls. Well, all girls except Eunseo. The shy girl shook her head and blushed. 

"No, I want everyone to hear this." She said and Gikwang nodded simply. 

"Go ahead." Gikwang told her and Eunseo stared at the girl. 

"I like you. And I want to go on a date with you after school.." She mumbled and Gikwang gave her an eyesmile. He then patted her shoulder. Eunseo shook her head, knowing what Gikwang will say next. 

"Sorry, but I don't really date girls I just met." Gikwang said with an apologetic smile. Some students over heard and already laughed and ran to tell their friends. 

This was usual though, girls confessed to Gikwang and he had to reject them with that same line. And Eunseo was always besides him when it happened. She didn't feel bad for them though, because she blames them for confessing to a person who doesn't even know they exist. 

"We're gonna be late, let's go." Eunseo said to Gikwang. Gikwang gave the girl one last comfort pat on the shoulder and walked off with Eunseo. She slightly laughed and he stared at her. 

"What?" He asked. Eunseo tried to maintain her poker face as she stared at the ground. 

"Nothing." Eunseo shrugged. But she was laughing because she found confessing ridiculous. She's never confessed to anyone because she thinks is useless, and she's never been confessed to because she keeps to herself, that and the boys at their school know she doesn't date. 


"As you all know clay sculptures will be submitted by the end of the month, so get them done in time." The teacher said. This class focused on scultping useless things and showing them to the head if the school, for a show or something, either way Eunseo was bored to death in this class because all she had to do was create something you could see everywhere. A flower, a fish, a vase. But this time they had to work with partners, and Eunseo went with Junhyung since he was similar to Eunseo and friends with Gikwang. He was new to the school, so they mostly stuck together because he knew no one but Gikwang and her. 

"So, what do you want to sculpt?" Junhyung asked while leaning back in his chair. Eunseo tapped her pencil on the table. 

"It usually takes me a long time to get the idea." Eunseo sighed and laid her head on the desk. Junhyung laughed. 

He was a cheeky fellow, which is why Gikwang and him are good friends. And both like clubbing. Eunseo met him a few times at the club, and one time they both got drunk and told each other too much personal information. Which is why Eunseo is cautious with him and awkward. 


Instead of thinking on ideas on what to create, they chatted and played games. Which was new because Eunseo hardly acts like herself with other guys besides Gikwang. Maybe it was because he had the same understandings of hers. 

"Ok, so I'll be there at 4:00pm then." Junhyung told her. She nodded and waved good bye. 

*He's not bad.* Eunseo raised an eyebrow as she walked out of the classroom. 


"Eunseo!" Gikwang jumped up and down, waiting for her at his car. She saw him form afar and rolled her eyes. 

"How was your day?" Eunseo asked making small conversation as he drove. Gikwang then gasped. 

"Oh yeah! I heard you and Junhyung have a date later." Gikwang asked excitedly and Eunseo turned to look at him. 

"Eh? A date? We're just meeting at Latte, we need to come up with ideas for our sculpture." Eunseo said calmly. Gikwang tilted his head to the side with a puzzled look. 

"Ey. I shoudln't listen when those girls tell me gossip." Gikwang pouted. Eunseo laughed at his naiveness. (is that a word..?) 

They arrived at Latte and walked to the break room. 

"You two!! Hurry hurry!" Mrs Lee yelled. Eunseo and Gikwang both looked at her with round eyes. 

"Why mom?" Gikwang asked. 

"Because your dad went somewhere for buisness, so it's just us four." She said hastily while carrying a box of cups out of the break room. 

"Four?" Eunseo blinked. 


"Since when did you work here?" Gikwang pointed to Daehyun. Daehyun grinned. 

"Since I got fired from my last job this morning." Daehyun shrugged. 

Yes, Daehyun wanted to be closer to Eunseo, so he asked,no, practically begged Mrs Lee if he could work here.

"Great." Eunseo muttered and walked out of the break room. Gikwang eyed Daehyun. Daehyun blinked innocently. 

"You like Eunseo that much?" He asked and crossed his arms. Daehyun was quick to deny. He shook his head and scoffed. 

"Psh, no." Daehyun rolled his eyes. "Why is it that obvious?" He asked quietly. Gikwang smirked and slapped his back. 

"I'll tell you what, if I think you're a good guy, I'll maybe talk Eunseo into dating you." Gikwang whispered and Daehyun's face lit up like a light bulb. 

"Really?! Thanks hyung!" Daehyun hugged Gikwang and Gikwang pushed Daehyun away. 

"Keep cool ~ " Gikwang said and Daehyun nodded. 

"Okay. Cool." Daehyun mocked Gikwang's tone. They both walked out with smiles on their faces. Gikwang went to work the cashier and Daehyun went to wait on tables. 


Every now and then Daehyun would glance at Eunseo working, how could she not say one word to him? He would try to talk to her, but she would just walk right pass him like he was air. And it made him sulkened. Yet Gikwang told him to keep trying because Eunseo can't ignore him forever. 

It was already 4pm and Eunseo began taking off her apron. 

"What are you doing?" Daehyun stopped cleaning a table to ask. Eunseo gave him a look and threw her apron at Gikwang. 

"Taking a break." She said and let her hair down from her bun. Daehyun replayed that image in his mind over and over again. Her long hair falling down perfectly while her eyes shut and you could see her long eyelashes. Daehyun blinked and shook his head. 

"Oh. Enjoy your brea---" 

"Eunseo-ah!" Someone at the door called out and both cocked their heads towards the entrance. Eunseo smiled and waved. 

"Come over here." Eunseo told him and she walked away from Daehyun. Daehyun stared at the guy she was being all close with. He stomped over to Gikwang with a frown. 

"Who's that punk?" Gikwang pouted and watched as Eunseo and him smiled at each other. Gikwang then hit the back of Daehyun's head. 

"That punk happens to be my friend." Gikwang said bluntly. "His name is Junhyung." He told Daehyun and pressed buttons on the cash register. 

"Ah. Junhyung?" Daehyun asked. "Is he a good guy?" Daehyun leaned against the counter and sipped on a customer's coffee. 

"Better guy than you are." Gikwang muttered and snatched the drink away from Daehyun and apologized to the confused teen boy. "I'll get you a new one." Gikwang told the guy and he nodded. 

*He doesn't seem all that nice.* Daehyun rolled his eyes, obviously jealous. Gikwang came back with a new coffee for the customer and went back to talking to Daehyun. 

"Hey, in fact that guy is so much better than you, you might lose Eunseo to him." Gikwang nodded his head at Junhyung. "Just look at him." He said and Daehyun stared at Junhyung. 

*What's so great about him? It's obvious I'm better.* Daehyun thought. 

"Yah. Don't think he's easy. He has many experience with ladies too. Think of him as competition." Gikwang said. Daehyun stomped his feet and whined. 

"Aish." He snatched a new rag from the counter and walked off to a table near them. 

"What do you think?" Junhyung showed her a drawing of a lotus flower. 

"Wah, it's pretty." Eunseo said, admiring his works. She looked at the paper and smiled, amazed. 

"Like you." Junhyung said with a grin. 

*Tch.* Daehyun rolled his eyes. *Like you.* Daehyun childishly mocked Junhyung in his mind. 

Eunseo's face fell as she looked up at Junhyung. *He did not just say that..* She then forced a small smile, looking back at the painting. "For your first year, you're pretty good at sketching." Eunseo nodded. Junhyung shook his head modestly. 

Daehyun was staring at him at the corner of his eye, and eaves dropped while cleaning the table.

"It's pretty easy. Anyone can sketch." Junhyung said and she took a picture of it with her phone. 

"I have clay at my house, I'll try sculpting it later." Eunseo told him as she placed her phone back in her pocket.

"Oh, can I come to your house and join you?" Junhyung asked nicely. Daehyun's eys widened and he accidently knocked over the cups and napkins. 

Eunseo looked over at Daehyun and furrowed her eyebrows. *He was listening. Tch.* Eunseo sneered at Daehyun and let out a loud sigh. 

"Sure why not." She said to Junhyung and he smiled. 

"I'll be finished in an hour. Do you want to wait here or meet me at the apartment later?" Eunseo asked him while Junhyung wrote down his number on a piece of paper. 

"I'll wait here and drink some coffee, we have a long night ahead of us." Junhyung smirked. Daehyun shot a look at Junhyung before walking away. 

"Okay then. Be back." Eunseo said and walked to the break room. Daehyun watched her leave before turning to Gikwang. 

"He's going to her apartment later tonight." Daehyun began hyperventilating. Gikwang gripped Daehyun's shoulders. 

"I live with her, I will be there to make sure nothing happens." Gikwang said. Daehyun then sighed in relief. 

"Good." He smiled. 

"Just kidding, I'm going to my friends house to play poker." Gikwang cheesily grinned with a peace sign. Daehyun narrowed his eyes at Gikwang. 

"You're no help." Daehyun muttered. 


An hour passed by quickly and to Daehyun's luck, Eunseo was already at the break room getting her things. Daehyun also went to the break room to put away his apron. 

He nervously looked at Eunseo and wondered what he should say. 

"That guy..." Daehyun began but got cut off by Eunseo's glare. 

"I don't wanna hear what you say." Eunseo told him. Daehyun stood in her path and looked at her in the eye. 

"Why do you hate me so much? Did I do something to make you hate me?" Daehyun knit his eyebrows together. Eunseo blankly stared at him. 

"Just your existence alone is bothersome." Eunseo muttered and pushed pass him. 

Junhyung saw her expression and became worried. "Is there something wrong?" He asked and she began putting on her coat. Daehyun ran out of the break room and shouted her name. 

"Yah, Kim Eunseo!" Daehyun stared at the back of her head and Junhyung blinked, lost. 

Eunseo didn't turn to look back at him, she just walked out with Junhyung and disappeared. Daehyun tooka deep breath and kicked a table. 

*Aish. This girl.* He breathed heavily, remembering her words

"Just your existence alone is bothersome." 


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Baekna #1
eyesthatsing #3
Chapter 15: Such a nice story! I totally smiled, laughed, and gasped while reading this
eyesthatsing #4
Chapter 8: I just wanna say I wish I've discovered this story long ago ^^
Chapter 13: Nooo. Lets have them have babies LOL.
My two top biases in one fanfic. I look forward to this.
shhh_its_me #7
Chapter 4: HAHHAHAHA
Gukkie's eyebrows ~
daehyun, nice try .
update soon ^^
shhh_its_me #8
Chapter 3: hahah
yongguk was so adorable in this chapter xD
oooohh ~ Daehyun got rejected, what is he gonna do?
shhh_its_me #9
Chapter 1: keep going ~
youre going fabulously :D
OuO it sounds interesting c: ~