1 Year Later

The Wild Boy

~ 1 Year Later ~

Kai had scored 100% on his English exam, again. Kyungsoo had been tutoring him so that he could be at the same learning level as all the other kids so he didn’t feel dumb or left out; it turns out that he’s a lot better than everyone else. Kai had learnt well as Kyungsoo filled him in with all the things he should already know. Kai wasn’t the only one learning though, Kyungsoo learnt a lot from Kai.

Kai had taught him that sometimes, the seas are jealous of the sky's beauty, so the oceans copy the color of the heavens and that we’re a little weird, and life is a little weird; and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love. <3 It amazed him how wise Kai was for someone whose only memories were of him in a forest. But then maybe that’s exactly why he’s so wise; because his mind wasn’t corrupted by modern society’s stupidity.

We were at the mall, looking for a birthday present for Joonmyun’s birthday. His 20th birthday is special because like… he’s 20… nam sayin’?? I had to get him something symbolic like condoms or something. I was planning on getting him an Ironman figurine because I really felt like giving up until I recalled a time when he shared his guilty pleasure with me and the City!! So at the end of the day, I had all the seasons on DVD, wrapped tightly just for him :D

Kyungsoo turned around to  leave the store but he couldn’t find Kai anywhere to be found. “Jongin?” There was no response. He wandered around, weaving in and out of people’s way. This wasn’t Kai’s first time in a shopping mall but it was Kyungsoo’s first time losing him. Panic started to rise inside him at the thought of Kai being lured into a van by creepy ert offering homebrand confectionary (NOT THE HOME BRAND! Only Australians will get this). What would his dad say? I promised to look after him and then I lose him in a shopping centre?!! Kyungsoo screamed to himself.

“Jongin! Jongin come here. Jongin? JONGIN- AH!!” Kyungsoo’s eyes were starting to fill with tears and his sight became blurry. He couldn’t help the pout forming on his lips and the pink colour on his cheeks and nose. “Jonginnie…” Kyungsoo was just about to burst out in tears like a child in the middle of the shopping mall when something caught his eye. That something was situated in the far back corner of a toy store in the story corner where the books were. It was a lump. The lump was sleeping soundly on an oversized beanbag while his favourite cartoon Pororo was showing on the monitor and his light snoring could be heard. That lump was Kim Jongin.

Kyungsoo let out a sigh of relief and plopped himself down beside the sleeping boy. He lightly brushed a strand of hair that managed to slip onto the latter’s face. His face; it was relaxed and still gorgeous even though Kai had a little bit of drool collecting in the corner of his lips. Kyungsoo didn’t want to wake him up but it was getting dark and they had to get home soon.

“Jongin ah, wake up” Kyungsoo shook him lightly by the shoulder and called his name repeatedly. “Jongin! Get up or else I won’t let you hug me anymore.” Kai let out a whine in protests and tried to grab the latter’s wrist, only to have him pool away harshly. “Kim. Jong. In.”

Kai sat up almost immediately at the sound of Kyungsoo using his full name. One time, Kai refused to eat the vegetables that Kyungsoo prepared for him and started throwing the shredded carrot pieces across the room. Kyungsoo said those three words that made up Kai’s name in a stern voice but he just continued to rebel. For a whole week Kyungsoo didn’t cook for Kai. He didn’t let Kai touch him, kiss him, hug him or even hold his hands. He stayed in the guest room and for that whole week, Kyungsoo didn’t speak a single word to Kai.



Whenever Kyungsoo deliberately turned away from Kai’s direction, he would only follow him like a lost puppy. Eyes wide and bright, one arm’s length away in case Kyungsoo decided to throw a fit. When Kai tried to forcefully hug his lover and make him ‘stop not loving’ Kai, Kyungsoo would only harshly shove the latter and stalk off.

 “Kyungiie~ Don’t be like this, please. Look! Kai is eating his vegetables!” This reminded Kyungsoo of the first time Kai initiated a kiss and thought that Kyungsoo was upset at him. Kai cringed at the bitterness of Brussels sprouts in his mouth. He had to fight the urge to spit them out onto his plate because first of all, Kyungsoo said it was yucky and not to do it (expecially when people were around) and second, because that was what got him here in the first place. “Mmmm! Yummy…” Kyungsoo continued to ignore Kai’s presence and started texting on his phone, although it took all of his self-control to stop himself from smothering Kai with kisses because let’s face it, he was being the cutest puppy right now.

Kai had just about reached his limits of tolerance and spat out the remains of his Brussels sprouts with a long string of saliva trailing from his half processed food to his mouth. Kai’s tears were threatening to fall as he pouted at Kyungsoo from across the dining table. “Jagiya… I’m sowwy!!” He crawled under the table, resting his head on Kyungsoo’s lap and grabbed the other’s wrist; using his hand to himself on the head. It was something Kyungsoo used to do when Kai was frightened by lightening or when he was scolded and sad. Kyungsoo finally gave in and crawled under the table to sit in Kai’s lap. His back was leaning against the taller male’s chest and he brought his hand up to Kai’s head from behind him.

“Jongin ah,” Kyungsoo made sure to use a soft tone, making sure not to make any sudden movements or loud noises. “Did you want to watch some Pororo with me?” Kai’s face lit up with a bright smile and he nodded encouragingly. “Come on Jongin baby, I’ll tell Henry to make us popcorn neh? Race you to the sofa!!” The two of them ran through the corridors, squealing with joy and no one really ended up winning the race because Kai grabbed Kyungsoo by the waist and hauled him to the sofa.

~End of FlashBaek~


“I’m sorry Soo, let’s go home. Yes. I’m awake now, so let’s go.” Kai hastily grabbed his hand and interlocked their fingers as if by instinct and pulled him to into the direction of the car.


Soo Man’s P.O.V (Soo Man is le papa)

Kyungsoo was a very disciplined child; he never wondered from the path like little red did, he never snuck out in the middle of the night against his parent’s will just to meet boys like Cinderella did, he didn’t accept drugged up goods from stranger like Snow White. There were some things that I liked about him and Disney Princesses. He learnt to love a beast, someone that wasn’t like everyone else. He wasn’t human but by looking at then you’d know in an instant that two people couldn’t be any more in love with each other.

He never raised a hand to my son even though he made plenty of stupid mistakes because he always learnt from them; like that one time that Kai refused to eat vegetables and said harsh things about the vegetables that was prepared for him by Henry. Kyungsoo used the cold shoulder treatment and I think it’s fair to say that it was more than effective. After that week, Kai always at all the food on his plate and complimented the chef, whoever it may be, even if he didn’t like vegetables.

I always see them together; there isn’t a time when they aren’t together unless Kyungsoo is teaching him a lesson. I would often catch them dancing around the house to some silly song about wolves and shooting Anonymous (pfft, teens these days). Every night you could hear Kyungsoo’s symphonic voice lulling Kai to sleep. The sweet sound travelled through the house because Kai liked sleeping with it open.

Parents would usually get mad and disown their children for being attracted to the same gender, but Kai was different. I loved him too much and I think it’s only fair that he deserved to be happy after having a rough life, that I was more than thankful that he couldn’t remember, even if it meant that he forgot about me. I wouldn’t really blame either of them for falling in love though, it wasn’t easy to reject destiny’s calling.

On Father’s day not too long ago, I was awoken by a smiling and hyperactive Kai that just couldn’t stand still. “Happy Father’s Day!” they both greeted me and I was given a loving kiss on each cheek by two lovely boys that I was glad to call my son and my future son-in-law (??) . They were the sweetest couple that I had ever met, and if either Kyungsoo or Kai messed up really bad, I don’t think I could get angry at either of them. Even though Kyungsoo isn’t really my son, I have a space in my heart reserved for him in regards for taking care of my son.

I had gotten too used to the sound of Pororo Reruns being played on the plasma in the entertainment living room when they were out shopping; it felt awfully quiet and lonely again.


Author's Note: this is sorta cliche, soz.

Wanna hear a funny story? I was writing a biography on James Watt and saved it under the name "watt watt in the ". When i emailed it to my teacher, I forgot to change the name so he's gonan recieve a file called "watt watt in the " from me and I just... /facepalm

It's bad enough that my homeroom teachers are friends and make jokes about me being on drugs and stuff HAHAHA DX

Have you noticed that in the foreword description, I hadn't  even finished thinking about the plot when I wrote that and when i re-read it, I got freaked out because my new plot matches the bull of a description i wrote. HAHAHA

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 39: Kyungsoo really mess up bad.poor jongin TT^TT
Will you be coming back? Because I would really like to know what happens in the end (unless it's not ending, although it does give off that feel).
K13L_369 #3
Chapter 39: I've been waiting like forever for the new chapter to come out.. please you've "hanged" me for too long hahahaha #kidding ^^
Chapter 39: So short! Wonder what will happen next. Hwaiting
Exo-m_forever #5
Chapter 38: Omg im on the ergggg to cry right now it was beautis!!!!!! Update soon please!!!!!
K13L_369 #6
Chapter 38: these twoooo!! my gosh! can't they just be honest to each other and be together again?? Suhooo, do something dude! #crazy lol
diviekai #7
Chapter 37: wheres the update..kindda disappointed though but still waiting
K13L_369 #8
Chapter 36: you know what?? your strory brings my mood UP.SIDE.DOWN in every chapter, well done..hahaha #claping
and now you got me hanged in this chapter, wondering about what's gonna happen with these two love birds...hahaha need you to update soon XD
keep it up ^.^9
Chapter 36: Awwwwww sweet. Well done for this chapter. Fighting for the next one!
diviekai #10
Chapter 35: pls update soon...cnt wait for the next chapter