Alone and beaten

Years Of Hell

"Where and why are we running?!" I yelled at Jr,who just kept running faster and faster.

"Just ing run for your life!" He yelled back. I looked behind us and saw all 12 guys running,catching up on us. Suddenly Jr pulled me to an alley way and covered my mouth.

I kept slapping his hand,since I was having a hard time not being able to breathe.

"Shhh....What now?" Jr asked,glaring at me. I just kept slapping his hand and I was starting to get dizzier by the moment.

I finally managed to get out of his grip and without noticing,I yelled out loud.

"I COULDN'T BREATHE YOU JERK!" I yelled at Jr,who's eyes widened and he looked at one of the 12 guys who approached us with a smile,since he found us.He wore a lot of eye liner.I have never seen a guy wear eye liner that much as he was...

"Bacon..." Jr mumbled.

Wait...Bacon?! What in the world?

"They're here!!" The Bacon guy yelled. Little by little all twelve were now in front of us,surrounding us,preventing us from running away. Am I going to die here? Probably...But what did I even do?

"Run." Jr said to me,as he started to push me back.


"Run.And take your bag.Punch them if they catch you." Jr said. The Kris guy chuckled.

"You apparently have already abused your girlfriend, Jr.Her cheek bones are completely purple..." Kris said and the other 11 chuckled and looked at me closely.

"Run." Jr said,while he glared me with his eyes that looked one shade darker than before. I backed away slowly and ran as fast as I could out the alley way. But,since I also have a bad sense of direction,I didn't know where to run.

Three of the twelve guys caught up with me quickly,surrounding me against a wall.

"You guys wanna start? Luhan? Chen?" A guy,with almond like eyes asked while they all smirked at me.

"Nah.You can start Tao." A guy that looked like an angel said and the other one nodded. The Tao guy approached me slowly all I could do was close my eyes and wait for it.I don't want to put up a fight...

"Hey you!!"

I opened my eyes and looked at the direction of where the voice came from. A tall girl stood there bravely,with some kind of a tube,looking confident.

"I'll use this pepper spray if you won't stop harrassing that poor girl..." She said,her hand shaking.

All of the guys kept looking at the girl quietly. I slowly moved when the attention was on the other girl,and started to run,but I felt bad leaving the girl alone,who saved me. I noticed a pebble and threw it at the third guy,I think he was the Chen guy...He looked like his name would be Chen---

They all looked at me again. I motioned the girl to run away,but she ran past the guys,grabbed my hand,somehow placed me on her back,and was now running,while giving me a piggy back ride...She ran very fast.And I'm not that light,but it didn't seem to bother her. 

"My name is Jin.Bae Jin...What's yours?" Jin asked me as she kept running faster and faster.

"Choi Eun Mi." I answered.

"Oh.You must be going to the DA-school." She said,as she chuckled a bit.


"Judging from your uniform.You are from the school where the Demons and Angels are."Jin said.


"Are you knew to your school?"

"Yeah.Just got there today..."

"No wonder.I'm from the school of the Rulers,aka the guys that almost harrased you."


"I'll explain to you la----" All of a sudden we were both on the ground,full of bruises.

"Auch...Sorry...." Jin whined,holding her now bleading head.She didn't seem to notice it though---

"Ahhh....Clumsy are you?" I said as I was trying to grasp my breath.

"A lot..." Jin chuckled

"Caught you..." We looked behind us and saw Tao,Luhan and Chen,looking tired going after us.

"I swear if you touch me,I'll kill you..." Jin threatened. Luhan and Chen chuckled,while Tao looked serious.

"You're so cute,thinking you can harm us.You may be as tall as we are,but you look very weak.Like a giraffe..." Luhan stated.

Jin backed away and she tried to reach for her bag.All of a sudden Kris appeared and blocked Jin by standing between the bag and Jin's hand. Jin looked surprised and she also blushed. Could it be that....No...There's no way...

"Did you handle him?" Luhan asked and Kris nodded.

"Yeah,he put up quite a fight...The other's went to grab a bite...When you guys finish here,let me know,so I'll send you our location." Kris said as he glared at us girls and patted his friends backs and walked away again.

Is...Jr ok? What if he's dead.....He probably is...

"You two handle Jr's girl.She seems like she'd put up a better fight than the other one.I'll handle her alone." Tao said as he coldly stared at Jin. We both stood up and started to run again,faster than before,surprising the three guys.


We ended up at a park,full of pre-school kids.

"Oh no..." Jin said,panicking.

"What now?"

"I forgot my bag...." She said as she dropped on her knees and literally smashed her face on the sand in the sand box.

"I-I'm sure you'll get it back..." I said,trying to make her feel better.

"But it even had my school books and homework in it...." Jin said as she punched the sand and it flew all over the place,mainly her hair.

"Maybe you'll get it back..." I repeated but she shoke her head and then she lifted her head,pouting. She was pretty cute for a big girl.Meaning that she was so tall,and I always imagined them to be so cool and layed back.But nope.Not this girl.

She reminded me of a new born giraffe. Clumsy and cute.A natural,down to earth cute.

"Why were they chasing you anyway?" Jin asked me as she started to build a sand castle.

"Because Jr----" Then it suddenly hit me....Jr is probably laying at that alley way unconscious. I stood up quickly and Jin looked at me confused.

"I gotta go...See you arond..."

"Hey wait!!" Jin yelled as she ran next to me and made me stop.

"Give me your phone,so I'll install my number on it." She said and I quickly pulled my phone out.

"Good luck!" She yelled after me as I ran as fast as I could.

I finally reached the alley way,but Jr was no where to be seen. I leaned on the wall and slid down slowly to the ground.

This day is just way too much...


I raised my head to see Jr,full of bruises,smirking at me. 

"You're a pretty tough guy,huh?" I said as I stood up and Jr smirked once more,before he suddenly collapsed.

"YAH!!" I yelled as I was trying to wake him up,not succeeding. 

No panicking Eun Mi....Just....Uhh...

What the hell should I do?!

Jin was walking slowly from the park,after making a tiny sand castle,towards the place where she left her bag.Well,more like forgot her bag.

She sighed as she finally reached the place,her bag nowhere to be seen.

"It had the homework I copied from Han Bi....She's gonna get in trouble too..." She sighed dissapontedly.  She started to walk her way back to the school.She had a lunch break and decided to take a walk,since she is on a diet,and can't eat. A car approached her so she quickly jumped to the side and sighed in relief.

"This is a dangerous neighbour hood..." She mumbled as she started to walk again,but something caught the corner of her eye.

A body.

She didn't know what to do.

Should she act like she didn't notice or help the guy?

He was still breathing,but heavily.

She stepped closer to the guy who was holding on to something tightly; her bag.

She gasped as she noticed how much the guy was bleeding. 

"H-hey....Are you ok?" Jin asked,worriedly. The guy didn't answer.

"Yah..." Jin poked the guy and he opened his almond shaped eyes slowly,now holding even tighter to her bag.

"You ok?" Jin asked,smiling a worried smile.

"I'm....fine...." The guy answered,breathing heavily.

"You...You have my bag..." Jin said as she helped the guy stand up.


"Oh my God!! You're so full of bruises and cuts!!" Jin said as she slowly looked at the guy,freezing. They guy looked directly in to her eyes. Jin backed away slowly.

"You---It's you...." Jin said as she slowly backed away to the street and made a run for it.

The guy looked at Jin,who ran like a new born giraffe,tumbling all over the place. He sighed as he looked at the girl's bag,wondering what he would do with it.

"YAH! Tao!!" 

Tao turned around to find Luhan,Chen,Lay and Xiu Min looking at him worriedly.

"What did he do to you?" Lay asked worriedly looking at his friend.

"As you can see,he beat me up completely..." Tao answered gritting his teeth in pain because Chen patted his back.

"You---You shouldn't have protected that bag..." Luhan said,sighing angrily,yet worriedly.

"She's afraid of me so I couldn't return it to her..." Tao said as he held his hold tighter on the bag.

"Is that class president's bag?" Xiu Min asked as he eyed the bag and the holder of it carefully.

Tao nodded and his friends sighed.

"Just throw it away..." Chen commented,but quickly regretted his words,since Tao glared at him angrily.

"It's weird for Kris to beat you up like that...I mean you are his right hand man and all..." Xiu Min commented and the others looked at Tao carefully,who chuckled in response.

"I wouldn't be this beat up if I'd had put up a fight..." Tao commented as he started to walk towards the place where EXO decided to eat at.

"Why didn't you?" Lay asked

"You know what happened to Suho." Tao said,breathing heavily. He believes he broke some of his ribs. "He argued with Kris once and now there is two groups of us.We are only together when Hyorin want's us to be..." He continued.

None of them said anything for a while.

"So...What are you gonna do about that bag?" Xiu Min asked as he tugged his hands in his pockets.

"I don't know...Where does she live?" Tao asked,his friends looking at him worriedly.

"Tao...Just place it in her locker tomorrow..." Luhan said as he yawned,tired of fighting.

"But there is still school today...It's barely noon..." Tao commented "A class president shouldn't be so thoughtless..." Tao said as he looked at the bag again.

"Psh...She isn't even that great of a class president anyway...She's really clumsy and...Stupid..." Xiu Min said as he chuckled and looked at Tao,who's eyes could have killed you. Xiu Min backed away a little and smiled awkwardly.

"I should probably return it now..." Tao mumbled to himself.

"Are you kidding? If Kris knows who's that bag was,he'd beat the Giraffe to death..." Chen said,shaking his head.

"I can't drag the bag with me either..." Tao said

"Yeah,exactly,so get rid of it..." Luhan said while he pointed at the bag,that was pretty worn out and had weird things hanging from it.

Tao stayed quiet and he sighed.

"Catch up to you guys later..." He finally said and his friends looked at each other,then at Tao.

"What are you going to do?" Lay asked

"Hide it..." Tao said as he walked to the opposite direction,waving at his friends quickly,before running to hide it to a place,only he knows about.

"I can't believe this idiot...Sleeping on my bed,and I don't even know him yet..." I said as I stared at Jr,who was sleeping like a little baby. I sighed and decided to wash his bloody jacket.

I sighed as I looked at myself from the mirror.My cheek bones were completely purple and I also had some bruises from falling with Jin earlier.

I walked back to my room and found Jr looking at my family photos.

I blocked his view and he raised his eye brow at me.

"Where are your parents? You're house is too small for all of you guys to live here..." Jr commented as he looked at my pictures again.

"You seem to be ok now.You can leave..." I said while giving him his not yet dried jacket and started to push him out of my house.

"Yah...Is this how you thank me,after I almost got killed?" Jr protested as I kicked him out my house.

"What am I supposed to do now?" Jr asked

"That's not my problem!!!" I yelled and slammed the door in Jr's face.


Talking about my parents is a touchy subject,since they...Just abandoned me here... I also wanted to go to Europe,but they wouldn't take me. I'm sure they're having fun time laying on the beaches of Spain and Greece,eating delicious food in France and Italy and relaxing in nature in the northern Europe.

I covered my face with make up and sighed at the sight of myself. 

Is it too much to ask,to just be left alone? I'd rather be ignored than bullied...

I decided to call Jin.

"Hello?!?!" She yelled

"Hi.It's me,Eun Mi."

"Oh hi! I'm glad I found my phone in my pocket,but the screen is smashed...I just got this phone not long ago..." 

"You're so clumsy Jin..."

"Haha,yeah.So,where are you?"

"At home.I can't go back to that school anymore..."

"Eeeh---That bad--Oh---Ooops---Sorry---" 

"What now?"

" I tripped on my own legs and bumped in to and old man...He looks angrily at me...."

"Way to go...So...Where are you going to?"

"I don't know...One of the three guys had my bag,but he looked scary,so I made a run for...But I still have to go back to school,since they might need me..."

"Huh? How come?"

"I'm the class president...Yeah,I know...Me? A clumsy idiot? Yeah...They voted for me as a joke...But,I actually like it..."

"You must be popular..."

"The exact opposite.No one knows my name.They call me 'The class president' or 'Giraffe' or 'Idiot'. Not Jin.But I'm already used to it..."

"I know how you feel..."

"Yeah? We're alike then,huh?"

"Guess so..."

"Too bad we go to different schools,though..."


"You ok?"

"Yeah...Sorry,it's been a long day and all---"

"I understand---Wow--It's so sunny outside...My head...Really hurts...."

"About your head...Didn't you notice how you hit it earlier?" Silence.


No response---

"Yah! You ok?" The line was still open,but she didn't say anything.

"Aish---" I ended the call and went out to look for Jin,hope she's ok...

Jin's eyes fluttered open. She was in the school's nursery room. Her head was wrapped due to the bleeding.

"You're awake..."

She looked next to her and saw her two closest friends. Nara and Han Bi.

"You fainted at the school gates...Care to explain?" Nara said while leaning on the chair Han bi was sitting on

"I don't remember..." Jin aswered

"Did you trip like you always do,idiot?" Nara questioned.

"I guess so..." Jin answered rubbing her head,trying to remember.

"Don't over think about it...You'll just hurt your head more..." Han Bi stated

"Yeah...Sorry for worrying you guys..." Jin said as she sighed and sat up on the bed

"I'm just glad to see your safe..." Han Bi said,smiling a sweet smile to her friend

"Where's your bag?" Nara asked and Jin looked really shocked

"One of them stole it from me!!" Jin yelled and Han Bi and Nara backed away slowly.

"What? Who?" Han Bi asked

"The....One of the Ruler guys..."

"Oh God..." Nara said as she sighed annoyedly

"You were in a gang fight?" Han Bi asked worriedly

"Not really..." Jin said,smiling awkwardly.

"Then how did you get yourself in that state?" Nara asked and Jin shrugged

"I tripped..."

"Of course you did..." Nara said rolling her eyes.

"The Rulers are dangerous people...Please be careful..." Han Bi said

"No...The guy with my bag...Looked..." Jin tilted her head " Calm..."

"How hard did you hit your head?" Nara asked mockingly. Jin glared at Nara and Nara did the same.

"Di-Did your bag have my homework in it too?" Han Bi asked worriedly and Jin smiled awkwardly.

"Hahahaha...Haha---Yeah.I'm sorry Han Bi!!" Jin yelled,begging for forgiveness. Han Bi sighed and pouted.

"Way to go idiot...You also had my make up kit in your bag,didn't you?That I borrowed you yesterday? Full of expensive make up?" Nara asked an Jin looked away.

"Sorry...I'll try to get it back..."

"Yeah right...You're so dead..." Nara said gritting her teeth.

"Which one of them were they?" Han Bi questioned.

"Huh?" Jin questioned

"Which group?" Han Bi specified

"EXO." Jin said sighing

"You still like that jerk Kris?" Nara asked suddenly as she sighed and rolled her eyes.

"He's not a jerk..." Jin stated,smiling weakly

"I heard he's dating Hyorin..." Nara said and looked at her friend who's smile faded away slowly.

"I know..."

"He was different in pre-school...He was such a sweet boy back then..." Han Bi said referring to Kris

"People change..." Nara said,looking rather angry " Hyorin changes people...If you guys woudn't have been there when I got kicked out the group of those jerks,I would probably have killed myself..." Nara said and the room was now fully quiet.

"I know how Hyorin is like...She's a complete ,who the living life out of you and she can control you like a puppet..." Nara added,braking the silence.

"I know he's probably still that person that he was back then deep inside..." Jin said,smiling a little hopeful smile.

"You're too naïve Jin.When people change,they don't go back..." Nara said.She had had enough of her stupid friend.

"See you in class..." Nara said before she exited the nursery.

"You should still rest for a while...We'll come back to check up on you later." Han Bi said as he walked towards the door

"Han Bi...I'm sorry..." Jin said,regretting that she lost something that weren't even her's.

"It's ok." Han Bi said as she waved and ran after Nara.

"I swear,if Jin is dead,I'll kill her dead body..." I told myself after I finally found Jin's school.It looked pretty decent...I just have no idea if she's here,or dead next to a trash can in some alley way...

I sighed as I walked in the school.

I bumped in to a girl with glasses and her friend,with blond hair,glared at me angrily.

"Who are you? And what the hell is your problem? She didn't do anything to!" The blonde one yelled

"Y-yeah she didn't and I'm---"

"So what the hell is your problem?"

"I'm sorry,it was an accident..." I said,backing away a little and I bumped in to someone again. The two girls looked shocked and they backed away a bit.The blonde one glaring at someone behind me and the girl with the glasses,looked dead scared.

I turned around to find 4 girls,and 3 of them backed away from the one I bumped in to.

"I'm sorry..." I mumbled and the girl took off her jacket and handed it to one of her friends

"Don't to this Hyorin...Don't waste your energy" A girl,who Hyorin handed her jacket,said.

"Shut up Bora...I'll do what I want to...This girl needs to know her place..." Hyorin said,cracking her knuckles.


We turned around to find Jin running between me and Hyorin.

"What are you doing Jin?" The blonde girl yelled

"Don't hurt my friend...She said it was an accident..." Jin said while she tried to protect me

"Yah...I don't need your protection Jin..." I said to her,trying to get her out of my way,but she didn't move at all.

"Jin,huh?" Hyorin said as broke in to a devilish smile "I'll try to remember that as I beat you to death." Hyorin said as she punched Jin in the face. Jin's mouth started to bleed,but she still didn't move an inch.

"Yah! Stop! Move! Jin!!" I yelled but Jin just chuckled.

"I wonder what Kris sees in a monster like you?" Jin said and Hyorin punched harder and harder.I tried to interviene,but Jin didn't move an inch. The blonde girl pushed Hyorin away from Jin who collapsed and fell in to my arms.

"Nara.Are you challenging me?" Hyorin said to the blonde girl "Remember the last time?...I see you had to do a plastic surgery because of it..." Hyorin and her friends laughed. The girl with the glasses helped me to get Jin to stand up and she introduced herself as Han Bi.

"And I could do it again,the money isn't a problem." Nara said with an annoying tone,that clearly annoyed Hyorin. I noticed that the 12 guys were now at the school gates,but they stopped as soon as they saw the scene. I also noticed the campus was now filled with students,all staring at us.

"Your sorry will regret your decision,after EXO has beat all of you in to dust..." Hyorin said as she snapped her fingers. The 12 guys moved forward,and were now behind Hyorin.

"I'll let you guys have some fun...I don't want to destroy my nails..." Hyorin said as she went inside the school,her minions following her.

"Nara..." Kris said,squinting his eyes at Nara and then at the rest of us.

"Hi Kris...What's up?" Nara said,laid back and smiling a fake smile

"Don't pretend Nara.There is 12 of us..." Kris said and Nara chuckled

"Yeah,well,I beated you all up alone before you joined the Rulers,remember?" Nara said and Kris chuckled as well

"Yeah,well,we have changed since then.We are a lot stronger and we don't care if you are a girl or not" Kris said and Nara scoffed.

"Are you saying that you can beat me,Wu Fan ?" Nara said and Kris's eyes widened and he grabbed Nara's collar.

"Where did you find that out?" Kris whispered loud enough for me to hear.

"I'm rich.I can find out pretty neat stuff when I'm bored." Nara said,smirking devilishly. She then looked at the rest of the guys.

"Do you want to borrow one of my dresses,Luhan?" Luhan flinched "Wow,Xiu Min,you have lost a lot of weight,huh? And Baekhyun,I wonder who buys you that eye liner? Your mom,perhaps?" All of them looked tense and surprised.

"Hmh...We'll let you go this time...I see that one of you got beat up pretty bad already..." Kris said as he looked at Jin and then at me.His expression changed again.He smiled like a little kid,who found his lost puppy.

"Oh look what we have here...Jr's girlfriend..." Kris said and all of the guys smiled brightly as well.

"I'm not that jerk's girlfriend nor friend!" I yelled and Kris chukled.

"I don't really care though...Just watch your back...I know where you live..." Kris said as he walked into the school building along with 10 other guys. I noticed the Tao guy,kept stading there,looking at us,and we at him. He walked next to Jin and gave her a bag.

"Here...I kept it safe..." Tao said as he looked at us all once more and walked to his friends Luhan and Chen + 2 other guys waiting for him.

"You got your bag Jin..." Han Bi said to Jin,who was about to pass out again.

"I'm so glad that I didn't forget to copy the homework...It'd be in trouble if I hadn't..." Jin commented,hugging her bag tightly,her eyes closing slowly and her grip loosened bit by bit.

"Yah! Idiot-Jin! Stay awake while I'll call the ambulance!" Nara yelled as Han Bi tried to wipe blood off of Jin's face with her handkerchief.

I just stood there,useless,watching as Jin's legs slowly gave in and she collapsed on the ground again,a smile on her face. I couldn't hear anything anymore. I only saw Nara's and Han Bi's mouth moving,but i couldn't hear them...I was....So scared and angry...Why did this girl,who I just met today,protect me like we have known forever? I just stood there....useless.

Tao walked in to the school building,but was greeted by worried faces of Luhan,Chen,Lay and Xiu Min. Tao raised his eyebrow questionably at the guys,but he quickly understood their worry. 

Kris was waiting for him,with a dissatisfied face.

"So it was her bag..." Kris said,not looking at Tao,but his feet while smiling.

"You guys can go to Hyorin.." Kris said to the other guys and they looked at Tao once more before they walked away.

"You have changed Tao...I didn't think I'd had to punch you breathless twice in one day..." Kris stated as he slowly approached Tao. He walked to the side of Tao and stood there.

"One more time,and you'll have the same mistake as Nara had..." Kris said as he opened the door to the boys bathroom.

"I'll beat you up here...Get in..." Kris said as Tao stared at Kris with his almond shaped eyes.

"Come on..." Kris pushed Tao in,who already fell on the ground and mouned in pain.

"Did I brake one of your ribs?" Kris asked as he locked the door and walked to Tao who was trying hard to breathe. Kris stepped on Tao's chest and Tao yelled in pain.

"I guess so..."Kris said as he chuckled. He then crouched next to Tao.

"All this because of that bag..." Kris said while he looked at Tao,who was staring at Kris in pain.

"Don't worry...This will be over soon..." Kris said as he rolled his sleeves up.

"Aish..." Jr sighed

"Aish...." Jr sighed

"AISH..." Jr sighed

"Shut up!!" CL yelled "I'm trying to eat in peace." CL glared at Jr who glared back.

"Where is that Il Sung and his girlfriend?"

"Why?" Bom asked while stuffing corn in

"Just because..." Jr said,afraid to tell them the truth.

"Don't worry...We did beat the teacher until he begged for mercy..." Baekho said

"Yeah,but now were probably getting fired from school though..." Ren stated as he sighed and flipped his hair out of his way.

"Seriously!! Don't those two eat?!" Jr yelled as he stood up and looked around the now quiet cafeteria.

"Sit.Down." CL said after she forced Jr to sit. "I'm tryin' to eat,moron." CL continued and glared at Jr once more.

"Where is BB?" Dara asked as she was leaning on her hands.

"They're not here today..." Bom said as she stuffed more food in to "They went to fight somewhere with SNSD..."

"With or against?" Minzy asked and Bom shrugged

"Either one..." 

SHINee entered the cafeteria along with Miss A and they smirked at Jr. They stopped by 2NE1's and NU'EST's table.

"We heard Jr started to study today.Good for him." Key said as they all continued towards the end of the room,laughing.

CL stood up and pushed her food of the table.

"WHAT?!" CL yelled at Jr.

"I can explain..." Jr said,avoiding the stare of his noonas.

"You better...We got a reputation to keep up---" CL said,gritting her teeth.

"I---I was so bored and--yeah..." Jr stuttered

"WHAT?!" CL yelled "That's your excuse? 'I was so bored'? It's called sleeping.That's what we do." CL said,glaring at Jr

"Well,yeah...But if we just keep sleeping,we can't graduate and ..." Jr said as he leaned on the table. His noonas glared at him with wide angry eyes.

"After school,you are so dead Jr..." CL stated

"But I already have detention..." Jr said and CL chuckled

"Fine.I'll forgive you because of the detention..Now shut up and let me ea---I'll get some new food---" CL said as she walked towards the lunch lady.

"Jr,they came..." Minhyun said,pointing at Il Sung and Hyo Jung.

"YAH!!! IL SUNG AND SHORTY!! COME HERE!!!" Jr yelled,getting angry glares from Il Sung.

"HUH?! NO! YOU DRAG YOUR HERE IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY!!" Il Sung yelled back and Jr did as he was told.

"So?" Jr said,full of expectation.

"What?" Il Sung asked. Jr looked around them and then he whispered

"Where is she? Is she still mad at me?" Jr asked,referring to you.

Hyo Jung sighed and she looked worried.

"Why are you sighing shorty?" 

"I heard she is in the hospital now..."

"What?" Jr said,his eyes widened and he ran immediately out the cafeteria towards the hospital.

He didn't know why,but he had to run to see you.He had to know if you were ok.

"If she's not ok,I'll bust her face!" Jr yelled to himself as he ran faster and faster.


Hope you liked it...

It was hard to write in a third person view..

I hope it wasn't too confusing...

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Thank you!
Hi guys! I decided to leave my laptop back at home.I just have so much to take with me and a laptop would just come in my way(?) I'll update after a month,k?


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jeyoun #1
Chapter 20: Oh G oh G Plss update soon!!!
Chapter 20: oh my god. someone please go and save jin. pleaseeeee oh gosh. damn you hyorin π^π
I love how you're updating fast, YOU'RE AWESOME!!! I honestly thought Nara was tough and 'rebel' because of her parents but turned out I'm wrong
He story is really sad and I can't wait till she kick hyorin's (though she's my female bias)
Keep the good work ^^
Chapter 18: What?! Freaking fcking Hyunjoong! You- you insane MANIAC! Oh my gucci.
Chapter 18: *lost* ehhh?
Chapter 18: Hyun joong!!! Let me strangle him for a minute >< and I thought he was a good boy --"
Niiice chapter ^^ waiting for the next one *0*
jeyoun #7
Chapter 18: Waaah update soon!!!! Plsss !!!
jeyoun #8
Chapter 17: waaaaaaaaah nugu?
Chapter 17: THIS IS SO EXCITING! OMGOMGOMGOMG I JUST LOVE THIS FIC. KILL ME NOW. MY LIFE IS NOW COMPLETE. Oh wait. It's not. This story is not finish yet. Can't wait to know what happen to Dasom and the others.
Chapter 17: Oh. oh, oh... who is it? who is it!? WHO IS IT!?!?!?!
Argh!! >_<