Little closer

Years Of Hell

It was finally lunch time...This is going to be a long day...

As we walked in to the cafeteria,everyone looked at us.Everyone. Students,teachers,staff--- Everyone was either quiet or whispered something about us.

We spotted Nara and Yejun already sitting together,motioning us to join them.They probably are in the same class

"Everyone still keeps staring...." Jin said as she looked around us

"I'll charge for a second if they keep staring...I'll be rich..." I said,making everyone chuckle

"Don't worry guys...My cake will make you feel happier!" Hyo Jung said as she placed her huge,delicious looking cake,on the table. She gave us all our slices and I was ready to dig in.

But,of course,since I'm so unlucky,Hyorin and her 3 little minions walked next to us and she pushed my slice of cake on the floor.

I just kept staring at the delicious cake that was now on the floor. Then I looked slowly towards Hyo Jung and she looked like she tried to hold herself back. Il Sung backed away a little from his girlfriend.

"That looked disgusting....And it will get you fat..." Hyorin commented and her friends laughed

"Is that the best you could come up with Hyorin?" Nara asked and Hyorin glared at us angrily

"Oh,don't worry I've got something a lot better..." She said and her possee laughed again

"D-did you just destroy the cake that I made all night long?" Hyo Jung said as she stood up and looked at Hyorin.Hyo Jung looked like she was about to turn this place upside down.

"Hyo relax...Don't lose it now...Calm down...It's just a one piece..." Il Sung told his girlfriend.

Hyorin kept her eyes on Jin who ignored Hyorin's presence.

"I actually know who killed your parents...Soyou lied before.It wasn't a car accident at all...Nor did your parents know about their upcoming death..." Hyorin started. Jin looked at her,mouth full of cake and shrugged her shoulders

"Mhm....Sure...Whatever..." Jin mumbled. 

I really admire her. If someone would tease me about that kind of an sensitive subject,I'd hit the person's face.

"The killer us one of the Rulers boy groups..." Hyorin said and Jin started to eat her cake slower

"Look...I don't really know about these 'gang' stuff,nor do I know you...But,get a life and walk your fat jealous back to your castle..." Yejun said to Hyorin as he scoffed and continued to eat his cake.

Hyorin's face widened and they looked like they'd pop out of her eye sockets

"You...Be careful or I'll spread your childhood photos around the school and the city...." Hyorin threatened. Yejun shrugged his shoulders and he smirked

"Go ahead. I don't care...If people can't accept the way I was,that's their problem not mine..." Yejun said as he went for seconds of the cake. Hyorin exhaled loudly continuously but then she smirked.

She made Jin stand up and pushed her to some other students table. Jin looked really confused. She tried to act like she wasn't hurt but I could tell; it hurt a lot. 

"Yah!! Hyorin!!" Nara yelled but she was quickly shut by a cake smashed to her face by Bora.Hyo Jung got held down by Il Sung with all of his strenght

Nara's mouth was open due to shock and anger. She wiped cake of her face and scoffed. She then spat on Bora's face.Bora just stood there in shock. 

Han Bi wiped Nara's face quietly. Suddenly Dasom smashed cake in Han Bi's hair. Hyo Jung had enough. She stood up and smashed the remaining huge cake to Hyorin's face.

Everyone fell silent as Hyorin laughed like a maniac.Hyorin wiped the cake off her face and she smirked like a devil

"Why beat around the bush when we can cut straight to the point..." Hyorin said as she faced Jin who was trying to get kimchi off her clothes "The killer of your parents was either Tao or Kris...Choose..." Hyorin said and Jin froze. The whole cafeteria held their breath.

"Huh?" Jin said,confused

"Hyorin stop joking around with that kind of stuff..." Bora said and Hyorin chuckled

"Didn't any of you know? Not even Soyou?" Hyorin asked and her friends shoke their heads

"I'll repeat myself; The killer of your parents was either Tao or Kris..." Hyorin repeated and Jin looked at the floor,trying to comprehend what she was just told

"Student Kim Hyojung,please do not joke about those kinds of things..." The principal said to Hyorin.Hyorin glared at him and he immediately looked away,scared

"As I was saying your parent----"

"You are lying!" Jin said and Hyorin raised her eye brow

"Why? What makes you think I'm lying...?"


"I never joke around with people.I just hurt them directly.Have fun finding out who the killer is..."Hyorin said as she waved at Jin who suddenly collapsed.

"Yah Jin...You ok?" I asked and she laughed awkwardly

"What? Is she that afraid of me?" Hyorin said as she turned to face us again

"What's wrong?" Han Bi asked as she slowly walked to Jin "Are you hurt?"


"Then what's wrong?" I asked

"I can't stand up anymore..." Jin said,looking at her legs,scared.

"Huh?" I crouched next to Jin and poked her legs

"Did you feel that?" Han Bi asked and Jin shook her head

"No....What's happening,why can't I feel them?" Jin asked and she looked at me,confused. I looked at Nara who squinted her eyes and sighed

"I'll call an ambulance..." Nara said as she dialed the number on her phone

"No! It's ok! There is no need for that..." Jin said as she laughed awkwardly,trying to move. But her feet didn't even move an inch. I was starting to get worried.

Will they amputate her legs?

I looked at the others,who looked really concerned. I then looked at Hyorin who looked like she enjoyed Jin's misery.

"Aah...But the Nationals are coming up..." Jin whined

"What Nationals...?" I asked and suddenly Han Bi made me stand up and dragged me away from the others

"This isn't the first time this happened...Last year,at the Junior Nationals,Jin participated. She was running and it was the last lap. She could have won easily.She was leading the others by 1 ½ laps...But suddenly she collapsed and didn't stand up anymore. She was panicking as the other contestants passed her one by one. She didn't even make it to the goal..." Han Bi said looking at her feet.

I didn't know what to say. I heard Nara complaining to Jin about her just being too lazy to stand up.

"I think that...When she was carrying me,it wasn't because of her clumsiness then...But...because of something else..." I mumbled and Han Bi sighed worriedly

"What could it be...?" She asked and I sighed

"I have no idea..." I answered. 

"I hope it's nothing serious though..." Han Bi said with a trembeling voice

"Yeah...." I said. I would've said 'It probably is',but I didn't want to destroy her hope...

"Can you stand up at all?" Yejun asked Jin as he tried to help her up. Jin's legs were trembeling and she barely stood up.

Everyone looked at Jin closely. Not even Hyorin said anything anymore. She just observed this tall girl.

Now she really looked like a new born giraffe.

"Oppa...This will be over soon right?" Jin asked Yejun with a bright smile. Yejun smiled back,not risking to answer her. He knew this wasn't just something ordinary. 

The cafeteria fell silent as Jin collapsed again. Yejun stared at his childhood friend hopelessly.

"Nara...The ambulance..." Hyo Jung whispered as she kept staring at Jin who looked like she was about to have a tantrum.


Suddenly,Kris,the guy who just stood behind everyone,had Jin in his arms. He stood up and carried her princess style. Everyone went dead quiet.

Hyorin was so shocked and angry. But she knew she can't beat him up now.She'd do it later.She glanced over at Tao. She knew them.She knew how he would react; petrified with anger,jealousy and sadness. Tao was too late to make a move.

"I'll carry her,where's the ambulance gonna come to?" Kris asked Nara,who was just staring with wide eyes,and mouth also slightly open.

"Uhh...Sure...At the gates....It will come there...Yeah..." Nara was angry yet happy at the same time. Nara didn't like the fact that Jin liked Kris when there are better guys out there in her opinion.But she was still happy for her. Jin's face was hilarious so,she let it be.

Nara glanced over at you and told you to go inform the teachers that some of you wouldn't come back to school for the rest  of the day. You nodded and did what you were told.

Jin stayed quiet in Kris's arms. She was very stiff because she was very surprised.

"You can lean on my chest. It's ok..." Kris said to Jin who immediately obeyed. Tao backed away from everyone and leaned on a wall. He wanted to punch Kris badly.

"Let's go to the gates...It should arrive soon..." Nara said and Kris nodded and started to walk out the cafeteria.

"Kris...I'll be waiting..." Hyorin said with dark,soulless eyes.Kris sighed and nodded.

"I know..." He said and he then walked out the cafeteria,Jin in his arms and Jin's friends closely behind.

The cafeteria was quiet for a while,but after a while,it became lively again.

None of the 3 gangs knew what exactly happened,but they were really confused.

"I swear...When Hyorin leasts expects it,I'll smash her face open..." GD threatened "No one destroys my girls cake..." He continued. Jr sighed loudly,making everyone to look at him.

"What?" Jr asked confused

"What's wrong with you today?" GD asked as he inspected his junior

"Wh-waht do you mean?" Jr asked

"You seem...close  to Eun Mi...." GD said,gritting his teeth. The rest of the Demons backed away from them a bit

"Yeah well...She's a classmate..." Jr responded,scratching his head

"Oh? A "classmate" ? Really?"


"I have also heard that you asked her for a pen...So you could study...Is this true?"


"Is it true or not Jr?"


"Cut the crap and say it already! True or not?!" GD yelled and Jr flinched

"Y-yeah kinda...I didn't use the pen though so..."

GD slammed his hand on the table

"What's going on between you and her? Huh? Do you like her?!" GD yelled and Jr changed looks with s

"Well---No---So---What does it have to do with the pen?!" Jr stood up and sighed annoyedly. GD scoffed and stood up as well

"Are you raising your voice to me ?!" GD yelled making everyone in the cafeteria startled.

"Yeah! So what if I did?!" Jr yelled back. GD glared at Jr angrily.

"Jr...Know when to stop...This would be a good time..." CL commented,but Jr kept glaring at GD with angry eyes

"Kwon Jiyong...Your little minion and you have the same love intrest...How does it make you feel?"

The two guys looked angrily at the commenter; Hyorin

"You...What did you just say?" GD asked

"You heard me...Don't be stupid...Jr likes Choi Eun Mi.There is so many things they have already done together,you don't even know..." Hyorin chuckled. GD glared at Jr who looked shocked at Hyorin.

"But don't worry Jiyong...He won't have her..." Hyorin commented. GD and Jr both looked at Hyorin confused

"Dasom..." Hyorin said and Dasom walked next to her leader

"Yes unnie?"

"You and Jr will date from now on...Right Jr?" Hyorin asked

"Hell no...Not even if I die...I'd rather go to Hell.." Jr said as he scoffed

"Hmph....Remember though...Your little brother..." Hyorin said and Jr automatically sat down

"Fine." He sighed "I'll date her..."

"Good...Now if you'd excuse me...I have things to do..." Hyorin said,leaving a still confused/happy/angry leader and his junior who was sad/angry/confused. They both looked at each other once more,before acting like nothing happened again.

"Tao...." Lay said carefully "You ok?"

Tao didn't respond. He was just playing with his food.

"You could go to the hospital later...You know,just the two of you in a room..." Xiu Min teased,but he got glared by Tao and sighed awkwardly.

"I'm sure she's ok...She must just have stress...I mean,she's our class president..." Kai said and the others nodded

"So...This Jin girl...what's the deal with her and Hyorin? And Tao? And Kris?" Dongwoo asked and his fellow table members nodding,eagerly to find out about her as well.

"Well...Hyorin doesn't like her...Tao and Kris like her.Simple." Chanyeol commented and the rest of EXO nodded,except for Tao,who sighed in annoyance.

"I don't like her." Tao said,still playing with his food.

"Tch.Yeah right.It's so obvious..." Hoya said and everyone else nodded

"You guys really..." Tao chuckled. Everyone smiled at him and he smiled back

"Don't worry Tao.I'm sure she's fine!" Suho said and everyone nodded in agreement

"Yeah." Tao said before sighing once more

Han Bi made me go to listen to the diagnose instead of herself,Nara or Yejun. Han Bi said that'd I'd take it the lightest.


The doctor sighed.



"Miss Choi..." He sighed again as he looked at the X-ray of Jin's skull

"Have you ever heard about a disease called Spinocerebellar Degeneration? More specifically Spinocerebellar Ataxia."

"No..." So it's a disease... "Is it...dangerous?"

"...The disease causes the person to lose control over their body...It's like a prison...In the end...You won't be able to eat,walk or talk..."

I held my breath. I looked at my feet,rapidly moving my eye lids. I didn't comprehend this.

"So...She'll turn in to a...vegetable?"

"Well...Yes,I'm afraid so..."

I massaged my temple.

"But...There's a cure for it,right?" I asked

The doctor didn't respond


He sighed

"Doctor---" I laughed nervously "You must be joking...."

"I'm afraid there isn't any cure for it yet..." He said as he looked away. I kept staring at him as he stared at the X-ray again.

"So---What---I'm I supposed to tell her?" I asked,my voice trembeling.

"The truth,miss Choi....The truth..."

"Doctor...she's only a high schooler...A junior...She has her whole life ahead of her...She wanted to run in the Nationals...What am I going to tell her? 'You'll turn in to a vegetable?' Is that it?" I said. I was starting to get teary eyed

"She'll die.SHE'LL DIE." I said,holding back my tears.

"I know this is hard but---"

"There must be a way...To stop it...Or at least slow it down..." I said as I covered my face while leaning on my knees.

"Rehabilitation might help...Don't know for how long but...It will help..." The doctor said "But it also depends on the patient,how willing the patient is to be a part of...recovering..." The doctor said,regretting the last word he said.

"Alright...But---for the time being...I'll tell her,that it's just stress and fatique..."

"Miss Choi!"

"Sir! Please...Just for a while..." I said and the doctor sighed

"As you wish miss..."

Heres's some mood music *right click-new tab*

I got out of the doctors office and noticed only Nara and Han Bi were left. Everyone else had returned back to school

"So?" Nara said "What did he say?"

I tried to calm myself down.

"It's...A disease..." I started

"And?" Nara said

"It's bad." I said quickly

Han Bi covered in shock and Nara just stared at me.

"Why?" Nara asked "Why is it bad?" 

"It's called Spinocerebellar Ataxia. In the end...You'll turn into a vegetable." I said as I sighed and closed my eyes;waiting for their reaction. And it was just as I expected.

Han Bi brusted in tears and Nara kept punching a wall and cursing herself,but she suddenly stopped

"But...There's a cure,right?"


"What the are we supposed to tell her?!" Nara yelled

"Lie.Just tell her it's nothing serious and that she just has to go to a rehabilitation." 

None of us said anything for a while.

"I can't stay here anymore...This place suffocates me...You handle it..I'll go home..." Nara said as she walked away.

Han Bi wiped her tears away and sniffed

"So...She's going to die?" She asked me and I sighed

"There is no cure for it...So..."

"But Jin can't die...She's always so happy and carefree,clumsy and stupid,good at sports...But...Are you saying that this person is going to vanish?" 

"We'll tell her that it isn't anything serious for a while.So she could do normal stuff and live..."

"What about the rehabilitation?"

"....Along the lines of 'it will help your performance at the Nationals'..."

"Tell us later how she reacted...I need to go and rest too..." 

"Yeah...See you later..." 

Han Bi bowed and wiped her tears away.

"See you..." She said as she dissapeared after the corner.

I sighed and I sat down. I closed my eyes and leaned my head on the wall. I closed my eyes for 10 seconds.When I wake up,I will be in Europe with my parents.I really hope so.

I opened my eyes,finding myself in a noisy hallway of an hospital. I sighed and walked to Jin's room

"Oh...Chingu Mi! What did the doctor say?"

"He said....That it's just stress and fatique..."

"Oh...That's a good thing...I was so scared it might have been something serious..." Jin sighed in relief.

I bit my lip and tried to force a smile on my face

"He also said that you will have to go to a rehabilitation..."

"What? Why?"

"It will help you...You know...For the Nationals..."

"Oh...Ok...Good.." Jin smiled brightly

"Yeah...Well...Rest here and...I guess I'll see you later..."

"Yep...See ya Mi~~" Jin waved me goodbye.

As soon as I closed the door I slapped my own face to calm myself down.

I'm a horrible person.

I sighed and left the hospital.

I can't face Jin anymore...

Jin woke up from her sleep,when two nurses came in.

"Oh...She's asleep...We have to give her the medecine later..."

"Shh...She might hear you..."

"What? Why?" 

"She doesn't know she has Spinocerebellar Ataxia..."

"She...doesn't? Poor thing..."

"Yes...Well,let's let her sleep then..."

The two nurses walked out and Jin sat down on her bed.

"Spinocerebellar Ataxia?" Jin squinted her eyes

"Fatique and stress have a disease name now?" She shook her head as she took her phone from her bag and seached 'Spinocerebellar Ataxia' on the Internet.

The cerebellum controls the ability to co-ordinate the various parts of the body, and a person with SCA finds that they have a progressive reduction in this co-ordination, depending on which area within the cerebellum is most affected. Usually it is first noticed with the legs, as an increasing difficulty in walking, but often it begins to affect fine co-ordination of other parts of the body and the person becomes gradually more clumsy and unsteady in all physical movements. SCA does not generally affect mental capacity at all, but other symptoms such as tremor, depression, stiffness and sleep disorders are known to occur.

Gradually,person will lose the capability to walk,talk and eat

No cure has been found yet

Jin dropped the phone on the ground and this time,it smashed completely. She could feel as her eyes got teary and her breathing stopped.

"Hah...Fatique and stress...? No...It must be...Maybe the nurses came to the wrong room..." Jin said,trying to calm herself down.

Usually it is first noticed with the legs, as an increasing difficulty in walking

Gradually,person will lose the capability to walk,talk and eat

No cure has been found yet

Jin stopped moving and she became serious. She heard a knock on her door and Tao walked in. They stared at each other for a while.

"Hi." Tao mumbled "The school ended so...Are you better?"

Jin didn't respond. She leaned back on her bed and looked out the window. It had started to rain again

"I want a time machine..." Jin said,smiling weakly.


"I want a time machine...So...I wouldn't had hit my head and make thigs worse..."

Tao didn't respond

"But...Then I wouldn't know that my bag was Gucci,If I hadn't met you..." Jin laughed

Tao was confused about what was going on. He walked next to Jin to sit on a chair. He looked at Jin and he noticed she was crying her eyes out

"And I would have been here alone..." Jin cried. Tao stared cluelessly at this crying girl and he didn't know what to do or say to her.

So he did one thing he could do.

Hold her hand.

Jin glanced at Tao and smiled,before bursting to tears again

Well...That was depressing...At least for me...I cried my eyes out...Almost...

What do you guys think? Should Jin live or die? That question sounded...Mean somehow?

I'll update soon again~~

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Hi guys! I decided to leave my laptop back at home.I just have so much to take with me and a laptop would just come in my way(?) I'll update after a month,k?


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jeyoun #1
Chapter 20: Oh G oh G Plss update soon!!!
Chapter 20: oh my god. someone please go and save jin. pleaseeeee oh gosh. damn you hyorin π^π
I love how you're updating fast, YOU'RE AWESOME!!! I honestly thought Nara was tough and 'rebel' because of her parents but turned out I'm wrong
He story is really sad and I can't wait till she kick hyorin's (though she's my female bias)
Keep the good work ^^
Chapter 18: What?! Freaking fcking Hyunjoong! You- you insane MANIAC! Oh my gucci.
Chapter 18: *lost* ehhh?
Chapter 18: Hyun joong!!! Let me strangle him for a minute >< and I thought he was a good boy --"
Niiice chapter ^^ waiting for the next one *0*
jeyoun #7
Chapter 18: Waaah update soon!!!! Plsss !!!
jeyoun #8
Chapter 17: waaaaaaaaah nugu?
Chapter 17: THIS IS SO EXCITING! OMGOMGOMGOMG I JUST LOVE THIS FIC. KILL ME NOW. MY LIFE IS NOW COMPLETE. Oh wait. It's not. This story is not finish yet. Can't wait to know what happen to Dasom and the others.
Chapter 17: Oh. oh, oh... who is it? who is it!? WHO IS IT!?!?!?!
Argh!! >_<