A rainy day

Years Of Hell

"Wait...What?" Hyo Jung said as I told her what had happened

"All that...In one day...?" Il Sung asked me. I guess he didn't believe it either...Well,actually,neither did I...

"So...Is this Jin person ok now?" Hyo Jung said.I shrugged my shoulders.

"I hope so..." I answered. We finally got to have our lunch.But as soon as we entered the cafeteria,it became dead quiet.

"Yeeesh...What's wrong with them?" Il Sung questioned as he glared at the students who glared at us. Hyo Jung didn't seem to mind as she happily skipped to an empty table. She made me sit next to her and Il Sung opposite to her.

"I baked a cake at economics class...Here Eun Eun,have some..." Hyo Jung said as she gave me a piece of a delicious looking cake.The cafeteria became noisy again

"Wow...You're basically perfect at everthing..." I said as I tried a piece of the cake. It tasted like heaven...

"I'm lucky right?" Il Sung said as he winked at Hyo Jung who giggled in response.

"Yeah...You are I guess..." I mumbled,feeling like a third wheel. Hyo Jung cut a piece of her cake and started to feed Il Sung.

"Say aaaaah~~" Hyo Jung said and Il Sung winked as he ate the piece of the cake.

Oh God... 

"S-so guys...Uhh...About these...'Gangs'...Can you tell me about them?" I asked them,Hyo Jung still feeding Il Sung who played with his phone at the same time.

"Sure Eun Eun..." Il Sung gave Hyo Jung his phone and she showed it to me.

"In this school,there are two huge gangs; The Demons and The Angels..." Hyo Jung said as she flipped a picture

"The leader of The Demons is GD aka G-Dragon.He almost never comes to school due to the fights,but he still somehow managed to become a high school senior...Anyway..His gang is the BIG BANG and it has 4 other members besides him; T.O.P,Taeyang,Daesung and Seungri..." Hyo Jung said as she showed me pictures of them.

"Right..." I answered "You sure are prepared..." 

"We had a feeling you would ask about them..." Hyo Jung answered a little bit too happily.

"Anyway....The second to be in charge of them is 2NE1,which consits of 4 girls. CL the leader,Bom,Dara and Minzy who is in our class. The others are 'studying' their second year..." Hyo Jung said as she went to the next group and Jr and his friends were in the picture.

"NU'EST aka New Establish Style Tempo. It consists of---"

"Wait! New what?" I questioned

"I don't know either...I guess it means the're fresh and quick?" Hyo Jung questioned

"Weird name..."

"Do you want to know more or not?"

"Yeah yeah..."

"Anyway...It consists of Jr the leader,Aron,who is a second year student,and Baekho,Minhyun and Ren all are in our class."

"Yeah,I noticed."

"Next is The Angels...Leader of them all is Taeyeon.She belongs to the leader group Girls' Generation aka SNSD.Memebers; Taeyeon,Tiffany,Jessica,Sunny,Hyoyeon,Yuri,Yoona,Sooyoung and Seohyun. Seohyun is in our class and the others are seniors..." 

"You look jealous Hyo Jung..." I said and she pouted

"Of course...They're so tall...And every guy in the school likes them..."Hyo Jung aid and Il Sung coughed. "Except my Sunggie..." Il Sung rolled his eyes and kept eating the cake.

"Second group is SHINee. Leader Onew,Jonghyun,Key,Minho and our classmate Taemin." I nodded,trying to remember their names and faces.

"The maknae group Miss A. They don't have a leader,but Min usually gives the orders. She and Suzy are in our class. Fei and Jia are second year students...Phew...That's it..." Hyo Jung sighed and pretented to wipe her sweat from her forehead.

"How about...The Rulers?" I asked,yet the cafeteria went dead quiet and Hyo Jung covered my mouth.

"Oh no..." She said


"They heard you..."


"Both Demons and Angels....You can not talk about them here..." Hyo Jung said as she bit her lower lip.

"Did I hear right?" Min questioned her members "The Rulers?" 

"Tcyeah...More like The Losers..." Jia joked but she got an angry glare from Min

Min glared at the Demons table and exchanged looks with CL and they both stood up and started to walk towards you.

"What did you just say?" CL questioned you. The whole cafeteria listened carefully

"I---Uh---" You stuttered,not knowing what was going on.

"Are you a new comer?" Min asked "WE DO NOT TALK ABOUT THEM." Min yelled as she glared angrily

"Be sure to remember that...We'll keep our eyes on you..." They said as they left back to their own tables. Everyone glared at you as they whispered to each other and giggled.

"Sorry Eun Eun...I should have told you not to talk about them....Bianhe~~" Hyo Jung said as she pouted cutely

"I-It's ok..." I said,still not understanding half about what was going on in this school or the other one....

"Anyway...What happened to the teacher?"

"Oh him...He resigned from school...He was about to get fired anyway soon...He has harrased a lot of girls before..." Il Sung said as he finished his cake.

"So...the principal didn't care about him being beaten up badly?" I asked and Il Sung chuckled

"Are you kidding me? The principal is too scared to even talk to the Demons or Angels...He will do anything they want to. That teacher was probably the only one who stood up to them..." Il Sung said as he looked around us quickly and leaned closer

"I heard he's Jr's uncle..." He whispered. Oh so that's why they fought like that...

"They seem like enemies..." I whispered back and Il Sung nodded

"They hate each other...Jr's parents live in the States due to their family business and Jr has to live with his uncle in their family house. They're pretty rich...Everyone in these 3 gangs are pretty rich..." Hyo Jung whispered as she gave Il Sung's phone back to him.

"Especially that Nara you talked about.Her family has roots to a mafia and yakuza and pretty much every place you can imagine..." Hyo Jung continued. I nodded slowly and thought about the class with that abusive teacher. 

But...Why did Jr defend me like that? If I was him,I'd stay as far as possible from his uncle and try not to interviene with his business...

"YAH!! Eun Eun!!" Hyo Jung yelled. How long was I zoned out?


"Hhh...What class do you have now?" She repeated her question.

"Uhh...I have no idea...The same as yours?" I questioned but she shook her head

"No.We have different classes now. Il Sung has sports and I have history..."

"Oh...Uhm...I must have..wait..." I checked what I had and sighed

"Literature and poetry..."

"Why do they teach that crap here?" Il Sung questioned

"I'm so jealous...I wish we'd been in the same class.." Hyo Jung pouted

"You have never said that to me before..." Il Sung said and he slightly pouted as Hyo Jung sticked her tongue out to him

"I gotta go..." I said as I really started to feel like a third wheel.

"Eeeeeh--? Why?" Hyo Jung whined

"I have to call and ask about Jin..." I said and they both looked understanding.

"Tell us later with a text about her condition,ok? You have our numbers,right?" Hyo Jung asked and I nodded.

I left the cafeteria and walked up to the roof.

"Yeah?" Nara's voice said from the phone

"Hi.It's Eun Mi.How's Jin?"

"She's resting.It went well thankfully.."  I sighed in relieve.

"Good to hear...Is she awake yet?" 

"Yeah,suprisingly,she woke up pretty fast.Wanna talk to her?---Wait---Han Bi,don't let that idiot jump like that---No---Turn off the TV---No Jin,you can't watch Running Man if you jump like that---Yeah it's Eun Mi---Ok--I'll pass the phone to Jin now..." 


"Hi chingu Mi~~" Jin said with a cheery voice

"Hi...What's with that nickname?"

"It suits you,doesn't it?"



"Did the surgery go well?"

"Yeah,they just attached some piece of my skull back to the other and they said I'd had to stay here for a while...Ugghhh...I hate my clumsyness..."

"It's ok to be clumsy..."

"Hahahah... You are the first person to ever tell me that...."

"Well you better believe me then..."

"Yeah,thanks Mi." Jin sighed loudly

"What's wrong?"

"...I have to wear a stupid beanie all the time now...Because they...You know..."

"Yeah.I'm sure it suits you..."

"Wow,you sound so cheesy Mi. I'm glad they didn't shave all of my head though...Just a spot..."

"That's good..." 

"Yeaaaah~~What are you doing now?"

"Running around,trying to find my next class..."

"Good luck on your search..." Jin giggled


"Well,I gotta go rest now...Call you later~~"


"Bye chingu Mi~~"

"You want anything Jin? Juice? An extra pillow? Want me to peel you an apple?" Han Bi asked her friend  who smiled weakly.

"No thanks...I'm fine..." Jin answered. Nara sighed and took her phone from Jin.

"Why did you try to act so happy?"

"I didn't want her to be concerned..." Nara and Han Bi watched their friend,who started to get teary eyed.

"Han Bi let's go..." Nara said but Han Bi looked at her questionably "She needs to rest now...We'll come to check up on you later Jin..." Nara said as she pushed Han Bi out the room and then closed the door.

"Sometimes I want to punch Jin's stupid face..." Nara said as they walked out the hospital after a long silence.

"She's probably crying now..." Han Bi answered

"Most likely...I swear,I'll punch Hyorin in the face when I see her next time...." Nara said as she punched the wall surrounding the hospital.

"Nara...Violence is not the answer for everything.."

"Sa Han Bi! Open your eyes! Hyorin got your friend to the hospital! She could have died! Then what? Smile at her funeral? Is that what we would have done? Get a grip honestly..." Nara yelled as she walked towards a taxi stop. Neither of them said anything for a long time.

"She's honestly stupid..." Nara said,waving at a taxi. "Get in and go home..." Nara said as she opened the door to the taxi.

"What about you?"

"I'll handle some business first...Meet you later...Here's some money...I'll pay..." Nara said as she gave her friend money and slammed the door shut.

Jin opened the TV again and tried not to move too much while laughing,since her head still hurt. She was really bored being alone,having nothing else to do but to be attached to some tubing.

She really hated hospitals ever since her parents died in a hospital while holding on to her hands. They were over run by a truck driver who was drunk. The room was very agonizing to her.

She tried hard not to think about it and just watched the TV quietly. The door opened and a young red headed man was brought in.

"Please lay here mister Lee..." The nurse told the young man and then she turned to Jin.

"Miss Bae,this is your new roommate Lee Yejun..." Jin nodded her head at the guy who just glared at her angrily

"I'll leave you two alone then...I'll come back when it's time for medecine and food..." The nurse said as she left

"Um...Hi...My name is Bae Jin..."

"Don't give a ..." The guy responded and Jin's eyes widened in shock

"Well...Sorry for talking to you...."

"You're not forgiven..." The guy took his phone out and started to play with it. Jin glared at the guy and rolled her eyes. She added more volume to the TV since she couldn't hear it very well due to this guy playing some game on his phone with full volume.

"Turn it down!" The guy yelled to Jin

"But you have your phone volume too loud and I can't hear anything..."

"I don't care...Turn it down!" The guy yelled and Jin obeyed. She glared at the guy angrily and sighed loudly. 

"What?" The guy asked


"Your beanie looks ugly...Well,I guess it suits you,since you are ugly too..."

Jin stared at the guy,not knowing what to say. She pulled the beanie tighter on her head and stood up and walked towards the door.

"What? You got hurt by words? You're pretty weak..."

Jin glared at the guy and nodded

"Yeah...I am...Am I not allowed to be?"

"Tch...You won't go far in life if you are..."

Jin looked away sadly and sniffed.

"I know...."

"Are you going to cry now?"

"N-No..." Jin sniffed again.


Jin smiled and opened the door

"You want something? I'm gonna get some juice..."

"No.I don't want anything from you..."

"Fine.I'm sorry I asked..." And with that Jin left the room angrily.

Tao was laying on his bed. The guys took him home after some private doctors checked him. They gave him pain killers a lot.

"Tao,you up?" Sehun asked and Tao nodded,still a bit fuzzy from all the anesthetic.

"Yeah...Is everyone home?"

"No.Kris and Suho are with Hyorin discussing something and Kyungsoo went out to get some food ingredients."


"Tell us if you need something..."


Tao reached for a glass of water that was placed for him on his nightstand.

"Tao...There's someone at the door for you..." Baekhyun said



"...Tell her she can come in...I can't move much..."

"Be quick then...Kris will probably be home soon..."


Baekhyun walked out the room and soon after Nara came in.

"Hi Nara."


Nara and Tao were l like a brother and a sister. Tao helped her to get up after everyone else beated her up back then.

"You ok?" Nara asked and Tao chuckled

"As ok as I can be really..."

"Hmh...Yeah...You know...I actually came to see Kris..." 

Tao looked at Nara face full of shock


"But I changed my mind...I'm not in mood to fight with him..."

"So...You were going to fight him..?"

"Yeah,well...He did beat you and almost beated me..."

"You don't need to protect me..."

"Aigoo...I'm not here for you though either..."

"Then what for?"

"Hyorin...I need to know about her doings,friends,home address,everything.So I could crush them one by one."

"...I don't know them...Only Kris does...But I don't know where he is...They always change the place of their meeting.."

"Aish...Hhh...Well,I guess I'll just punch her tomorrow in school..." Tao chuckled

"Well,see ya..." Nara said as she waved like a diva and exited Tao's room.

"Bye..." Tao answered as he slowly lied back down on the bed again.

As Nara closed the door to EXO's appartment she heard a cough. She turned her head over her shoulder and noticed Kris.

"Fancy seeing you here..." Kris said as he smiled a fake smile and Nara did the same

"Well,that makes one of us then..."

"What are you doing here?"

"Why?Does it bother you?"

"Yeah.This is my house and you don't have a permission to be here..."

"Oh? So,it's your house? You live alone?"

"Why are you here Nara?"

"I can come and talk to my friends if I want to.."

"What friends do you have in this household?"

"Why? Are you jealous?"

They stared at each other for a while,full of desire to destroy each other

"Get lost before I'll beat your face in to trash..."

"Wow,I'm so scared Kris...You ain't got on me.You can try,but you're gonna' lose..." 


Nara and Kris looked to the direction of the voice.

"Suho?" Nara said

"Yeah...Umm...How've you been?" Suho asked sweetly

"Uhh...Fine I guess..." Nara answered

"Good...Hey,Kyungsoo is almost home from the grocery shopping and he's going to make us something to eat...Would you like something to eat too?" Suho asked. Nara and Kris both didn't believe what they were hearing.

"Huh?" Kris and Nara questioned.

Other EXO members had gathered behind the door to listen to their conversation.

"Someone get Tao..." Chanyeol whispered. Luhan went to get him and soon Tao joined the eavesdropping gang.

"I'm sorry...I just thought you two became friends again..." Suho said sweetly

Nara and Kris glared at Suho with big angry and shocked eyes

"WHAT?!" Nara yelled


"More like hell no." Nara said as she glared at Suho and then at Kris

"See you at school,Wu Fan." Nara said as she left like a diva.

Kris glared at Suho who smiled back awkwardly

"Sorry..." Suho said and Kris sighed and opened the door,and the 9 guys behind the door bumped into each other and tumblde all over the place. Kris and Suho looked at them,raising their eyebrows.

Suho soon shrugged his shoulders and went to get a mop to clean the house a bit. Kris rolled his eyes and then his eyes locked with Tao's. Tao was just staring at Kris and vice versa. Tao soon turned around and returned to his room.Kris kept staring at Tao,who was limping.

Sorry Tao...It was hard for me to do that for you...I just....Had to... Kris thought to himself.

D.O soon arrived home and he started cooking,Xiu Min helping him.Though,he kept snatching some 'appetizers' as he explained himself to D.O. They ate all together,but no one said anything.

"What is this?This is not a poem..." I told myself as I read my poem through many times in my head

I like cake

I ate it a lot today

I have no idea what's going on in here

But as long as I can eat cake I'm fine

"The actual eff is this?" I asked myself. Why did I end up in this class? Oh yeah...It was the only one not full..Though,I'm not surprised...

"All right everyone...I'll collect your poems and rate them.I'll give them to you next time." The teacher said and then he came and collected them. He then dismissed us.

I can imagine how he'll react when he is reading my poem. There is two options. He'll laugh himself to death or I'll get scolded by playing around...

I walked out the class and bumped into someone again.Not this again... Everyone around went quiet and backed away really far away. I raised my head and regognized him as GD. He glared me with the most darkest eyes I have seen before...

"I-I'm sorry...I didn't notice you..."

"You didn't notice me ?" GD said

"Yeah...Sorry...I'm new here---"

He slammed his hand on the wall next to my head.I flinched and he smirked

"Be careful new comer...Beware of your back..." GD said as he and his possee continued to walk somewhere. I closed my eyes and tried to relax...

"Next time I'll punch him in the face----" I mumbled to myself... I need to find Hyo Jung and Il Sung before I die here..

Jin walked to the roof and stared at the now rainy sky...She sat down and sighed.

"I'm so bored...I don't want to stay here anymore...." She mumbled to herself. She drank from the juice she got herself and kept throwing the lid of it in her hands.It started to drizzle but Jin was too lazy to stand up.

After a while the rain was like a storm,and Jin was soken wet in a mere seconds.But she was too lazy to move.

She sighed as she closed the juice bottle with it's lid and looked at Seoul.It looked somehow lonely...



She wasn't really lazy to get up though...She couldn't control her feet...She started to get scared..

"Where are you going?" Lay asked Tao who was putting his shoes on and about to leave the house

"For a walk..." Tao said,avoiding eye contact

"Tao..." Kris said,everyone now looking at him,except for Tao.


"I always find about things you know..." Kris said,now everyone looking Tao

"....I know..." Tao said as he opened the door

"Wait...Take this umbrella,or you'll get sick..." Suho said as he handed Tao an umbrella.

Tao nodded and left the house

Han Bi called Nara in panic

"What is it?"

"Jin dissapeared from her room and she doesn't answer her phone..."

"Aish...What? For real...?"

"Yes...And She has a roommate now,so I asked him and he said she's been gone for a long time now and---"

"And...?Why did you stop?"

"It's like I saw Tao-ssi..."

"Huh? He was just at his house,why would he be at the hospital all of a sudden?"

"I don't know---Oh---Wait--He's walking towards me---What am I going to do?"

"Relax...He doesn't even hurt a fly unless it does something to him first---Tell me what he said then,ok?"


"Hi...Um...You are...Sa Han Bi,right?" Tao asked and Han Bi nodded

"Uhh...I--Uhh...Is Jin---Bae-ssi ok?"

"Uhh...I don't know where she is so...I don't know---"

Tao stared at Han Bi for a while and he nodded after a while

"Sorry to bother you..." Tao said as he walked away

"Hu-huh? Tao-ssi?" 

"WHAT? What happened?" Nara yelled through the phone

"He just asked if Jin's ok and walked away..."

"....Of course...Listen,keep an eye out,I'll come soon..."

"Yes...See you soon.."

"Eeeeeeh---It started to rain...." Hyo Jung said as we were leaning on one of the hallway windows.

"Good thing it didn't rain when we had sports..." Il Sung said and I just kept staring out quietly,thinking about everything that happened today

"So,you didn't send us a message about Jin...Is she ok?"

"Yeah...I heard she woke up pretty fast and she sounded happy when I talked to her..." I said and Hyo Jung smiled at me

"Good to hear...I'm sure she'll be out the hospital by tomorrow then..." Hyo Jung said as she started to draw on the frosted window.


"I'm tired...I wanna sleep..." Il Sung said as we watched Hyo Jung doodle us three on the window.

"You slept all day..." Hyo Jung commented

"Yeah,but rain somehow makes me sleepy..." 

"Eeeeeh---I'm not tired at all even though I didn't sleep at all..." Hyo Jung said. I backed away from her a little bit,squiting my eyes.

"How come you are so energized?" I asked and she smiled.

"I don't know...I'm always like this..." Hyo Jung said as she finalized her doodle.

I looked at Il Sung who shrugged his shoulders.

"Who's that guy holding my hand?" I asked Hyo Jung about the doodle and she smiled a michevious smile.

"Jr of course..." She answered. My eyes widened with anger more when Il Sung started laughing

"Hyo Jung-ah...Please erase him..." I said,gritting my teeth

"Eeeh---But it looks so cute..." She responded drawing hearts all over me and Jr.

"It doesn't...I'm gonna brake the class if you won't erase it..."

"Fine..." Hyo Jung pouted and wiped her doodle "We have home class now..." Hyo Jung linked her arms in mine and Il Sung's and started to drag us to our home room. She kept talking about funny things and made us laugh.

At that moment.For the first time in my life.I had friends,who I actually enjoyed to be with and vice versa....(hopefully...)

Jin was really scared as she couldn't move her legs at all.Her nose started running too.

"Aaah~~It's so cold!!" Jin yelled as she tried to stand up,failing.

"I'll call for someone..." She pulled her phone out,but she got a shock from it,since the screen was smashed earlier and now it got wet due to the rain.

"Aish----What now?" Jin said as she sneezed again. Suddenly the rain stopped. No..It still rained around her,but it didn't rain on her anymore.She looked up to find someone holding an umbrella on her.

Tao had a feeling Jin'd be on the roof.He didn't know why but,he just knew it. He opened the door to the roof and found Jin and some guy,holding an umbrella on her. He kept staring,as the guy helped her get up and started to carry her princess style. Jin protested but the guy didn't let go.

As he was about to go help Jin,the guy kissed her.

Tao stared for a while and backed away.

He then closed the door slowly and walked away.

Hi guys~~

Hope you liked the update~~

Me: What did you think Tao?  (^▽^)

Tao:photo taocake_zpsdd897cb9.gif

Me:(;¬_¬)...It got eaten already...You're too late bro...

Tao:photo taopandieee_zps5bd72275.gif

Me:(」゜ロ゜)」 Sorry~~

Tao:You're so dead...photo taostare_zpse072d770.gif


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Hi guys! I decided to leave my laptop back at home.I just have so much to take with me and a laptop would just come in my way(?) I'll update after a month,k?


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jeyoun #1
Chapter 20: Oh G oh G Plss update soon!!!
Chapter 20: oh my god. someone please go and save jin. pleaseeeee oh gosh. damn you hyorin π^π
I love how you're updating fast, YOU'RE AWESOME!!! I honestly thought Nara was tough and 'rebel' because of her parents but turned out I'm wrong
He story is really sad and I can't wait till she kick hyorin's (though she's my female bias)
Keep the good work ^^
Chapter 18: What?! Freaking fcking Hyunjoong! You- you insane MANIAC! Oh my gucci.
Chapter 18: *lost* ehhh?
Chapter 18: Hyun joong!!! Let me strangle him for a minute >< and I thought he was a good boy --"
Niiice chapter ^^ waiting for the next one *0*
jeyoun #7
Chapter 18: Waaah update soon!!!! Plsss !!!
jeyoun #8
Chapter 17: waaaaaaaaah nugu?
Chapter 17: THIS IS SO EXCITING! OMGOMGOMGOMG I JUST LOVE THIS FIC. KILL ME NOW. MY LIFE IS NOW COMPLETE. Oh wait. It's not. This story is not finish yet. Can't wait to know what happen to Dasom and the others.
Chapter 17: Oh. oh, oh... who is it? who is it!? WHO IS IT!?!?!?!
Argh!! >_<