The Control Is Yours

Years Of Hell

Eun Mi's POV*


As I opened my eyes,I was at a normal,traditional house. I was placed on a king sized bed.

Okay...This is really weird...

The door suddenly opened,revealing the guy that carried me.

"Hey---She's awake---" The guy shouted and the other guy came in to the room,smiling.

"Sorry we had to kidnap you Eun Mi..."

"Who are you,and what the hell do you want from me?" I asked and the nicer guy sat next to me

"I'm Hyun Joong...I am your older brother..." He said and I smiled awkwardly,before I blinked couple times.

"I'm sorry what now---?"

"I'm sorry it took me this long to find you---and tell you---I'm really sorry that I couldn't protect you---"

I have officially never been this confused in my life,ever.

"This is Jay Park..." Hyun Joong introduced the one who drugged me. I waved awkwardly and he just stared at me.

"I'll make the call now..." Jay said as he left the room,leaving me alone with this psycho.

"How's Min Hae?" He asked and my eyes widened

"I'm sorry?"

"I heard she's in Korea now---"

"WHAT?!" I yelled. No,she can't be...If Hyorin would know she would hurt her---

"Don't worry,Jay just sent guys to look for her,and bring her here,to safety." Hyun Joong smiled


"Call me oppa if you want."

"I'd rather not...If you are speaking the truth,then...Where were you for all of these years?" I asked and he sighed

"It's a long story,and I don't have enough time to explain it..." 

We both looked at each other silently. Before he awerted his eyes

"Well--If you want something,just press that button and a maid should come..." Hyun Joong stood up while I was still admiring the button

"About you----" I started,but I was already left alone in the room. I jumped out of the bed,looking desperately for my phone. I'm sure I had it in my pocket---

"Looking for this?"

I turned to look towards the sound that came from the window.



There she was,Hyorin,wiggling my phone back and forth.Her perfect nails shining in the dim light. As I was about to yell Hyun Joong,Hyorin covered my mouth with her hand.

"Be quiet---I'm here to rescue you from that monster..." Hyorin said. I removed her hand.

"What are you saying?"

"Kim Hyun Joong is a psychopath.Do you want me to spell that for you too?"

I was even more confused now


"He said that you are related? Psshhh---He has said that to many others,before he...." Hyorin leaned closer to me "Killed them."

We heard noises from the hallway and Hyorin dragged me out of the window.She then ran and I ran after her,panicking and puzzled.

Soyou was waiting for us with Bora and Dasom in a car.The car was a Porche,and red as blood. Hyorin pushed me in and Soyou stepped on the gas pedal.

And we drove to the airport.

"Why are we here?" I asked and everyone looked nervous,except for Hyorin.

"We're here to pick up some friends---" Hyorin said and she smiled brightly before she started laughing maniacly,her eyes twitching.

"No one,and I mean no one defeats me....Ever..." She chuckled by herself.I glanced at Dasom who looked terrified...I looked at Soyou and Bora who seemed nervous.

We waited for a good while before 5 guys walked to our car.

"Ahh,Siwon,Kyuhyun,Eunhyuk,Donghae and Lee Minho. I have been waiting." Hyorin said.The boys nodded as their names were mentioned and the other girls lowered their heads everytime they heard who came.

"It's been a while Hyorin."  Siwon said

"Sorry,others can't come for a while---" Lee Minho said.

"No,it's okay,I think you guys are just perfect for this." Hyorin said as she gave Siwon a key. "A black Porche---"

"With a crown on it,got it." Donghae said as the boys walked to the parking lot.

"Um,what's going on?" I asked and Hyorin looked at me,with a pleased smile.

"Oh,nothing biggie,just...Something entertaining..." Hyorin said as she stepped back in to the car. Soyou sighed before she turned the car on again.

I looked at Dasom who looked like she was about to jump out of the car.

After hours of endless driving,Hyorin's phone beeped and Hyorin turned to me and gave me a remote control.

"What's this for..."

"I can't get it to work...Can you press...hmm...The power button?" Hyorin asked and I looked confusedly at the remote. Dasom moved nervously next to me and Bora pretented that she didn't see anything.Soyou gripped the wheel tighter.

I pressed the button and Hyorin turned the radio on. I heard muffled sounds from the city.

"What was that?" I asked and Hyorin took the remote from me

"You just destroyed your friends houses..." She responded and my eyes widened

"I-I what?" 

"It's okay,most of them probably weren't even at home at 11 o'clock in the evening on a Monday---"

I grabbed Hyorin from her shirt

"What did you do?!"

"No,Eun Mi..." She ripped my hands off of her "The question is what you did.But don't worry,you'll learn to live with it..."

My hand started shaking. I couldn't think straight

"Like I said---most of them probably were still out---But don't worry,I'll take care of them as well..." 


I just killed my own friends

And everyone else as well

I didn't mean to

I wasn't supposed to



I just---

I am so disappointed in myself


Nara's POV*


Lay insisted on walking me home and I felt pretty awkward about it. It's as if I'm a five-year-old little girl. I sighed as we turned around the corner and I turned to Lay.

"Thanks...I guess---" 

"It was my pleasure."Lay responded and smiled. As I was about to walk few more meters to my house's gate,Lay stopped me as he took a hold of my hand.

"W-what are you doing?" I questioned him and he placed his finger on my lips. My eyes widened in shock.

"Do you hear that?" He asked. I listened closely. I heard rapid beeping.

"Yeah...?" I looked over my shoulder and looked at my house. Suddenly Lay dragged me towards him and embraced me. After a few seconds a large shock wave blew us apart and on to the ground we fell. I heard fire and smelled smoke. I sat up and looked at Lay.

"Lay?" My voice shaked. He didn't move. I crawled towards him with my last powers. "Hey...Are you ok?" 

I noticed he was still breathing,so I let him be for a while. I was shaking in fear to look what sight was waiting for me. I turned slowly to look at my house and my eyes widened up even more. It's as if the bomb was an atom bomb. My house was hidden in flames as dark as my soul. And my soul is the blackest black. I stood up still shaking. My legs slowly started walking towards it. I heard Lay calling for me weakly,telling me not to go towards it,but I couldn't stop. There was something important for me in there.

Yejun's POV*


"Thanks for walking me home guys..." Hyo Jung said to me and Jin

"No need to thank us.Anyone would be happy to get us take them home." I declared and the girls laughed.

"See you tomorrow then." Jin said as they hugged like girls do everyday. I rolled my eyes slightly.

"And thanks for treating me for a bubble tea as well---" Hyo Jung said before she waved the last time. We turned away and before I even knew it,I was on the ground and couldn't get up.A fainted Jin next to me and a screaming Hyo Jung behind me got my manly instinct awake. I stood up like nothing happened,lifted Jin on my arms,and turned around. And about at that point,my so called 'manliness' was gone with the smoke that rised towards the dark and cold night sky. 

"Mom!!Dad!!No!!" Hyo Jung screamed in fear on the ground,trying to get up. I held on to Jin even tighter,speachless. I had a bad feeling about this.

Hyorin's POV*


I ordered Soyou to drive everyone to their homes. I glanced at the rear view mirror,and noticed Eun Mi was so shocked,she didn't even blink or breathe.Excellent.

"Soyou." I said,looking straight ahead and Soyou knew exactly what I meant.

After about 15 minutes we arrived at a burning house. We stepped out of the car. 

"W-what have you done?!" Dasom yelled at me

"That teaches you to switch sides,traitor. This is a small price to pay for what you have done." I said as I smiled my perfect smile at the panicking Dasom.

"Oh---And next time---Your family will be in the house for sure." I said before I got back in to the car with Soyou and Bora. We left the tantrum-having Dasom and the shocked Eun Mi behind.


How I love myself.


Your POV*


I didn't know what to do nor what to say. I mean....This was partly my fault,even though I didn't know what the remote was for...But I should have been more cautious....It's Hyorin who gave it to me,afterall...

"I---I'm sorry..."

"Get lost."


"GET ING OUT OF MY SIGHT!" Dasom yelled at me and took her white gun out,pointing it at me. I slowly backed away and started running away.


After running what seemed like a forever,I bumped into someone and I fell down. And I broke in to tears. I heard ambulance,police and fire truck sirens all over the place.

"Eun Mi-ah?" A familiar voice called. I looked up and I noticed GD. He knealed down next to me and wiped my tears away

"It's gonna' be ok---" He then embraced me tightly and I cried my heart out. 

Hola guys!

Sorry,it's been so long,but I had school and other reasons (that I'm too lazy to write here) in my way. 

But hey,it's back,and it's back with a blast.






Hope you liked it! :D


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Hi guys! I decided to leave my laptop back at home.I just have so much to take with me and a laptop would just come in my way(?) I'll update after a month,k?


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jeyoun #1
Chapter 20: Oh G oh G Plss update soon!!!
Chapter 20: oh my god. someone please go and save jin. pleaseeeee oh gosh. damn you hyorin π^π
I love how you're updating fast, YOU'RE AWESOME!!! I honestly thought Nara was tough and 'rebel' because of her parents but turned out I'm wrong
He story is really sad and I can't wait till she kick hyorin's (though she's my female bias)
Keep the good work ^^
Chapter 18: What?! Freaking fcking Hyunjoong! You- you insane MANIAC! Oh my gucci.
Chapter 18: *lost* ehhh?
Chapter 18: Hyun joong!!! Let me strangle him for a minute >< and I thought he was a good boy --"
Niiice chapter ^^ waiting for the next one *0*
jeyoun #7
Chapter 18: Waaah update soon!!!! Plsss !!!
jeyoun #8
Chapter 17: waaaaaaaaah nugu?
Chapter 17: THIS IS SO EXCITING! OMGOMGOMGOMG I JUST LOVE THIS FIC. KILL ME NOW. MY LIFE IS NOW COMPLETE. Oh wait. It's not. This story is not finish yet. Can't wait to know what happen to Dasom and the others.
Chapter 17: Oh. oh, oh... who is it? who is it!? WHO IS IT!?!?!?!
Argh!! >_<