After Two Years

Years Of Hell

The sound of the gun echoed in the huge hall. Everyone held their breath.

You missed Jin,on purpose.

Jin's heart beated like crazy,and her heart wasn't the only one. 

"Eun Mi-ah...You missed..." Hyorin said,disappointed. You lowered the gun.

"Next time I won't." You said breathing heavily. You were afraid you'd kill Jin for real.

"Let that be the lesson..." You said,trying to act as cold as possible to Jin. Her eyes,that were scared few seconds ago,were now full of sadness. And it hurt to see those usually happy eyes,so...Sad. 

You turned to Hyorin who smiled a smile at you.

"I think they got the message Eun Mi-ah...Now...Soyou,Bora,Dasom and Eun Mi.Let's go..." Hyorin said and you and the rest of SISTAR nodded

"Next time,I'm not going to spare anyone." Hyorin threatened as she walked next to the stair way,you and SISTAR following close behind.

"Oh.Before I forget..." Hyorin said as she turned to look at everyone again,the men still not letting them go.

"EXO,the men you fought and killed...I think you should go check their bodies...If you haven't noticed,some people are missing..." She chuckled before motioning us to follow her and leave. Hyorin and SISTAR already left,but you stood there for a while,looking at your feet. You stepped few stairs up and looked behind you. Everyone's eyes were on you,disappointed,sad,angry...You sighed and continued your way out of the abandoned mansion. Hyorin was the only one left,waiting for you.

"Here." She said,giving you something in a box

"It's your weapons; a hand gun and a knife.Treat them with care." She said as she looked at her wrist for the time. She came closer to your ear.

"I trust you." She said before giving you a glare and walking away. You sighed and looked at the box,before heading your way to your home.

"I trust you too.." You said,sighing once more before going to the subway and head home.

*Two Years Later*


Your POV*

It's been 2 years now. I haven't been to school in 2 years. I have been training fighting with Hyorin. Hyorin along with the rest of SISTAR went over seas...Don't know what for though.

Hyorin gave me the SCA medecine and I heard it was the cure.

I'm glad.

I gave it to Jin and Sungjong's doctor. I heard their both recovered now.

Hyorin and the others gratuated except for Dasom. I heard she went to study her last year in China.

Hyorin also somehow got me to third year of high school

Your POV*


I sighed as I reached the class door. I placed my hand on the handle and opened the door. 

I found Hyo Jung yelling at Il Sung,teary eyed,the whole class watching them.

Everyone then noticed me and everyone went quiet as I passed them and went over to my seat and pretended to text someone. The whole class looked at me,still,quiet with big eyes.

Suddenly something was placed on my desk. I glanced at it over my phone and I noticed a bracelet 

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I looked up to find Hyo Jung,wiping her still flooding tears.

"That day...Before I was kidnapped...I was making this for you...I have one that looks exact the same..." She said with a raspy voice. "I...missed you..." She said before bursting out to tears and crouching. 

I panicked. I didn't know what to do. Clearly,a lot of things have changed since I last saw everyone. I looked at Il Sung who looked at the ground,like he couldn't face me. I looked at the bracelet and then at Hyo Jung.

She has lost a ton of weight and she is a lot paler. I took the bracelet and looked at it.

The whole class looked at me.


"I'll be gone for a while. I trust you Eun Mi.I trust that you don't talk to them at all.If you do;Prepare for your death." 


Hyorin's words kept ringing in my head. I sighed and nealed next to Hyo Jung.

"Yah...Why did you make this?" I asked Hyo Jung,who was trembeling.

"Because you are my best friend..." She said,and a little smile spread through her pale lips. I sighed and looked at the bracelet once more,before placing in around my wrist.

"Thanks,Hyo." I said and she looked at me shocked,before she hugged me tightly.

"I missed you...Everything broke down after you left..." Hyo Jung whispered. I patted her back and hugged her back. I then stood up and helped her stand up before I was back hugged. I looked behind my shoulder to find a crying Jin.

"Chingu Mi~~" Jin chuckled "You're finally back!" She said as she made me turn and I was greeted with a huge smile of hers. I smiled back

"And the real you is back too..." Jin said and I nodded,shrugging my shoulders. 

"Eun Mi-ah...Thanks..." Jin said

"What for?" I asked and she smiled as she showed her wrist that had a bandage wrapped around it

"I'm cured...The doctor told me you...Gave them the cure..." Jin whispered


"Was it from Hyorin?" She asked

"It's a long story..."

Jin was about to say something but the teacher came in.

We had the same teacher until lunch finally came.And the whole time,the teacher avoided me.

Your POV*


After class ended,Hyo Jung said she'd go to the bathroom and re-do her make-up. Jin said she'd meet someone quickly before she'd join us.

I'm still wondering why Il Sung and Hyo Jung were fighting,so I decided to ask someone.

I walked to the lunch lady and she looked to be afraid of me. I ordered lunch and she just nodded and gave it to me quietly. When I was about to pay her,she stopped me,insisting that I wouldn't pay it. I shrugged and went to look for a place to sit at.

I mean,who would say no to free food?

After I sat down,I noticed how so many of the gangs were missing. And how everyone sitted in small groups.

Jin suddenly joined me and looked like she was running to get here

"Sorry to make you wait..." She said as she placed her new bag next to her and leaned on the table.

"No problem..." I said and she took out her lunch box.

"A lot has changed,huh?" Jin asked as she looked around us

"That's exactly what I just thought..." I said,looking around us too.

"After you 'betrayed' us,everyone had their opinions,so we all split up..."

"Like how?"

"Hmmm...Well,Nara hanged around EXO before she graduated...Han Bi with SHINee,me alone or with Sungjong and Hyo Jung with her boyfriend..." Jin said

"That reminded me...Why were the couple fighting?" I asked and Jin sighed

"He cheated."

My eyes widened

"What?" I asked

"Someone spread pictures around school of Il Sung kissing some older girl...."

"How could he...?" I said

"I don't know...Hyo Junggie was devesdated..." 

"I noticed..." I sighed before continuing "They were dating for 6 years now..." 

"Yeah....We should take Hyo Jung out and have a little fun!" Jin suggested,but I shook my head

"If I was in this kind of situation,I'd want to be alone..."

Jin sighed

"I guess you are right..."

I ate a bit before asking

"Where did some of the gangs go to?"

Jin looked at me before sighing

"They died..." Jin said before eating a bit


"That day...When everything went down...They...Died..."

"By what?"

"EXO killed Infinite and Teen Top...But they didn't know it was them when they were fighting..."

"How about the girl groups?"

"Miss A died,but the others changed school.There aren't any gangs anymore...Small ones,yes,but not the big ones..."

"So...Basically everything changed..."

"People change..." Jin said and I nodded

"Why aren't you with the rest of EXO?" I asked and Jin became uneasy

"I-I j-just---I have been avoiding Tao and Kris sunbae for this past 2 years..."


"That day...They kinda...Uhh..." Jin looked around us before leaning closer "Confessed to me.."

"What?!" I yelled as I stood up. Jin motioned me to be quiet and sit down.

"Shhh!!" She hushed me

"So,Kris sunbae has graduated now...You didn't even congratulate him?" I asked and Jin nodded

"I couldn't..." She pouted

I sighed and massaged my temple.

Way too much has happened and the reason was me in the begin with. 

"How's Han Bi and Nara then?"

"Haven't talked to them in 2 years,so I don't know..."

"Not even Han Bi?"

"Yeah.Minho oppa scared me...Oh...But now that I think about it...Only Taemin is left..." Jin said placing her finger on her chin. I rolled my eyes and ate a bit again

"But it's better to leave those love birds alone..." Jin said with a smile before she ate as well.

"What love birds?"

"Taemin and Han Bi."

"'So they're dating?"

"Yeah.I think their one year anniversary is coming soon." Jin said as she smiled sadly.

"You seem sad about it..."

"Yeah well...I've been single my whole life..."


"Well...I would like to date you know...I have started to put on make-up as well...Just to...For someone to notice me..." Jin sighed

I looked around us for the rest of EXO and found them looking right at me. I looked back at Jin

"Well,there's Tao..." I said and Jin immediately blushed

"N-no...I feel too awkward around him...No one from EXO would be good..." Jin ate a huge amount of rice before she gulped down some of her juice.

"How about Yejun?" 

"Oh,Yejunnie oppa graduated and he is studying in the States again. He will come back next year. After we graduate."

"It's getting colder day by day."

"Yeah,well,it's November already..." Jin said as patted her cheeks so they would stop hinting the color red.

"How's life with you?" I asked and Jin smiled

"I'm living alone.My grandma died last year."

"I'm sorry to hear that..."

"It's fine...She pretented to hate me so I'd start to hate her too,but I couldn't do it. I loved her. And I'm glad she loved me too..."

"Living alone is hard..." I commented and Jin laughed

"I know...I can't even cook so I eat ramyun everyday...Can you cook?"

"Me? I burn water alone..."

Jin laughed

"I'm not that bad luckily...I can make rice and egg rolls..." She pointed at her lunch.

"That's pretty fattening..."

"I don't gain weight..." Jin said and my hurt sunk a bit

She's so lucky...I gain weight if I just look at greasy foods...


"Sorry to make you wait..." Hyo Jung said as she sitted next to us

"No problem..." I said and Hyo Jung smiled back. I noticed that she had the frienship bracelet in her wrist as well.

"What were you guys talking about?" She asked as she drank her water. I noticed she didn't have any food.

"Talking about cooking..." Jin said

"Oh..." Hyo Jung smiled

"Aren't you going to eat?" I asked Hyo Jung smiled sadly

"I'm not really hungry..." She played with her fingers and the bracelet.

"Oh...Sungjong joined the cafeteria..." Jin said and she stood up to motion Sungjong to join us.

"How old is Sungjong now?"

"He is a first year student..." Hyo Jung said as we looked at Sungjong,who approached us with a smile.

"Ah..." He started,looking at me before coming to my side,making me stand up. He then hugged me "Eun Mi noona...Thank you for everything..." He whispered before letting me go "And welcome back!" He said with a bright smile.

"Ah...Thanks..." I said and Sungjong sat next to Jin

"Noona,are your friends coming back together?" Sungjong asked Jin and Jin smiled at me and Hyo Jung

"I think so..." She smiled brightly. Me and Hyo Jung smiled also but I was soon kicked from my back,causing the whole cafeteria to turn quiet. I turned around slowly with a face.

"Yah,Unnie....You really are driving me crazy..." I looked at the girl better,only to recognize her as my little sister.She's 2 years younger than me. And as far as I know,she was studying in France for her middle school.

"Yah,Min Hae,don't kick your older sister..." I scolded her and she rolled her eyes

"Unnie-ah...All of my savings disappeared to a freaking motel.I came by your house for this past month,where were you?!" She yelled,throwing a tantrum

"I have been...Out of the city for 2 years...." I said as I dragged her from all the gazes

"Why?!" She yelled "Unnie; A MOTEL.Only drug users,pregnant teenagers and rapists live there!" She yelled and I covered

"It's a long story and I have a new place anyway..." I said,remembering that Hyorin bought me place,where I didn't have a chance to go yet.

"Why didn't you go to our parents?" I asked and she sighed

"What parents? I don't have any parents. No parent would throw you away like you are garbage." I sighed. She was right. We were abandoned now. I have been for years...

"Why are you here anyway?"

"I study here,moron..." Min Hae rolled her eyes. She can have a temper...

"Ok,but now...I'm gonna eat,and you need to cool down,ok?" I said and Min Hae nodded. She then glanced behind me

"Your friends?" She asked,pointing at Jin,Hyo Jung and Sungjong. I nodded and Min Hae seemed to glare at Sungjong.

"That boy is really annoying...He keeps offering to do my homework,buy me food,giving me a sharpener even though I have a mechanical pencil..." Min Hae keeps on glaring and she sighs.

"Can I sit with you?" She asks before continuing "No one seems to like me...." 

I rolled my eyes and shook my head

"I wonder why..." I said and Min Hae glared at me

"WHAT." She said with a strong voice

"Nothing,I'm sure my friends will like you..." I said as I dragged my sister to my still confused friends,through the still silent cafeteria.

"Guys,this is my baby sis,Min Hae...Min Hae,meet Hyo Jung...Jin and Sungjong...." I said and they greeted each other.

Min Hae sitted next to me and eyed everyone before speaking french to me

"Your friends seem to be depressed..." I nodded. I know french a lot since my parents made me learn it for years

"A lot has happened since I last was here..."

"Like what?"

"I'll tell you later...But they are staring at us,so we better start speaking korean again..."


I chatted with Hyo Jung and Jin,and Sungjong commented sometimes.But Min Hae was quiet and just stared at EXO's table,angrily. Suddenly she scoffed before she stood up and walked to them.

Hyo Jung poked me and raised her eye brow,asking me what my sister was going to do. I shrugged and the cafeteria became silent again.

"What are you doing,sunbae?" Min Hae asked Kai

"What do you mean?" Kai chuckled with his friends

"You keep glaring,while normal people eat. What's your problem?" Min Hae crossed her arm together. Sungjong stood up and walked next to Min Hae.

"What are those two doing?" I whispered,and both Hyo Jung and Jin were just as clueless as I was

"Min Hae-ssi,let's go back..." Sungjong said,trying to grab Min Hae's arm,but he failed. Min Hae glared at Kai before she walked back to our table,taking her glass of water with ice and walked back to Kai. She then poured the ice cold all over him and slammed the glass in to his food. She then grabbed his collar

"Keep your eyes to yourself..." Min Hae said before she walked back to us,grabbed her bag and left. Everyone looked at me and I smiled awkwardly. I stood up and walked to Kai,while his friends were laughing at him,telling him he deserved it etc.

"Sorry about that..." I said and Kai glared at me before he stood up

"Who was she?" He asked and I puffed my cheeks,raising my eye brow.


"Nevermind..." Kai asked as he walked away from the cafeteria. I quickly went to my table and sat down.

"She always causes me problems..." I sighed as I leant on the table

"I'm sorry noona...I tried to become friends with her,but she avoids me..." Sungjong said with a sad voice 

"Sorry Sungjong-ah..." I mumbled and sighed before starting to eat again.The cafeteria became noisy again and I relaxed a bit. Min Hae will hear about this later...

Min Hae walked through the halls of the school as she headed to her locker. She opened it and exactly the same thing happened everyday.

Her locker was filled with hate letters,dirt,dead rodents and rotten food.

Everyday,since middle school,this has happened.She's been bullied.

Min Hae doesn't keep her books in her locker anymore,but this is the only kind of attention anyone gives to her.

Even though it's hurtful,it's attention. She closed the locker and found the school's queenkas smirking next to her

"Like what you saw?" Their leader,Sora,asks

"Yeah...Thanks...Makes my day so much better..." Min Hae says as she started to walk away but Sora grabbed her wrist

"There's someone waiting for you on the roof...Just wanted you to know..." She said

Min Hae scoffed

"You think I'm stupid,don't you?" Min Hae asked as she ripped her hand away

"Don't ever,ever,do that to Kai oppa again---" Then Sora snapped her fingers and eggs were thrown on Min Hae,following with flour and tomato sauce. Then they all left,their laughter echoing in the hallway.

Min Hae sighed as she cleaned her uniform as best as she could,but it didn't work. She kicked her own locker in anger and took her back and turned around to find Kai,leaning on the lockers.

Their eyes met and Min Hae glared before she walked past him

"You ok?" Kai asked,causing Min Hae to stop walking.

"Never been better..." Min Hae says sarcastically as she glared at Kai behind her shoulder

"You deserved that..." Kai said with a monotone voice "You poured ice cold water on me after all..."

Min Hae turned around and glared Kai,straight in her eyes. It made Kai feel kinda...weird..In a good way..

"You are right...Ever since I bumped into you accidentally,and you helped me stand up,all I have been getting is hatred from your precious fan girls..." Min Hae sighed before she continued

"Let's make a deal...You don't talk to me,look at me,nothing...And I promise to do the same...I'm tired of washing my clothes everyday and having to walk in cold November mornings with wet clothes..." Min Hae said before she turned around,but Kai grabbed her hand

"Yah...Is this happening to you everyday?" Kai said,with worry in his voice. Min Hae ripped her hand off before she backed away

"Unless you are deaf then I have no reason to tell you,again." Min Hae said before she sighed and looked at the ground

"Is it a deal?" Min Hae raised her head,only to find Kai's face only and inch away from hers. They stared into each other's eyes,before Min Hae spoke again

"What are you doing?" She asked as Kai's eyes seemed to her in.

"Taking the last look of you.And sorry...For everything..." Kai said as he smiled his michevious smile before placing his hands in his pockets. He then gave a peck on her nose and walked away before yelling and turning around

"You can't forget me after that,right?" He smiled before he walked away.

Min Hae,still shocked walked to the bathroom to clean her uniform

Your POV*


Everyone was already in class,and I was chatting with Jin and Hyo Jung. I looked around the class,when I realized that none of the NU'EST members were in school.

"Where's NU'EST?" I asked and Jin responded

"I saw them yesterday at the hospital when I was doing my weekly check-up."

I nodded and sat down on my desk when all of a sudden a panting Jr came to the room.

Our eyes locked and he looked relieved.

"He hasn't been to school for a long time either...I guess he had some family problems or something..." Hyo Jung whispered

Jr walked in front of me and he scoffed

"So it's true..." He started as he placed his hand,that was in his pocket,on my cheek and caressed it. My eyes widened and I froze. 

What is he doing?! 

He feels....somehow...comfortable...


What am I saying?!

"UNNIE!" I heard Min Hae's voice. Min Hae pushed Jr away from me and glared at him.

"What are you doing?" Min Hae asked with a monotone voice,looking at Jr,who rubbed the back of his neck.

Min Hae scoffed and rolled her eyes before she grabbed Jr's collar and moved inches away from Jr's mouth. 

Min Hae's POV*


I leaned closer to the guys face and glared at him.

He looked at me surprised. I scoffed before leaning closer to his ear

"Keep a distance from my unnie or your heirlume will suffer..." I whispered and I heard him gulp. I then letted him go and looked at unnie and her friends. They looked really shocked. I then looked around the quiet classroom and noticed the guy who kissed my nose;Kai... He was glaring at me and then at Jr and then back at me again. I scoffed and sighed loudly to snap unnie from her trance

"Unnie...They are back here..." I said to my now even more confused unnie

"Huh? Who?"

"I don't know...Someonemade me tell you that they are here..."I said as I shrugged my shoulders. Unnie looked at the ground while she was thinking hard for a while in the still quiet classroom. Then her eyes widened

"Oh no..." She shook her head and came closer to me

"Where is this person?" She asked and it was my turn to look at her confused.

"At the gates---" 

Before I could finish my sentence unnie ran out of the class.

"YAH!" The guy who was hugging unnie yeld after her. He was also about to chase after her,but I stopped him by glaring at the guy. He immediately froze. I turned around but was quickly stopped by Jin unnie.

"What did the person look like---?" She asked

"Oh...Like this..." I showed her a picture I snapped from the girl and Jin unnies eyes widened photo sistarhyorin_zpscad69091.jpg

"Who is it?" Hyo Jung unnie asked and she peaked over my shoulders with the guy I just declared war with. Both of their eyes widened as well.

OK.Can someone explain me what is going on here?!

"Who is it?" Kai came inches away from my face and looked at my phone's screen

"." Kai swore as he looked at his friends

"She's back..." He said and the whole class forze with widened eyes.


"What should we do??" Jin said with a panicked voice

"We fight..." One of Kai's friends said. He had a hamster like face.

"I don't think that is very wise at this situation..." Hyo Jung unnie said

"Why do you mean not Hyo Jung? It's been two years since we last saw her..." Some guy said

"Baekho-ah!! Eun Mi is going out there alone!I can't stand it if I lose my best friend again!!" Hyo Jung yelled at the guy,that I just now found out his name.

"We fight...To help her..." A girl looking blonde guy said

"Let's go...Min Hae-ah,you go back to your class and inform Sungjong and tell him Hyorin is here and to be careful!" Jin unnie said


I sighed...

I'm kind of intrested now...



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Hi guys! I decided to leave my laptop back at home.I just have so much to take with me and a laptop would just come in my way(?) I'll update after a month,k?


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jeyoun #1
Chapter 20: Oh G oh G Plss update soon!!!
Chapter 20: oh my god. someone please go and save jin. pleaseeeee oh gosh. damn you hyorin π^π
I love how you're updating fast, YOU'RE AWESOME!!! I honestly thought Nara was tough and 'rebel' because of her parents but turned out I'm wrong
He story is really sad and I can't wait till she kick hyorin's (though she's my female bias)
Keep the good work ^^
Chapter 18: What?! Freaking fcking Hyunjoong! You- you insane MANIAC! Oh my gucci.
Chapter 18: *lost* ehhh?
Chapter 18: Hyun joong!!! Let me strangle him for a minute >< and I thought he was a good boy --"
Niiice chapter ^^ waiting for the next one *0*
jeyoun #7
Chapter 18: Waaah update soon!!!! Plsss !!!
jeyoun #8
Chapter 17: waaaaaaaaah nugu?
Chapter 17: THIS IS SO EXCITING! OMGOMGOMGOMG I JUST LOVE THIS FIC. KILL ME NOW. MY LIFE IS NOW COMPLETE. Oh wait. It's not. This story is not finish yet. Can't wait to know what happen to Dasom and the others.
Chapter 17: Oh. oh, oh... who is it? who is it!? WHO IS IT!?!?!?!
Argh!! >_<