
Years Of Hell
Han Bi's POV*
It was time for my shift at my work place at the mall.I work at a cafe.I love it a lot. The employees are nice,the customers are nice,my surroundings are nice...Everything else is nice but not my new boss...
I used to have an old,sweeter lady as my boss but she moved to Spain for her retirement.
I'm not usually the one to complain about things or people...But my new boss is horrendous...
Many of my co-workes have been fired if they,for example,come late to work for 10 seconds...
He's horrible
"Sa Han Bi!!"
My boss yelled as I entered the cafe
"You are 1 second late...Do you know what that means?!" He yelled
I sighed and smiled weakly
"I'm sorry sir...I came in as fast as possible..."
"You should be thankful I let girl your age work here...This was your 1st strike...Two more,and you're out..." He said as he went to the break room to have a smoke.
I sighed and dressed my apron on.
The door's little bell rang,informing that a customer or customers came in
"Welcome to our The Paradise! How may I assist you?" I bowed to the customer. When I lifted my head,I noticed SHINee had walked in.
"Hi...I didn't know you work here..." My classmate,Lee Taemin said
"Ah...Yes..." I mumbled...
I'm not that good with my new classmates and I dislike it when someone from our school comes here...
"You're Han Bi right?" Taemin asked
"Ne.." I replied shyly
"Ok...I'm Lee Taemin...You can just call me Taemin.."
"Yah...Drop the honorifics..." Taemin said
"I'm sorry...It's hard for me to do so..." I mumbled,avoiding SHINee's glares
"Taemin...Just leave it be..." Minho said
"Ok...Hyungs,what do you want to eat and drink?" Taemin asked and his hyungs eyed the menu.
"Do you have something made of chicken?" Onew asked
"Yes...Chicken salad and bread..."
"Ok..I'll take them both!" Onew smiled cheepisly
"Yes.." I said,trying to remember their orders
"I'll take a latte.." Key said while eyeing the menu "..and a...hmm.."
"C'mon Bummie...Faster..." Jonghyun pouted at his friend
"Shut up!" Key yelled and pushed him away "I'll also take a low fat cupcake..."
"Yes..." I answered
"I'll take something meaty..." Jonghyun said,smiling at me
"Ah...We...Don't actually..." 
They all looked at me quietly
"And a juice too..." Jonghyun said
"Yes..." I nodded
"For me a hamburger and a coke..." Minho said as he already went to sit down with Key,Onew and Jonghyun.
I sighed and bit my lower lip.
We are not a restaurant...
"I'll just take one banana milk,please..." Taemin said as he smiled and I nodded
I sighed and went to the boss.I was the only worker right now,since it's not a really crowded yet.It gets growded after 8 pm. My shifts are from 4 pm to 2 am everyday.
"Sir...The customers ordered something that wasn't on the menu..."
"Do them still..."
"But...We don't have any ingred---"
"N-no sir..."
"I'll go home now..Others won't come today.Close the place when it's time to."
"Yes sir..."
And with that,my boss left.
I sighed and peeked at SHINee,who looked like they were really bored. Suddenly the bell rang again and I saw Eun Mi walking in. She tried to hide her face from SHINee and she sitted at the counter.
"Pssst...Eun Mi..." I whispered,gaining her attention
I motioned her to come to me and she looked around in confusion. But she then proceeded to come to the break room
"Han Bi?"
"You work here ?"
"Yes...Eun Mi...I hope it's not too much to ask for but...I need a favor..."
"Sure.Name it."
I smiled and sighed in relief
"I'll give you the money so,if you could go and by me something..."
"Ok,here..." I said as I wrote down what needed to be gotten.
Eun Mi read it through and then she nodded
"Ok.How much time do I have?"
"Umm...If you could be as fast as possible..."
"Ok." She placed her jacket and bag on the kitchen ocunter.
"Here." I gave her the money and she nodded before leaving.
I sighed in relief and started to make orders,that actually were on the menu.

Sungjong's POV*
It was already getting colder.The Sun was also setting down as we walked toward the beach with Jin noona.
I glanced at noona quickly. She seemed to in deep thought about something.She also looked very worried and sad.
It made me uncomfortable.
"N-noona..." I stuttered. It was hard for me to speak.
"Yeah?" Noona answered with a bright smile. But I could see through her
"W--Will we be ab-able to sur-vi--survive?" I asked and Noona's face became serious and she looked away,smiling nervously
"I---I think we will..." She said as she pushed me faster,running
"I want to arrive before sun set!" She yelled smiling brightly and I smiled too.
Luckily,the hospital wasn't that far from the beach so we arrived quite quickly.Just in time.
"Jonggie...Make a wish..."
"Make a wish...Before the Sun sets..." Noona said as she closed her eyes and mumbled something to herself.
I looked at the Sun once more before closing my eyes as well
I wish that they will find a cure for me and noona
I opened my eyes to find noona spreading a blanket on the sand. She then looked at me and smiled
"Want to sit down here or there?"
"I--I want---to---sit---n-next to noo-na..." I said and noona smiled and helped me sit down
Noona suddenly wrapped me up in a blanket,though she looked like she was trembling from the cold more than I was
"I'm going to buy some food...Warm food,ok?" Noona said as she stood up and I nodded
"Wait here..." Noona joked
We both laughed and noona waved at me once more before leaving me alone

Tao's POV*
"TAO!" Kris hyung yelled behind the door of my room.
I didn't answer and pulled a blanket tighter on me.
I didn't fell like talking to anyone.
Especially not Kris hyung
"Huang Zitao! Unlock this door now!" Kris hyung yelled again
"Kris---Calm down a bit..." I heard Suho hyung's small voice
"This kid thinks he's the only one suffering here...I'm not gonna' calm down!"Kris hyung yelled
I sighed and took my blanket off and I sat up on my bed.
"TAO! I'm waring you!" Kris yelled and I stood up to open the the door. They looked surprised that I had opened it and I walked through them to the kitchen to get something to drink
"Listen here Tao...We need to talk..." Kris hyung said with a monotone voice
I gulped down my drink and placed the glass in the sink,silently. I turned around to see all of the guys gathered behind Kris and Suho hyungs,looking worried. I sighed and glared at them with my trade mark glare.
"Tao...Listen...If you need anyone to talk to,you have us..." Suho hyung said,smiling at me
I walked past them towards the door and took my jacket. I then proceeded to open the door but Kris hyung slammed it shut with his foot.
"This is the last warning." He said,eyes piercing mine. I scoffed and rolled,my eyes
"What happens after that? Huh? Are you going to beat me?" I asked Kris hyung. His eyes widened and he scoffed as well
"Are you asking me to?"
"K-kris...." Suho hyung said carefully "Let's not fight now...Ok?"
"I thought I had you off my back when I told about you and Jin to Hyorin,but I guess you didn't learn your lesson,hyung..." I said and I immediately had Kris hyungs hands on my collar,lifting me up against the door
"So it was you..." He said with a dark voice
"Kris hyung,stop!" The guys kept yelling.
Hyung was pushed away by Xiu Min hyung
"Kris,stop this already..."
"Make me."
"I'm the eldest here,you are supposed to do as I say!" Xiu Min hyung yelled
Kris hyung glared at Xiu Min hyung and vice versa
"Yeah? I'm the leader here and everyone listens to me.And at least I'm not 2 years behind in school..." Kris hyung said and Xiu Min hyung glared at Kris hyung
"Yeah? I wonder why I'm 2 year behind? IT'S BECAUSE I HAD TO DO THOSE STUPID THINGS YOU AND HYORIN MADE ME TO!" Xiu Min hyung yelled. Lay and Chen hyungs interviened by calming Xiu Min hyung down
"Kris hyung...Something happened to you...You changed man..." Chanyeol hyung said.Everyone else nodded and I could see,for probably one millisecond,the hurt on Kris hyung's face.
He scoffed and pushed us all away and headed out the door.
No one said anything that night anymore.

Your POV*
"Han Bi...I brought what you wanted..."
"Thank you Eun Mi..."
"Sure thing..."
I looked around the room while Han Bi was putting the food together.
"Doesn't anyone else work here?"
"About that...I don't think so...At least not anymore..." Han Bi smiled awkwardly
"What do you mean?" I asked,confused "Did something happen to the others?"
"Well...Now that I think about it...They probably quit this place..."
"Why? Isn't the money good enough?"
"No,it is...But our new boss is..." Han Bi looked around us carefully "Horrible" She whispered
"Oh...How come you are still here?"
"The last owner made my new boss swear,that he wouldn't fire me...And this is basically the only work place that anyone lets me work at..."
"Oh..." I said,nodding slowly.My stomach growled loudly and Han Bi laughed
"I'll do something for you too in a second,ok?" She said before she continued to cook for SHINee
"Yeah thanks..."
"Has Jr-ssi gone to the hosptial to see his brother yet?"
I sighed and took a piece of cucumber that was on the table counter
"Who knows..."
"I heard from Hyo Jung that you went to visit Jr-ssi..." Han Bi smiled at me and I raised an eye brow
"Yeah...It seemed like I wasn't exactly welcome to go there..." I said as I ate a spoonful of rice
"Eun Mi...That's not for you..." Han Bi pouted
"Sorry..." I mumbled as I swallowed the food
"Eun Mi...I was thinking..."
Han Bi placed cupcake in the oven
"Would you like to work here?"
My eyes widened. I really need money badly. My rent was already due so I needed money as fast as possible.
"For real?"
"Yes! I just have to call the old nicer and sweeter boss and ask her.She still owns the place,though she can't work anymore."
"That would be my favor.." Han Bi smiled shyly and I smiled back
"No problem..." Han Bi rushed all over the small kitchen they had in the back room.I looked at her in amuse,as she kept dropping something or messing up. She seemed really absent minded as she almost burned her food...

Taemin kept glancing where Han Bi went.It's been 15 minutes already and his hyungs were getting really impatient.
"Taemin,just ask her out..." Jonghyun said while playing with his phone. Taemin quickly looked at his hyungs who were staring at him,with amused smiles.
"Huh?" Taemin asked. Key scoffed and rolled his eyes,like the diva that he is
"Oh please...The moment we walked in here,your eyes are only on her."
"N-no--It's just the food---"
"Save it for someone who might believe you.." Key said as he rolled his eyes yet again
"Why did you guys even order things that weren't on the menu?" Onew asked Jonghyun and Minho.They both pointed at Key,since they were too busy with their phones
"I made them to." Key said proudly
"Why?" Onew asked
"She seemed like a girl,who can't say no.As you saw,she didn't say "They're not on the menu"...She just quietly agreed." Key said while he leaned back on his chair.
"Hyung...Why would you do that?"
"It's for her own good...I'll tell the other to do the same until she can say 'no'." Key said,referring to the rest of the Angels.
"Hyung!" Taemin yelled "Cut some slack!"
"Pssh...You can't even say why,so no." Key said as he also took his phone out 
"What's taking her so long?" Minho asked
"Well,yet again,you did order something that wasn't on the menu..." Onew commented
A huge screaming sound echoed in the cafe.SHINee all turned their heads to look at the direction where Han Bi had went to. Then some girly yelling started to occur again and then breaking sounds.
"What is she doing in there?" Key asked,raisng his eye brow
"It sounded like something broke..." Jonghyun said
"No ,Sherlock..." Key said,glaring at Jonghyun who merong'd him.
"Go check on what happened,Taemin...It seems like no one else works here but her..." Minho said,as he pushed Taemin off his chair and placed his long legs on the chair,so Taemin couldn't sit on it again.Taemin rubbed the back of his neck and his hyungs smirked at him. He walked slowly towards where Han Bi went to.
"I-is everything ok?" Taemin said as he entered a messy kitchen,finding two girls cleaning shards of plates off the floor
"A-ah..." Han Bi flustered and covered the broken plates with a cloth
"Ye-yes...I'm sorry..." Han Bi stood up and bowed countless of times to Taemin while you kept covering your face and shaking your head.
"I'm sorry if we are too much trouble..." Taemin said as he crouched next to you and helped to gather the broken pieces off the floor. "Oh,and Eun Mi,I already noticed you..."
"Damn it..." You swore and sighed. You didn't want them to see you you,since you were embarrased about what happened in school earlier
"What happened...?" Taemin asked
"Han Bi there didn't use anything to cover her hands to take the cupcake out of the oven." You said as you and Taemin looked at Han Bi who went around the kitchen in panic.
"But how did the plates broke?" Taemin asked as he helped to gather the last broken pieces.
"She threw the grid at them cause she got surprised how hot the grid was...She is really absent minded..." You sighed as you went to look for a broom. When you turned around,you found Taemin holding hands with Han Bi. You looked at the both of them awkwardly and coughed.
"Your hands are completely burnt,Do you have something to treat your hands with?" Taemin asked,as he stared at Han Bi straight in her eyes.
"I-I don't know..." Han Bi mumbled. She looked at the ground,face as red as a tomato.
"Uh..." You started,gaining their attention "I-I'll go look for a first aid kit...For the mean time,run her hands under a cold water..."
"Ok,thanks." Taemin said as he still holded softly on to Han Bi's hands. He opened the water and you left the room awkwardly.

Your POV*
I left the kitchen area and turned around to find the rest of SHINee smirking at me.
"W-what?" I asked,eyeing them
"Did he make a move?" The one I regognized as Key asked
"Yes...More than that,actually..." I said and they high fived each other
"Our maknae is growing up..." Key sighed,pretending to wipe a tear away
"He is not Taemin anymore.More like...TaeMAN." Jonghyun declared. I rolled my eyes to these guys and passed them
"What are you doing?" Minho asked
"Are you looking for something?" Onew asked and I nodded as I went around all over the cafe.
"Yeah I'm looking for a first aid kit..." I said as I tried to reach for the shelves. But I was too short so Minho helped me.
"There's nothing here..." He said as he looked at the shelves.
"Here.But wait...What are you going to do with it?" Jonghyun asked,the first aid kit in his other hand while his other hand was in his pocket.
"I'm giving it to your TaeMan so he can treat Han Bi's hands..." I said as I took it from Jonghyun and entered the kitchen again.
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
I froze at Taemin's words. He and Han Bi didn't seem to notice me as I quietly left the first aid kit on the kitchen counter and quietly backed away.
I took my bag and coat and pushed SHINee out one by one.
"What do you think you are doing?" Key yelled as I pushed them out the cafe
"It's going to get really awkward in there so let's leave them alone..." I said as we all finally exited the cafe
"We didn't even get to eat..." Minho complained
"Neither did I but it's not wise to get between those two now..." I said and they all looked at me confused
"Why?" Onew asked
"Taemin just asked her the question..." I whispered
"WHAT?! Did he ask her to marry him?" Jonghyun yelled and I slapped his arm
"No.The dating question!" I whispered
"Already?" They all said simultaneously.
I nodded and they high fived
"Come with us! Onew's treat! Bubble tea time!" Jonghyun said as he started to drag me along with them.

Jin was lining for a street food stand and she took her wallet out to count her money when all of a sudden someone took it from her and started running away. It took a while for Jin to understand the situation but when she did she ran as fast as she could and caught up with the guy. She attacked the guy and the both of them fell to the ground.
Jin sat up on the guys back and placed his hands on his back,pressuring them.
"Give me back my wallet!" Jin yelled as she punched the guys back
"F-fine! Now get off of me!!" The guy yelled. Jin took her wallet and stood up and the guy stood up also
"Who are you? You looked pretty weak to rob,but you aren't that bad,actually..." The guy said as he straigtened his clothes. Jin noticed that he had a bandana hiding his face. Only his eyes were revealed
"N-no one...Who are you?"
"Let's just say...D-J." The guy said and Jin raised her eye brow.
"Well,then I'm J." Jin said and the guy nodded
"Ok.I'll remember not to underestimate a weak looking girl again."
"Yep,you remember that." Jin chuckled
"Well,see you around..."
And with that they parted.
Jin bought tteokbokki and ramen with her and found Sungjong sitting with a guy. She slowly walked closer and noticed how Sungjong didn't seem to like the guy so Jin walked faster and coughed. The guy turned around and Jin froze.
It was Kris
"A-ah...Sunbae..." Jin bowed and walked quickly next to Sungjong and gave him some tteokbokki. Sungjong thanked her and glared at Kris and then at Jin.
"N-noo-na? Is he y-your boy-fri-end?" Sungjong asked,making Jin and Kris shocked
"J-jonggie!!" Jin yelled as she tried to hide her blushing face. Jin looked behind them and noticed Tao walking closer. Jin looked at Kris who also seemed to notice Tao as well and he stood up from next to Sungjong.
"Yeah,I'm her boyfriend." Kris said,looking Jin straight in her eyes.

Hi everyone~~
Sorry for the late update! I already updated through my phone a weekago,but I noticed that it somehow didn't update...
So,the chapter is a bit shorter guys,sorry...I didn't remember what I wrote so...*flips a table*
I hope you forgive me and I'll try to update again soon! :D
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Thank you!
Hi guys! I decided to leave my laptop back at home.I just have so much to take with me and a laptop would just come in my way(?) I'll update after a month,k?


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jeyoun #1
Chapter 20: Oh G oh G Plss update soon!!!
Chapter 20: oh my god. someone please go and save jin. pleaseeeee oh gosh. damn you hyorin π^π
I love how you're updating fast, YOU'RE AWESOME!!! I honestly thought Nara was tough and 'rebel' because of her parents but turned out I'm wrong
He story is really sad and I can't wait till she kick hyorin's (though she's my female bias)
Keep the good work ^^
Chapter 18: What?! Freaking fcking Hyunjoong! You- you insane MANIAC! Oh my gucci.
Chapter 18: *lost* ehhh?
Chapter 18: Hyun joong!!! Let me strangle him for a minute >< and I thought he was a good boy --"
Niiice chapter ^^ waiting for the next one *0*
jeyoun #7
Chapter 18: Waaah update soon!!!! Plsss !!!
jeyoun #8
Chapter 17: waaaaaaaaah nugu?
Chapter 17: THIS IS SO EXCITING! OMGOMGOMGOMG I JUST LOVE THIS FIC. KILL ME NOW. MY LIFE IS NOW COMPLETE. Oh wait. It's not. This story is not finish yet. Can't wait to know what happen to Dasom and the others.
Chapter 17: Oh. oh, oh... who is it? who is it!? WHO IS IT!?!?!?!
Argh!! >_<