The Game Starts From Here

Years Of Hell

Your POV*




Not now.Not today.

Hyorin is back after so long today.I run as fast as I could to the gates,finally arriving there I see Hyorin in shorts and a tank top in this cold November day. I stop running as our eyes meet.

She smiles mischieviously. 


"Long time no see,Eun Mi." Hyorin finally speaks.

"How did you---?"

"Appear so soon?" Hyorin interrupted,followed by her chuckle,she pointed at me. "Look closely at your button." She said and my eyes drifted from her to my shirt. I looked at my button more closely when I noticed a

"Microphone..." I said

"Exactly." Hyorin chuckled

"But you weren't in Korea..." I said and Hyorin smiled at me

"That's what you think,but did you ever see me leave? Did you actually think I'd be that stupid and leave the country at the exact moment when you are returning to school? I thought you were better than that,Eun Mi." Hyorin finished as she took a knife out of her boots

"You were prepared..."

"Of course...Do you think I have come so far by doing as people think? Do you actually think I tell everyone about my plans?" She said as she started to walk towards me. She then stopped and looked behind me,smiling.

"Oh look at that,we've got an audience." Hyorin said. I turned around to find my friends and classmates,ready to fight once more.

"There is only you against us Hyorin.You can't win." Jin said,looking determined. Hyorin chuckled

"True.But then again,you actually think I'm that stupid that I would come here unprepared,without a plan?" Hyorin chuckled and soon snapped her fingers. Behind the gates my sister came and a gang of men,wearing masks,were holding tight on to her,so she wouldn't escape.

"You think I wouldn't find out Eun Mi?" Hyorin chukled. The guys looked rather tough. Suddenly Kai came next to me.

"Release her." Kai demanded

"Then what?" Hyorin asked as she crossed her hands. "You'll beat me,destroy me and everyone lives happily ever after?" Hyorin had a huge laughing moment" That's not how this story is written..." Hyorin finished

"Hand her back.It's me you want." I said and Hyorin stared at me

"True. Now drop your weapons that I gave you and come closer." Hyorin said and I looked at Min Hae,who seemed confused,yet calm,then she started laughing,gaining Hyorin's attention.

"This is so cliché. You kidnap me,in order to get my sis to surrender and then you'll kill her,then me etc.,etc...Don't you think that's kinda boring?" Min Hae said,making Hyorin's eyes widen in anger. She then drew her knife and pointed it at my sisters throat

"Sassy,are we?" Hyorin asked and my sis shrugged

"Maybe a bit...But you know...This is so typical as well...Holding a knife on my throat...Seen it..." Min Hae said,looking bored. I couldn't believe her...She doesn't know what Hyorin can do...

"Would it be typical to see your sister get killed by...I don't know---Cannibals?" Hyorin suggested

"Wow...Well...I guess that's new...But no one wants to eat her...She's nothing but bones and stubborness and a pessimism...Would taste really bad if you ask me..." Min Hae said. Hyorin looked quite amused by her.

"You are interesting...I might have to keep you." Hyorin said and Min Hae chuckled

"So---" Min Hae was interrupted

"Typical..." The gang of boys spread so everyone could see who the speaker was.


"Well,well,well...What brings you here..." Hyorin asked "Haven't heard anything from you since you disappeared..." Hyorin said as she watched closely as GD glared at her before looking at me

"Long time no see..." GD said,smiling a stunning smile. 

WAIT....'Stunning'?! Eun Mi! Get a hold of yourself!

"Ah..yeah..." That was the only thing that came out of my mouth

"Enough with your stupid games Hyorin.It's getting boring." GD said and the men took their masks off to reveal the members of Big Bang. A silence fell. All you could hear was Hyorin's heart beating. And the shocked face that she had was something you wouldn't see often.

"You aren't the only one who can play this game of yours..." GD said as the Big Bang boys let my sister go and Kai pushed her to my friends.

"The game is over Hyorin." Another voice said. Behind the gates Teen Top and Infinite appeared. What is going on here?!

"You look surprised." C.A.P said as he smiled,tilting his head. Hyorin stepped one step behind and took a gun from behind her back and pointed it at me.

"I knew all along. You think I wouldn't know?" Hyorin said and then she looked at me "Take your gun out Eun Mi." Hyorin said and I searched fot it from my jacket's inside pocket. Then I searched the other one. I started panicking. 

"I don't---" I couldn't find it. How can I lose a gun like that? 

"Something the matter?" Hyorin asked,smiling happily,but her smile soon faded as a gun was pressed against the back of her head.

"Thanks for the gun,Eun Mi-ah." Said a familiar voice. Nara's voice. 

"W-when did you?!---" I couldn't even finish my sentence,when Nara responded with a wink

"While GD was distracting Hyorin and you guys I sneeked up and tada~" Nara said with a sarcastic,yet cheery voice.

"I could just sneeze and you'd be dead." Nara said with a serious voice.

I have never been this confused in my whole life.

Your POV*

I opened my eyes and I still was in my run down appartment. It all was a dream. A horrible yet...I liked having all of them with me again.

What's wrong with me? I rubbed my temples before getting out of my bed. The truth is that I have been to school normally.Sistar goes to school normally too. And everyone seems to be avoiding me. And they are also avoiding each other. I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror. It really has been only 2 months,but this is killing me. I'm slowly dying inside. I washed my face and brushed my teeth,got dressed and headed out to school.

It's not like I hate being alone...


When I arrived I bumped into Han Bi while I was deep in my thoughts. 

"I'm so sor---" She turned around and immediately stopped walking and bowed to me deeply

"I'm so sorry...." She said,her voice cracking up. I wanted to cry at that moment.


I hate being alone after all.


"....." I din't say anything but acted cold and walked pass her,but I was quickly stopped by Taemin who blocked my way,looking at me angrily.

"You should apologise too." He said with hate and disgust in his voice. I avoided his gaze and looked away. I looked at my right and saw GD looking at me on the same tree where he leaned on me long time ago. He looks lonely. 

I'm lonely too

"Did you not hear me?" Taemin repeated and I looked at him which made him freeze.

"Why does it even bother you?" I asked,and Taemin composed himself yet again

"Because." He answered. His short answer made me angry. 

I turned around to apologise to Han Bi but something else caught my attention.I see Jin in her crutches,looking at me scared.

That's right...There isn't a cure...

I looked at Han Bi and tried to open my mouth,but I stopped as I saw Hyorin enter from the gates,walking towards me. I decided to keep my mouth shut.

"Morning Eun Mi.You look worse and worse everyday." She said. I scoffed. I haven't been having decent meals in so long and I also have a part time job at a local convinience store at late night so I hardly sleep. But I can't stay inside those walls,because I'm afraid that she'd do somehting to them if I wouldn't drag my weak self here every school day.

"Thanks." I answered. I'm too tired to answer anymore.I feel like that I haven't got any strenght anymore. Besides this cold weather is making me feel worse.

"What happened here?" Hyorin asked looking at Han Bi with disgust.

"I bumped in to her." I answered and Hyorin looked at me with anger before she slapped me. I was too weak at the moment that that slap made me lose my power from my legs. Trying to stay awake on the cold ground in the silence and from all the stares I hid my face in my scarf.

"Are you that desperate for their attention?!" Hyorin yelled at me. Her voice seemed to get more distant. I stood up slowly and looked at Hyorin,straight in her eyes.

"I did it on purpose.I wanted her to fall an brake her glasses." I said with a serious face and Hyorin patted me on my head before placing her hand over my shoulder.

"Good job,sweety." She said before she dragged me with her in to the school building. Her disgusting laugh,filled with her huge ego and make up filled face was the only thing that I had to see all the time from now on. I'm glad Jin doesn't have to deal with her.

It was lunch time. I went to the roof to be alone from all the stares.How can Hyorin deal with all that? I tried to make my ice cold hands warmer by blowing on them. I'm so sick of this life. 

I'm on a roof now.

So what?

Just few steps.


It would all be over then.

I punched the ledge. What am I thinking about?! I'm not this weak. I lean on the ledge and put my cold hand on my forehead.

Great. I have a fever too.

I heard the roof's door open and close. Someone took a few steps and then they stopped.

"You're not like that Eun Mi." 

I looked behind me to find Yejun smiling at me and then he walked next to me.

"It's so obvious what's going on here."

I stared at him angrily. He laughed.

"You are surprised,aren't you? That I know?" Yejun said,warming his hands like me.

"No.I'm surprised you of all people talk to me first." I answered. Yejun laughed again

"Yeah.And I guess I'm kinda late too."

"Nah." I said,snuggling in to my scarf. I wanted to cry.

"This morning was just painful scene to watch." Yejun said

"Did you mean 'This morning's scene was a painful thing to watch'?" I corrected Yejun

"Oops.My korean is rusty." Yejun said and he laughed at himself. He then quickly stopped "I bet it to be you right now."

"No.I'm used to it." I said 

"Oh." Yejun said before a long silence fell in between us.

He suddenly shoved something in to my arms. A luch box.

"I noticed you don't eat at school so...And you seem weak." Yejun said as he smiled and ruffled my hair.

"Thanks...I guess..."

"No problem...So...What's your plan?" Yejun asked

I gazed down at the school yard where I noticed Hyo Jung beeing all lovey-dovey with Il Sung. It made me happy.

"I don't know.I guess I don't really mind this,since I'm used to it but---"

"You're scared for us." Yejun finished my sentence. I laughed for some reason.

"It's ok.You shouldn't worry for us. We'd be there to push you back up." Yejun said as he looked at the happy couple eating their lunch on the bench that was in the yard.

I din't know what to answer anymore so I just kept staring somewhere silently.

"Well--I'm off to eat with Jin so..." Yejun backed away slowly and he then waved at me one last time before I was alone again. I leaned on my hand that was leaning on the ledge. I sighed in relief. I feel a bit better. I feel like I could concour the world.

Let's not exaggerate things Eun Mi.

I looked at the luch box,which seemed super girly.

Is Yejun...Sailing the other ship?

I opened the luch box,finding cute foods in it.

This is definetly not from Yejun. Oh well.I'll eat it anyway.

Yejun's POV*


"Did you give it to her?!" Jin yelled excitedly

"Yeah yeah,relax."

"Did she say it was good or bad?"

"She didn't eat it yet."


"You shouldn't be cooking in your condition for her." I said and Jin smiled sadly

"She's putting up with Hyorin for us." Jin said as she drew cute little giraffes on her crutches.

"How did you find out anyway?" I asked her

"I can't tell you much,but...I trust Eun Mi with all my heart." Jin said as she pulled her tongue out,concentrading on her drawing.

I sighed.I just wanted to come back to Korea so I could date my childhood best friend,and here I am. Involved in some gang drama.Super awesome. I'm so happy I could just die. 

I don't even know if I'm being sarcastic anymore or not.

"I'm glad that Infinite and Teen Top survived after all..." Jin mumbled to herself

"You didn't even know them..."

"Well...Not that well..."

"You mean at all..."


"Big Bang too though..."

"Yeah.Though they'll be in the hospital for a while..." Jin stood up and started walking without her crutches slowly. She's been doing that so she won't stop walking. Though she looks like an awkward penguin. It's cute though.

"Oh..By the way---Why are you avoiding two people?" I asked and Jin froze in her place.

"W-who do you mean?"

"The panda and the giant." I said and Jin hit her face that was all red.

"I-it's just that...wellonthenightwhenwewereallkidnappedtheykindalikeconfessedtomesoitsnobigdealimeanimhappyandallbut..." 

What the hell did she just say?! I didn't hear anything but mumbling....

"Well...Whatever..." I said as I took Jin's hand and her crutches to my other hand.

"W-why do you still hang around someone like me?"

"Because I want to.Got a problem with that?" I asked without looking at Jin. She held on my hand tighter and started walking again



I someday want to just throw myself under a bus.

I don't want to see her go from this world before me.

I wouldn't be able to take it.

It's too hard for me now too.

I want to just....


But I know it would just her even more than she is now.


"The doctors said in the end of the week I would have to move back to the hospital." Jin said

"I'll visit you then."



I'm not here to be a babysitter

I wanted to be happy

Not feel like worthless crap when I look at her

I'm useless

I'm so selfish


Dasom's POV*


I might seem like I am the nice girl who obeys Hyorin what ever she says that I have to do I'd do it,right?

You are right.

But I'm so tired of doing it

I actually hate seeing all of these people suffer because Hyorin is so selfish.I hate it.

I have decided to take action by myself.But I need help. The lunch brake is over.

Everyone in the class is here but not Eun Mi.She doesn't come until the teacher comes.

I wouldn't blame her.These stares I get at the moment feels like they could kill. Especially Jr's.


I don't want Jr to hate me.Because I love him.It hurts.


I stood up from my seat and the class went back to doing their own things again.I sighed before thinking of someone to talk to first.

Hyo Jung crossed my mind to me first,but Il Sung looked at me like I was welcome to jump out of the window rather than even looking at them. So the best one I could think of was Han Bi.

I walked up to her desk and coughed lightly. She looked up in confusion and her eye brow was raised. She fixed her classes before smiling to me nervously.

"Y-yes?" She mumbled

"I need your help." I said and Han Bi was confused

"For what?"

"Hey.You.Talk to your queen and ask for her permission to talk to us,before you open your dirty mouth."Suzy said.

Oh yeah,Miss A survived too,thank goodness.

"This has nothing to do with her. But Eun Mi and you guys." I said,gaining everyone's attention. "I want to end this."

"Wow,wow,wow...." Jr said,raising from his seat. "Do you think you can fool us like that?" 

I looked him in the eyes

"I wouldn't even bother talking to you guys,if I was."  I said and Jr scoffed

"Do you think we would just believe you like that?" He asked

"Of course not.I wouldn't believe either." That made Jr silent so Kai decided to step up

"Listen.How'd we now if you're all wired up? Besides,there is no way in hell we'd win her anyway."

"That's because you don't know her weakness." I said and everyone in the class started to whisper to each other.

"And what's that?" Jin asked from behind me

"I won't tell you unless you say you're up to this." I demanded

"Fine.Now tell us what it is." Tao said and I chuckled and extended my hand towards Hyo Jung,who seemed to observe me quietly

"Is it a deal?  I'm asking this from the best friend of the girl who could end this." I said,looking Hyo Jung with a serious face. She looked at Il Sung who shrugged his shoulders. Hyo Jung then stood up and hugged me.

"It's a deal!" She said with a happy voice. I froze. It's been a long time since I was hugged. Even if this might be a fake,pity hug or what not,I don't mind it that much.

"Let's do this then." Hyo Jung said,smiling happily. Then she went to the front of the class and spread her hand and just stood there. Han Bi suddenly stood up and place her hand on top of Hyo Jung's.Then Taemin did the same,then Jin,Kai,Tao,other EXO members,NU'EST,etc. 

Il Sung came next to me and said quietly "Welcome aboard." I looked at him and he smiled for just a second,then he walked over to the others as they looked at me.Il Sung looked so handsome. No wait.What am I saying?! I like Jr!

"I agreed to help you,but I won't do that." I said as I crossed my arms. The all smiled,others more,others less.

"Suit yourself." Hyo Jung said before they did their cheer and started talking about old times.

I felt really left out. But,I'd be happy if this would be over as soon as possible.

Hi guys!

Long time no see (well not really we don't see each other let's forget that ok?)

I have been nusy with school so sorry for the wait!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter full of this and that!


See ya!

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Hi guys! I decided to leave my laptop back at home.I just have so much to take with me and a laptop would just come in my way(?) I'll update after a month,k?


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jeyoun #1
Chapter 20: Oh G oh G Plss update soon!!!
Chapter 20: oh my god. someone please go and save jin. pleaseeeee oh gosh. damn you hyorin π^π
I love how you're updating fast, YOU'RE AWESOME!!! I honestly thought Nara was tough and 'rebel' because of her parents but turned out I'm wrong
He story is really sad and I can't wait till she kick hyorin's (though she's my female bias)
Keep the good work ^^
Chapter 18: What?! Freaking fcking Hyunjoong! You- you insane MANIAC! Oh my gucci.
Chapter 18: *lost* ehhh?
Chapter 18: Hyun joong!!! Let me strangle him for a minute >< and I thought he was a good boy --"
Niiice chapter ^^ waiting for the next one *0*
jeyoun #7
Chapter 18: Waaah update soon!!!! Plsss !!!
jeyoun #8
Chapter 17: waaaaaaaaah nugu?
Chapter 17: THIS IS SO EXCITING! OMGOMGOMGOMG I JUST LOVE THIS FIC. KILL ME NOW. MY LIFE IS NOW COMPLETE. Oh wait. It's not. This story is not finish yet. Can't wait to know what happen to Dasom and the others.
Chapter 17: Oh. oh, oh... who is it? who is it!? WHO IS IT!?!?!?!
Argh!! >_<