Gucci bag

Years Of Hell

I was sitting in the waiting room with Han Bi who was flipping through magazines nervously.

"You can relax a bit..." I told her and she smiled a weak smile and pushed her glasses up

"Sorry...I'm just really worried about Jin,since she has never been in this kind of condition...And she always tried to avoid Hyorin,but something changed in her..." Han Bi said as she exhaled loudly.

"That's what happens when you stand up for yourself..." I said leaning on the wall

"Yeah...I was also bullied,but got saved from Jin...I have always been bullied because of my glasses..." I looked at Han Bi closer.She looked really pretty with and without her glasses

"I think they just saw your beauty and were jealous..." I said and she looked at me confused.


"Oh,nevermind..." I answered "So...This Nara person...Is she your friend?"

"Yeah...She was actually my bully..." Han Bi said as she chuckled


"Yeah,but when Hyorin turned against her,I helped her. And now she feels very sorry and always protects me..."

"Yeah...I saw that earlier..."

"We've been friends for one year now..."

"Good for you guys!"

"How about you?"


"Your friends?"

I just stared at this girl,who smiled at me sweetly,not knowing anything about my life...Why would she?

"Don't have any." I answered looking away and I heard her gasp

"I-I'm so sorry...!"

"You don't need to apologize...You didn't know and you don't know me either..." I said to Han Bi.Why did it feel like I said something mean? Tch...It's not like anyone would like to talk to someone like me anyway...


We looked at the end of the hallway to find out where that loud voice came from,but there wasn't anyone else besides me and Han Bi.

"What was that?" I asked,looking confused

"I think it came from the reception desk..." Han Bi answered and she sighed again.

"Wow...Someone must be really angry..." I commented as I finally sitted down next to Han Bi and she chuckled.

"Yeah....I hope Nara will listen well to the doctors...I don't understand why she didn't let me in there..." Han Bi said,looking confused.

"She said she didn't want you to get shocked..."

"I'm not that weak...Anymore...Too much...I'm sorry I lied...I am weak..."

"It's ok to be weak sometimes..." I said,fiddling my thumbs together. I don't believe what I just said...That's not like me...

"Yeah...Guess so..."

Then a looooong silence broke. This is exactly why I don't want to meet new people...It get's awkward if you can't keep the conversation going...

"What do you mean there's no one named Choi Eun Mi here?" Jr asked the receptionist,who backed away a little from this angry high schooler

"There isn't...I have checked multiple times..."


"Sir,please calm down..."

"Listen here you fuc----"

The reseptionist glared at Jr who cleared his throat.

"I was told,that a girl,named Choi Eun Mi,is in this hospital...And now you are telling me,she's not here...Bull."

"Sir,I'm asking you to calm down and not to swear like that...There are many young kid patients in here...There is no Choi Eun Mi here....So,if you would please leave,before I call the security..."

Jr sighed and kicked the reception desk.

"Can I go around the place to check myself?" Jr asked but he got an angry glare in response

"I swear I'll leave after I'll check up..."


"I won't go inside any rooms,I'll just look at the name tags,that's all..."

"Fine.But then you will have to leave."

"Yeah,thanks...That...Name tag suits you,ma'am..." Jr said,as he walked away awkwardly.

She better be here,or I'll kill someone... Jr thought to himself.

"Tao...You ok?" Chen asked his friend who was trying desperately to breathe.

"Are you blind? He's practically almost dead..." Xiu Min said as he and Lay helped Tao to get up

"Kris changed since he started to date Hyorin..." Luhan commented,watching his friend who was full of blood.

"Can you walk?" Lay asked Tao and he nodded in response and tried to walk on his own,but immediately collapsed.

"Yah! That's it.You're going to the hospital!" Xiu Min said as he tried to get his back up on his feet again.

"Are you crazy?" Luhan asked Xiu Min


"They'll ask what happened to him.Then what?" 

"We'll tell them that he got beaten up..." 

"Then the police will get involved...Do you want that?"

No one said anything for a while

"Nara knew a place where to treat people like us..." Lay said and all of the guys glared at him

"Yeah,well,Nara isn't one of us anymore..." Luhan said,crossing his arms.

"But she still talks to us though..." Lay said,defendind Nara

"Go fantasize about her somewhere else..." Luhan said,making Lay become shocked

"Luhan..." Chen warned and Luhan sighed

"Sorry..." Luhan apologized to his friend and Lay smiled weakly

"It's ok..."

"It's just that woman...Found about my childhood secret...I gotta be careful about her..."

"I know..." Xiu Min commented,remembering what Nara said about his past.

"Where's Nara now?" Lay asked

"I heard she went to the hospital..." Chen said,making Tao lean on him

"Why?" Lay questioned

"Class president got beaten up pretty bad by Hyorin..." Xiu Min commented. Tao flinched.

"Where's Kris?" Chen asked carefully

"With Hyorin...He isn't going anywhere for a long time..." Luhan said

"What are they doing?" Lay asked,looking at Tao who looked like he was about to pass out

"Hanging with the Divas..." Luhan said

"Typical Hyorin...Of course she'd hang with the rich girls..." Xiu Min commented as he opened the door of the boys bathroom.

"Let's go..." Xiu Min said, and Luhan exited first and then Chen and Lay,carrying Tao.

"How much longer will it take?" Han Bi asked Nara that joined us to the waiting room.

"It's pretty bad...I heard she might have a concussion,but they had to do some tests before they could confirm anything..." Nara answered,sitting next to Han Bi.

"I hope it's not something serious..." Han Bi said to Nara,who just sighed and didn't respond.

"YAAAAAAAAH!!!" We turned our heads towards the end of the hallway...Guess who was there...Jr...

"I knew it!!" He said as he walked towards us,angrily.Well,it was more like stomping.

"They lied to me! I knew you were here! Though...Not as a patient apparently..." Jr said as he eyed me and then Han Bi and Nara,who did the same

"Who are those?" Jr asked,looking at the two other girls. Nara scoffed angrily while Han Bi bowed

"Nice to meet you..I'm Sa Han Bi and that is my friend Geum Nara...We're friends of Eun Mi-ssi..." 

I froze...Friends?

"Oh...Hi...I'm Jr..."

"Oh,so you are the famous Jr..." Nara said as she stood up,placing her hands on her hips.

"Do I know you?" Jr asked

"I don't think you have heard of me then..." Nara sat down dissapointedly.

"...Anyway...What are you doing here?" Jr asked me

"None of your business..." I answered taking on of the magazines and pretented to read it.

"Aish...I ran all the way over here and this is how you treat me?!" Jr yelled as he took,well more like ripped,the magazine off my hands.

"I never asked you to come..." I said to Jr,who's eyes grew wider from anger

"You little..."

"Your boyfriend?" Han Bi asked,making me and Jr stare at her angrily

"Never.Ever.Would.I.Date.That.Idiot!" We both yelled at Han Bi,who backed away from us. We got deadly glares from Nara and we avoided eye contact with her.

"She's here because her friend got injured..." Han bi said kindly to Jr who looked at me

"How many friends do you have?" He asked and I just rolled my eyes

"Why do you even care?"

"...." Jr didn't respond instead he leaned on the opposite wall,squinting his eyes at me. 

No one said anything for a while.The doctor stepped out of Jin's room and we all stood up.

"Doc?" Nara started "How is she?"

"Hh...I'm afraid she has broken a bit of her skull,so we will have to keep her here and do a surgery..." Han Bi immediately started crying and she hugged Nara tightly. Nara closed her eyes and exhaled loudly.

"So...How long will she stay here?" I asked and the doctor shook his head

"It's hard to tell at this point..It depends how long it takes the patient to recover..."

"When's the surgery?" Nara asked and the doctor gave Nara a piece of paper

"Will you please write her parents number on this paper.We can't do any surgery before the parents permission."

"Her parents aren't alive anymore." Nara said coldly to the doctor. I froze and I looked at Jr,who just shook his head,telling me not to comment about it.

"Then...Does she have a guardian or a relative she lives with?"

"Yeah.But they're out of the country..." Nara answered,looking angrily at the doctor

"Well,then,please wait,I'll be right back..." The doctor said as he ran somewhere

"Where's her guardian people?" Jr asked and Nara sighed loudly,trying to calm Han Bi down

"She has a grandma,but she's pretty old,and this kind of thing would just give her a heart attack..." Nara stated and Han Bi started sniffing.I guess she couldn't cry anymore.

"Jin..." I started,catching everyone's attention "Seems to be a very strong person...She always smiled when we talked.." I said and Han Bi started to cry again

"It's all an act..." Nara said "She just smiles when she's around's different when she's alone..." Nara said and she made Han Bi sit and she gave her a tissue.


We saw some of the 12 guys,walking towards us and Jr immediately pushed me behind him

"What are you doing here?" Nara asked with a questionable voice "What do you want?" 

One of the guys pointed at Tao,who was totally beaten up. All I could do was stare at his eyes that were shaped like almonds,full of pain.

 Nara noticed Tao's condition and sighed.

"Kris,huh?" Nara said as she coldly looked at the guys

"For this first and last time...Help us...Before some hospital worker notices us,we can't keep Tao here..." Luhan said and Nara stared at Tao,who did the same.

When Nara was still part of the Rulers,she was closest to Tao,who always treated her nicely and always smiled or judged one of his friends,who made a stupid joke etc.

Nara sighed and opened the door to Jin's room.

"Take him there and make him lay down...I'll call someone..." Nara said and the boys did as they were told.

Nara took her phone out and sighed.

"He has changed..." Nara said as she looked at the guys who looked away from her glare and they slightly nodded

"You five should clearly leave them and become normal,non-violent people,living normally.

"It's easier said than done..." Chen said

"Yeah...The same thing that happened to you,would happen to us..." Xiu Min said

"Yeah,but I was alone,but you guys....Hhh...I never believed these words would come out of my mouth but...You guys have each other..." Nara said and the guys looked at Nara and then each other,smiling

"I'll call them now..." Nara said as she walked away from the others.

 Tao tried to breathe slowly,so it wouldn't hurt so much. He glanced around the room. White cealing,floor,curtains,beds,chairs... It's like it was a mental asylum. He looked at his right and was surprised to see a body,breathing slowly as well.

He regognized it to be the class president,she was staring at the cealing,holding tightly on her bag. The bag that Tao protected...But not just beacuse it was an ordirany bag,no. It was Gucci. The best brand in this planet. He had to protect it with all of his life.

The girl sat down on the bed and she rubbed the back her head. It had a bond wrapped over it,and the back of her head was still bleeding. She opened the Gucci bag and took out a mirror,that was a bit broken. They're eyes met through the mirror and she slowly turned to look at him.

"Oh...It's you..." Jin said as she eyed Tao " Your situation is worse,I see..."

"Yeah...Your's is the the same..."

"Well yeah...Guess so..." Jin said as she made herself chuckle.

"I saw you get beaten up by Hyorin..." Tao said as he slowly sat down as well. Jin was quiet and she sighed

"I shouldn't have angered her..."


"I'm in this kind of an condition and I can't because I'm the class president and...I...I hate hospitals..." Jin said,pouting.

Neither of them said anything for a while

"Why did you save my bag anyway?" Jin asked as she finally looked at Tao.

"It was Gucci..."


"It wasn't any kind of a bag,but Gucci..."

"It is?"

"Yeah...I would know..."

"If I'd had known that earlier I wouldn't had thrown this bag like it was trash..."

Tao tried to resist himself not yelling at this stupid girl

"It has 'Gucci' written on it..." Tao said gritting his teeth

"Oh...Look at that..." Jin responded as she looked at her bag. Tao massaged his temple and tried to make himself to calm down.

"Anyway...What happened to you?" Jin asked

"I got beaten."

"I can see that much...I'm not that stupid...Just...Who beated you?"

Tao didn't answer. He just looked out the window.

"Was it...Hyorin...?"

Tao shook his head

".....Was it...Kris?" Jin said,as her voice trembled.Tao nodded and looked at her. Her facial expression looked shocked and sad at the same time.

"I---I don't believe you..." Jin said and Tao sighed

"Then don't.I never asked you to.." Tao said as he looked away from her again.

They sat long time in a silence.

"Do you like Kris?" Tao asked as he looked straigh in to her eyes


"Do you like Kris"?


"Ok." Tao said as he turned to look out the window again

"I don't believe you..." Tao said

"I never asked you to." Jin answered and another long silence fell between them

"I---I don't even know your name..." Jin said and Tao glanced at her

"Shouldn't the class president know the name of her classmates?"

"Well...Yes,but I'm bad at names...I only remember the names of the people I care about.." Jin said

"So you do like Kris then."


"'I only remember the names of the people I care about '..That's what you just said.

"Pssshhh..." Jin scoffed as she searched something from her bag.

"I'm Tao..."

"Jin..." Jin sighed and couraged herself.



"Can I tell you a secret?"


"I-I was actually very scared when I stood up to Hyorin...Don't tell anyone..." Jin said as she went under her covers. Tao kept staring at the lump that was under the blanket. She then started to sob.

"S--swowwy...." She said with a nasal voice

Tao sighed and leaned back due to the pain

"I don't really care..." Tao answered and another silence fell in to the room. He looked at the lump again who went quiet.

Did she fall asleep this fast?

The lump started to shake like crazy,which made Tao look at it questionably.

"What are you doing?" He asked,but Jin didn't answer 

"Yah..." Tao said as he stood up slowly and pulled the cover off of her.

Then it hit him.She was having a .

"YAH! NARA!!" Tao yelled and Nara came in along with the others.

"Don't be so impatient Tao..." Nara said as she shook her head

"She's having a !" Tao yelled,pointing at Jin.

Nara's eyes widened and she quickly rushed to the button tha called the nurses and doctors to arrive. Han Bi started to cry again and this time you held her.

The doctors and nurses rushed in.

"We have to do the surgery now!!" One of the doctors yelled as they gave Jin and oxygen mask and started to rush her to a surgery room.

All you could hear was Han Bi's crying and Nara's cursing. I looked at Jr,who had no idea what was going on,and to be honest,neither did I.

"I'll ing kill that Hyorin with my own bare hands!!" Nara yelled as she kicked a trash can in the hallway.

Someone came to pick Tao up and treat him somewhere.His friends were also gone along with Tao.

They wished us luck before they left.

"We better go now..." Jr said to me as we just awkwardly stood there.

"What? Why?" I questioned

"Shorty said she'd kick my if I won't bring you back to school..."

"Shorty? Hyo Jung?"


"She can kick ?"

"You don't even know...I have seen her kick someone's before...But she's too nice to do anything to you if you annoy her..." Jr said


"But she will kick your if she threatens you..."


"And also I'll be dead if my noonas find out why I'm here..."

"What noonas?"

Jr smirked.

"Are you jealous?" I hit him in the arm

"I asked you a normal question,jerk."

"His 2NE1 noonas..." Nara interviened "You guys better go...Eun Mi,give me your number,so I'll call you later..." Nara said and I did as I was told

We then left with Jr.

I only kept hoping for the best.

But one question though...

Why did Jr come here again?


EXO did something to me...I mean...I just can't anymore....GRAAH

I mean look at this idiot

photo krisbuinbuing_zps49a8b77e.gif

photo krissmilee_zps948f3c56.gif

Like wtf not cool Kris

or what about these

photo exohahah_zpsd608515b.gif

photo laylay_zps6395674b.gif

photo bacon_zpsf0d8901d.gif

photo kaicutesmile_zps9dadebce.gif

photo xoxoexo_zps9e9823db.gif

So not cool...

sorry about the short chapter,longer tomorrow! :P


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Hi guys! I decided to leave my laptop back at home.I just have so much to take with me and a laptop would just come in my way(?) I'll update after a month,k?


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jeyoun #1
Chapter 20: Oh G oh G Plss update soon!!!
Chapter 20: oh my god. someone please go and save jin. pleaseeeee oh gosh. damn you hyorin π^π
I love how you're updating fast, YOU'RE AWESOME!!! I honestly thought Nara was tough and 'rebel' because of her parents but turned out I'm wrong
He story is really sad and I can't wait till she kick hyorin's (though she's my female bias)
Keep the good work ^^
Chapter 18: What?! Freaking fcking Hyunjoong! You- you insane MANIAC! Oh my gucci.
Chapter 18: *lost* ehhh?
Chapter 18: Hyun joong!!! Let me strangle him for a minute >< and I thought he was a good boy --"
Niiice chapter ^^ waiting for the next one *0*
jeyoun #7
Chapter 18: Waaah update soon!!!! Plsss !!!
jeyoun #8
Chapter 17: waaaaaaaaah nugu?
Chapter 17: THIS IS SO EXCITING! OMGOMGOMGOMG I JUST LOVE THIS FIC. KILL ME NOW. MY LIFE IS NOW COMPLETE. Oh wait. It's not. This story is not finish yet. Can't wait to know what happen to Dasom and the others.
Chapter 17: Oh. oh, oh... who is it? who is it!? WHO IS IT!?!?!?!
Argh!! >_<