The first day in the Hell School

Years Of Hell

"I hate my life so much" I thought to myself "I hate everyone."

I even lied to my parents the reason why I wanted to change schools. But,it's not like they care anyway...They are in Europe,traveling around,leaving me in this Hell hole...

I walked out of my house kicking a pebble the whole way to the train station.

It's my first day at a new school...Again...

I have changed schools so many times because of bullying.

It's not because I couldn't stand up for myself,no,that's not it.

It's because I stood up for myself that made everything go downhill.


I almost missed the train,but luckily,I got in just in time.

It was pretty crouded,but I was used to it. I mean,I do live in the capital of South-Korea.

I sitted next to a girl,who had her nose in a book. Literally. The book was so close to her face.

As she turned the page,she looked at me and smiled. She then continued to read her book. I took a peak of the book's name;

"How to improve your poisoning skills"

Yeah,I immediately changed my seat.

The girl looked cute,but she was scary as hell...


It was finally my stop and I also noticed that the girl stayed at the same stop. She wasn't even looking her way through the growd. She was like a ninja...A book reading ninja.

I took a crumbled piece of paper out of my pocket. It had the directions from the train station to the school. I sighed and headed to the school.



I reached the front gate and glanced around. It was a decent school.Everyone dressed in school uniforms and everyone looked ordinary.It was very noisy and everyone looked happy.


As I started to walk towards the school building,I bumped into someone. A complete silence fell to the campus area.

As I looked up,I saw a group of 5 guys about the same age as me,looking at me mad.

"Oh no..."

"Poor girl.."

"Jr-ssi looks mad..."

The students kept whispering stuff like that. The Jr guy looked at me like I just stabbed him or something,his friends didn't look pleased either.

Suddenly Jr grabbed my collar,my feet didn't even touch the ground anymore. It was hard to breathe.

"The do you think you are doing?" Jr yelled.

"Jr-ah...Calm down..." One of his friends said.He looked pretty build.

"Calm down?! She touched meHow can I stay calm?!" Jr continued to yell,his eyes full of desire to destroy me.

"I'm sorry---" I tried to say,but my voice was cracking cause I couldn't breathe.

"You're sorry ?! Do you think that is enough?" Jr said,holding his grip tighter on my collar.

Suddenly a guy pushed Jr away from me. Jr looked pissed and shocked at the same time.

"The ...?" Jr said,smirking a devilish smile.

"Why don't you,just for once,bully someone your own size?" The guy said. Jr chuckled and his friends did the same.

"Well  well well...Ain't it Lee Il Sung....Tryin' to beat me are you?" Jr said,smiling and his friends died of laughter.

"You wanna do it? We can do it..." Il Sung replied.


Everyone around us were engouraging the two guys.

"Fine. After this hell hole school,you're dead. You know when and where." Jr said as he started walking towards the school building with his friends.

I stood up and patted the dust of my clothes.

"Thanks for saving me..." I said,ready to shake hands with Il Sung. But instead,I got a stare and he spitted on my hand.

"Thanks to you,my beautiful face will look like after school." He said as he spitted on my shoes and walked to the school building.

Everyone else laughed at me. At that moment,I wanted to run far away and never come back.

"Hurry up.The bell will soon ring!" A teacher said to me.I wiped my hand and my shoe and sighed.

I walked towards the school building,slowly,dragging my feet. I sighed and stopped as I was infront of the doors.

"This isn't going to be any different...I'm alone again..." I thought to myself.

"I have always been alone..." I said to myself while just standing there,trying to motivate myself. But,since I am a pessimist,I kept bringing myself down even more.

I sighed and opened the door to my new school.


There where no one in the hallway anymore.It was completely empty. But,I'm not late yet so...Where is everyone?

I sighed and shook my head. I just have to find my class now... I looked at a piece of paper,where the number of my class was written. 

I finally found the class and knocked on it.

"Come in!" 

I walked in the class next to the smiling teacher and looked around the class.

Oh great. Jr and his friends were there. My eyes locked with Jr's and he smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and looked at my other class mates,and then I noticed the creepy girl from the morning,sitting next to Il Sung,who was sleeping.

My luck has always been like...well...--I'm not surprised at all...My class is full of idiots and weirdos---

"Why don't you introduce yourself?" The teacher said and I sighed and nodded.

"My name is Choi Eun Mi. Nice to meet you..." I said as I bowed and looked at the teacher.

"Nice to meet you too.Now,tell me...Why did you change the school in the middle of the semester?" The teacher asked me.

I looked away from the teacher and tried to think of a reason.I couldn't tell him the real reason...

"My parents had to move for work..." I finally said and the teacher smiled at me. He was a really...smiley person...

"Alright then. I hope you'll enjoy our campus and school." The teacher said,patting me on my shoulder. I smiled a fake smile and nodded a lot.

"Well then,your place is in front of Jr. Jr,please raise your hand..." The teacher said,his voice trembling. In front of Jr... How great...

Instead of raising his hand,he kicked my seat with a poker face. I sighed really loudly and walked to my seat really slowly.

I sitted and the teacher smiled and coughed.

"Well then...Let's start with math..." He said,turning to the board and he wrote some formula on it. But since I at math I just stared at the board,just to look like I was really studying,or listening in that matter.

Suddenly Jr kicked my chair. I ignored him,but then he kicked it harder. I turned around slowly,with a face.

"What do you want?"

"Give me a pen..." When Jr said that,the whole class went silent and they all looked at Jr,even the teacher.

"Jr---What are you doing?" One of his friends asked,he looked like a girl...

"I don't have another pen..."  I said as I turned around and pretended to take notes.

Jr kicked my chair again.

"Liar. I saw you had like 6 pens in your pencil case..." Jr said as he kicked my chair yet again. I sighed annoyedly and gave him one of my pens.Even though I'm not that good at school,I still try to give my everything,that's why I have so many pens.

"You are welcome.." I said sarcastically and turned around again.

"Jr...GD hyung won't be pleased if he hears about this..." I heard one of his friends say.

"Shut up Baekho.None of you will tell him,so he won't know..." Jr said,but he was interrupted with a laughter by a guy that was sitting next to me.

"Why are you laughing,Taeloser?" Jr said.

"It's Taemin idiot. It's funny how all of a sudden you deside to learn and study  something for the first time." Taemin said,as he smirked at Jr.

"Yeah? So what? Why do you care anyway?" Jr said.

"It'd be a shame if GD the jerk hears about this,don't you think?" Some girl said from the back of the room.

"Shut up Min-ugly face. You wouldn't dare..." Jr said as he stood up,looking at the Min girl,who chuckled.

"Watch me." She answered. Jr was about to strom towards her but Taemin stopped.

"Wow there...Are you gonna hit her or what? You have some problems..."  Taemin said while smirking.

"Say that to my face..." Jr practically hissed at Taemin.

"I already did,moron..." Taemin responded,and his eyes looked like they could kill. Jr's eyes looked the same.

"You wanna do this now,Taeloser?" Jr asked. Their faces were so close to each others.

"Try me." Taemin said.

"Shut the up!!" Everyone looked at Il Sung,who was half asleep,but very angry.

"Can a guy sleep in here or not?! Shut up!!" Il Sung yelled and Jr and Taemin looked at him angrily.

"You watch who you are yelling to,..." Jr said and Taemin just stared with angry eyes.

"Lee Il Sung.Detention today. School isn't a place where you sleep." The teacher yelled "You and Kwon Hyo Jung are completely different..." The teacher said sighing.

"Are you saying I'm bad influence to her? She still gets perfect scores in everything so shut up..." Il Sung said as he placed his head on the desk.

"LEE IL SUNG! Did you just say 'Shut up' to your teacher?!" The teacher yelled red faced.

"Seonsangnim...I apologize for the behavior of Il Sung..." The creepy girl said. She stood up and bowed. The teacher blushed and scratched the back of his head.

"N-no...It's ok Kwon Hyo Jung-ssi---" The teacher chuckled and turned to the board " Let's continue...Everyone sit down,please..." He continued and everyone sitted down.

"Il Sung,take better care of your girlfriend...The teacher has the hots for her..." Jr said and Il Sung immediately stood up,and walked up to Jr,his eyes like demons.

"Say that again...Say it to my face again..." Il Sung said and Jr smirked and stood up.

"As you please...The teacher has the hots for your girlfriend..." Jr repeated. Il Sung glenched his wrist and looked like he was ready to hit him.

"Tsk tsk tsk...Are you really gonna put up a fight? Remember what happened the last time?" Jr said smirking. Il Sung didn't look at Jr anymore,but he looked at the floor.

"Thought so..." Jr said patting Il Sung head.

"All you can do is and please GD..I don't want to waste energy on some loser like you..." Il Sung said. This time Jr was about to hit,but I interviened. After I opened my eyes,there was blood all over my white shirt,the floor and my hands. I placed my hand under my nose and blood just kept running. The whole class was quiet.Nobody said anything.

I stood up and looked at Jr,who had a shocked face,Il Sung too.

"Seonsangnim..May I go to the nurse's office?" I asked,still holding my nose.

"Y-yes..." He answered and I nodded and walked out the class,closing the door with a bam. I leaned on the door and slowly slided down to the floor.

I was so scared... 

I felt tears running down my cheeks...I was in so much pain. I sighed and stood up slowly,dragging myself next to a sink and washed my face. I saw from a broken mirror,that my cheek bones were completely purple...Fantastic.. 

I sighed and walked to the nurses office. But she was absent so I just took some pain killers and left and walked directly to the roof. 



I layed down and just stared at the sky. Suddenly someone sits next to me. I sat up and noticed it was the creepy girl.

"You ok?" She asked me with a concerned smile. I nodded and showed her the pain killers I saved for later.

"Yeah.I have these,so it should be ok..." I responded as I touched my cheek bones.

"Well that's good to hear! I apologize and thank you on behalf of Il Sung!" The girl said,putting her hands together and apologizing by bowing.

"Nah...It's fine...I didn't hurt so..." I said as I stood up and patted the dust of my skirt.

"Eeeeeh----" The girl said in an annoyed voice as she stood up as well.

"I have read many books about lying and I know you are lying right now..." The girl said as she pouted cutely.

I rolled my eyes and started to walk downstairs.

"Where are you going?!" The girl yelled behind me.

"To the class room before the next class starts..." I answered.

"The bells in this school don't work.They have been broken for years now..." The girl said as she caught up with me.

"Why aren't they fixed yet?"

"I don't know...Maybe the school can't afford it or something..."

"Why are you studying in this dump anyway?" I asked as we finally reached the floor of our class.

"I came here after Il Sung,since this was the only school he could study with his scores..."

"Why did you follow him?"

"We have been dating since last grade of elementary and the school I would have applied was too far away...So..You know..." She said while shrugging her shoulders and smiling a cute smile.


"My name is Hyo Jung by the way---You can call me Hyo Hyo! Can I call you Eun Eun or Mi Mi?" Hyo Jung asked me and she immediately clinged on to me. I was shocked.

No one ever even talked to me,yet touched me or made nicknames for me...Well,not nice nicknames anyway...Hyo Jung seemed really friendly and she started to laugh as she saw my schoked face.

"I'm not gonna bite you~~ Eun Eun sounds cool,so I'll call you that,bestie~" She said as she opened the door to our noisy class that immediately went quiet when I entered.

"Sung Sungie~~" Hyo Jung said as she ran to Il Sung who immediately raised his sleepy head to look at his girlfriend.

"Hm..?" Il sung mumbled.

"I brought Eun Eun so you could apologize and thanl her!" Hyo Jung yelled,everyone in the class listened very closely.

Il Sung looked at me and sighed.

"Let's go..." He said as he pushed me out the door and closed it behind us.

"Hhh...Look...I don't need your sorry weak to defend me.I can handle my fights alone. OK?" Il Sung said as he leaned on the wall and scrathed his head.

"You could say we're even now...." I answered and he chuckled.

"Guess so...Well...Are we like...In the same gang now or what?"

"What gang?" 

"You know... Hyo already called you with a nickname.Which means she really likes you.."

"Why...? I haven't even talked to her that much yet..."

"I don't know...Maybe she just liked you instantly..."

"Lee and...Choi,I assume..."

We turned around and saw a new teacher,who looked really strict.

"Detention after school for not being in class on time..." He said as he walked to his desk,leaving me and Il Sung clueless on what just happened.

"Sir...I can't get detention...I am really busy and I---"

"I don't care about you being 'busy' or not. When I say something,you do it. Do you understand,Miss Choi?" The teacher asked me and I sighed out loudly and nodded.

"Good.Now go sit."

"Seonsangnim, can Eun Mi sit next to me?" Hyo Jung asked and the teacher smiled sweetly.

"Of course,Miss Kwon." He responded and took out his english book. I looked at Il Sung who glanced at me once and then went to sit on my seat and immediately started to sleep.

"Now let's start..."

Oh great...Another subject I at...

"I understood we have a new student in our class. Miss Choi? Would you please say something in english about you?" The teacher said. I sighed loudly and stood up.

"I'm Choi Eun Mi.Nice to meet you." I said in english and sitted down but the teacher walked up to me and placed his hands on my shoulder and pressed his nails in my neck. A huge amount of pain went through my neck.

"Do you think you are funny? Stand up miss Choi!" He yelled and smashed his hand on my desk "STAND UP!" He yelled and I stood up slowly due to the pain.

I looked at Hyo Jung quickly and I could see shock and huge anger in her face at the same time. The whole class was quiet.

"Do you know what 'tell me about yourself' means?" The teacher said,almost brething on my neck.


"Was that something no one knows about you yet?" The teacher asked and I shook my head.

"HUH?!" He yelled

"No sir..." I said and the pain in my neck was getting worse.

"You will also clean this class after the day is over." He said as he placed his hand on my neck again,pressing so hardly,it was hard to breathe.

"Sir,I have something urgent to do after school so I---" I started,but the teacher pushed my books and pencil case on the ground. I just kept staring at my pen that slowly rolled to the end of the class.

"I do not care." He said as he glared at me with angry eyes and walked back to his desk,kicking my books and stomping on them.

"Get out miss Choi. Your school year started from the bottom and it will stay there forever. Your parents must be very sad to have a child like you." The teacher said and I could feel my eyes get very teary.Probably because he was right.

"Am I right,miss Choi?" The teacher said as he chuckled. I noticed Hyo Jung leaned her head so she could see my face. She looked very shocked.

Suddenly a desk was thrown right next to the teacher's head and the chalk board broke in half and the whole class was dead quiet.

I looked behind me and saw Jr without his desk,standing looking like he could murder someone. He glanced at me and then at the teacher.

"Kim Jonghyun. What do you think you are doing?!" The teacher yelled.

"NO. THE ING QUESTION IS WHAT THE DO YOU  THINK YOU ARE DOING?!" Jr yelled and the teacher chuckled

"Hahaha....Detention today and also you will have to pay for that board and the desk..." The teacher said as he wrote something on a piece of paper and placed it in his suit pocket.

"I don't ing care.Who the do you think you are?!" Jr continued to yell

"More detention for swearing you little bastard..." The teacher said and Jr chuckled and rolling his eyes in disbelief.Il Sung stood up and he looked at me,then at his girlfriend,then at Jr and pushed him away towards me. 

"Take her out of here. I'll handle the teacher." Il Sung said as he patted Jr's shoulder.

"Huh? You sure you can handle him?" Jr asked as he smirked at Il Sung.

"I'm not as weak as you think I am.I'm just lazy to put up a fight,that's all..." Il Sung answered and Jr chuckled.

"Beat him good." Jr answered as he took my bag and started to drag me out the class room.

"Wait!" Hyo Jung yelled to me and Jr. Jr looked at her with a questioning face.

"You'll take good care of Eun Eun,right?" Hyo Jung asked with a concerned face.

Jr just smirked and started to drag me out the room again. 

"Where do you think you are going?!" The teacher said as he stopped me by placing his hand on my shoulder. Jr placed his hand on the teachers hand and glanced at him angrily.

"Get your ing hands off...Or I'll snap your hand in two..."Jr threatened. The teacher stared at Jr and smirked as he pressed his nails in my neck again.

"You can't do that,Kim Jonghyun...You'll be fired from school then,and you know your parents wouldn't like that..." The teacher said,smirking. Jr smirked and laughed after.

"Does it look like I care,sir ?" Jr said,smiling a sly smile and then nodding at his friends,who stood up and walked towards the teacher.

"I advice other's leave the room and go outside. It sunny,so get a tan or have a pic nic..." Jr said as he dragged me out of the class room,other students exiting the room as well.


I tried to get out of Jr's grip,but he held my hand tighter as he dragged me to the gates.

"Which way do you live?" He asked me,but I didn't respond. He sighed annoyedly and started to walk the right way anyway.

"It's ok to cry you know." He said,all of a sudden. I looked at him,but he kept looking ahead,towards where we were walking.

"Tch.What are you know,a therapist?" I asked sarcastically. "Besides,you can let go of my hand already..."

"Where is your house...?" Jr kept asking,until he stopped walking all of a sudden and I bumped into him.

"What are you---?" I looked what he was looking at,and saw a line of 12 boys,apparently a gang too...

I looked at Jr,who was frozen at the 12 smiling guys.

"I see you betrayed your promise of not laying your eyes on a girl,Jr..." The tallest of them all said.

"Kris..." Jr mumbled

"Be ready for a beating...Hyorin ain't pleased..." Kris said,smirking.He then moved his head a bit to the side and the rest 11 started to run towards us,like wolves.

"Run." Jr said as he pulled me and we started to run as fast as we could."

This is not that kind of a day I imagined it would be....




hi guys!

hope you like the story so far!

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Hi guys! I decided to leave my laptop back at home.I just have so much to take with me and a laptop would just come in my way(?) I'll update after a month,k?


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jeyoun #1
Chapter 20: Oh G oh G Plss update soon!!!
Chapter 20: oh my god. someone please go and save jin. pleaseeeee oh gosh. damn you hyorin π^π
I love how you're updating fast, YOU'RE AWESOME!!! I honestly thought Nara was tough and 'rebel' because of her parents but turned out I'm wrong
He story is really sad and I can't wait till she kick hyorin's (though she's my female bias)
Keep the good work ^^
Chapter 18: What?! Freaking fcking Hyunjoong! You- you insane MANIAC! Oh my gucci.
Chapter 18: *lost* ehhh?
Chapter 18: Hyun joong!!! Let me strangle him for a minute >< and I thought he was a good boy --"
Niiice chapter ^^ waiting for the next one *0*
jeyoun #7
Chapter 18: Waaah update soon!!!! Plsss !!!
jeyoun #8
Chapter 17: waaaaaaaaah nugu?
Chapter 17: THIS IS SO EXCITING! OMGOMGOMGOMG I JUST LOVE THIS FIC. KILL ME NOW. MY LIFE IS NOW COMPLETE. Oh wait. It's not. This story is not finish yet. Can't wait to know what happen to Dasom and the others.
Chapter 17: Oh. oh, oh... who is it? who is it!? WHO IS IT!?!?!?!
Argh!! >_<