A Note From The Author

Blind Song


Author's Note:
Those of you who have been reading this fanfic or my friend on here for a while might know that my left eye is half blind. When I was 6 I had to patch it and by doing that it would turn my eye around so you would only see the white part. Then the doctor would do surgery on my eye and turn it back around and that would have fixed it. Once my eye started to turn my mom got scared and stopped patching. Also, I had a lot of tantrums because I hated the patch. So years later the eye started to go back to its original place and it wasn't turned. What I didn't know was that by doing this I was shutting off my eye to my brain, and the brain stopped using my eye. 
I went to the doctor to get an exam. He said that because my brain hasn't been using that eye for the past 6-7 years, the vision in that eye has deteriorated so much that its unfixable. There's nothing he can do but give me contacts. 
By giving me contacts it will help my brain start using the eye again, but I will never have a chance at having a perfect eye again.  And my good eye feels strained to me, I have been having trouble seeing lately, especially when reading. I'm terrified.
I got a little taste of what it might be like to be blind and I'm terrified. After I had my eyes dilated I went outside and it really hurt, I couldn't see anything. My eyes hurt, they felt like they were burning or exploding, even with my sunglasses on. I know Im a big cry baby but that scared me so bad. I cant go blind, I wouldn't be able to draw if that happened. Q^Q sadly, becoming blind is something I could face in my lifetime. Being blind is so scary, to not be able to see your family's faces, to not see where you are, to not see anything. It's terrible. I pray that it won't be until I'm very very old, even better that it will never happen.
If you know anyone who is blind, or facing the problem of becoming blind, support them! I love those people so much now. 
I can relate to eunji so much more, hopefully when I finish this fanfic you guys can appreciate and be more kind to those who are different and weaker. People with disabilities are so special. 
Thanks for reading and please wait patiently for the next chapter.
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I had to change a sentence in there that wasnt even bad so chapter 12 wouldn't be rated M but whatever


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Chapter 20: she's brainwashing her o_o
ananda23 #2
Chapter 20: Very curious about next chap :) fighting!
Chapter 20: Aawh! nooo! He came back for you<3 aigoo.. so evil D:<
Chapter 19: Dongsaeng-ah<3 Things will get better<3 I promise. Don't let your eyesight stop you from reaching any dream of yours. <3 Because my eyesight is really bad too :c I can't really see anything from far away and it's really blurry. But that's not the point of this message. >~< Dongsaeng, what I'm saying is, there are a lot of obstacles in everyone's life, but be strong and you can make it! ^^ Fighting!!
PerfectlyImperfectxX #5
Chapter 20: Mi Na portrays(?) a sasaeng perfectly.
Whenever I start reading, I feel like i'm actually Eunji. It feels like i'm experiencing what she's experiencing. This story really draws me in. It's a good story Author-nim :) Can't wait for your next update. Fighting!
Chapter 18: Come back and start singing to herrr~ Baby I'm so sorryyy</3 hahahaha. Changhyun don't give up hope!! LOL Sorry I havent been reading a lot dongsaeng</3 Too. Many. Testsss!!
Chapter 17: NOOOOO! Why could he just leave Eun Ji thereeeeee by herselfff! It was a ploooot. OMGGGGGG. :'(
teuksoxyongshin #8
Chapter 18: please update soon!!!
Chapter 18: this is not good for eunji at all
Chapter 17: eunji is now in the alone crying at the amusement park
is anyone going to take her home?