It's Not a Date!!!

Blind Song


Eunji's POV:
"Ani! Pabo! Why would I go on a date with you?!" I shouted and smacked him on the head and pulled his hands off my face. Really, I didn't want to go to the amusement park, that's like a horror house to someone who can't see, and on a date? 
"I'm just not ready to date..." I mumbled under my breath, red faced. 
"Ya! It's not a date!" He snapped, he sounded like a baby on the verge of tears. 
"Ah, that really hurt." He whined. "You're blind how in the world do you have such a good aim?!" 
I pouted and furrowed my eyebrows, my arms were crossed. 
"If it's not a date what is it?" I asked him. "Its a..." He was silent for a second. I waited.
"It's a time to have fun with me." He answered confidently.
"That's a date, pabo!" I laughed at him mockingly, he was cute. 
"It's absolutely not a date!" He insisted. My cheeks puffed up, but I let the air out, "Phwoo, fine." I gave in. 
"Wah! This will be so much fun!" Changhyun clapped his hands and grabbed my hand. "Ga ja! (let's go)" 
"Wait! I'm still in my pajamas!" I whined, and ran trying to keep up with him as he dragged me up the stairs. He was so hyper. 
"No one cares how you look, and if they do you can't see the way they look at you! Just have fun!" He reassured me. Somehow I felt happier. 
"Mom! Ricky's taking me to the amusement park! See you! I'll be back!" I called to my family before we went out the front door. 
Mi Na's POV:
"They're headed to the amusement park, make sure you do it when Ricky can see you. Uh huh, yup. She seems like a pushover so she'll be easy. 'Kay bye." I hung up after talking to my brother. Would this be enough to break Ricky? Would my efforts pay off?
Eunji's POV:
Ricky payed for our admission and we entered the park. My heart pounded in my chest, I was scared. "What ride first?" Ricky asked excitedly. "Y-you pick." I smiled weakly. 
"Yay! Let's go on the roller coaster!" Hey grabbed my hand and dragged me to where the ride was. Of course he picks the worst ride first! Please let something distract him! No luck. We got to the ride and got strapped into the coaster. I took a huge breath. I hated not being able to see, the horror of going up and down at fast speeds and not being able to see what's happening or were I am. What if it went upside down? 
"Do you not want to go on the ride?" Ricky asked worriedly and gripped my hand. 
"Huh? No this will be fun! I love amusement parks!" I lied, but still smiled and acted like I was excited. I gasped as I felt the coaster start to move and I squeezed Changhyun's hand as tight as I could. The worst part of a roller coaster is the first part, as it slowly moves up the first hill of iron. The anxiety and tension, its as if you know you're going to die any second, any second you'll plunge towards the ground and thrown back into the air. I gulped, my eyes started to water. Tick tick the last few sounds echoed in my head, WHOOSH! We were thrown across the iron hills of the coaster, my stomach flew into my chest and every muscle in my body tightened, and following I screamed. Up and down all over! The coaster went upside down and the world seemed to freeze and go in slow motion, my body was being tossed in every direction through a world of black. Finally everything slowed and the ride ended. 
"Eunji! You were really that scared?!" Ricky wiped tears of my face. 
"You kidding? That was exhilarating!" I laughed and climbed out of the ride feeling like I could do anything. 
"Can we go again?" I asked. "No! There are so many rides we don't have time! Later! Come on!" Ricky took me to the next ride. He said it was called "Free Fall". 
"What's that?" I asked. 
"You'll see," was all he said. We were strapped into our seats again and this time we went up on what felt like a big tower, like an elevator. 
"Wah! Look at the veiw! I can see all of Seoul from here!" Ricky gasped, then it sounded like a cable broke and we fell. So this is what is like to die. Air blew into my face and I felt my body lift a little off the chair and press against the straps. PHWooosh! Relief flooded over me as the ride stopped. Ricky unstrapped me and we got off the ride. 
"Ya! You knew what this ride was gonna do! I thought we were gonna die and the cable broke! Honestly I will never ride another elevator again!" I was furious! That was terrifying!
"I thought it was fun!" Ricky chuckled. 
"That was NOT fun!" I insisted. 
"Oh look! A frozen lemonade stand!" Ricky said changing the subject. He payed for one frozen lemonade. 
"Where's mine?" I asked. 
"Here," he pushed a spoon of frozen lemonade into my mouth. Mmmm it was delicious! But clever of him, only buying one. 
"Ya! Im not sharing with you! Fine! I won't have any." I pushed his hand away, but savored the taste still left in my mouth. 
"Fine, I get it." He said disappointedly and bought me one too. 
"Wah! Gomawo, Changhyun ah!" I cheerfully took it and put another spoonful in my mouth. Pure delight. We sat on a bench together and laughed and talked while we ate our lemonade. I let the rest of my lemonade melt when I had eaten about half of it, then I drank it. Ricky had called me strange. Ricky and I went on many rides, the ferris wheel was boring because I couldn't see anything. Then we went on a carousel, that was probably my favorite ride. 
"Yahoo!" I called and threw my hands in the air. I heard Changhyun giggle a little. I wrapped my arms around the horse's neck and closed my eyes tight, feeling the air blow around me and my horse as we spun around. "I'm gonna name you Soeun, my pretty horsey~!" I felt it's face trying to imagine what my Soeun looked like. I saw a beautiful white horse adorned with jewels of all kind that sparkled in the sun. Soeun and Changhyun rode towards me on the horse, 
"Wasn't that fun?" He said. I snapped back to reality and hit my forehead, what was I thinking?! 
After we had ridden possibly every ride in the park I had to go to the bathroom. As I walked out of the bathroom someone pushed me up against the wall outside the bathroom. "Ya!" I snapped and tried to get away. The stranger grabbed my chin and pressed their lips against mine hard, and passionately. I almost threw up in my mouth. My stomach hurled inside me. I squirmed and tried to get away. The stranger just kept kissing me, I felt like I was suffocating. He moved his hand around my back and pulled me close to him.
"Noh mi-cheoss-so (are you crazy)?! Jug-eul-lae (do you want me to kill you)?!" 
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I had to change a sentence in there that wasnt even bad so chapter 12 wouldn't be rated M but whatever


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Chapter 20: she's brainwashing her o_o
ananda23 #2
Chapter 20: Very curious about next chap :) fighting!
Chapter 20: Aawh! nooo! He came back for you<3 aigoo.. so evil D:<
Chapter 19: Dongsaeng-ah<3 Things will get better<3 I promise. Don't let your eyesight stop you from reaching any dream of yours. <3 Because my eyesight is really bad too :c I can't really see anything from far away and it's really blurry. But that's not the point of this message. >~< Dongsaeng, what I'm saying is, there are a lot of obstacles in everyone's life, but be strong and you can make it! ^^ Fighting!!
PerfectlyImperfectxX #5
Chapter 20: Mi Na portrays(?) a sasaeng perfectly.
Whenever I start reading, I feel like i'm actually Eunji. It feels like i'm experiencing what she's experiencing. This story really draws me in. It's a good story Author-nim :) Can't wait for your next update. Fighting!
Chapter 18: Come back and start singing to herrr~ Baby I'm so sorryyy</3 hahahaha. Changhyun don't give up hope!! LOL Sorry I havent been reading a lot dongsaeng</3 Too. Many. Testsss!!
Chapter 17: NOOOOO! Why could he just leave Eun Ji thereeeeee by herselfff! It was a ploooot. OMGGGGGG. :'(
teuksoxyongshin #8
Chapter 18: please update soon!!!
Chapter 18: this is not good for eunji at all
Chapter 17: eunji is now in the alone crying at the amusement park
is anyone going to take her home?