Remember the First

Blind Song


The silence was killing me. "Eomma..." I mumbled awkwardly trying to break it. She let out another sigh. "You are not aloud to see that boy anymore." Her voice was stern, stressed, and tired. "Eomma!" I shouted. She tsked, "Go to bed dear, it's late."
Ricky's POV: 
With all my strength my weak body stood up and I made my way to my room. I laid down on my bed and tried to go to sleep, tried to forget what had happened tonight. Instead my mind went back to the first time she had come, sending my body into shudders again. 
Mi Na's POV: 
I left Teen Top's dorm in a good mood. Ricky's expression was still vivid in my mind, priceless. It was an expression of pure despair, fear, and pain. Only I had the pleasure of seeing him like that, because he was mine. "Ahhh! Oppa! You need to stop being so cute! It's killing me!" I squealed and excitedly ran to my car. When I arrived back at my apartment I washed my face and got ready for bed. I looked out the apartment window at the city below. It was beautiful at night. It looked like there were two skies, one above me and one below. I found myself caught in a half smile as I remembered the first time I had reminded Ricky that he was mine. 
Mi Na's POV:
I slipped on a night shirt and some comfy pants. 
"Tonight is the night." I reminded myself. I sprayed a little perfume and giggled quietly. I walked out to the apartment parking lot and got in my car. "Oppa, here I come."
Ricky's POV:
"Goodnight!" I called cheerfully to my group members who were chatting and playing games but I was tired and didn't want to play anymore. I ran to my room where I washed up and got ready for bed.  I hugged my stuffed bear and plopped onto my soft bed. I heard my door open and click closed. "Oppa, you were bad." I sat up curiously to see a girl who's face I recognized. "Mi Na..." I choked under my breath. "Did you forget? You're mine." She flipped the light off and walked closer. "Do you know why I came?" She said bending down so she was eye level with me. "You need a reminder that you are mine." I didn't know what to do, all I knew was that I had a bad feeling. I scrambled backwards on my bed to get away but ended up pushing myself against a wall. She climbed on my bed and pulled my bear from my arms and tossed it on the floor. "Let's have fun tonight." She pulled me close to her so I was laying on her lap. "Ani, ani..." I kept saying over and over but it came out quiet, half stuck in my throat. "By next week, that girl you were with, she'll be gone." She twirled my hair in her fingers around and around, tears started to form in my eyes. She moved her finger down my cheek, around my chin, holding me close. Her finger made its way to my eyes, barely brushing over. Then around my lips, softly. An uneasy feeling settled in my chest, tears lightly rolled down my cheeks, my breathing became uneven. She was enjoying herself, she placed her hands on the collar of my shirt and tugged. It was at that moment I screamed for my life and rolled off the bed. 
I hit the floor with a thud. Mi Na's feet dropped to the floor and she knelt down beside where I was shaking. She held my chin and made me look at her, "You-" before she could finish my door swung open and the light switch flipped on. My group members hurried in the room and CAP and Ljoe dragged Mi Na out. "Tsk, you ruined it. No matter, fun while it lasted." I heard her say and she left. The members hurried to where I was. "Are you ok?" "What happened?" They asked worried and tried to calm me down.
Later I found out the girl I was with had been fired from her job and was living in japan with her parents. Before she left she told me, "For your safety, let's never speak to each other again." Mi Na had ruined her life, and I knew mine was going to get a lot worse.
Eunji's POV:
I woke up that morning in a bad mood. It wasn't fair, he hadn't done anything. The whole day throughout school what had happened to him and who the girl was weighed on my mind. When I arrived home after school I snuck out to the backyard, as well as a blind person could sneak, and waited. He didn't come that day, nor the next. Finally, he came 3 days later. By then I was beginning to think I would never see him again but it had become a leisure habit to spend time outside on the back patio. It was calm, peaceful, and allowed me some fresh air. I entertained myself by braiding yarn, which I was so good at I didn't need to see, and drawing. I never got to see what any of my crafts look like. Drawings were just me moving a stick around in circles so it probably wasn't much to see anyway. "Eunji?" Finally, the voice I was quite familiar with by now entered my ears. I scrambled to make my way across the yard to let him in. "My mother is at work right now but she will be home in an hour and a half." I told him. He hadn't said much but something was wrong, the mood was different. He explained to me that the girl had been there at his dorm when he went home that night. "She...her lips they...on mine..." He sounded depressed.  "It was my first time with anyone. I hated it." Changhyun laid his head on my shoulder. I felt sorry for him, he made this girl sound awful. 
"Be careful, she's watching us." I tilted my head, "What?" 
"She's watching and I don't know what her plan to get rid of you is, but I'm warning you to beware of her!" He told me again. "Who?" I was starting to get worried.
"Mi Na."
It was quiet for a second, not a word was spoken. I realized he was shaking. Whoever this girl was must be awful to make him like this. I hated it when people were like this!
"Let's play a game!" I pushed his head off my shoulder and put my fists in position to play zero. I thought I would try to get his mind off things.
 "Let's play to five again! Kids at school won't let me play because I'm blind." He put his fists to mine. "If you win you can cry all you want, if I win you are not allowed to cry. And if I win you have to buy me ice cream." 
"Eh?! So if I win all I get to do is cry? Waaaae?" He whined. "Fine. If you win, uh...we'll do whatever you want." He tsked and called the first number, "2! I won!" 
And that's how it continued. He won. "Hmmm.. What do I want
to do?" He thought out loud. 
"Why not destroy the city then buy me ice cream?" I sighed sarcastically.
Suddenly I heard my mother's car pull up. I began to panic, "Quick! Hide! Otteoke?! Hurry, my room!" I rushed Changhyun to my room, I knew my house pretty well so we sort of moved fast. He found a place to hide under my bed. I took a big breath and sat on the bed as my mother's foot steps came down the stairs. Closer, louder, closer, louder, "Eunji?" My door opened. "Yes eomma?"
Author's Noe:
Ahhh sorry guys! I don't know why I always write sad stories for Ricky! Ahhhhhh I'm sorry!
please comment I love to read them! Thank you~
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I had to change a sentence in there that wasnt even bad so chapter 12 wouldn't be rated M but whatever


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Chapter 20: she's brainwashing her o_o
ananda23 #2
Chapter 20: Very curious about next chap :) fighting!
Chapter 20: Aawh! nooo! He came back for you<3 aigoo.. so evil D:<
Chapter 19: Dongsaeng-ah<3 Things will get better<3 I promise. Don't let your eyesight stop you from reaching any dream of yours. <3 Because my eyesight is really bad too :c I can't really see anything from far away and it's really blurry. But that's not the point of this message. >~< Dongsaeng, what I'm saying is, there are a lot of obstacles in everyone's life, but be strong and you can make it! ^^ Fighting!!
PerfectlyImperfectxX #5
Chapter 20: Mi Na portrays(?) a sasaeng perfectly.
Whenever I start reading, I feel like i'm actually Eunji. It feels like i'm experiencing what she's experiencing. This story really draws me in. It's a good story Author-nim :) Can't wait for your next update. Fighting!
Chapter 18: Come back and start singing to herrr~ Baby I'm so sorryyy</3 hahahaha. Changhyun don't give up hope!! LOL Sorry I havent been reading a lot dongsaeng</3 Too. Many. Testsss!!
Chapter 17: NOOOOO! Why could he just leave Eun Ji thereeeeee by herselfff! It was a ploooot. OMGGGGGG. :'(
teuksoxyongshin #8
Chapter 18: please update soon!!!
Chapter 18: this is not good for eunji at all
Chapter 17: eunji is now in the alone crying at the amusement park
is anyone going to take her home?