Can you feel my heartbeat?
No one's POV: SKarf arrived at the filming venue of WGM and were chatting while waiting for the two SUJU guys(Look what is happening here,girls are waiting for boys.LOL.)After 10 minutes,the rwo guys FINALLY arrived. Tasha's POV: The two guys are FINALLY here.My god,we waited so long,are they gays or what?Why are girls waiting for them?Tsk Tsk... "Ahem...attention here please... Ferlyn's POV: I was talking to Tasha but she seemed zoned out so I decided to play some games on my iPad instead.After losing the first round,I decided to just give up and wait for the boys.After a while,ther arrived."Ahem...attention here please...we will start filming in 3.2.1." No one's POV: The PD of WGM gave them a mission card,written on it was:Dear Tasha♥Kyuhyun,Ferlyn♥Eunhyuk couple.Please go to MyeongDong and buy something that suits your partner the most.Good Luck and your phones will be consficated and no comminucation will be allowed.(But you can talk to the same gender as yours.) HEY PEOPLE!SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING AS MY EXAMS WERE HERE BUT SINCE NOW I HAVE FINISHED THEM,I WILL TRY TO UPDATE EVERYDAY AND I MAY BE STARTIMG A NEW STORY FEATURING 1 OF INFINITE'S MEMBER AND OCs!SO PLEASE STAY TUNE!:)
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Chapter 17: Update? :<
Haha tks for liking this fanfic and I will update soon!:)
Chapter 1: Omg! I love it! Btw... i hope skarf will bcome famous soon!
tayjm11 #4
whoo!!! SKarf fanfic! Thanks!!
Chapter 16: Wow, wgm the moment they start as a rookie group.. update soon
Why is there nobody commenting??*sniffs*
Thank you to all of those who read my fanfic but can you please give some comments?Anyways,welcum to join the conversation and no rude comment please!Thank you for your cooperation!

Yours sincerely,