Dinner and Confession?!

Can you feel my heartbeat?

No One's POV

They went to Yesung's family resturant(I forgot the name of it...-_-")and ordered their dinner and their dinner was free since all the groups ate there oftenly expect for SKarf who was new there.When they entered the resturant,they were all greeted by the aroma of the food in the resturant.They started ordering the food they wanted and Kyuhyun and Tasha ordered the same food(such a concidence*winks winks*)They were all eating when a group of highschool girls came in and pretented to not see them to give them privacy.Kyuhyun,who was sitting next to Tasha told her"I love that kind of fans,they give us privacy!"Tasha nodded her head in agreement.After dinner,they could go wherever they want since it was only 7PM they decided to meet back at 10PM to go back to their dorms.Before Tasha could even decide,Kyuhyun drag her away from the big crowd...

Kyuhyun drag Tasha away from the crowd to a secluded place and told her to stay there,after 10 minutes he ran back to me holding a heart shaped card and a ring box in his hand,before I could say anything,he knelt down on one leg and said to me"Tasha,I know this is sudden,but,can you be my girlfriend?"Tasha was taken aback but she said'YES' and before she could say anything,Kyuhyun crashed his lips into hers!Then from no where,they heard a camera click,then another and after that,there were lots of clicking sounds,Tasha turned back and saw ZhouMi a.k.a Gentleman MiMi with a wide grin and a instant camera in his hand,followed by Sunny,Vic,Key and Changmin.They began to send the phots to their group members and Tasha and Kyuhyun started chasing them around and people were shocked to see the whole SMTOWN crew running around...the people started taking pictures and sent to newspaper companies and worst to the web!


Lee SooMan was so angry that he personally went to all the group's dorms and pulled them out of bed to his office(ALL THOSE WHO WERE INVOLVED YESTERDAY.)When all of them reached his office,they gulped nervously and the minute they entered,the CEO was 'nagging' at them.He said"This is the first time that this happened!What were all of you thinking?!"They were all scared but the CEO just dismissed them and they went back to their activicties...

That's all for today!What do you think and sorry for the short chapter!Will update tomorrow!;)

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Chapter 17: Update? :<
Haha tks for liking this fanfic and I will update soon!:)
Chapter 1: Omg! I love it! Btw... i hope skarf will bcome famous soon!
tayjm11 #4
whoo!!! SKarf fanfic! Thanks!!
Chapter 16: Wow, wgm the moment they start as a rookie group.. update soon
Why is there nobody commenting??*sniffs*
Thank you to all of those who read my fanfic but can you please give some comments?Anyways,welcum to join the conversation and no rude comment please!Thank you for your cooperation!

Yours sincerely,