
Back to Day Zero ♥ [sequel to memory box ♥]

Hiro pov :

I tossed and my for the 5th night. I haven’t been able to sleep since Minho oppa confessed to me. I’ve been thinking what I should do to minimise hurting him.

It was soon morning and I promised Minho oppa to meet him at his dorm.

I quickly changed and put some makeup on to cover the dark rings around my eyes.


“Hiro!” He called out to me as I walked towards their van. “Come on!” He grabbed me into the van and sat at the back with me while the others filed in at the front.

“Morning Hiro!” All of them greeted me with their cheerful smile, which I couldn’t resist but to return with a weak smile.

“Hiro, I made breakfast for you!” He gave me a box and he had one himself.

After a while, I couldn’t finish it, I really didn’t feel like eating, my appetite has been really bad, is probably the side effects of the medication kicking in.

“What’s wrong, Hiro? Why aren’t you eating?” Minho oppa noticed my pause and he stopped as well.

I shook my head and ate another bite to reassure him.

Minho pov:

She looks to tired, I wonder what happened. Something must be wrong, she looks so worried and stressed out.

She doesn’t seem to want to tell me though, but I am her boyfriend now, I need to know.

As I was about to ask, the van drove into the carpark and it was nearly time for our schedule already.

I’ll talk to her privately later.

Hiro pov:

“Oppa work hard, I’ll be outside today”

The room is really stuffy and it feels like that I couldn’t breathe, I can’t stay inside.

He simply nodded and he didn’t get to ask anything as the recording was about to start.

I roamed around the corridor while listening to music. I headed towards the little garden area in the building.

My eyes were glued to the floor and I focused on the music in my ears. “Ah!” I walked into someone and quickly apologised.

“Oppa?” It was Kyuhyun oppa that I bumped into.

“Hiro” He smiled and gave me a seat. “What brought you here today?”

“I’m with Minho oppa today..ah!” I hesitated and looked at him.

Kyuhyun oppa is someone to ask advise.

“oppa…” I began. “Minho oppa confessed to me.”

He was alarmed and he his posture tensed up.

I told him what happened and what I am worried about. He simply replied with some nodding, ‘ah’s and ‘neh’s

I didn’t know what he thought about it but I simply told him the whole story.

“What do you think I should do? I don’t want to hurt him….”

He didn’t say anything at first, but he just looked at me.

“Hiro, you love him, don’t you?” He asked.

I nodded.

“Then tell him the truth, tell him that you don’t have long”

That was one of my choice, but if he finds out, he will be broken hearted and I will completely ruin his dream.

“I can’t! I’ll hurt him!”

He shook his head and sighed. “Then, the other choice is leave him and leave him in the dark and he will never know that you lied to him”

The second choice is not much better.

“Either way, you will hurt him” Kyuhyun oppa was getting a bit upset as well. “I think it is better off telling him the truth.”

I shook my head in disagreement. “No, I can’t do this to Minho oppa…I can’t tell him the truth”

“Then just leave him…at least he wouldn’t be upset when the time comes”

That’s right, if I break up with him, and completely leaves his life, he then can have a new life.

Tears ran down my cheeks and unconsciously my head leaned on Kyuhyun oppa’s shoulder and he warmly wrapped his arms around me.

Minho pov:

`flashback to 10 minutes ago`

I wonder where Hiro is, we are having a 15 minutes break right now.

I asked some workers and they directed me to the little garden area.

“…I think it is better off telling him the truth.”

“No, I can’t do this to Minho oppa…I can’t tell him the truth”

“Then just leave him…at least he wouldn’t be upset when the time comes”

I stopped and concealed myself behind the pillar. What’s happening?

I peeked out again and my anger rushed to my arms as I saw them hugging.

“Hyung!” I ran out and I was totally out of controlling. He is telling my girlfriend to leave me!

I don’t care if he is my hyung. I don’t care if he was Hiro’s ex boyfriend.

There is no way that I can tolerate this.

In my anger, I didn’t register Hiro was there and my arm went towards their direction. Luckily, hyung pushed Hiro over and he was the one that got hit.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? SHE IS MY GIRLFRIEND!” After seeing Hiro was standing aside, I punched him once more.

Right now, I really hate him. I hate him.

“Stop it!!” I could hear Hiro faintly crying out.

She walked towards us and knelt beside Kyuhyun hyung.

“Oppa, can we go? Please!” She begged kyuhyun and whispered something to him.

Hiro pov:

My head was killing me again.

I was starting to see double image again.

I whispered to Kyuhyun as I really need to go to the hospital now. “Oppa, my head hurts”

After realising my condition, Kyuhyun oppa stood up and bridal style carried me and looked at Minho oppa once more before leaving.

I could hear Minho oppa screaming and he wanted to follow, but the managers heard what happened and was there stopping him already.

I am sorry Minho oppa.


after a few short updates, finally a longer update :)

uhoh..that was a pretty intense chapter. I hope you like it and enjoyed it.

and tissues to anyone who cried. seems like people are crying because of the story...

but yeh I cried when I was writing yesterday as's because this is ending and I guess the story has been pretty sad >.<

countdown; last day on AFF

(but i might come on tomorrow just to update the last chapter)

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@naznew, thank you for supporting!
naznew #2
good story..
@sighs123; no worries, anything for you lovely readers :) <br />
@f_mama; I'll see<br />
@cutiekoala; thanks sweetie<br />
@saranghaeyominhooppa; I am glad you like it, any request or scenes that you want to see?
SaranghaeyoMinhoOppa #4
I just love all the additional chapters you added.... They actually completed the story on a whole....
cutiekoala #5
@saranghaeyominhoppa; so would you like to see an extra chapter where Minho starts to move on??<br />
@Yeonnie; awww thanks darling, I bet you didn't expect the update. teehee, it is definitely to see youuu again :) there is no way I can forget all you lovelies <3
Ey! An update! And a really good one too:D It's like a super bonus:P<br />
<br />
Good to "see you" again^^ especially that you haven't forgotten AFF(:<br />
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I hope that you are doing great^^