I Have A Secret That Will Leave Me In The State Of Uncertainty

I Have A Secret


" I have a secret..."


Chapter 15


Yoseob couldn’t believe…

Why he needs to bring this kind face old men to his master? Especially when he was also sitting in wheelchair…

“Come in, come in… It’s rude to stand in the doorway “

The old man lifted his hand and waved to the young boy to come inside.

“I think it’s better if I will stand here “

Yoseob chuckled awkwardly. Does he really need to use force on this cute old grandpa?

Suddenly the kind face of grandpa vanished and one creepy took his place.

“I asked you kindly and you didn’t listen… “

In few second Yoseob flew in the room and smashed in the wall with full force. With a loud thud he went down and few drops of blood spill from his nose.

“Still now he thinks that few punks will take me down “

The old man laughed evilly.

“He thinks that it will be easy to capture me! NEVER! “

Yosoeb's body lifted from the ground and flew in the other wall nearby. The poor boy couldn’t do anything… The old creep was controlling him and throwing his body around like a doll.

“I will never give my power to him! NEVER! “

The old man went crazy. He started laughing and in his eyes you couldn’t seen any mercy.

Slowly Yoseob was losing his consinious. He could feel blood running on his skin and power fading away…

Will he die like this?

Everything was getting dark but suddenly the attack stopped. His body slumped on the ground but he couldn’t see who got the old men’s attention.

Soon everything went black…




“Finally you woke up “

The same voice greeted her again.

Where the hell was she? Only thing she could tell now was that he was carrying her gently in his arm.

“I used too much on you. Sorry “

His words were followed by chuckle.

What he used on her?

She was still in trance. What was happening?

“We are not far away “

His voice echoed in ears.

Why the hell she was feeling so funny?

She couldn’t move at all, she couldn’t even move her fingers…

“Finally we are here “

Where here?

The door was opened and warmth for fireplace greeted her unmoving body.

“Now I will gently sit you on the chair. Don’t be afraid. “

She could feel how her body slumped on the chair but still she couldn’t move.

“You will have to wait… The master will come soon. “

She could feel his breath on her cheek and soon sound of recessive footsteps reached her ear.

“By the way… “

He stopped in the middle of his track.

“… My name is Dongwoon “

He left the room chuckling…


"...that will leave me in  the state of  uncertainty "


P.s: Comments are love <3


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Chapter 22: uncertain future before them
Chapter 22: AWAAAHH <3 it was hyuseung? :D awwhh cute I can somehow imagine little him looking cool *-*
cant wait for next chapter this Is exciting <3
Chapter 21: Which boy is it the last one D: who who *-*
Yay... So many secrets!
shujun #5
Chapter 20: wow ! its been a long time since i read this.. and its getting more interesting..so many secrets to unveiled..too many SHADOWs..
Chapter 20: the world in the eyes of Hyunseung...

Thank you for the update
Chapter 19: You are a great author , that's why this story got featured as the daily random story . Congratulations , authornim !
Chapter 18: This story is really good! I like it. ^__^ Update soon~~ and congratulations on your feature!! :D