Sudden actions

I hate that I love you...

Hey guys~ So I ended My One and Only T.T I really enjoyed writing it

and I hoped (For you who read it) liked it. So from now on I will be 

here! LOL Enjoy~


I turn around and see Suzy's shocked face. She stomped off to Kevin and slapped him.

"What are you doing kissing other girls?!" She asks. I look at her "Excuse me?" I say "You guys are broken up." She gives me a WTF face "What are you talking about? We're still dating!" She says. I look at Kevin and he looks at me with an i'm sorry face. I roll my eyes, take my stuff and leave the garden. Wow I can't believe I fell for that. I hate you Kevin.

I get to my locker and see Dongho there. I shrug and walk over to him. 

"Where were you at lunch?" He asks. He moves out of the way and I open my locker. "I was with Kevin." I say and close my locker "I found out he's a cheater so I don't like him anymore." We walk together in the class and kevin looks at me. I ignore his eyes and I take a seat. 

All i could think about was what happened. He talked to me, i forgave him, we kissed, and i found out he was cheating. Wow, a lot could happen in just one day, and it's not even done. 

It's finally the last period, Science. Dongho walked with me the whole day. We didn't argue... At all. Since we're science partners we sit next to each other. 

"Are we starting the project today?" He asks. I nod "We'll just have to get suppiles after school." He nods and the class begins. I started taking notes until a paper plane hit my head. I look up and I see Kevin adjust in his seat

'Aish~' i thought and unfolded the plane.

I'm sorry 


I roll my eyes and crumple the paper up and throw it away. The class finally ends and Kevin comes to my locker. He grabs my arm but I ignore him.

"Jinah." He says talking behind me while I take my stuff out of my locker. He grabs my arm and turns me. "Look at me and let's talk." He says and i turn myslef around again. "What do we have to talk about. You make it sound like we're a couple. Oh wait you're going out with Suzy." I say as I close my locker and turn around. I walk away and I walk to Dongho's locker. 

"You ready?" I ask him as he closes his locker. He nods and we head out. We talk as we walk to the store. Once we get it we split up and get our things. We meet up at the registers and we pay. We leave and we walk to my house.

"Does your mom remember me?" he asks. I laugh "Of course she does. You come over every morning." We both laugh and we finally reach my house. I open the door and it's back to normal. The music blasting while 2NE1 and Thunder being weird 

"I'm home!" I yell "And Dongho's with me! We'll be in my room!" Thunder comes over to us "Don't do anything inappropite." He says. I punch his arm and Dongho blushes. Thunder laughs and walks away. I motion Dongho and we walk into my room. He plops down on my bed and I close the door.

"Lets get started," I say. He nods and we begin. I sit on the bed and I make our solar system while Dongho makes the rough draft of our paper. 

"What time do you have to be home?" I ask him. He shrugs "I don't know." I check the time and it's already 9. 

"Omo!" i say "You better go it's already 9!" He nods and my mom walks in.

"Dongho," She says "Your mom just called and she said you can sleepover so you don't need to walk home in the dark." I was fine with it. I mean Dongho, Kevin, Suzy and I used to have sleepovers all the time. We both nod and my mom leaves and continue. I reached over to get the glue but it's not there. I look up and it's right beside Dongho. I reach over and take it.

"How's the draft?" I ask. "It's good. I'm almo- Done." He says. He shows me the papers. Wow it's pretty good. 

"I guess that's it for tonight." I say. I clean off my bed and put the suppiles on my desk. Me and Dongho walk over to Thunder's room and I knock. He opens the door "What?" He says. "Dongho's sleeping over and he needs clothes for tomorrow. You have any extras?" I ask. He leaves and comes back with an outfit. We thank him and walk back to my room. I close the door and remember. I forgot to ask for PJ's. I turn to Dongho.

"I'll be right be back. I'll get you some pajamas." I say but he shakes his head "No need." Then he pulls off his shirt showing his chest. My eyes get wide as he takes of his pants showing his boxers. My cheeks get very red and I cover my face and he laughs. I run to my bed and hid under the covers. I feel my blanket go up and I turn to see Dongho's face. I close the lights and I look at his abs. Who knew he had abs. Wait! Snap out of it! He opens his eyes and I'm still staring at his chest. 

"Yah," he says "What are you looking at?" I look up and I cover my face again. He laughs pulls me closer to him and I feel my hand on his hard belly. I get shocked with actions but I kinda like i- Stop it!! I tell myself. I bury my face into my arms but he removes my arms and takes my back and pushing me closer so i bury face into his chest. My cheeks get hotter. He's usaully shy but with this, I'm not sure anymore. He's shy around girls but i dont get it. 

Soon, I fall asleep with his embrace.

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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 42: Awesome story
Chapter 42: Omo Author-nim! This story is so Perfect!!!! I Love it so much!!!! Dongho and Jinah is really cute! Another favorite!!! Thank You for being Soooo Daebak!!! I CAN'T wait until your Exo story starts!^^Saranghae<3-SaranghaeyoKpop
Goldendream #3
Chapter 42: Oh my gosh it's Peniel! I hope Jinah doesn't forget Dongho, though. I really love this story! Please update fast.
Chapter 15: Lol love square
kevin7 #5
Chapter 39: Is she gonna break up with him update soon
Chapter 37: Author-nim I'm back!!! Sry I haven't commented or been around for a while.v_v I'm goin through a very rouugh time and Im not on as often anymore!>_< But Im and I will always support you and take you time timewhen your gone!^^ Saranghae!!!<3-SaranghaeyoKpop
Rosethederp #7
Chapter 34: No!! He is leaving!!! It's kinda sad. Also, how could she forgive him after all the times he hurt her. I personally could never forgive him at all if he hurt me like that multiple times. Lol awesome story
yuehling #8
Chapter 31: oh~ so sweet!!!
NicLuvGuiLun #9
Chapter 29: Omg I was DELIGHTED once I saw that Dongho won O^O Dongho's sooo sweettt >~< ohhgawd. I'm exactly the same as the OC.. I'm scared of heights. The look of the rides already give me chills. I'll feel nauseous x.x at least I didn't puke before cos of this reason keke xD LOVE THE ENDING OF THIS CHAPTER! THANKSS SOOO MUCH FOR THIS CHAPTER~ It seriously saved me <3 Cos Dongho is in here hahahahaha xD more of this couple pweasee! Thankyouu~~ update soon! ^^
Chapter 29: Aww they make a cute couple!*squealing and fangirling* I don't know who toship in this story because they all make a PERFECT couples!^^Saranghae!<3-SaranghaeyoKpop