Chapter 6

Beyond the Clouds
While Raymond arrested Joe and brought him back to the station, Sammul, Bobby, and Leila were completely unaware to what was happening at the hospital. They were too absorbed in their own thoughts.

Sammul felt his heart break into a million of pieces as he heard the news from Bobby. Leila immediately burst into tears, and she started to scream and shout. The nurses at her bedside tries to comfort her, but this only caused her to overreact even more. Bobby glances at both of them with pity, yet his face expression does not change. He tries to keep his professional look, and to keep his calm as he deals with this everyday for too many years to count.

“I’m sorry to have to tell you the news, Leila. Sammul.” Bobby announced, briefly glancing at both of them before leaving the room. The nurses followed him and left the two alone.

Sammul, standing firm on his ground and facing the door which was now closed, felt the tears roll down his cheeks endlessly. He wanted so bad to run into Leila’s arms and embrace her, and whisper to her that everything will be okay, but he can’t. He can’t lie to her no more. He tries so hard to fight back his tears, but he can’t. Behind him, he can hear Leila sobbing loudly, and choking on her tears. Hastily, he wipes his tears with the back of his hand and turned around with a calm expression on his face.

“Leila.” He says her name softly. He looked at her, her head in her arms. She was too afraid to look at him. His eyes trailed from her partly bald head to her fragile, skinny body. It hurt to see her like this. Despite this, he walks over to hear and pulls her into an embrace. He doesn’t know how long it has been, but they spent the next couple of hours in the same spot, trapped in their own little world…

- - -

So much has happened in the past week. Tavia was beyond exhausted. She had just finished explaining to Patrick and Selena what had happened today and she constantly reminded them that she was fine – no harm was done.

She never told them about her flashback though. She didn’t want to give them false hopes if she weren’t able to remember all of her past memories – especially if they weren’t involving them. She decided that once she recalled her memories bit by bit, then she would reveal the good news to both Patrick and Selena.

Because of what happened today, Tavia had a lot of visitors – Bobby Au-Yeung, Bosco, other staff members, and even strangers she did not know of. Many of the patients came in and talked to her; apparently they thought her experience was interesting, entertaining, and most of all; they thought Tavia was brave.

Tavia realized that life is undoubtedly so precious. Already two years of her life was taken from her and just today she thought this was it. Fortunately, she was given yet another chance in life.

She sighed as she rested her head against her pillow, deep in thought. A moment later, someone knocked on her door.

“Come on in.” Tavia said, not bothering to answer with a much energetic voice. She sounded weak and tired, but she was in fact feeling that way and she wished they would just let her rest.

The door opened slightly, and in popped a familiar face. Tavia sat upright, surprised by her visitor. He smiled and walked in, closing the door behind him. He reached for the chair by her bed and sat down. Tavia waited for him to say something.

“Are you feeling alright?” He asked, in an almost inaudible voice.

“I’m fine – thank you.” Tavia replied politely. “I mean it – thank you for saving my life.” She looked at him straight in the eye.

He chuckled. “Do you remember me?” He asked.

Tavia nodded.

“And it’s funny how I still don’t know your name?” He said. “Raymond Lam.” He reached for her hand.

“Tavia Yeung.” She reached for his hand and shook it.

“It’s a small world.” He said.

Tavia nodded. “Was that the first time we’ve met?” she asked, curiously.

“I believe so. I never did see you again. I wanted to thank you properly.”

“That’s fine. We’re even now.” Tavia grinned.

“I wouldn’t have known what do without your help today. And plus – you didn’t only save my life two years ago. You helped me get a promotion.” Raymond chuckled.

“Promotion?” Tavia asked, puzzled.

“Remember how my job started out by giving out parking tickets? Well, after that day when I brought the man in, I was told that I had a lot of potential and so the opportunity was given to me.”

“Wow…” Tavia said, speechless.

Raymond studied her. “So I’ve heard about your condition. I had a talk with your brother earlier; he was really worried about you. I’m surprised that you remember me considering I’ve been told that you don’t remember anything from your past.”

Tavia blushed, feeling quite uncomfortable under his glare. “I don’t know how it happened…It’s just that when Joe was holding me under the knife, I was so scared! My mind was blank and I racked my brain to do something to save myself but I didn’t know what to do. And then it just hit me …”

Raymond leaned in and gave Tavia a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “I think we need to arouse more emotions out of you to get you to remember certain things!” Raymond joked.

Tavia laughed. “Maybe.”

“On a serious note though, take care of yourself okay. When you get better I’ll treat you for dinner, as a way to thank you for coming to my rescue, twice.”

Raymond and Tavia exchanged goodbyes, and he left the room, leaving Tavia to rest.

- - -

[ DAY 7 @hospital ]

After hearing the news from Sammul about Leila’s condition the night before, Benny and Ron decided to visit her at the hospital the next morning.

“Poor Sammul. I’ve never seen him this upset in my life. He didn’t even eat anything last night and locked himself in his room!” Benny exclaims.

Ron nodded, deep in his thoughts. Life is short. You never know what it brings you…or takes away from you.

Holding onto a basket of fruits in one hand, and a bunch of flowers in the other, Benny reached the door, and turned around to face Ron.

“This is it.” Benny waited for Ron to open the door. Ron stood there, suddenly feeling anxious. He wasn’t sure how to comfort neither Sammul nor Leila, whom were the in room, probably crying their eyes out. He didn’t know whether or not he should take a look a Leila.

Hesitating, he asked Benny, “Exactly how long does she have?”

Benny shot a pitiful look at the ground. “Sammul said she has a week. But she can leave any day from now.”

Ron nodded, gulping his saliva. Slowly he reached for the knob and turned the door open. Benny walked in first, followed by Ron.

“Leila!” Benny cried a little too excitedly, while pasting on a fake smile. Both Leila and Sammul glanced up simultaneously. Leila’s lips formed a weak smile as she saw Benny.

“Benny…What are you doing here?”

“I’m here to see you. So is Ron.”

Leila glanced at Ron and smiled. “So this is the Ron I’ve heard of.”

Ron walked over to her and finally made eye contact with her. Despite the condition she was in, she looked beautiful, he thought. Leila broke her glare from Ron and turned back to Sammul. Ron could tell they loved each other so much from the looks they gave one another.

“These flowers are for you.” Benny says, bending down to give Leila the daises in which she reached for.

“They’re beautiful. Thank you.”

“Do you want us to cut out some fruit?” Benny asked. He noticed Ron stood there awkwardly, so he gave him the apple.

“Here, wash this.” Benny directed Ron.

Ron took hold of the apple and walked out of the room.

- - -

Inside Tavia’s room stood Patrick, Selena, and Bobby. Today was the day that Tavia finally leaves the hospital. Although Tavia feels that she has only been at the hospital for a few days, it was her home for the past two years so she was feeling a little upset as she was leaving. However, it was a good thing that she was leaving. Patrick and Selena were extremely happy and were ready to bring Tavia back to her home.

“I wish you the best, Tavia.” Bobby declared.

“Thank you Bobby…For everything.” Tavia responded.

“Don’t come back… unless you want to come visit me!” Joked Bobby.

“I’ll definitely come back to visit you.”

“It is kind of sunny outside, so I brought you your cap.” Patrick says, handing Tavia her cap as they walked out of the room. Tavia wore the cap, and they walked down the hallway.

“Oh no. I forgot the CD’s in the room. Selena, why don’t you walk down to the car with Tavia first and I’ll come down later. Selena nodded and they walked to the elevator.

Just then, an old man yelled in pain. “Watch where you’re going young fellow!” The old man yelled at the young man who bent down to the man in apology.

Selena was busy talking on her cell phone to notice, but Tavia turned around. She saw a handsome young man in a black leather jacket, skull t-shirt, and jeans. Although he doesn’t seem like he was part of a gang, he didn’t dress like a young gentleman either. He looked somewhat angry, yet sweet at the same time. Tavia wasn’t able to make out what kind of person he is.

The elevator door clicked open with a loud “ding.”

The young man looked up and gasped as he made eye contact with Tavia. After a moment of eye contact, he tried to reach out to her. Frightened by his reaction, Tavia turned back around. Selena tugged Tavia along, and just as the elevator was about to close, the man ran up to the door and they looked at each other one last time before he screamed, “TAVIA!” and the door closed shut.

Ron was extremely confused. He wasn’t sure whether or not he really saw Tavia, or there was something wrong with his eyesight. He was absolutely sure it was her; however he was surprised to see that she didn’t have any reaction at all when she saw him. In fact, when he noticed her and tried to reach out, she seemed a little frightened. He wasn’t sure why she reacted this way, but he was sure it was Tavia. He caught a glimpse of Selena by her side, busily talking on the phone. Ron wondered why they were here at the hospital. He wanted to chase after them but after running down the flight of stairs and out the hospital doors he lost them. Slowly, he went back to Leila’s room.

As he reached the door with the apple, he heard loud sobs. He quickly opened the door to see Sammul seated down beside Leila’s bed, his head in his arms. One of his arms extended as he held onto Leila’s hand.

Leila was lying asleep on the bed, her angelic features were calm and there was a smile pasted on her face. Ron didn’t understand why Sammul was so upset. Benny, who was near the door turned around to face Ron. He too had tears in his eyes. Ron suddenly understood what had happened.

Slowly, he walked over to Sammul, and placed his hand on his shoulder. Sammul looked up in silence. Tears were streaming down his face. If there was anyone who loved his girlfriend more than anything in the world and treated her like the sun in the sky, it was Sammul, Ron could clearly see that.

- - -

Raymond walked out of the elevator doors. Just then, he saw a young man dash into the elevator, his face full of tears and anger. Two other men ran after him but missed him as the door shut closed.

Raymond walked down the hallway to Tavia’s room and knocked on the door. After hearing no response, he decided to open the door ajar. Peeking in and seeing that no one was there, he searched for a nearby nurse.

“Excuse me” He stopped the receptionist that was walking by, “May I ask where the patient Tavia Yeung is? The one who one was staying in this room?” Raymond pointed.

“She went home today.” The receptionist simply stated and ran off.

Raymond stood there with mixed emotions. He was glad that she was finally able to go home, but a part of him wished he was able to see her again. He recalled the night before when he spoke to her, she seemed like a sweet, innocent girl, and he definitely hoped he’ll be able to bump into her again.

A few feet behind Raymond stood Bosco, who had overheard the conversation between Raymond and the receptionist. He didn’t know why, but he felt extremely upset to know that Tavia had left the hospital. He was having a bad day with the overload of work and the annoying patients who yelled at him for everything, so he felt like visiting Tavia and having a short chat with her. Now that he knew she was gone he felt like all the energy was drained out of him.

Raymond started to walk back to the elevator. Bosco returned back to his volunteer duty. While Raymond started to sort out the problems in his head, and to shake the thoughts of Linda out of his head, Bosco mindlessly did his duties while thinking about Tavia all day long…

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HottestVIPSone #1
Love tvb fanfics! There’re so little here~ ):
newsonebe #2
Really love your story !! Please continue it !!! (:
Jjmangz #3
I remember reading this on winglin.. Please continue it.
Love your story!! Continue updating ^^
Wah! I love this fic! Please continue to write it :) Tavia pairings ftw!
Mary517 #6
Awww...i haven't read your story...but i just wanted to tell you that seeing your story made me reminiscent of the days when i used to read tvb fanfics. (But i'm a Ron&Leila fan...hahah)<br />
Anyhoo...good luck with your story! ^____^