Reconciliation: BaekYeol

Home Sweet Home?

After the hectic and probably the most terrifying drive of Chanyeol's life, he gets off the car, knees weak and wobbly, he runs after Baekhyun. He's almost a little too slow and if he was Chanyeol would have been locked out of the house. 

Baekhyun tries to shut the door, slamming it as hard as he could but, Chanyeol blocks the door with his hands. He jams a foot in the gap before Baekhyun slams his whole body as a way of shutting Chanyeol out. A small whimper which came out of Chanyeol's lips may have chipped his heart a little so, as fast as Baekhyun's legs could, he jumps away from the door and sprints to his room, making sure to lock the door behind him using his shaking hands.

Baekhyun hears Chanyeol's heavy footsteps approaching so, he clamps his hand over his mouth, stopping any sounds of sobbing escaping from his mouth. His back trails down the door as he crouches on the floor, face wet with tears which finally fell after trying so hard keeping them welled up inside since the party.

"Baek...hyun." He hears Chanyeol's quiet breaths.

He's glad that Chanyeol doesn't push but he also secretly wishes that he does. If Baekhyun dislikes only one thing, it would be arguements. He's had enough troubles in the past to know that arguements lead to a type of bitterness that really doesn't disappear. 

On the other side of the door, Chanyeol reluctantly grips his hand over the door knob, knowing well enough that if he did try to turn it, it would be locked. He doesn't try because he doesn't want it to be locked. His fingers unclasped from the handle, as a sign of defeat.

He hesitates whether to speak or not. Even if he does speak, what would he say? He has apologised too many times that saying it another time would make it sound so meaningless and empty. So, he keeps his mouth shut and heads back downstairs, telling himself not to look back because it would only hurt to see the doors still closed.

The house is in complete silence. Everyone was still in the party. Chanyeol wonders, whilst looking through the skylight, whether anyone at all has noticed their absence. 

The few months that Chanyeol had spent in the household, he had been warmfully invited in by everyone. He didn't feel as if he was a sore thumb that stuck out of the rest, actually he got along with everyone else. And of course with Baekhyun, Chanyeol believed he has grown incredibly closer with Baekhyun within these passing times.

Waking up with him, eating, working, going home and sleeping next to him, to Chanyeol it felt like a vivid dream, like he was living in a surreal world. Baekhyun made Chanyeol feel as if he's walking on the clouds; completely free. It made him forget of who he is.

Throughout Chanyeol's life, he's been labeled as the one and only son of an influential business man. His life has been thoroughly planned since the day he was born. He was meant to do this, be that, and follow the footsteps of his well known father.

Meeting Baekhyun was like an escape to all of that. Chanyeol, at first could not tell whether his fascination for Baekhyun was merely just admiration, with your typical weak and shy student looking up to that popular kid everyone adored and rooted for, or whether it was something more.

Chanyeol knew that it was definitely more.

He spent the rest of the night thinking of many scenarios that might happen tomorrow and he came up with good things and bad things. One of the good things were when Chanyeol wakes up today, him and Baekhyun would have reconciled and everything would have been forgotten, but the bad scenario was, everything would come plummeting down. He hopes it's the latter.

Both being mentally and physically drained, Chanyeol falls into a deep sleep, he doesn't even wake when everyone had started to come home, even when Sehun accidentally lets the front door be slammed by the wind. 

In that same moment, Baekhyun could not even lie on his bed still. It felt empty. He had been so used to Chanyeol hogging up all the space with his long limb-ness. He had been used to Chanyeol pulling him closer I the middle of the night and feeling him snuggle his face into the book of his neck. So used to feeling small kisses on his shoulders before hearing a last goodnight.

Baekhyun stands up in defeat and grabs his covers and rolls it up in his arm and snatches a pillow.

He feels as if he had been overreacting, so what if Chanyeol technically owns the whole firm he had been working for in years? so what if Chanyeol decided to not speak of that to him? Chanyeol would have had a reason to keep those and he didn't have the right to know everything and most certainly he knew that he did not have the right to make Chanyeol tell him everything he may or may not be uncomfortable of saying.

It was Chanyeol's life after all and if Baekhyun is planning to take things further with Chanyeol, he will know eventually.

'All in good time, Byun Baekhyun, all in good time' he whispers to himself, as he exits his room. At the flight of the stairs he sees Sehun une Luhan sneaking into the house, but he ignores that two because he has something better to do.

For a few seconds, Baekhyun just stares at Chanyeol, who's asleep on the couch, shoes still on and still fully suited up. Chanyeol's face had a frown which Baekhyun tried to erase with a kiss of his forehead. If Chanyeol thinks that Baekhyun has fully forgiven his he's wrong and he's got another thing coming for him, but right now, Baekhyun didn't want to make a big mess because of this. Of all the thing he's afraid of, it's arguements.

Baekhyun lifts Chanyeol's head ever so gently to slip in the pillow and instead of covering him up and tucking him in, Baekhyun pushes Chanyeol closer into the backrest of the couch and squeezes himself into the couch. 

Automatically, Chanyeol's arms holds Baekhyun closer and he presses his lips on his neck. Baekhyun holds Chanyeol's had after playing with one particular finger.

"All in good time." He whispers to himself and thinks about the ring he keeps inside the drawer of his bedside table.


Author's Corner:

here's a crappy apology from the worst person alive. I'm sorry.

ive been wrapped up in life, and by that I mean I'm in my summer holiday and I have spent the whole time playing Dragon Age and crying about 2d characters. I can't help myself, I'm sorry



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Chapter 32: I just found this story now and its SO GOOD >< update soon
bloomemerald #2
Chapter 32: Pleaseeeeeeee update soon ?
meemow123 #3
Chapter 32: Aaaaaaand the adventures of the
Wu-Huan/Kim-Zhang Household *takes a deep breath* are not over!! Phew. I want the drama!! Heeee
yes, you probably havent updated for a while ... But I can be patient and I'll be happy whenever you update!! I'll be waiting!! And omg Sehun and Kyungsoo still hasnt solved their drama have they??? I just realized!! Heeee ... And hunhan ... Awww
But Yeollie O.O that WAS a dramatic exit lol omg poor Baekkie T.T but I still dont really get why he got so worked up - oh right. Yea he realizes he really doesnt know anything about yeollie??? T.T I hope they make up soon but I am really craving some Baekyeol drama and angst so ... *hopeful eyes* I like drama ... Heeee and come to think of it quite a few couples had their drama too -
OMG I forgot xiuchen!! O.O those two are ... Weird xD Cheeeen why are you so weirdly adorablr and lol poor Xiumin BUT CHEN WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY help him find his father????? OMG but how can he do that?? Omg ... This is gonna be greeeeeeat ... Yayy!! :D
So yea update when you can and want to ... I'll be waiting!! Heeee ... This is so much fun reading this .. ^_^ hwaiting!!!
Author-nim, I'm not yet done reading the first book but I beg you please finish this book!! I hope I'm not too selfish, but I'm really enjoying so far and I really really wish I can witness the whole story of the Wu-Huang-Kim-Zhang household from start to end!! Thank you~
Chapter 32: update please, this is so good
hunnieloveshannie #6
Author-nim, don't abandon us TT.TT
rilavipblackjack #7
Chapter 32: Oohhhh I like this story :) ur previous one was awesome too :D
CrazyShoe #8
Please update, it's been so long!!! This fanfic is so good!!!
Chapter 32: The story it's amazing, I adore it. Please update more, author-nim~~