Big Night (Part II)

Home Sweet Home?

"What are you doing here, Sehun?" 

Sehun turns his head and he's also a little bit surprised to see Xiumin. The chubby cheeked man smiles and waved despite being a meter away from Sehun. 

It's me, Kim Minsoek. Luhan's e--" 

"Yeah, yeah...I remember you, Xiumin hyung." Sehun slightly smiles before gritting his teeth. Of course he remembers Xiumin. He was afterall, Luhan's ex. That fact still remained inside Sehun's head and also the fact that Xiumin was nothing like him bothered him more. 

"Surprised to see you here." Xiumin slightly frowns, shocked at how a college student could possibly attend such a prestigeous event. 

"Oh, yeah. I was just dragged along here." Sehun shrugs. He didn't want to tell Xiumin directly that he was in here because he was personally asked by the president Wu Yi Fan to be here. That would just turn heads and have questions Sehun didn't want to answer to be asked. "What about you?"

Xiumin ignores his vagueness and replies. "Ah, remember my boss who I was complaining about. Let's just say he's paying me a lot right now to be here." 

"I don't know why you complain when he clearly gives you a lot of money" Sehun comments. 

"Of course I would complain. My boss is a f--" 

"There you are." Chen arrives and pulls Xiumin next to him. "Who's this?" He quickly asks as he eyes Sehun up and down, suspiciously.

Xiumin squirms out of Chen's hold, which tightened even more after that.  "Will you stop being so..needy." He hisses quietly. "This is Oh Sehun."

Sehun was ready to ignore a handshake that Chen should have given him but his hands did not go up and instead, Chen scans him again scrutinizingly. "Of Oh Corp?" He asks. 


"Then you're not important. Let's go Minseok." Chen tries to turn Xiumin and drive him away but Xiumin's heels dig deep on the floor, refusing to move an inch. 

"If you don't start walking, I will kiss you right here right now." Chen whispers into Xiumin's ears and good news for Xiumin, Sehun did not hear a word of it. 

Xiumin's ears redden and he blushes obviously. I doesn't take a prime investigator to figure out what had been said but Sehun doesn't comment on it. 

"Sorry, Sehun. Gotta make some contacts here. See you around." Before Chen could completely disappear with Xiumin he speaks again. "Ah, and Sehun. I hope you weren't just about to ask that waiter for contacts." and the pair disappears.

A waiter? He was about to meet and greet a waiter? Sehun sighs and scruffles his hair. He definitely did not know what he was doing in his place. He wishes he had known that he could have brought a plus one then he wouldn't have been alone. 

Sehun secretly checks his phone despite Suho forbidding using it during the event. You have no messages

Kai was still around the buffet table already surrounded by women, Kris is probably still practicing his speech with Tao and Suho, Lay, Baekhyun and Chanyeol were still in pairs handing out their business cards and exchanging names.

Sehun finds a free table in a corner and checks his phone again. You have no messages

Obviously dissappointed that Luhan has not uttered a word to him all evening, sehun just sighs because he's too stubborn to admit that he wants Luhan to talk to him and pay him some attention to relieve his boredom.

Kai was approaching towards Sehun, with a face of complete shock. After seeing his face, Sehun was about to stand up to run away but Kai's long legs brought him to the table a lot quicker that Sehun thought.  

"Oh my God, Sehun! Did I just see you talk to those two?" Kai exclaimed pointing towards the direction of Xiumin and Chen who were now in a corner of the room and seemed to be discussing something as they talked animatedly. 

 "Uh, yeah." Sehun shrugs and he looks at his phone screen again. No new messages

Kai looks aghast as he shakes his head and widens his eyes and mouthing the word 'unbelievable'. 

Feeling Kai's eyes glaring over him, Sehun looks up to see his face and raises an eyebrow, "What now?" 

"Oh nothing. Maybe just the fact that you were talking to the Kim Jongdae!"

With Kai's reaction, it's safe for Sehun to assume that Chen was some kind of big shot in the business industry. It was only kind of hard to believe, having already seen Chen before. He is a bot childish and seeing how he flirts with his asisstant.

"Kris is going to love you if he knew you exchanged names with him." Kai says and adds, "He was already surprised that he even showed up tonight."

Before Sehun could reveal that he did no such things with Chen, the microphone buzzes and a glass chinks over the speakers. Kris is ready for his speech.

Just outside the room there was a couple arguing. It's Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

"And you forgot to mention that your father's the CEO of our company?" Baekhyun flails his arms.


"And worse of all, you ran away from your house just because you didn't want to take over? " he says and Chanyeol looks stressed. "Did you even actually wanted to legitimately move in with me or were you just running away?"

"Baekhyun, you know it's not like that."

"Do I Chanyeol? Do you know what I've found out today? I found out I know nothing about you." Baekhyun sighs and bites his lips, pulling a dissappointed face. "All I know is you've known me all your life and I've been doing nothing but ignore you. I don't know anything about your family, your past, I don't even know your favourite colour." 

Chanyeol didn't speak anymore or try to defend himself because what Baekhyun just said was true. Baekhyun did not realize his existance until over a year ago. But Chanyeol has known Baekhyun ever since Elementary school. 

"You know. I don't want to talk about this today. I'm just going to go home."

"Alright. I'll go get the car." 

"No. I'm going by myself."



Author's Corner:

updated as promised.

Well some of you guessed right. It was XiuChen. 

But what happened between lovey-dovey Baekhyun and Chanyeol?





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Chapter 32: I just found this story now and its SO GOOD >< update soon
bloomemerald #2
Chapter 32: Pleaseeeeeeee update soon ?
meemow123 #3
Chapter 32: Aaaaaaand the adventures of the
Wu-Huan/Kim-Zhang Household *takes a deep breath* are not over!! Phew. I want the drama!! Heeee
yes, you probably havent updated for a while ... But I can be patient and I'll be happy whenever you update!! I'll be waiting!! And omg Sehun and Kyungsoo still hasnt solved their drama have they??? I just realized!! Heeee ... And hunhan ... Awww
But Yeollie O.O that WAS a dramatic exit lol omg poor Baekkie T.T but I still dont really get why he got so worked up - oh right. Yea he realizes he really doesnt know anything about yeollie??? T.T I hope they make up soon but I am really craving some Baekyeol drama and angst so ... *hopeful eyes* I like drama ... Heeee and come to think of it quite a few couples had their drama too -
OMG I forgot xiuchen!! O.O those two are ... Weird xD Cheeeen why are you so weirdly adorablr and lol poor Xiumin BUT CHEN WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY help him find his father????? OMG but how can he do that?? Omg ... This is gonna be greeeeeeat ... Yayy!! :D
So yea update when you can and want to ... I'll be waiting!! Heeee ... This is so much fun reading this .. ^_^ hwaiting!!!
Author-nim, I'm not yet done reading the first book but I beg you please finish this book!! I hope I'm not too selfish, but I'm really enjoying so far and I really really wish I can witness the whole story of the Wu-Huang-Kim-Zhang household from start to end!! Thank you~
Chapter 32: update please, this is so good
hunnieloveshannie #6
Author-nim, don't abandon us TT.TT
rilavipblackjack #7
Chapter 32: Oohhhh I like this story :) ur previous one was awesome too :D
CrazyShoe #8
Please update, it's been so long!!! This fanfic is so good!!!
Chapter 32: The story it's amazing, I adore it. Please update more, author-nim~~