Part Time Stripper, Full Time Liar: TaoRis

Home Sweet Home?


[A/N: Been so much HunHan and XiuChen. Who is ready for Tao's past?]

In Tao's life, it had always been work, work and even more work. He spent most of his childhood sewing up buttons on stuffed toys and getting a very low piece rate pay.

It was essential though, especially when he needed to be able to feed himself and also buy medication for his mother.

These were the things on Tao's back that he could never bring up to Kris. He didn't want him to know how much burden he carried from such a young age.

He needs someone who cared for him and not someone who pitied him. Tao doesn't need pity nor help.

After quitting his job in the modelling career, things had been out of balance recently. He's been lying to Kris non-stop.

Lying about having over time work, getting stuck into the non-existent traffic and also having to go to business trips. Every lie that came out of Tao's mind just adds to the weight he carries on his shoulders.

"Hey, Zitao. Are you okay?" Kris bursts his thought bubble. "You've been spacing out."

"Yeah. I'm fine." Tao just nods. Recently, Kris had been really suspicious about whatever it was Tao was doing. He knew he was digging and he couldn't stop Kris.

Kris has the right to know. Just, not now. Later.

Tao smiles when he faces Kris. It's the only time he does. It's the only time he could afford to.  

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Kris is sat up on the bed with a book in his hand and his reading glasses sat on the bridge of his nose. He gestures Tao to go lie down next to him and he, of course, obliges.

"Yeah. Just a bit tired from work." A sigh escapes his lips. Tao knew very well that as soon as that small twitch in Kris' eyes happened, he knew he was lying. "I'm going to sleep."

Kris hums as a reply. He just watches as Zitao crawls under the sheets and facing away from Kris, curled up on a small space of the bed.

I'm sorry.


The night is short for the younger one. He hasn't been able to sleep for the past few weeks and all he could blame was himself. 

After all, getting all tangled up with the wrong crowd has its terrible downside to it.

Tao wakes up with cold sweat covering his body. He immediately turns his head to look at Kris and whether he was woken up or not. He's still sound asleep.

Tao had these vivid nightmares. Too vivid. And it's been visiting him often these couple of days. Dreams that felt too real, the fires hot, the screaming loud and the tears flowing. It was all too much.

The lying, the wrong crowd and all topped with the vivid nightmares. Nothing was going right for Tao.

He stands from the bed, making sure he's taking cautious steps. He didn't want to wake Kris up. And goes inside the bathroom. He runs the cold water tap and splashes his face.

"Get a hold of yourself, Huang Zitao." He looks in the mirror. "You've dealt with much bigger things."

"Dealt with what bigger things?"

The voice makes Tao jump and he looks to see Kris, frowning and leaning by the bathroom dooorway. He turns the tap off and approaches him.

"What? Nothing...just talking to myself." he murmurs.

"Is it the dreams again?"

"What dreams?"

Kris bites his lips. "I know, so stop it." He clenched his jaws. Kris had been venting up all his anger. He had waited for Tao to start telling the truth for too long now. "Don't you think I see you at night, scrambling in your sleep, whispering? You shout sometimes, you know? You say things..."

Tao just watches Kris talk with a stoic face.

"Just tell me, is there something wrong?" It wasn't really a question but more of a command.

"I'm fine."

That was definitely the last straw for Kris.

"You are not ing alright, Huang Zitao!"

Tao winces. It's the first time he's seen Kris so angry. "WuFan...I said I'm fine."

"No. You. Are. Not. ing. Fine." He hisses.

Kris already has Tao cornered in the room with both his arms trapping him in between him and the wall. "Just...please." He presses his forehead against Tao's



"No. I won't."

"Why the not?"

"Because I don't want you to ing pity me."

There was a long pause. The room fills with silence. All that could be heard was Tao's heavy breathing and Kris'.

Kris stares at Tao whilst him, on the other hand stared at the carpeted floor, and was definitely not admiring the wine-stained cream colored carpet.

Kris inhales sharply before dropping his arms down to his sides and walking back to the bed. "Fine, but next time you lie. Don't be obvious."

Tao gulps as he feels a pang on his chest. It hurts His chest felt like it was being clenched together and stomped on.

Instead of going back to bed with Kris, who is definitely mad and is just badly pretending to sleep with his eyes clenched shut, Tao opens the door and takes a last glance at Kris before leaving the room.

It is only 2:54 in the morning but Tao decides to leave the house to get some fresh air and he needed for Kris to let some steam off as well.

When he heads downstairs, Sehun is there, in the kitchen, grabbing himself a drink. "Hey, you could use some as well." He pours Tao a glass of cold water.

"Thanks, but I was kind of trying to dramatically storm off." Despite his situation, he managers to make a joke out of it.

"Not anymore, so, here."

"Thanks." Tao takes a couple of big gulps and Sehun was right. He really needed that. "Why are you still awake?"

"I was just...thirsty. Sehun gives him a small smile. "You may dramatically storm out again."

Tao shoots him with an amused grin. "Thanks again. I needed that."

"I told you. Now should I give one to Kris too?"

Tao just stares at Sehun.

He had been in this household for a long enough time to know that Sehun is the master of deduction. This guy is observant, nothing goes unnoticed when Sehun is there and sometimes it scares Tao.

He probably knew secrets in the house more than anybody did.

"...I'm going." Tao whispers.

"I'll take that as a yes."

When Tao is finally able to leave the house, he shuts his eyes and grabs on to his hair, pulling somewhat harshly on it.

He storms up to his car, starting up the engine and finally driving away from the household, despite him not wearing any t-shirt nor shoes.

During his long drive, he had been in serious thinking.

His lies had to stop. Truth needs to come out. And he needed to apologize.


Author's Corner:

As if HunHan drama isn't enough. Psh!

Of course it's not. Sequel time is drama time. You have had enough dose of OTP fluff.

There is TaoRis drama coming up.

Sorry I couldn't update yesterday.

I'm really happy though, how much you guys have supported me. Like Homewrecked didn't even have a plot but you guys had supported me so much by commenting, subscribing and upvoting...I just...;-; Thanks.

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Chapter 32: I just found this story now and its SO GOOD >< update soon
bloomemerald #2
Chapter 32: Pleaseeeeeeee update soon ?
meemow123 #3
Chapter 32: Aaaaaaand the adventures of the
Wu-Huan/Kim-Zhang Household *takes a deep breath* are not over!! Phew. I want the drama!! Heeee
yes, you probably havent updated for a while ... But I can be patient and I'll be happy whenever you update!! I'll be waiting!! And omg Sehun and Kyungsoo still hasnt solved their drama have they??? I just realized!! Heeee ... And hunhan ... Awww
But Yeollie O.O that WAS a dramatic exit lol omg poor Baekkie T.T but I still dont really get why he got so worked up - oh right. Yea he realizes he really doesnt know anything about yeollie??? T.T I hope they make up soon but I am really craving some Baekyeol drama and angst so ... *hopeful eyes* I like drama ... Heeee and come to think of it quite a few couples had their drama too -
OMG I forgot xiuchen!! O.O those two are ... Weird xD Cheeeen why are you so weirdly adorablr and lol poor Xiumin BUT CHEN WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY help him find his father????? OMG but how can he do that?? Omg ... This is gonna be greeeeeeat ... Yayy!! :D
So yea update when you can and want to ... I'll be waiting!! Heeee ... This is so much fun reading this .. ^_^ hwaiting!!!
Author-nim, I'm not yet done reading the first book but I beg you please finish this book!! I hope I'm not too selfish, but I'm really enjoying so far and I really really wish I can witness the whole story of the Wu-Huang-Kim-Zhang household from start to end!! Thank you~
Chapter 32: update please, this is so good
hunnieloveshannie #6
Author-nim, don't abandon us TT.TT
rilavipblackjack #7
Chapter 32: Oohhhh I like this story :) ur previous one was awesome too :D
CrazyShoe #8
Please update, it's been so long!!! This fanfic is so good!!!
Chapter 32: The story it's amazing, I adore it. Please update more, author-nim~~