Work Hard For It: Filler

Home Sweet Home?

"What makes you think I'll allow that?"

Baekhyun is speechless. He was so wrapped up in planning the things he could do with Chanyeol once that they've moved in together that the fact that Kris might not allow that didn't even cross his mind.

"I...I don't know." Baekhyun starts to panic and feel awkward. Kris is staring down at him, making him feel absolutely miniscule.

What was he thinking? Kris was the person good enough to pick him uo from the streets. They provided him education, helped him find a job. Kris and Suho gave him more than a house to stay in but a home to be a part of. A family.

And what has he done? Nothing but taking. Although the last thing on Baekhyun's mind is thinking that he took Kris and Suho for granted. That was something he'll never do.

From Baekhyun's lack of response, Kris speaks again. "Look, it's not that I don't want to but you can't be rash like that." Baekhyun nods.

"Desicions like that are too big to be thought over for a minute. Plus, you're going to have to ask everyone else. This isn't just my house, Baekhyun. It's yours but it's everyone else's as well."

"Are you saying that if I get everyone's permission, he can move in?" Baekhyun says, becoming a little bit more hopeful.


"Okay. So what do you think?"

Kris inhales and places one of his hands on Baekhyun's shoulders. "If you give me a valid reason why you think I should agree to this, I might consider."

Kris leaves without another word, disappearing to his study. Baekhyun scratches the back of his neck and think whether this has something to do with Chanyeol personally or it was just Kris.

Baekhyun knew what he meant by 'being rash'. Him and Suho were rash, and he guesses Kris just didn't want Baekhyun to go through that. But Baekhyun is nothing else but sure with Chanyeol.

After devicing a strategy, he realises he can't tell Chanyeol that Kris disagrees for him to move and he doesn't want Chanyeol to feel awkward once he has moved in and Baekhyun will make sure he will move in.

His plans were to ask from the youngest to the oldest, meaning he's going to have to ask Sehun fist for permission. This will be a piece of cake, he thinks.


Deciding to leave the matters for tomorrow morning, Baekhyun proceeds to his bedroom and called Chanyeol for a supposudely short good night but their conversation stretched till dawn.

Baekhyun doesn't have any recollection on falling asleep but he's woken up by the sound of his alarm clock and the smell of Lay's cooking seeping through his drafty door.

Baekhyun launches himself downstairs, running towards the kitchen, still in his pajamas. Maybe he can help Lay and get some points of approval for future purposes.

"You're up early." Lay greets as he cuts through an apple, slicing them into wedges.

"Yeah. I thought I should go for a jog but it's raining so I thought I should help you prepare breakfast."

"Thanks." Lay passes me the knife he's holding and pushed the remaining piecesof fruits that had to be prepared. "Don't forget to peel one of the apples first. Kai doesn't eat the skin." He laughs and so does Baekhyun.

While Baekhyun tended to the fruits, Lay was mixng the batter for pancakes. They have small talks, getting to know each other and conversing about current events.

Baekhyun finds out that Suho practically begged Lay to come back to Korea as soon as he landed in China. Baekhyun felt comfortable enough to tell about the death of his parents and Lay shows empathy and told him about his late grandmother.

Baekhyun felt a real connection between him and Lay. Maybe this wasn't such a bad thing. Lay was someone he barely knew and there's really a lot more to him than being able too cook such wonderful meals.

Breakfast was served and for the first time in a long time, he's sat around this table again without Chanyeol or Kyung-something and Luhan. It was just them with the addition of Tao and Lay.

As it was definitely a lazy Sunday, everybody hadn't left the house apart from Kris who insisted on going to work. Tao is in his bedroom whilst Suho and Lay were out in the greenhouse probably having coffee.

Kai was playing soccer by himself out on the garden and this left Sehun, who was still in the dining room, to himself.


Sehun drops his pen and turns to look at Baekhyun.


"Can I ask you something?"

"I've already put down my pen, go on." As his usual self, Sehun had never failed to act so laid back and uninteressted.

"What do you think of Chanyeol?"

Sehun turns himself around completely, so he's now fully facing Baekhyun. "You're already going out with him. Will my thoughts change anything?"

"Actually, it would."

"Well, I happen to think that Chanyeol is great." Kai appears out of nowhere. "He gave us rides to school when everybody else were having their stupid drama."

Sehun nods. "Yeah. That's true. And if you want to know what I think of him, I think he's great as well."

Baekhyn gets this bubbly feeling inside him. Knowing that the people he knew as his real brothers approves of the person he loves makes him happy.

"Great!" Baekhyun exclaims.

"What is this about, anyways?" Sehun blinks in confusion.

"I asked Kris if Chanyeol could move in and I have to get everyone's permission first." He explains with a clear grin on his face.

Baekhyun practically runs out of the room probably on his way to look for Tao, because it's two down and four more to go.

"Do you think Kyungsoo could move in here?" Kai asks Sehun who merely shrugs. "Maybe Luhan could as well."

With that thought in mind, Kai laughs to himself as he left the room but Sehun looks back down to his book, grinning way too much.

Baekhyun is now knocking on Tao's door and he hears a silent 'come in' indicating he's allowed to go in.

Tao is sitting by the desk on his computer, typing away. Baekhyun never really knew what Tao does for a living. God, he barely knew anything about the guy.

All he knew was Kris was seeing Tao when he was still together with Suho and for all he knew, Tao could be some kind of homewrecking douche bag.

"You busy?"

"Not really." He smiles, although his eyes doesn't part away from the screen. Clearly he is busy.

"Look if you're doing something, I could just come back."

"No, I'm just finshing up. Plus, I know why you're here. It's important, right?" Tao spares Baekhyun a glance before landing his eyes back on the monitor.

"You do?"

"Yeah, Wu Fan told me."

Baekhyun always forgets that Kris' name wasn't exactly Kris. He was just used to calling him that. It was such a shock to Baekhyun whenever there were mail for people with names he never knew, like Wu Yifan, Kevin and Li Jiaheng. He just likes to think that a business man like Kris must need a lot of names.

"Don't take Kris too seriously. He's just worried and he doesn't want to show it to you guys." Tao grins. "If it makes you feel any better, I like that Chanyeol guy. Okay, I don't know him personally, but I've seen him around you. It doesn't take Einstein to tell he likes you a lot."

"Thanks, Tao." Baekhyun almost had an urge to take him in for a hug and he would have probably done that if Tao wasn't so immersed on his computer.

Before Baekhyun leaves the room, he turns back around.

"Hey, Tao."


"I'd be really happy if we could hang out sometime."

Tao finally detatches from his computer and looks at Baekhyun seriously before giving him a sincere smile. "I'd like that too."

Three down, another three to go.

Baekhyun has a feeling Lay and Suho will be a real walk on the park because one, Lay is nice and two Suho is nice, as well.

He strolls down, heading to the greenhouse where he sees Suho sitting and reading the newspaper and Lay is lying on the grass, petting a cat that Baekhyun had never seen before and was on Lay's stomach.

"Did you guys get a cat?"

Lay sits up after hearing Baekhyun's voice and the cat scampers away from Lay and runs to Baekhyun's legs acting like he's the pet's owner.

"Aww, the cat likes you." Lay chuckles. "And no, it's just a stray cat. I found it playing with the tomato plants."

"Lay is putting that a bit too nicely." Suho interjects. "That cat was actually destroying all the plants in here."

"Well, if no one claims this cat, he will move in with us." Lay points at the cat that Baekhyun is now carrying in his arms.

"Speaking of moving in. I'll just go straight to the point here." Baekhyun starts and he's got both Lay and Suho's attention.

"I want Chanyeol to move in the house with me."

Suho looks surprised at first and weirdly enough, so does Lay.

"I've talked to Kris and he said to get everyone's approval and it's now only you two and Kris himself."

Lay smiles immediately. "Well count me as one of the approving ones."

Baekhyun feels almost obliged to hug Lay, if it weren't for the cat he's holding, he'd probably lunged at him with a big and tight hug.

"Baekhyun, this is big. But you know, I'm happy if you're happy." Suho smiles and this time, Baekhyun places down the cat and bends over to Suho, giving him an appreciative hug.

"Thank you, Suho. You too, Lay." He stands and hugs Lay as well. "You have no clue how happy you've made me right now."

"Okay. Good luck with Kris." Suho smiles reassuringly and so does Lay. Baekhyun ends up leaving the greenhouse with not just a cat haired jumper but also the approval for Chanyeol to move in with him.

The day had gone a bit too quick for Baekhyun. It's probablu because he's too happy and he spent the rest of the day chatting with Tao who had finished up whatever he was doing on his computer.

Lay and Suho are currently preparing dinner whilst Baekhyun and Tao have a chat in the livng room.

The doors open and Kris is home, catching Baekhyun and Tao laughing together. A small smile sprawls on his face before walking up to Tao to peck him on the cheek with a whisper of 'I'm home' and he heads up to change into casual clothes.

Just in time Kris comes down and Lay calls out for dinner. Kai literally hauls out from his room, rocketing down the stairs and zooming past everybody to the dining area whilst Sehun calmly takes cautious steps down, heading the same way in a different manner.

Baekhyun stops Kris from going there and it's just him and Kris alone in the living room.

"Everybody was more than happy for Chanyeol to move in."

"And I'm guessing you've found a good reason for Chanyeol to do so."



"You might have thought it was rash of me to suddenly ask Chanyeol to move in with us but I was afraid if I didn't act now I'll regret it someday. As soon as I felt Chanyeol felt like home, almost like family to him, I knew I had to.

"You, Suho, Kai, Sehun and now Lay and Tao, you've given me everything I could have wished for. You took me in as family, treated me as a son but acted like a best friend and I want Chanyeol to feel the same way I did.

"I want him to be a part of us. A part of our slightly insane but definitely unique family. I think that's a good enough reason why you should allow Chanyeol to move in."


Author's Corner:

This has been a filler chapter.

Sorry, I can only update once a week now, but school is blergh and I hate it and I just want to write more for you guys but i have to work hard. ;-;

You guys study/work hard too!! Hwaiting for us.

Plus, a happy happy birthday to my beautiful and perfect bias, Lay <3

and to any lucky bastards who's birthday is today, 10/07

Love author-nim,

P.S See you soon <3

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Chapter 32: I just found this story now and its SO GOOD >< update soon
bloomemerald #2
Chapter 32: Pleaseeeeeeee update soon ?
meemow123 #3
Chapter 32: Aaaaaaand the adventures of the
Wu-Huan/Kim-Zhang Household *takes a deep breath* are not over!! Phew. I want the drama!! Heeee
yes, you probably havent updated for a while ... But I can be patient and I'll be happy whenever you update!! I'll be waiting!! And omg Sehun and Kyungsoo still hasnt solved their drama have they??? I just realized!! Heeee ... And hunhan ... Awww
But Yeollie O.O that WAS a dramatic exit lol omg poor Baekkie T.T but I still dont really get why he got so worked up - oh right. Yea he realizes he really doesnt know anything about yeollie??? T.T I hope they make up soon but I am really craving some Baekyeol drama and angst so ... *hopeful eyes* I like drama ... Heeee and come to think of it quite a few couples had their drama too -
OMG I forgot xiuchen!! O.O those two are ... Weird xD Cheeeen why are you so weirdly adorablr and lol poor Xiumin BUT CHEN WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY help him find his father????? OMG but how can he do that?? Omg ... This is gonna be greeeeeeat ... Yayy!! :D
So yea update when you can and want to ... I'll be waiting!! Heeee ... This is so much fun reading this .. ^_^ hwaiting!!!
Author-nim, I'm not yet done reading the first book but I beg you please finish this book!! I hope I'm not too selfish, but I'm really enjoying so far and I really really wish I can witness the whole story of the Wu-Huang-Kim-Zhang household from start to end!! Thank you~
Chapter 32: update please, this is so good
hunnieloveshannie #6
Author-nim, don't abandon us TT.TT
rilavipblackjack #7
Chapter 32: Oohhhh I like this story :) ur previous one was awesome too :D
CrazyShoe #8
Please update, it's been so long!!! This fanfic is so good!!!
Chapter 32: The story it's amazing, I adore it. Please update more, author-nim~~