My Meaning Of Home: BaekYeol

Home Sweet Home?

[A/N: Let's take a rest from the drama. Here's some BaekYeol fluff]

Between Baekhyun and Chanyeol, the days they spent together went really slow and did actually felt like as they describe, 'Time slows down when you're with someone special.'

And slowly their days become a routine where they'd wake up in each other's arms either in Baekhyun's room or Chanyeol's. Then they'd go down to eat breakfast, either the ones Lay cooked or the ones Baekhyun attempted to make.

They would do everything together, from brushing their teeth to changing clothes and the occasional shower together (which may or may have never ended prettily.)

Chanyeol would always drive to work while Baekhyun is next to him, spurting nonsense from his mouth asking questions like why cats like their backs to be or why most shellfish turn red when they are cooked.

There are some variations though, during the weekends where they stay in bed longer but nonetheless together and they won't eat breakfast because they'd sleep through that.

At night time they would cuddle up together and watch a movie or two, maybe three if they really want to but, sometimes they don't finish the film because Baekhyun would either fall asleep or they'd be more engrossed with each other instead.

One would usually get sick of such a lifestyle but, not Baekhyun and Chanyeol though. Although what they get through on a daily basis are practically all similar, they both find it interesting anyways.

Baekhyun is sat on the space in between the legs of Chanyeol who is currently resting his chin on Baekhyun's shoulder while they watch yet another movie of the Harry Potter series.

Their fingers are interlocked together and Baekhyun is comfortably leaned against Chanyeol's chest.

"Oh this is one of my favorite bit." Chanyeol exclaims as he imitates the line of one of the Weasley twins in his broken English accent.

Baekhyun finds it cute because this is the twenty-seventh time that Chanyeol had pointed out a scene as to be his favorite in this one movie. "I swear, you just know all the dialogue in all of the movies." Baekhyun laughs.

"I do not." He whines.

Baekhyun can't help but land a small surprise kiss on Chanyeol's lips because he's acting cute and they're watching a movie which meant Chanyeol is currently wearing his thick rimmed glasses which Baekhyun had always found unexplainably attractive.

Chanyeol catches his lips, so instead of Baekhyun's attempt on a cute short kiss, Chanyeol pulls him closer which leaves Baekhyun's head tipping back.

He flips Baekhyun so that he's lying on top of his body as he continues to kiss him.

Their lips stay locked for a few moments, probably for a good half an hour until Baekhyun pulls away, gasping for oxygen.

"Do you want to move in with me?" Chanyeol pops the question all too suddenly causing Baekhyun to b taken aback.

He doesn't answer but his mouth is kept hanging open with a long hum coming out as the only noise he made.

" was just an idea. You don't have to answer now." Chanyeol reassures but it doesn't mean Baekhyun is in any less unease. "I just though since you're always here anyways, you might as well."

Baekhyun recollects his thoughts and he conjures up a smile to offer Chanyeol who may have been overly worrying that his question was all too sudden.

"It's fine. I will think about it." Baekhyun says although himself isn't quite sure whether he could actually say an answer to the question.

The movies is now spoilt. Baekhyun no longer heard Chanyeol's imitation of the Weasley twins nor Chanyeol felt Baekhyun's fingers lightly dancing on the palms of his hands.

They've both stiffened up, with not a single part of their mind paying any attention to the film but contemplating over the question.

Chanyeol thinks he's moving too fast and it's scaring Baekhyun. He did just confess that he had admired Baekhyun since elementary school and he is still hiding the fact that he deliberately followed him until after their years in University were over.

Baekhyun, on the other hand, thought whether he could actually move in with Chanyeol. He is hesitant and not because he thinks it's a rash decision but because he never imagined leaving Kris' house.

Although he didn't looked fond of Kris and Suho's house as much as the next person but Baekhyun had made some sort of bond between him and the whole household. Baekhyun was in fact the first person Kris and Suho took in.

And that was years ago. When Baekhyun was still in his mere high school rebellion years.

He owes Kris and Suho his life because if it weren't for them Baekhyun would have either ended up completely homeless or even worse, dead in the busy streets of Seoul. He owes the rest of the household just as much.

When Baekhyun's parents passed because of a tragic fire, Baekhyun was left astray and was forced to live with his uncle who had an inevitable hate towards his parents and so forth a hate towards him.

Baekhyun was no patient guy back then so he ran away after living in the his different stages of hell with only a small backpack hung on his back containing his outmost belongings which was his toothbrush, school uniform, a pair of jeans and exactly three clean shirts. And of course a framed picture of him and his parents, which was the only item he managed to rescue from the blazing fires that burnt his house down.

Just the thought of it crossing his mind makes Baekhyun freeze up and become rigid whilst resting against the warm heaving chest of Chanyeol who unfortunately notices his distress.

"Are you okay?" He asks, genuinely worried as soon as he pauses the film.

Baekhyun tosses a wry smile. "Yeah, I'm just a bit cold, that's what."

Chanyeol is nowhere near convinced but he doesn't pry but instead he reaches for his comforters and both cover their bodies, enveloping each other in heat.

Tiredness starts to seep in Baekhyun's mind as his eyelids slowly fall and he starts nesting his body against Chanyeol's who willingly wraps his everything on Baekhyun.

But before sleep completely takes him away he manages to smile and kiss goodnight Chanyeol.

"About moving in with you," Baekhyun whispers. "I will really think about it."

Baekhyun misses that goofy smile that spreads across Chanyeol's face because sleep has pulled him in and slowly it takes Chanyeol as well.

During their sleep, Baekhyun dreams. It isn't a nightmare because it isn't scary but instead it's a memory.

The memory of meeting Suho for the very first time. He feels exactly the same from that moment. Toes freezing to the point it felt like falling, stomach empty and bones weak-willed to even allow him to move and find a better place to stay at.

In the dream hi body collapses on the pavement, just as it did before an a hand is offered and he takes it just as it happened from that night.

Suho, with a homely smile and aura lifting off of him, Baekhyun had the urge to envelop the stranger in his arms and ask for help but he stops himself and thanks him instead.

But from the man's lips, "Do you want to go home with us?" the question pops out. "You look cold."

The innocent smile in Suho's face either made Baekhyun want to follow him accordingly or run for his life because star recruiters are always so kind looking to het you hooked but something stops him and it's not because Suho apologizes a million of times for his inappropriateness.

His heart is much lighter after being fed and given a warm bath and a new set of clean clothes but also a bed to sleep on. This is where the dream should have ended but it doesn't.

In the dream, Kai arrives in the picture where he bursts in Baekhyun's room and starts bouncing up and down his bed to wake him up and he laughs because he's never been awaken that way and Baekhyun had always dreamt of a little brother.

A second later, Sehun arrives with his cold facade that turns into a heart warming and inviting smile before he pries Kai off his bed and they'd take him down to breakfast.

He's automatically sitting and eating in the dining table where Suho and Tao conversed animatedly and Lay and Kris bicker. Sehun is next to the Chinese deer he barely remembers the name of and Kai is sitting next to Kyung-something with the bug eyes who are feeding each other.

As Baekhyun looks forward, a familiar face greets him and a welcoming smile pulls him in.

It's Chanyeol with his hair perfectly swept and his eyes ever so sparkly.

The Chanyeol in his dream says 'Good morning' and so does he.

And that's where the dream ends because his eyes abruptly opens and finds Chanyeol's sleeping face directly faced to him.

Baekhyun nudges Chanyeol once and then twice because he had just had an epiphany where Chanyeol is the meaning of home.

When Chanyeol's eyes open up, squinting and confused. Baekhyun sits up, pulling him along.

"I don't want to move in with you." He says and Chanyeol frowns.

"I want you to move in with me."


Author's Corner:



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Chapter 32: I just found this story now and its SO GOOD >< update soon
bloomemerald #2
Chapter 32: Pleaseeeeeeee update soon ?
meemow123 #3
Chapter 32: Aaaaaaand the adventures of the
Wu-Huan/Kim-Zhang Household *takes a deep breath* are not over!! Phew. I want the drama!! Heeee
yes, you probably havent updated for a while ... But I can be patient and I'll be happy whenever you update!! I'll be waiting!! And omg Sehun and Kyungsoo still hasnt solved their drama have they??? I just realized!! Heeee ... And hunhan ... Awww
But Yeollie O.O that WAS a dramatic exit lol omg poor Baekkie T.T but I still dont really get why he got so worked up - oh right. Yea he realizes he really doesnt know anything about yeollie??? T.T I hope they make up soon but I am really craving some Baekyeol drama and angst so ... *hopeful eyes* I like drama ... Heeee and come to think of it quite a few couples had their drama too -
OMG I forgot xiuchen!! O.O those two are ... Weird xD Cheeeen why are you so weirdly adorablr and lol poor Xiumin BUT CHEN WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY help him find his father????? OMG but how can he do that?? Omg ... This is gonna be greeeeeeat ... Yayy!! :D
So yea update when you can and want to ... I'll be waiting!! Heeee ... This is so much fun reading this .. ^_^ hwaiting!!!
Author-nim, I'm not yet done reading the first book but I beg you please finish this book!! I hope I'm not too selfish, but I'm really enjoying so far and I really really wish I can witness the whole story of the Wu-Huang-Kim-Zhang household from start to end!! Thank you~
Chapter 32: update please, this is so good
hunnieloveshannie #6
Author-nim, don't abandon us TT.TT
rilavipblackjack #7
Chapter 32: Oohhhh I like this story :) ur previous one was awesome too :D
CrazyShoe #8
Please update, it's been so long!!! This fanfic is so good!!!
Chapter 32: The story it's amazing, I adore it. Please update more, author-nim~~