Real Or Fake

Super Drama


The next morning I felt happy, refreshed, stressed free, maybe because I finally told someone about Tain Kong who didn't need to know. I'm scared that he might say say something, but I know Kyuhyun he won't unless I piss him off. Getting off my bed I head towards Konggie's room, opening the door slowly I see my little monster sprawled out sleeping in his crib. Satisfied with what I see, I head to the bathroom. 
Feeling the hot water hit against my skin, I felt that with each drop more of my stress slowly washed away. Stepping out I lotion my body up and change into a white tank top with yoga pants; I decided that today is a day to be lazy. Opening the door My little monster comes rolling in, laughing I pick him up and set him on the bathroom counter. 
"Time for a bath." 
"Nemo?" He holds up his plush toy. 
"Nemo can't go in the tub."
"Wae?" Don't pout your lips Konggie, it reminds me of your father. 
"It wasn't made for the water, see how it's soft." He nods his head. "I need to buy you one that is hard like the counter." I knock on the counter. Turning the water to the right temperature, I can see Konggie trying to get his clothes off from my side view. "Look at you, your such a big boy taking your clothes off and everything." Helping him with the rest, I put him in the tub. Just then my phone goes off, walking quickly over to it I answer.
"Hello." I rush back inside the bathroom. 
"Rumi?" Taking seat on the toilet I watch as Konggie plays with bubbles. 
"Man Man!"
"Rumi, what are you doing today?"
"Are you trying to ask me out on a date sir? You know I don't normally date married men but I can make an exception."
"I need to learn my lesson and NOT put you on speaker phone when I'm talking to you." Laughing I Put the phone speaker and grab the baby shampoo putting it in Tain's hair. "Am I off speaker now?"
"Yes and you will always be."
"To answer your question from earlier, I'm being a mother today."
"That Good, but...."
"But what?"
"I need you to be Monster Rumi today, or at least later on at night."
"Why?" I take the shower head and start rising Tain's hair. "Johnson's& Johnson's no more tears baby."
"What are you doing?"
"Washing my kid." I hear him sigh.
"At 7:00, I need you dressed formally and at the charity."
"Because it's for a good cause that I support. It will be good if I had some of my Artist their." I take the body wash and scrubber and start cleaning Konggie.
"And you chose the one with a baby."
"No, I chose the one that owes me big time."
"You're the boss, can't you tell at Someone else to be their for you? I'll owe you next time."
"Be there." Did he just hang up on me? "Let's go Kong, Time to get dressed."
"Hannie ~" Ju walks in.
"JuJu ~" Konggie replies.
"Awww... My baby." She pinches his cheek, earning a glare. "You are too much like your mother." She follows behind us as we enter Konggie's room.
"Kyuhyun knows." I tell her setting Tain on the changing stand. "Lotion."
"You're kidding me." She hands me the lotion.
"Nope. I guess he was coming to talk to me when he saw me with Konggie."
"Is he doing to tell the others."
"He promised me he wouldn't.... shirt."
"Here, what would you do if Kyu does tell the others."
"Aish..." She smacks the side of my head.
"Don't you know Konggie needs an A-"
"Don't say that word!" I yell.
"I'm surprised he doesn't get scared by your screaming." She helps me put his pants on. "Konggie, does Omma scare you?"
"No, Omma Omma." Ju and I burst out laughing.
"Our Omma scares you." Ju asks, he nods his.
"Can you take care of Tain tonight?"
"Why, what are you doing?" She raises an eye brow. Glaring at her I let Konggie loose to play.
"Nothing like that." I walk over to my bed, laying down.
"Then what?"
"Man Man making me to go to this Charity event." I sigh.
"I'll take care of him." Ju lays next to me. "Is SJ going to be there?"
"I don't know. I didn't get a chance to ask."
"Oh.... Let's leave Konggie with Yuhan and I'll go with you." She got excited.
"That sounds good. I didn't want to go alone anyways." 
"Let's call Kyu."
{Donghae's POV}
Why were his arm around her? They were laughing together after Kyuhyun bad mouth her days before. Donghae you shouldn't be thinking about her, she's no longer apart of you. Yet I can still feel her kisses. Feeling my phone vibrate I check it, Dara, are you going to the Charity event? Ignoring the text, I close my eyes hoping to fall into the dream world, hoping to dream about her. A phone goes off, making the members groan.
"Hello." It's Kyuhyun's. "Oh Rumi." He sits up looking around checking if any of the members were fully awake. He looks straight at me but couldn't tell if I were sleeping or not because of the dark shades. "No the members are sleeping." He turns back around. "We're on our way to the Hair Salon."
"Are you guys going to the Charity Event?" I hear her say.
"That's why you called me?" He sounded mad, why was he mad?
"What else would we call you for!" JunJu screams causing Kyu to pull the phone away.
"Calm down, How's you know?" Who?
"We shouldn't talk about him with you in the car full of nosy members that could pretend to be sleeping." Rumi tells him.
"Who do you think is pretending to sleep?" He asks looking around the van.
"Eunhyuk, Yesung, Sungmin, and Donghae." 
"That's all of us in the van."
"Exactly, now are you guys coming or not?"
"Why do you want to know?"
"Whether or not I should skip out." 
"I'm being serious."
"Omma!" Who's that?
"Let me talk to him.
"Not with them in the car." JunJu chimes in. Why not with us in the car?
"Fine." Kyu Sighed
"Ugh.... Never mind I'll talk to you later." Rumi says.
"Wait Ru... We'll be there."
"Why!" Kyu Laughs.
"Bye Kyu."
"Bye Noona." Kyu puts the phone down dragging his hand through his hair.
"Who were you talking to?" Sungmin Hyung wakes up.
"Noona." Kyu wasn't completely lying.
"Don't lie!" Eunhyuk scolds him.
"Why were you talking to her?" Yesung Hyung nudges him.
"Do you have anything to say Donghae?" Kyuhyun sounded frustrated.
"Why would I have anything to say?" I divert my eyes to the outside world.
"Did JunJu have a baby?" Yesung Hyung asks.
"You were listening." We all look at the Maknae. 
"How come your talking to her?" Sungmin asked him in a calm voice.
"Why shouldn't I talk to her?"
"Stop talking about her." I blurt out annoyed with everything.
"Donghae..." Hyuk tries comforting me but I push past him and head towards the salon.
Fans were outside waiting to get a chance to a see us. Putting up a fake smile I wave at them making their screams louder. Walking past the fans, I head inside taking a seat in one of the salon chairs. Letting my body relax, I let my thought run wild, Dara. Two months after Rumi left, I was a wreck, drunk on my days off, crying whatever I saw something that reminded me of her, and blaming myself for not holding on tighter. Dara was at one of the clubs, I spent my free time getting drunk and Since then I've kept her around, she's help me a lot. 
To: Dara
From: Donghae :)
Make sure you eat. I'll see you at the Charity event.
Finishing up with my hair, I go to the back room to get dressed. Entering the room eyes stare at me watching my actions. "Can I help you guise?" They all look away.
"Hae, how are you feeling?" Kagin comes by me.
"Fine, just tired, why?"
"Yesung told me about Rumi coming to the Event."
"I'm getting sick and tired of you guise worrying about me whenever the topic about Rumi comes around, I'm fine. Now leave me alone." Kangin looked like he was going to say something, but kept quiet and left. Being dressed, I over to the bench checking my phone and making a twitter update.
"Something is wrong, you can't lie to to me." Hyuk comes over putting an arm around my shoulder. Looking over at Hyukki, his puppy dog face making want to tell him what's really wrong but I look away not wanting to answer him. "Come on my robot, tell me what's wrong."
"Hyuk I don-" Jung Hoon Hyung walks in grabbing my attention.
"Let's go." Quickly getting up, I rush to the van hoping to avoid Hyuk.
Arriving at the venue, some fans and a whole lot of reporter clutter around waiting for our arrival, this Charity Event is a pretty big deal considering there's also a red carpet. Walking out the staff member guide us towards the middle of the red carpet, standing their smiling brightly at the cameras before us. As soon as we finish being interview, were taken to the main room for the event. Upon entering the room, we see all the different celebrities and important people here. 
Spotting the 2NE1 members, I walk over smiling at Dara Noona. "Noona ~" I give her a quick hug.
"Donghae." She chimes. Eunhyuk walk over along with Kyuhyun and Ryeowook. Greeting the other members we all start talking about random things, finally my mind let Rumi go for a good hour. 
Hearing screams from the fans, our attention goes towards the door. Seconds later JunJu and Rumi walk in, I felt the world around disburse, that I was the only one in the room while the beautiful flower walk towards me. Mr. Lee Soo Man, went up to the two girls first introducing her to the person behind the Charity Event. Bowing, she smiles as the man walks away. Feeling a nudge, I return to the people before me. Dara seemed to be annoyed but hid it smiling at me, as for CL she didn't seem to happy seeing Rumi here. 
Feeling hands going around my arm, I look down seeing Rumi's arm wrap around mine. Looking at the group JunJu joins in standing next to Kyuhyun.  "Look happy people are walking over here." She plasters a fake smile. Taking a look at Dara, she greets the people that joined our tense group.
"Rumi, JunJu, you both look amazinly beautiful. Very Unique dresses." The Owner of Vogue Korea, come over greeting us. "SJ, of course you're all Handsom. 2NE1, Lovely girls you are. RuHae, I'm a big shipper." 
"Thank you." We all say. This was how the begginging of our night went, Rumi and I pretending we were still together.
{Rumi's POV}
I wanted to go, leave this hateful place and go home to my beautiful monster, but no I was stuck here. Hearing the Chairman talk about how thankful he is and how important his cause was, was boring me to death. It is a good cause, in which I donated my money, and now I wanted to go home. 
Yet, I'm stuck here pretending to still be Donghae's girlfriend. Lee Soo Man said he didn't  want any drama tonight, then why put in the same room with people who think I'm still dating Donghae, and with Donghae's current real girlfriend. Does he know their together. 
Nudging Donghae, JunJu and I were put at the table with EunHae and KyuMin, he flinches from my sudden act. "Does Man Man know you and Dara are dating?" His eyes looked sad at my question, what was hoping for, me to beg him to break up with her? He nods his head. So only 2NE1 and SJ know of their relationship, that's nice.
Feeling a tap on my shoulder, I turn back around. "Rumi, can we talk?" He whispers.
"Not here."
"Nope." I look up catching Dara staring at us from her table. Looking back at him he was pouting his lips. "Fine."
"Follow me." Getting up, my heart start beating 100 MPH. As me make it out the dark room, both Donghae and I are quiet. following behind him, my thought start creating crazy scenarios. Shaking my head, I think about why Donghae wants to talk to me. Did Kyu tell him? No, if Kyuhyun would have said anything, Donghae would have been outside my door the day before.
We enter an empty medium size room, the only thing it had was a single lonely chair. Sitting down  I wish I had brought my cardigan with me, feeling fabric wrap around my shoulder, I look up seeing Donghae. My eyes never leave his silhouette as he walked in front of me, how does a person go from being a blonde a couple of days ago, to having black hair?
"Google me." Donghae blurts out. The memory of us being in Maldives together come rolling in, how everything was so much easier then.
"What do you want, Donghae?" I sigh, carefully letting each memory go.
"I want you to explain everything to me. I choose to stop interrupting you and listen to what you have to say." He sits down, crossing his legs like a five year old.
"You're joking right?"
"No, I'm ready to listen." I  couldn't believe what I was hearing.
"Are you sure?" He nods his head. "I don't think my make-up is water proof."
"I don't care, you'll still look beautiful, even with Black tears running own your face." He smiles.
"You have a girlfriends." His smile falls.
"I'm listening." I felt like a kindergarten teacher telling her student a story so they can take a peaceful sleep, only difference is mine will give you nightmares.
"My real Appa," I can't believe I'm doing this. "He abused JunJu, Yuhan, and I. He was a careless, the devil's spawn, old man. Mrs Cha, my mother, she use to be high off drugs and drunk on alcohol. She never fought for us, she let the baster do whatever he wanted, but she's no longer like that. I left my sibling when I got accepted into SM, we made a promise to each other that if one of were to get out, that we would help them come out as well. I couldn't keep the last part of the promise, the lies I made to keep my old life from haunting me, kept me from doing so." 
Surprisingly I didn't want to cry, it felt natural to tell him my story. "It's true that the man I preferred as Appa, only took me in as a trophy daughter, but that was only in the beginning. He saw me as his daughter." My hand reached up, touching the cold metal. 
"As for Jiwook, he was my childhood crush, he knew about our problem, even tried to help but he couldn't. The day we went out on our first date, I had gone to him earlier and he kissed me saying that he wanted us together. I pushed him off and ran out the house. He was he one that told the media about my actual life." 
I finished looking down at Donghae, he looked deep in thought. Not wanting to disturb him I get up, with his jacket, and walk out the door. "Yah!" Laughing I give him his jacket back.  "You should smile more often, a real smile." He looks at me making the smile wipe off my face
"Stop." He frowns. Rolling my eyes, I go back into the room taking my seat. Not even second after we take our seat, SM artist are called up to the stage. standing up, I walk over to the stage. As I walk up the stairs I feel a hand grab my hip while another holding my dress down, looking back at Donghae I send him glares. He ignores them and brings his hand to my waist.
"I would really like to thank my SM Artist for helping me out...." Lee Soo Man Starts talking, I try concentrating but I have a five year old pinching my side. Turning around I glare at him, he finally let's go. ".... Rumi a couple words on the Charity Event." What? Me of all people had to speak. Smiling I take the microphone.
"As part of the SM Townies," There goes Donghae's hand. "We would like to thank you for inviting us to such a generous cause. We hope to keep supporting the cause and hope to be even more involve. Thank you." I bow handing the microphone back. 
"Thank you, Rumi...." I stop paying attention as Donghae decides to give me a complete back hug resting his chin on my shoulder.
"Let go, Donghae." I whisper, smiling at the old lady who started taking pictures. 
"No, let me pretend were still together." Sighing I tell myself to deal with it later.
Walking off stage, I quickly head back to the table and put my cardigan on. "Let's go JuJu, we are leaving." She gladly follows behind me.
"Rumi!" We both stop. Damn it, the door was mere inches away. 
"Mr. Lee Soo Man." We both bow.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"Look, Man Man, I can't be here anymore. Did you not see how Donghae was acting." I calmly say.
"Go say bye to the Chairman then you may go."  Stomping my feet, I make my towards the chairs men.
"I'll stay here." JunJu called out. Such an amazing sister I have.
"Kwon Rumi." I turn around seeing Dara.
"How can I Help you?" 
"Do you like Donghae?"
"No." I love him.
"Okay." She starts walking away.
"Wait...Why did you ask me that?" 
"Cause I know if he had the chance he'll break up with me and be with you."
"If you know that why are you with him?"
"He makes you feel stress free even when you have the world on your shoulders." 
"Yeah, Well, he's all yours."  I skip past her and make my way towards the Chairman. Catching Donghae's eyes, I knew she was right.
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Chapter 22: Finally done ~ Nooo! Sequel again pls?!
Chapter 23: I CANT WAIT!!! I loved the first and the sequal~ HWAITING!~`
Chapter 23: Oh..I'll wait for that alternative drama :) fighting author-nim!
Chapter 22: Awwwww I can't believe it ended. Great story Authorim ^^
Chapter 22: Good job
Loved it!!! :-)
Chapter 22: Hehehe im a huge fan of donghae more like obsessed i love him a lot lol this story i loved it! it was amazing i wanted to cry!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 22: Awww that was a great ending
Chapter 22: Awwwww<3. The ending was soooo sweet. Author, thanks for writing such an amazing story T.T. I hope to see your future stories, fighting^^
meggie016 #9
Chapter 21: I thought she's gonna run away
hyukbear #10
Chapter 21: waaahhh that was.... Thought she's gonna run away again.