Damn Nemo

Super Drama


Airports were made for people to go to catch their flights, an easy method of transportation. If you are famous it is like a fan meeting, hundreds sometimes thousands of fans go to the airport just to see you get off, walk pass them and into the van you go. At time is feels good to have all that love but then you have those days you're just not in the mood to hear your name being screamed at you. For once since I became famous no one was waiting for, no big crowds for anythings. 
No ones is here because they don't know I came back, not even JunJu, Yuhan, or Omma know. So no one should be here, unless I have a stalker that told them I was coming. Six months after TianKong was born, JunJu and Yuhan decided to move back to South Korean, leaving me behind in Cape Town. Ju started modeling with Omma and helping her out with directing and things like that. Yuhan started working with a law fern, fighting against abusers.
Sitting Konggie in the baby seat in the cart, I go over to luggage claim searching for my suitcases. Stacking up my three suitcases I look up noticing a teenage girl staring at me, seeing that I caught her she shakes her head apologizing. Making my way outside, the icy wind whips around us. Quickly calling a taxi over, I wrap a blanket around my Konggie and slide into the car. I love my country dearly, but its cold weather is something I don’t like dealing with. 
Passing by the SM building memories wonder back. I’m still under SM but I don’t plan on making a comeback, or anything, any time soon. I wanted to stop by and see how Man Man is doing but fear of coming in contact with him keeps me from doing so. Three months after I left, Mr. Lee Soo Man accounted the real story to the media. I didn't read the responses to people but Ju said they were neutral.
At my new house, the taxi driver helps me with my suit cases, thanking the taxi driver I watch as he leaves. Inside the house, it's quiet, sighing I look around the house trying to find my room. Omma said that whenever Kong and I were ready to come home, there will be a room waiting for us. Finding my room, I admire the interior design, black walls with white wooden floors, white furniture. A baby blue door catches my attention, walking through it, Konggie screams seeing a big Nemo fish. Letting him down, I let him explore is new room.
Bringing the suitcases upstairs, I start unpacking everything. An hour later, Tian wobbles out of his room with Nemo at his hand. "Omma, fooood." he demands. Konggie's favorite word is food, he loves eating it. 
"Konggie," I pick him up. "Let's change then we can go out and eat." While I was pregnant I learned to cook and do house wife things but I don't like doing it. Changed, I hear the door open, taking us down stairs I hope its Omma so she can make us food. Upon seeing JunJu, Konggie wiggles out of my arms and run towards Ju.
"Juuuuu~" He would call JunJu his aunt or Noona but she says it makes her feel old to be called that.
"Konggie! What are you doing here?" JunJu picks him up looking over at me.
"I decided to pay a visit."
"You're not staying, how long are you gong to be here for." She tickles Kong.
"Not sure." I fall to the couch. "I'm hungry, let's go out."
"Omma, got your car." 
"Really?" I sit up hearing the good news. "But how?"
"She was hoping that if she got you the car, you would come back and stay." Nodding I run to the garage. 
Seeing my second new baby I fall to the floor. "Beautiful."
"The keys your highness." Ju dangles the keys in front of my face. Snatching them out of her hand I open the car. "Omma is funny isn't she." She told Kong earning a giggle from him.
I glide my hands across the smooth tan leather seat, I wanted to cry. Should I stay? Looking in the back, Omma already put in a seat car for Konggie so I don't have to worry about that. "Ju, buckle him in. I need to take my baby out for a ride." 
Parking, I pull up my hood, looking over at JunJu I watch her do the same thing. Although I haven't been here in a while, just in case I don't want to bring attention towards us. If any body was to ask about Tian Kong, we'd say he was JunJu's baby. Unbuckling Konggie, we walk inside the cozy restaurant. Keeping our heads low, we follow the hostess towards a private area. Ordering our food, we hear the restaurants music change to 0.1. After all this time they still play my songs? A familiar voice next to us grabs our attention.
"Wherever I go, traces of you remain and it tortures me. These timeshare so Unfamiliar and hard to me." 
"Hyuk, stop." My body froze, I looked over at JunJu who's eyes were bulging out.
"The world I see right now is all white." Eunhyuk raps out.
"You're drunk." Ryeoowook told him.
"Kyu is drunk." He slurs.
"No....." Was all I heard before a rumble of laughter roared through the walls. The sound scared Tian, making him cry out. The laughter stops, Tian Kong's cries filled the room. Hearing slaps and chairs movements, I quickly grab the crying angel making sure my hood is up and start walking out, behind me JunJu talks with the waiter.
"I'm sorry I made the baby cry." Konggie stops whaling, interested in the new person standing before him. On the other side, I'm freaking out worried what will happen if Eunhyuk notices it's me.
"It's fine." JuJu blurts out, grabbing my arm and rushing out the restaurant. By the car Tian starts crying again, using snacks and his toys I try everything to calm him down. "What's wrong boo boo?" Ju coos, wiping his tears away.
"Fish!" he screams out making Ju and I jump.
"Hey," Our bodies stiffen at the voice. "You forgot Nemo." Damn Nemo.
"Y...yes, thank you." Ju flung her right arm behind her grabbing the plush toy. We Back out hiding our faces when Donghae surprises us by slipping past us to play with Konggie. 
"Excuse you." I accidentally blurted out. 
Donghae turned around, his face went red with embarrassment. "Sorry," He bows moving away from Tian. "I like kids." He doesn't recognize me. Who would, my hair is short and died a bright brown almost orange. "What's his name?" About to answer him, the rest of Super Junior come out.
"Fishy.... Who's the purrty Laydiees?" Eunhyuk stumbles towards us. 
Looking over at JunJu, I knew she was thinking of a plan to get us out of this, then it hit her. "Oppa ~! Super Junior Oppa!" She screams. Some girls that were outside hanging out noticed and all may running like crazy hyenas. With that distraction, I close Kong's door and rush over towards my side, as soon as JunJu got In I sped of hoping to find a place we can eat in peace. In the car I bursted out laughing.
"Did you see the look on their faces when you screamed?" I laughed out. Ju couldn't help but laugh.
"He didn't recognize us." JunJu says after calming down from the laughter. 
"That's a good things." I take out my dark shades on. I can't risk being seen, at least not the today. 
"What if he did?" Things get serious to quickly.
"I don't know. It didn't happen."
"But if he did.... would you have told him."
"He doesn't need to worry about things that do not concern him."
"It's his kid Hana."
"No it's not! Being a parent and having a baby don't mix with being an Idol."
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Chapter 22: Finally done ~ Nooo! Sequel again pls?!
Chapter 23: I CANT WAIT!!! I loved the first and the sequal~ HWAITING!~`
Chapter 23: Oh..I'll wait for that alternative drama :) fighting author-nim!
Chapter 22: Awwwww I can't believe it ended. Great story Authorim ^^
Chapter 22: Good job
Loved it!!! :-)
Chapter 22: Hehehe im a huge fan of donghae more like obsessed i love him a lot lol this story i loved it! it was amazing i wanted to cry!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 22: Awww that was a great ending
Chapter 22: Awwwww<3. The ending was soooo sweet. Author, thanks for writing such an amazing story T.T. I hope to see your future stories, fighting^^
meggie016 #9
Chapter 21: I thought she's gonna run away
hyukbear #10
Chapter 21: waaahhh that was.... Thought she's gonna run away again.