Drama To End All Drama Part I

Super Drama
* Strong Language In Some Parts


Bang! Bang! Bang!
Three gun shots went off. The impact of the sounds rung through my ears. My body laid frozen in Donghae's arms. I felt hot liquid seep between Donghiae and I, touching my bare stomach. My eyes widen at the chrome red color, I sit up pulling off my shirt holding it against Donghae's side. 
"Donghae! Hae! Wake up!" I use my free hand to slap his face. His eyes flutter open but soon close from the pain he's feeling. 
"Ru, it hurts." He arches his back up. My free hand cups the side of face hoping to get rid of the pain.
"You !" I cry out to my father. Turning around to glare at him I see his lifeless body on the ground. A puddle of blood surrounds his upper body. The blood coming from his head.
"R-rumi, look at me." I ignore his word and continue staring at the dead body. Hae cups my face forcing me to look at him. He looked so calm compared to how I feel right now, no tears coming from him. Yet my tears ran down like crazy.
"I-I love you." He brings my face down pecking my lips. 
"You're not dying!" I accidentally hit his chest making him groan in pain. "I'll kill you if he die on me, Lee Donghae." A grin appears on his face as if we weren't in this hell.
"I'm not. I just want to make sure you know that." His voice was low and soft, I cried even more if it was even possible. 
"Donghae," I choke out. "I love you. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." He wraps his arms around me, drawing small circles with his hand. When will help come?
"No it's not. It was me who chose to stick my nose where is never belonged, but you want to know something, Ru. I'll do it all over again." He gave me another week smile.
"Pabo." I kissed his lips savoring the moment.
Just then SWAT busted through the door, scanning the area. Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun came in right behind them, gasping when they saw us. Hyuk takes his hoodie off and sets it over my shoulders before dropping by Donghae.
"Hae, you're going to be fine." Kyuhyun tells him before running off. Hyuk moves my hand replacing it with his. I adjust the hoodie so it's on properly. Wiping the tears away, I see the blood on my hand and I start shaking like crazy making it hard to breath right.
"Kwon Rumi, lets go." An officer came up to us.
"I'm not leaving Donghae!" I wrap my shaky hands around Hae's arm
"We need to get you out of here." The officer yanks me off him.
"Let me go!" I kick the air hoping to get out of his arms.
"Go, I'll be fine." Donghae blurts out. I stop fighting the officer and let my body limp against his. The officer picked me up bridal style, lifting up the hood to keep my face from being shown. Entering the outside world my name started coming from every mouth present there. Flashes went off making my head spin, red light beams flickered at me.
"Rumi, what happen?" Hell.
"What did you do?" Everything.
"Why is there blood all over you?" Donghae.
"The gun shots! Who got shot?" The last one got me. This was all my fault. The officer put me in the van with Shindong, Sungmin, Siwon and Ryeowook. As soon as the door shut the van started and Siwon hugged me close. I sobbed away all my tears. 
Feeling like I could no longer cry, my thought wondered giving me more reason not to ever be happy. It's my fault Donghae got shot. It's my fault Konggie has a screwed up mother. Everything is my fault. I'm making the people I love the most suffer. But I don't want to be the only blame for this. The van pulled up to my house and Yuhan and JunJu along with Omma came running out. As soon as I saw my mother all I saw was red. 
"You ing !" I push my mother causing her to fall on the floor. "This is all your fault!"
"Let them be." I heard Yuhan say.
"If you would have been a mother you promised us you would be, that bastard would have been in jail!" She turned her head away, not being able to meet my eyes. 
"Look at me!" She did. "If were in jail my sons life would have never been threatened! And Donghae would have never been shot!" Flash. 
"What the hell were you think not putting him in jail! The fact that you would let a man like him roam the streets free, was a y move mother. What kind of ed up mother are you?" It took all the strength inside me not to kick her. 
"Thank god the face killed himself."
I walked up to the house slamming the door shut behind me. I slide down against the door letting my tears flow out all the emotion inside of me. Not taking the smell of blood anymore, I stand up but stumble over to the ground. I felt weak as if I'm worthless to the people around cause all I do it her them.
"Hana." JunJu cries out. She shuts the door and helps me up the stair. Reaching the bathroom, she starts the water helping me take off my clothes. 
It felt like Dejavu, someone helping me take my clothes off because I'm too weak to do it myself. The memory three years ago played in my mind. Donghae had came looking for me with Appa, they found me half frozen by my old life. He had to take my clothes off without looking. The memory made a smile appear on my face but also tears. There could be a chance that I may not be able to get another memory with Donghae. 
I stand up going over to the full length mirror taking in the appearance of my almost body. The image scared me, it looked like I was auditioning for a horror movie. Blotches blood stained my arms, legs, and face. My blonde hair knotted up all over. JunJu blocks the mirror signalling me to get in the tub. I take off my bra and bring my body into the heated water.
Ju stepped out taking the stained clothes with her. When she came back silence took over the room, the only sound being my movements in the water. Rinsing off my now clean body, Ju wraps a towel around my body hugging me in the process. I hugged her back taking in the love and warmth she's giving me. We walked towards my room, inside we found Konggie sleeping on my bed with the members laying around him protectively. Their eyes close upon seeing me, I would have teased them about it if I had it in me to do so.
Changing into a simple grey hoodie and shorts, JunJu starts blow drying my hair. My mind is begging to ask the members about Donghae but I can't feel my voice. Whenever I try saying his name all my senses disappear. Finished and blood free, I squeeze myself next to Konggie wrapping my arms around him. Taking in his sent, my muscles relax knowing he's safe and alive brings down the emotional rolar coaster.
My eyes flutter open meeting the sun lit room, it's morning of the day after a nightmare. The light will finally show the after affect. Moving my hands around I feel for Konggie but his tiny figure was missing. Panic rose inside me. Where is he? What if something happened to him? I run out the room, and head down the stairs running into the living room. All the members of Super Junior, excluding Siwon, Eunhyuk, and.... Donghae, were there watching Tain Kong play with his toys. I fall to the floor relieved that my little monster was okay. 
"Omma ~!" His tiny body runs towards me. I take him into my arms tears now working their way down my face. I squeeze him making sure that he was real and no a dream. "Let gooo." He whines. I give him a kiss releasing him from my hold. Standing up I whip my tears away not wanting Konggie to see them. I look up at the quiet SUJU.
"H-h-how is he?" I barely recognized the voice that came out, it was rusty and dry from all the crying and lack of socializing.
"He's..." Kangin spoke up. "In critical condition, he's in surgery though. Hyuk will call if anything happens." I nod my head not being able to make sound come from my voice. 
Kyuhyun pats the empty space behind him. "Sit." I did was told. Sitting down I wrap my arms around his waist laying my head against his chest, once again tears streaming down. 
I feel arms wrap around me before the person spoke. "He'll be okay. Donghae is strong." Sungmin said.
"Why?" I cough out. "Why did he of all people have to get hurt? Couldn't it be me, the one who's at fault. Why did it have to be Donghae?" No one said anything. Konggie continued to play with his toys every now and then playing with the members. They joke around with him hiding their sorrow.
"Hana." My mother steps through the door. She looked a mess like a monster. I felt to weak to go off on her and stayed with Kyuhyun. "I'm sorry." 
Yuhan and JunJu came down from upstairs. Yuhan looked beyond pissed and JunJu just wanting to know the truth. "Tell us the truth, What exactly did you do with him?"
"I... he... You know I loved your father. Of course he did wrong, all I wanted to do was keep him away from the three of you. I paid him each month a large sum of money to keep him away, but I guess that wasn't enough." I scoffed at her stupidity.
"Looks like not putting him in jail, bit you in the . Not only did you lose the love of your life. You lost your kids as well."
"Now get out. You can come back tomorrow when we're gone." JunJu opened the door for her. We all watched as she slowly walked out the door, seeming as if she was hoping her one of us to stop her. Soon after that Yuhan left and JunJu excused herself to pack our stuff. Ryeowook turned up the volume of the TV, the news was on. Guess who was 'Breaking News'.
"Yesterday seemed to be a tragedy in two fandoms. Super Junior's Lee Donghae and Kwon Rumi were both involved in a kidnapping where Donghae was shot. The kidnapper was Mr. Kwon, Rumi's father. He appeared at SBS Summer Special taking both Rumi and Tain Kong. Tain Kong who was said to be Kwon JunJu's son is really RuHae's hidden son. 
"Donghae and Super Junior saw Rumi and her son being pushed into the van and followed the car to the warehouse. There, Donghae went inside and three guns shot were heard. Police did arrive before the gun went off but were unsure of what to do since they had no clue what exactly they were messing with. When the police entered the building, Rumi was found hovering over Donghae and her father was on the ground dead with the gun in his hands.
"The first bullet was said to have aimed at Rumi but missed. The second hit Donghae on his right side, while the third was aimed by Rumi's father at himself. Donghae is in the hospital in critical condition. No news on Rumi's condition are known at the moment, but while she was being carried out the building blood was all over her legs. 
"When Rumi was taken to her home, she attacked her mother pushing her on the ground. Rumi then continued to shout accusing her of being the caused behind the situation. Nothing more is known on the situation."
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Chapter 22: Finally done ~ Nooo! Sequel again pls?!
Chapter 23: I CANT WAIT!!! I loved the first and the sequal~ HWAITING!~`
Chapter 23: Oh..I'll wait for that alternative drama :) fighting author-nim!
Chapter 22: Awwwww I can't believe it ended. Great story Authorim ^^
Chapter 22: Good job
Loved it!!! :-)
Chapter 22: Hehehe im a huge fan of donghae more like obsessed i love him a lot lol this story i loved it! it was amazing i wanted to cry!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 22: Awww that was a great ending
Chapter 22: Awwwww<3. The ending was soooo sweet. Author, thanks for writing such an amazing story T.T. I hope to see your future stories, fighting^^
meggie016 #9
Chapter 21: I thought she's gonna run away
hyukbear #10
Chapter 21: waaahhh that was.... Thought she's gonna run away again.