King Kong

Super Drama


"Everything is set Ms. Kwon." I hang up my phone up.
"Omma! Plane plane!" Konggie points at the planes as we walk through the airport. We arrived in Malaysia for the Award Show, Tain Kong and I, Ju and Yuhan had work. We were both taking the lead while the staff members walked behind us. It felt quiet today, I wonder if SM would have put out when I was arriving in if fans would have shown up. Yet, the fans still don't know about my performance at the Award Show, how will they react. 
"Konggie, you'll be a good boy today won't you?" He nodded his head. I was worried, today will be the first time he'll be surrounded by a lot of people he doesn't know; I won't be able to be there for him, I'll be to busy. All my staff members know who he is and have been sworn in to keep quiet. If they say a word to anyone, lets just say it won't be good. 
Outside the weather is horrible, I've been to Malaysia and the warm weather felt amazing, but today it was humid. Seeing a small transportation bus we walk over. I watch my little monster as he stares in awh at all the different buildings, people and motor bikes. His boyish smile shined bright with happiness, that smile that reminds me each time who his father is. 
"Ru," Biho sits in seat behind me, leaning forward to talk to me. "When we get to the Hotel we'll only have two hours until you have rehearsals. Don't worry no other Idol will be there. You'll have today tomorrow and then the day before to go over on how your performance will look like...." He went on about dress rehearsals and what will happen the day of the Award Show.
"What about Tain Kong?" I ask. Where and who will my baby be with?
"He'll be with me." I nod my head.
"Who's all going to be here?" Praying to god that he or they won't be there. 
"4Minute, BEAST, 2PM, Sistar, BIG BANG, 2NE1, -"
"Yes, why?"
"The joy I will have at The Award Show." Biho laughs. 
"I doubt you'll see them."
"Anyone else?" He knew exactly who I was asking for. What did I care if the other Idols were there. 
"Don't worry I doubt you'll see them around either."
For the past week, rehearsals were going just as planned, I got to go to the beach with Konggie without anyone recognizing me, and being stressed even though I've been so busy. I Barely got any sleep last night, my thought were running wild. They thought about how Tain will act, Donghae, the fans, my performance, and back to Donghae.
 Being nervous was something I hated being, it makes me think about stupid things. I get Kong and myself dressed and prepare Tain's bag. In the van, my nerves sky rocketed. What if I didn't show up or I'll pass on purpose, not even on purpose the nerves will beat my acting skills. 
"Calm down." Biho shakes my shoulder. Glaring at him, he slowly pulls his hand away. "There's nothing to worry about."
"There's always something to worry about."
"With you probably but that's because you make everything complicated."
"Whatever." I turn around not wanting to talk to him anymore. 
"If you see him will you tell him?"
"Nope." The bus stops. I get up holding the sleeping Konggie in my arms. 
"That's a nice charm bracelet. Where did you get it at?" I ignore Biho not really caring about his words at the moment. 
{JunJu POV}
Day Before Hana and Konggie Leave To Malaysia
"Konggie ~" I walk into his room seeing him play with his Nemo collection. Its weird that he like Nemo so much. Observing his actions he seems to be a little mad. "What's wrong?" I sit beside him. 
"Nemo Buh-byee." He crosses his arms. 
"You are to young to be knowing how to cross your arms." I uncross them, but he re crosses them. Repeating this uncrossing and recrossing of his tiny arms, I almost forgot about what I came in here to do. "You want a present?" A big smile appears on his face. "Then uncross thoughts arms." He does as he's told. 
"Present!" He jumps into my arms. 
"Okay okay, hold on." I pull out a small box from my pocket. 
"Present~!" He trows his arms in the air.
"Silly boy." I laugh pinching his cheeks. "This use to be Omma's." I open the box. 
"Omma?" He wiggles around making himself comfortable on my lap. 
"Ne ~ , a special someone gave it to her." I pull out a small charm bracelet with a silver puzzle piece dangling from it. I would tell him that Appa gave it to her but he doesn't know that most little kids in the world have An Appa and Omma. If he did he'd run around saying Appa pissing Hana off. 
"Wahhhh." Konggie claps his hands. 
"You like it." He shakes his head. "Here." I carefully put the bracelet on his wrist. Giggling he waves his arm in the air, the diamond on the corner twinkles in the light. 
"Me like."
"It's I like" I correct him. "You can't tell Omma I gave you this." 
"No Omma?" He pouts his little mouth. He's so cute I could eat him up. 
"No Omma. Keep it a secret." I hold my index finger up to my lips then guide my foredhead against his, Konggie leans forward making our fingers kiss. "Oooo you flirt." I get up chasing him off as he giggles away.
Let's hope Konggie decided to run around the dressing rooms. He needs to know the truth. Donghae you will know. 
{Donghae POV}
At The Award Show
Once again I let Rumi, Hana, whoever she's called, get into my head. She's ruining my concentration. Since she's came back I've been worried, how am I going to tell the fans we broke up two years ago. What got me really mad that day at the office was the news saying Happy two year anniversary. I had told them member I would take care of telling the world that RuHae were no more but since she left I thought she would never come back so I forgot about saying anything. Even of she didn't come back they would think she's back and then start asking me question because of the paparazzi pictures, but even so I could use it to my advantage. But no, she had to come back. Why?
"Yah! Snap out of it." Hyuk sits down next to me. "You shouldn't be thinking about her." He slaps my thigh.
"Aish!" I rub my thigh. "I'm not thinking about her!" He looks at me with a 'yeah right' face. 
"Yeah Right." Kyu speaks for Hyuk. Right now all the members are getting changing from the formal awards show attire to our stage outfits. 
"Don't worry Hae, she won't hurt you again. Besides you g-" just then a little boy comes in screaming gaining all the members attention.
The little boy stops in the middle of the room. "Omma!" His tears start running down his face. The little boy looks familiar. Getting up I walk over to the little kid crouching down to his size. 
"It's okay little man." I while the tears away. 
"Omma." He cries out again.
"Where is she?" Eunhyuk comes beside me. The little kids screams again. 
"Go away your scaring him." Sungmin Hyung pushes Hyuk out of the way picking up the little kid. "What's your name?" He sits on the couch. The rest of the members crowd around him unable to keep away from how cute this kid is. 
"Kong." The little boy sniffles out. 
"Kong? Like King Kong?" Kangin Hyung says doing the moves the giant gorilla does. Kong giggles imitating Hyung. 
"Cute ~" Shindong pinches his cheeks. The little boy glares at him making Hyung stop. "Sorry." Hyung apologize to the little boy causing the whole room to be filled with laughter. King Kong pounds his chest again.
That glare, where have I seen one like that?
"Hey King Kong where's Omma?" Ryeowook asks. 
"No Omma." He starts shaking his head.
"You don't want your Omma?" Yesung 
"Me want Omma!" He tells at Yesung. 
"Whoa there little guy. Don't need to get nasty." Hyuk hits his arm playfully making him giggle. "Ha! He's not scared of me."
"He meant he doesn't know where is mom is." Kyuhyun says. I start playing with Kong's tiny hand when I noticed something. A puzzle piece? He snatches his hang away from mine, putting his index finger up to his lips.
"Is he telling us to shut up?" Siwon asks. He then puts his forehead against Ryeowook, putting his finger on his lips.
"Hyung, he has lakey eyes like your." Ryeowook exaggerates.
"Let me see." Eunhyuk pushes Wookkie aside.
Ignoring Eunhyuk King Kong pushes his way out of our circle and runs, "Omma!" Right into his Mom's arms. 
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Chapter 22: Finally done ~ Nooo! Sequel again pls?!
Chapter 23: I CANT WAIT!!! I loved the first and the sequal~ HWAITING!~`
Chapter 23: Oh..I'll wait for that alternative drama :) fighting author-nim!
Chapter 22: Awwwww I can't believe it ended. Great story Authorim ^^
Chapter 22: Good job
Loved it!!! :-)
Chapter 22: Hehehe im a huge fan of donghae more like obsessed i love him a lot lol this story i loved it! it was amazing i wanted to cry!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 22: Awww that was a great ending
Chapter 22: Awwwww<3. The ending was soooo sweet. Author, thanks for writing such an amazing story T.T. I hope to see your future stories, fighting^^
meggie016 #9
Chapter 21: I thought she's gonna run away
hyukbear #10
Chapter 21: waaahhh that was.... Thought she's gonna run away again.