Brazilian Surprise

Super Drama


"I'm leaving in two days." Donghae said as he pulls up to my house. 
"Then you can't meet Tain Kong." I take my seat belt off turning around to face Donghae. He looked sad at my words and confused by what I meant. "Don't worry, you will meet him but if you stay and meet him today it will be weird for him to see you as an Appa. If we tell him you're his Appa now and then you leave, it will confuse him." 
"Can I still go inside and see him? We don't have to say anything." He looked like a five year old begging for a toy at the store.
"How long are you going to be gone?" Donghae sighs.
"A week." Like a mid reader he answers my next question. "Super Show 5 in South America." Another question. "Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and Peru."
"Okay..... I'll answer your question." I laugh at his satisfied expression. "You can't, it's late. He's already asleep."
"How do you know?"
"Konggie can't sleep passed 9 PM, which I want to change because he wakes up way to early."
"I want to know what that feels like." 
"Maybe when the two of you are closer, then Konggie can stay at your place." His smile lit up the car. I leaned in want to kiss those lovable lips, but my phone rung ruining my fantasy.
"JunJu?" I answer annoyed by her interruption. Donghae leaned back laughing at my reaction, I've truly missed my fishy.
"Omma ~!" If Donghae was a puppy his floppy ears would have perked up. "Omma me want!" Konggie cried.
"My little monster, Omma will be right inside." I tell him hearing him cry even more.
"Hana, when are you coming home?" JuJu's voice came on.
"I'm outside. I'll be right in." I look over at Donghae, he was looking down at his phone.
"Outside? Why? Oh, Are you going to tell me about what happen when Donghae pulled you away?"
"I'll be inside in a sec." I laugh at my older sister. Hanging up the phone I see Donghae was still looking at his phone.
"Goodbye Donghae." I gain his attention.
"Where are you going?" He put his phone away.
"My baby is yelling for me, you heard him didn't you?"  Donghae nods his head. "Are you on your period or something?"
"What!" His face turns red. "What are you talking about?'
"Since the whole paparazzi scene at Lotte World, you've bounced back from being angry to full of joy. I get why you were like that earlier, but now, are you okay?"
"I'm fine it's just that....." He loses his words.
"I should go." I open the car door
"Dara text me." Donghae looks at me as if I'm supposed to tell him what to do. I tilt my head to the side hoping for him to answer the question himself. "What do I say?" This five year old.
"How am I suppose to know?" I close the door.
"Then how do I tell her that I'm leaving her for the love of my life and my son?"I stare at him for a good minute before sighing.
"Goodbye, Donghae." I step out of the car. Why would he say that? He hasn't even met Tain Kong yet, at least not officially.
"Yah! Rumi!" I turn to see Donghae standing between the car door and the actual car, he leans forward resting his very muscular arms between the two objects. "I Love You."
"Pabo Fishy." Flashing him a smile I haven't smile in a while, I turn back round whispering 'I Love You'.
{Donghae's POV}
Entering the dorm, I was careful to be as quiet as possible. It was late and the members were bound to be asleep, we all need all the sleep we can get. Sliding my shoes off I try top toeing to my room when the lights to the living room came on. Hyuk along with Kyuhyun and Kangin Hyung were sitting on the couch arms crossed.
"Where have you been?" I smile walking closer towards them.
"I have a son." I answer Hyuk's question.  Kyuhyun smirked while the other two's mouth dropped. 
"About time she told you." Kyuhyun stood up stretching his arms.
"You knew?" I wasn't really surprised, Kyu knew a lot.
"Yeah, good night." 
"Why didn't you tell us?" Eunhyuk finally spoke.
"She told me not to." Kyuhyun shrugs leaving the dorm. I look over at Kangin Hyung, who still looks shocked by what I told him.
"Its King Kong." I tell them.
"Wow." Kangin Hyung said. "So...he.....Rumi.... wow."
"I'm an uncle?" Hyuk asked himself more than he ask me.
"Yeah, I'm tired. Can we talk about this tomorrow." They both nod, still stunned by the news.
"Rumi's a mother." I hear Hyuk say before closing the door behind me.
I strip off my clothes changing into pajama pants and a black wife beater. Laying in bed I knew I had to find a way of breaking it to Dara. Maybe I won't tell her about Tain Kong and Just say I got back together with Rumi but I want her to know the truth, it's the least I can do. What if I tell her and she runs to the Media, no that's not her. Maybe keeping King Kong a secret will be a good thing.
I was mad at first, Rumi kept me away from him for the past two years. Wouldn't be mad. But now knowing that he's mine and that he was made by Rumi and I's love, I'm happy, truly happy. I close my eyes hoping that this all wasn't a dream and that when I wake up, they will still be here.
-Two Days Later-
"Brazil!" I stretch my arms out taking in the warm sun. Siwon, Hyuk, and I were walking around the hotel, hoping to get all relaxed for tomorrow's concert.
"Have you talked Dara?" Siwon asks. He was worried that I would date both of them at the same time, he's already worried about me pretending that the Charity Event and now that we know I have a son, Siwon is on edge.
"Last time I text-ed her was the day we went to Lotte World, when I dropped off Rumi. I told her that I would contact her when I could, since I'll be busy with Super Show here in South America." Siwon nods.
"Have you talked to Hana?" 
"Why do you use her actual name?" None of the other members use it.
"Because it's her real name."
"Right, but no I haven't talked to her." I sighed.
"I have." Siwon and I stopped walking shocked by what Eunhyuk told us. "What?"  Hyuk stops walking a couple of feet in front of us.
"You called Hana?"  Hyuk Nods his head.
"Why?" I ask him. Out of all the members Hyuk was the only one who went from liking Ru a lot to completely bashing her, now he was calling her.
"I wanted to talk to her. Can I not call her?" He continues walking away. Siwon and I jog up to him.
"What did the two of you talk about?" I swung my arm around his shoulders, Siwon following in suit.
"Tain Kong," He smiled. "As his Uncle I need to know everything about him. Look I got picture of him." Hyuk pulled out his phone showing off his pictures of King Kong. I'll admit I was jealous, why couldn't the concert be next month or year? A picture of my face and Tain Kongs face right next to each other made me want to strangle Hyuk.
"Did you really not believe that he was mine?" I unwrapped my arm from his shoulder.
"She was gone for two years, someone else could have been in the picture." I smack Hyuk across the head earning a glare from him and Siwon laughing.
"Let's just have a fun relaxing day. It's going to be a long day tomorrow." Siwon hooked his arms around Hyuk and I, guiding us to the hotel pool.
{Rumi's POV}
Finally, were off the airplane. Hours and hours of being on a the plane just to see Donghae perform live, he better be excited to see us, if not I'll cut off the thing that helped make Konggie. I talked to Jung Hoon Oppa about the details on their Super Show and planed a surprise appearance by me, backstage that is. 
I want Konggie to experience a live concert, especially with parents like us. It's not like I'm not planning to stay off the stage forever, just while Konggie is young and needs me around. Until he becomes a hormonal teenager that doesn't want his mom around, I'll be with him away from the famous life.
"It's Hot." JunJu fans herself. We were currently waiting for Oppa to come and get us, to which he is taking forever once again.
"It's Brazil." Yuhan pushes himself off the wall taking Konggie from my arms. "Let's go get ice cream." He smiles walking into the air conditioned building.
" head." Ju fixes her hair. "Maybe I should cut my hair short, like yours."
"I want my hair long like yours, I just have it short so I won't be recognized." I adjust my sunglasses as I run my hands through my shoulder length hair. 
"Your hair grows fast you'll be fine, plus the world now knows you have short hair." She smirks. Since the day at Lotte World, where the paparazzi found us, they know I have short hair and think that Konggie is JunJu's baby. Which is a good thing, I don't want them to know about who the real parents are. Just then a silver van pulls up revealing a very handsome Oppa.
"Oppa ~" I give him a hug taking in his beauty. The only man I will seriously say Oppa to.
"Rumi, how you have you been?"
"Good, you?"
"I bet he's been fine. You have the AC running on full bast right." JunJu interrupts our moment. Oppa nods his head afraid of actually speaking to the almighty JuJu. "Okay, help with the bag while I get in the van. Hana go get your baby and Yu." She hops in the front sear aiming all the vents at her.
The ride to the hotel, where SJ was staying at as well, was filled with Oppa asking me questions about Tain Kong. Speaking Of Konggie, he practically slept through the whole flight waking up every now and then to eat and play around with Yuan or his iPad. At the moment my baby is awake bothering the out of Yuhan, he's hyper from the ice cream.
"I will never buy you ice cream in my life again." Yuhan tells him. Konggie only giggles and throws his Nemo at him. I laugh turning my attention towards the screaming crowd outside the hotel.
"What the hell?"
"Language Hannie." Ju takes Oppa's hat throwing it at me. "They're not here for us right?" She asks Oppa.
"No. No one should know you are here." He reassures her. "Ru here's the key card." I grab it putting into the pocket of my shorts
As Oppa parks the van behind the hotel, I quickly gather my stuff making sure Oppa's hat is on right. I open the van shutting it quickly. "Omma!" I hear Konggie cry out. This is where I wish I wasn't a celebrity, so I can be a mother to my son but if I wasn't a celebrity I would have never met Donghae which means I would never have given birth to Konggie. Life is so damn complicated.
I walk into the luxury suit without being caught by ELF's and SJ. Two groups of people that would ruin my surprise for Donghae, now the others have to sneak in as well. Walking into the kitchen I walk straight the fridge, I need to prepare food for my little monster. Quickly getting out the ingredients out I start making food. 30 minutes later Yu, Ju and Konggie walk through the door. Konggie runs towards me wrapping  his tiny arms around my bare legs.
"What took you so long?" I ask them continuing to make food.
"Fans." Yuhan muttered, pouring a glass of orange juice for him and taking out a sippy cup for Konggie.
"But don't worry they didn't see us!" Ju screams from the living room. I find it interesting how my siblings act now, happy and tired from work or Konggie. No longer afraid for their lives. I smile to myself feeling happy that they no longer live like that.
"Stop smiling. You're going to burn my food." Yuhan pulls Konggie off my legs taking him away.
The next morning, we all went out to explore the wonders of São Paulo, defiantly an amazing city totally worth the long flight. We made our way back to the hotel room to get ready for the concert. I quickly fed, bathes, and put Konggie down for a nap. Now it's my turn to do the same. As I blow dried my hair my thought start running wild. 
Why am I doing this for Donghae? It's not like we are back together, I just told him he was my baby's daddy. Should I really allow Donghae back in my life? I have a week to pack my stuff and leave I can pack my stuff right now and leave, but I need more time to think. Finishing up, I straighten it out and clip in my hair extensions. I apply on make-up, making my hazel eye color pop out, and adding pink lip gloss to match the nice weather. I change into my outfit for tonight's event and go into the room to wake up Konggie and get him dressed. "Ready?" I ask JuJu as I pass by her.
"Yup. Need help?" 
"Can you pass me his clothes they should be on the sofa." I fall on the bed next to Konggie rubbing his back to wake up. "Konggie ~, It's time to wake up, little monster." He whines wiggling closer to my side. I get up picking him up off the bed, in my arms he rubs his eyes smiling as he opens them.
"Omma ~" I kiss neck making him giggle from my kisses. "Lets get you dressed."
The fans are all lined up, becoming impatient from all the waiting they've done. I smile, knowing they're there to support SJ and always will. It makes me wonder if they'l accept Konggie. I step out of the van first being spotted by the fans, next JunJu steps out with Konggie in her arms then Yuhan following behind. The fans scream as we walk into the stadium. I look back a Konggie seeing him wave at the fans.
"Unni! ele é tão bonito!" What did the fans say.
"He's so cute!" Another fans calls out. Of course! My little monster is the cutest thing on earth, but I know they aren't telling me that but JuJu.
"It's hot." JuJu complains as we enter the building.
"You're practically wearing nothing." Yuhan comment. Ju wore white short shorts with a floral dress tube stop that reached right below the shorts with her hair pulled up. "You are ."
"Yah! I'm not ." Ju was always the on to complain about the warm weather, she loved winter, the cold. 
"Ju down." Konggie wiggles in her arms. "Me Omma." He whines. I laugh bringing Tain into my arms. He kisses my cheek laying his head against my shoulder, someones tired.
As we got closer to the dressing rooms, my mind kept asking me if this was the right thing to do. We turn the corner to find Dara and Donghae in a tight embrace. Did he tell her? Will Donghae really do what he said he was going to do? Remember I still have time to runaway.
"Noona ~" Eunhyuk walks out grinning at JunJu and nodding at Yuhan.
"Eunhyuk." She smiles accepting his hug. Donghae let go of Dara shocked that I was actually here. 
"Rumi?" Kyuhyun walks out with the rest of the members. To make it look like I wasn't here for Donghae I bring Kyu into a hug with my free hand. "Hey little man." Kyu rubs Tain's back.
"Sleep." Konggie growls.
"Just like his mother." Sungmin says coming up to us taking Konggie out of my arms, luckily he was to sleepy to argue. Then all the members crowds around talking to Yu and Ju and wanting to get to know Tain Kong. I squeeze past them practically tripping to get out of the huddle, good thing Donghae was there to catch me.
"Hey." He smiles at me.
"What are you doing here?" Dara asks me.
"Shouldn't I be asking you the same thing?"
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Chapter 22: Finally done ~ Nooo! Sequel again pls?!
Chapter 23: I CANT WAIT!!! I loved the first and the sequal~ HWAITING!~`
Chapter 23: Oh..I'll wait for that alternative drama :) fighting author-nim!
Chapter 22: Awwwww I can't believe it ended. Great story Authorim ^^
Chapter 22: Good job
Loved it!!! :-)
Chapter 22: Hehehe im a huge fan of donghae more like obsessed i love him a lot lol this story i loved it! it was amazing i wanted to cry!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 22: Awww that was a great ending
Chapter 22: Awwwww<3. The ending was soooo sweet. Author, thanks for writing such an amazing story T.T. I hope to see your future stories, fighting^^
meggie016 #9
Chapter 21: I thought she's gonna run away
hyukbear #10
Chapter 21: waaahhh that was.... Thought she's gonna run away again.