Waking Up To You

Super Drama
Seng il chook ha hamni da~~
Seng il chook ha hamni da~!
Sa rang ha nuen Yun Duo~
Seng il chook ha hamni da!!
We all watch as Tain Kong helps his little two year old brother blow the candles, the candles go off and just life every other birthday party the family goes crazy and the cake fight starts. I, along with some of the girlfriends and friends get away from the flying sweets. We flee to the patio and watch from a safe distance.
Watching the fights are quite entertaining. I find it better than actually being in it.
Hyukjae uses his girlfriend as a shield to protect him from the cake Zhou Mi had thrown. Ryeowook and Kyuhyun are throwing cake at Leeteuk and Kangin. Shindong grabs a slice of cake and starts eating it along with my little baby Duo. Konggie smashes cake into Cinderella's face and Yesung is trying to catch Shindong's baby girl who's running around covered in icing. 
The cake was pretty big.
My eyes land on Donghae who was running away from Sungmin and Henry. A smile sticks to my face as I watch my Fishy, the love of my life, the father of my children.  It's bin nothing but a good dream the past couple of years. My never ending dream of my never ending happiness.
"This is a kids party get those dirty thoughts out of your mind." Yuhan pops up and sits on my lap.
"If Donghae sees you like this he's going to freak and say you're going to hurt his percious daughter." I laugh ignoring his comment. 
"Little sis, baby girl, the both of you will be fine with me sitting here." He tells me and my six months belly.
"Yah! Yuhan get off of her!" Donghae yells sounding angry. "You're going to hurt Hai Yang." He whines making his five year old self come out.
"The two of you name your kids the weirdest names." Kyuhyun opinions as he rubs some icing out of his eyes. Zhou Mi slaps Kyu's back making him poke his eye.
"That's what you get." JunJu walks in with towels and hands them out. 
"We both make the children. I give birth to the children. Donghae names the children." Nari covers her little girl's ears before giving me a playful glare.
"Did we need to know that?" Yesung some of the icing off his hands.
"With Hana, we will always know everything." The great Cho Siwon walks in with a big blue box. As soon as Yun Duo sees him he runs after Siwon and started reaching for the gift.
"Yun Duo, what do you say?" Donghae's daddy role comes in.
"Gimme ~" He pouts cutely.
"Sungmin, you will no longer be around my god son." Cinderella nods his head.
"You say please." Donghae sighs as Siwon crouches down and places the present on the ground.
"It's okay. He's only two years old." Siwon laughs and messes with Duo's hair.
"Why did you come so late?" I ask him swiping my finger across Donghae's face and placing the glob of icing inside my mouth. "Damn, you should have saved me a piece of cake." The five year old pouts before heading inside the house. I ignore his action and turn my attention towards Siwon.
"Sooyoung isn't feeling good, I'm only here to deliver Yun Duo's gift." He helps Duo open the big box. Money maker Siwon will be the only one to buy my child an electric car. Yun Duo screeches in happiness and starts jumping up and down from the excitement boiling inside him.
After Chit-Chatting for a bit, Siwon leaves along with others. The sky had turned dark, I knew tomorrow Donghae was going to have to do a lot of cleaning.
"DongHee, we have to go." Nari hands their sleeping baby girl and get their bags before saying goodbye to all of us. Soon after that, one by one, the rest of the SJ members said their goodbye leaving the house messy and quiet. I run the water for Tain Kong and Yun Duo, letting them play in the water before turning it off and sending them off to dream world.
Taking a deep breath, I lay on the couch and let my muscles relax from the long chaotic day. "Donghae!" I call out needing his magical hand to work on my feet. Being pregnate for the third is just as bad at the first two. Calling his name out again, I get the feeling that he wasn't in the house. I take my phone out and dial his number.
"Where the hell are you?" 
"Here!" Donghae walks inside our house holding a medium size box.
"Shut up , You're going to wake up your kids." I scold him. Donghae set down the white box and opens it revealing a white iced cake with fruits on top of it. He disappears into the kitchen and comes back out with a fork. "Here." I pick of the small cake and place it in front of me on the couch before grabbing the fork. One bite of the cake made my taste buds go wild. "Mmmmm...." I throw my head back from the delicious pleasure.
"Good?" Donghae plops himself behind me and wraps his arms around my belly.
"Yes, better than ." I laugh at Donghae's gasp.
"Take that back." He growl into my ear nibbling it a bit.
"Donghae! I'm not in the mood. I'm tired." He stops the nibbling and places his chin on my shoulder. 
A peaceful silence over take the room, silence that this house hasn't had since Donghae and I got married. I look around our house, the house Donghae bought for us.The happiness he bring me each time I'm with him.
"What are you thinking about?" Donghae asks as he starts rubbing my belly.
"Our house." I put the cake on the coffee table and settle back down in Hae's arms. "And how much I love you." I smile at him.
"I love you, too." He pecks my lips. "Thank to you, I'm living my dream life. Still promoting with the members, having a family of my own, and being truly happy." 
"Thanks to you, I know what the happiness feeling feels like." I hug him close not wanting this moment to go away even though I know we'll have more heart touching moments.
"After Hai Yang is born, let's have twins ~." Donghae cheers.
"No." His smile falls. "These tubes are getting tied."
"No, just go on birth control then ." 
"No, then you'll just get me drunk so I don't take it that day and then you'll get me drunk again, and BAM baby."
"No I won't" 
"That's how, Yun Duo was made. It's like you plan this all out, plus I'm planning on making a comeback after she's born."
"Why? Can't you just be a housewife?" I smack Donghae on the chest and head upstairs to the bathroom to take a shower. I'm not mad about his comment, but I didn't want him to think that's all I'm going to be.
Ten minutes later, I heard a soft knock on the door before it opened.
"I didn't mean it like that." The five year old walked in with his head down. It took all the strength inside me not to laugh at his adorableness. "Please, don't be mad."
"I'm not. Go sleep." He obeys my order and I continued a peaceful shower. 
I walk out seeing my five year old husband sprawled out sleeping like a baby. Giggling to myself I change into Pajamas and hop in snuggling close to him. As if it was his natural sleeping habit he wraps his arms around me without waking up.
"I love you." I whisper.
Every year, every day, every hour, every minute, and every second I get to be with you. To touch, love, and care for. I wake up every morning to you; my god, my angel, my love. The smile I see every time you come home from work brightens my world. I love you, truly and deeply. Thanks to you I'm finally happy.
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Chapter 22: Finally done ~ Nooo! Sequel again pls?!
Chapter 23: I CANT WAIT!!! I loved the first and the sequal~ HWAITING!~`
Chapter 23: Oh..I'll wait for that alternative drama :) fighting author-nim!
Chapter 22: Awwwww I can't believe it ended. Great story Authorim ^^
Chapter 22: Good job
Loved it!!! :-)
Chapter 22: Hehehe im a huge fan of donghae more like obsessed i love him a lot lol this story i loved it! it was amazing i wanted to cry!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 22: Awww that was a great ending
Chapter 22: Awwwww<3. The ending was soooo sweet. Author, thanks for writing such an amazing story T.T. I hope to see your future stories, fighting^^
meggie016 #9
Chapter 21: I thought she's gonna run away
hyukbear #10
Chapter 21: waaahhh that was.... Thought she's gonna run away again.