Cold Feet; Running Away

Super Drama
On the day of the Bride's and Groom's Wedding, they should be cheerful, happy, and filled with joy. I call bull on that. Right on my suffering, gloomy, and filled with suicide attempts (I hope no one ever has those thoughts). People come into the picture room compliment on how pretty and beautiful I look, smile falsely at the camera and leave. The fact that I have to take pictures with people I don't even know or like puts me in a bad mood. Honestly I can't wait for this day to end.
The dress I picked out feels amazing on me when I'm standing up, not sitting down and taking dumb pictures. If it were up to me, Donghae and I would have just gone to the court, signed paper and BAM Mr. and Mrs. Lee Donghae. But, No, Donghae wanted to show the world our marriage; it's not even private so a lot of people are here.Not baring the fake smiles and greeting, I stand and pick up the train of fabric on my dress and walk right out the room. 
secretly finding a bathroom I march in there, taking a deep breath I look at the girl in the mirror. Doll like make-up, each strand of hair curled to perfection, and a floral lacey white dress to match the whole look. The girl in the mirror shouldn't be me, yet there it is staring right at me. The room starts feeling hot and flying around, I shake to the floor taking deep breathes with each fall.
"Hana!" JunJu finds me. I hear the door lock before she comes and helps me up.
"Ju, get this dress off of me! Take it off! Take it off! Take it off!" I panic pulling the dress down.
"Calm down before you rip it!" A zipper sound goes off signalling the dress was being taken off. Thank god for zippers! I jump out of and hit the wall, sliding down it my breathing starts going back to normal. My beloved sister looks at me before taking her dress off and sitting with me on the floor. 
We sit like this, in our bras and , for five minute before I decides to speak. "I'm scared, Ju." She wraps her arms around me pulling her close to her chest.
"What are you scared of?" Ju pushes the hair out of my face and fans away the heat with her hand.
"Is there such a thing of being scared of being happy?" I look up at my older sister.
"Yes, Cherophobia. The fear of Happiness." I want to over come that. "Hana, hmmm, Our father is dead, our mother is gone, and Yuhan beat the out of Jiwook. Oh, and Dara is no longer around."
"I know..." I sigh.
"Okay," Ju breathes out.  "we can either climb out that window and flee the country." She points at the big square window. "Calling Yuhan once we make it out to tell him to bring Konggie, or we can put our dresses on and go to your wedding. It your choice, I'm okay with either one."
I take in her words carefully knowing that she'll be there for me for any decisions I make. There were only two thing that I was ever scared of in this world; one was the devil, but he's not longer here, second one is that once I'm happy that it will all be taken away from me. I'm really good of avoiding both of those. The easiest way was to runaway from all of it.
{Donghae's POV}
Honestly speaking, I'm the happiest man alive right now. I'm going to marry the love of my life, the mother of my son, and the one who fills my world. Greeting all the guest I knew Rumi was probably dying from all the people greeting her. As they all walk out of her room I hear comments on how beautiful she looks and it's making me really impatient. I'm using all the strength inside me not to barge in that room and see the beauty everyone is talking about.
"Donghae," Hyukkie drags me away from everyone and pushes me into the room where all the other members are waiting. We all look at him with a confused expression wondering what in the world was going on with him. "Rumi is missing." I fall onto the chair next to me taking in what he just told me.
"Damn, Monster actually ran." Heechul Hyung shakes his head. 
"Someone owes me money." I shoot my head up and glare at Kyuhyun. "Calm down, I was joking." He gives me a half smile before going back to his iPad.
"She didn't run." Yuhan tells us. I relaxed a little but something still doesn't feel right.
"How do you know?" Yesung Hyung asks him.
"JunJu just text me." He shows us the screen.
"Hana's with me in the bathroom, she's having a nervous break down." Teukkie hyung reads.
"Poor Rumi ~" Sungmin Hyung pouts.
"What do you mean 'poor Rumi~'" Heechul hyung imitates Sungmin making us all laugh. "Why did she even say yes if she wasn't sure she wants to marry you."
"Donghae seduced Rumi." Kangin croaks out making another round of laughter go off, only this time I stayed quiet.
"If that's the case this is what you get. Forcing the poor girl." Heechul hyung laughs. 
"Yah! Leave my Fishy alone, he did not seduce her into marring him." HyukJae defends me.
"Yuhan don't you feel weird hearing us talk about your sister like that?" Siwon asks my future brother-in-law, hopefully.
"Nope." He pops the 'p'. "I've seen my sister, actually both, half . We're pretty close in that department. Donghae did purpose before they got it on by the way." He grins. The members go into another fit of laughter.
"Where's Tain Kong?" I ask them trying keep  their minds from thinking anything else.
"He's with your parents." Ryeowook assures me.
"So, is Rumi going to walk?" Shindong Hyung couldn't get his answer, the door slammed open with a blank Rumi standing there. Wow, no words can describe how beautiful she looks. 
"Yah! You're not suppose to see each other yet!" The guys yell. "It's bad luck."
"I'm full of bad luck." I didn't like the way she said that. "Now get out, I need to talk to Donghae." Slowly the all left the room.
"The rumors were true. You look breath taking." I smile hoping to take that her mood would lighten up.
"Donghae, I - " She stops talking and looks down at her hands, playing around with them.
"If it's about not wanting to marry me, then I don't want to hear it. Go out in the hall and tell them all to go home because their will be no wedding." I let my anger seep out.
"It's not." She looks up with a smile replacing the blank one taking me by surprise.
"Then why are you here?" I scratch my head confused by everything. She walks towards me until she's mere inches away from my face. Taking my hands she plants a simple kiss on my cheek. Although it was such a simple kiss it sent a shock of happiness through my body, changing my mood completely.
"Lee Donghae, I, Kwon Hana AKA Rumi loves you a lot more than I show you. Tonight you and I will be married and happy. I love you, my old five year old. Words can't describe how much I truly care and love you. I'm done running."
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Chapter 22: Finally done ~ Nooo! Sequel again pls?!
Chapter 23: I CANT WAIT!!! I loved the first and the sequal~ HWAITING!~`
Chapter 23: Oh..I'll wait for that alternative drama :) fighting author-nim!
Chapter 22: Awwwww I can't believe it ended. Great story Authorim ^^
Chapter 22: Good job
Loved it!!! :-)
Chapter 22: Hehehe im a huge fan of donghae more like obsessed i love him a lot lol this story i loved it! it was amazing i wanted to cry!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 22: Awww that was a great ending
Chapter 22: Awwwww<3. The ending was soooo sweet. Author, thanks for writing such an amazing story T.T. I hope to see your future stories, fighting^^
meggie016 #9
Chapter 21: I thought she's gonna run away
hyukbear #10
Chapter 21: waaahhh that was.... Thought she's gonna run away again.